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Sunset Kisses: Sunset Beach Romance, #1
Sunset Kisses: Sunset Beach Romance, #1
Sunset Kisses: Sunset Beach Romance, #1
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Sunset Kisses: Sunset Beach Romance, #1

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There's always one man in your life you will never forget and that one special spot where it all began…

Alivia Jones sold her soul to the CEO of Financial Freedom. Sexy, rich and powerful on Wall Street; Brent Atwood wanted Alivia. She wanted his signature on her paycheck. Until she realized he didn't own her. Alivia resigns, ends her arrangement with Brent and accepts the invitation for her tenth reunion with her friends in Sunset Beach.

She revisits the tall oak from where she watched the sunsets with Jacob Adams. Her childhood sweetheart; the one she left behind broken-hearted. She wondered if there'd been too many miles and years in between. Her doubts are answered when he joins her at their special spot.

Will one sunset, one kiss and one crazy idea keep her in Sunset Beach?

Release dateMay 8, 2015
Sunset Kisses: Sunset Beach Romance, #1

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    Sunset Kisses - Angela Ford

    Excerpt from Sunset Kisses

    There were no clouds in the sky. Jacob felt it to be a sign of promise for a calm, peaceful night. His wish for her to return had come true. This time he wished for her to stay. As he got closer he inhaled her scent deeply as the ocean breeze carried it to his senses.


    She turned and smiled. Jacob, just in time. She said no more as she held out her hand to him. He reached for it. Her fingers intertwined with his and he stepped up beside her. Silence remained as they watched the sunset just as they had so many times. It felt like she’d never left. No matter how much time had passed and wherever their lives had taken them, it no longer mattered. Their special spot remained theirs. Jacob smiled as the tip of the sun drifted beyond the horizon. He laughed.

    What’s so funny? Alivia’s eyes met his.

    He smiled. Just remembering when we were kids and you thought the sun sunk and the water put out the fire.

    Alivia chuckled. I was five! she protested.

    Jacob reached for her other hand. He lifted them both to his lips. I’ve missed you, Liv.


    Sunset Kisses

    Books to Go Now Publication

    Copyright © Angela Ford 2015

    Books to Go Now

    Cover Design by Romance Novel Covers Now

    For information on the cover illustration and design, contact [email protected]

    First eBook Edition June 2015

    Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

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    Look for Other Books by Angela Ford

    Closure/Forbidden/Unforgettable Kiss/Blind Tasting/Christmas Wreath/Surrender/

    Spellbound Cinderella/Time to Love/Love Again/BARE/Obsessed/Christmas Treasure/

    Christmas in Tuscany/Sunset Kisses/Cyber Crime Series/Felt by the Heart/

    Christmas Country Wishes


    S o this is goodbye ?

    Alivia watched the tear hit his cheek before he turned away. Jacob Adams stood beside the old oak. His hand rested on top of the heart with their initials he'd carved on the tree for her tenth birthday. Every year on Alivia’s birthday they returned to the old oak.

    Alivia anxiously waited to turn eighteen. She’d counted the months since her thirteenth birthday. Five years of endless studies had rewarded her with a scholarship. One that would take her from the small dull town she grew up in. It’s not like she hadn’t told Jacob her plans. He’d been the first person she confided in. Alivia grew up next door to Jacob. She wondered why he reacted differently today. She reached out to touch his shoulder, but he shrugged her hand away.

    Jacob? Why are you so upset now? You’ve known my plans longer than anyone.

    He tilted his head enough for her to see his face. Seriously Liv? You have to ask?

    The look in his eyes startled her. He appeared angry with her. She tried to recollect if he’d ever been angry with her and she couldn’t. She lifted her shoulders in question.

    Liv, I don’t want to say goodbye. I love you. Another tear fell and he turned away again.

    Alivia inhaled deeply and focused on the ocean in front of her. As always, she didn’t respond when he told her he loved her. She feared those three words would complicate her plans. The view beside the tall oak took her breath away every single time. Besides Jacob, their spot had comforted her over the years. She admitted to Jacob on her tenth birthday that his friendship and the view of the sunsets from beside the tall oak were her only comforts. The sunset from their spot was simply breathtaking. Sunset Beach had been known world-wide for its amazing sunsets. The small coastal town had drawn tourists in for years. From May to October, tourists gathered there. The town never grew except for the summer months. The winters were brutal. By the time Alivia turned twelve, their private spot to watch the sunsets had been developed for an inn. The tall oak remained in the distance of the resort but privacy had been lost. Still, Jacob took her there every year for her birthday. She’d told him of her plans to leave Sunset Beach for a career and the life she’d always dreamed of. She never spoke of Jacob in those plans. He asked once and she answered him with a question: would he ever leave Sunset Beach and his family? His silence was her answer. Jacob’s father owned a landscaping business and she knew one day Jacob would run the business. Alivia knew he’d never leave, not even for her. Alivia wanted to leave since she could remember.

    Alivia loved Jacob. Not that she’d ever admit it—even to herself. She didn’t trust in love. Her mother died shortly after her fifth birthday. The few memories she had of her mom faded over the years. Her dad tried his best, but between

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