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How To Foretell All Prices
How To Foretell All Prices
How To Foretell All Prices
Ebook75 pages56 minutes

How To Foretell All Prices

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Being A Treatise On The Fundamentals For Forecasting Changes In Price According To Time.

This contains the necessary introductions into understanding the metaphysics behind price fluctuations. It is an aid in the advancement of current economic & investment theories, not a replacement. The advancement ends with a superior understanding of Price Motion, ones-(inner)-self and The Universe at large.

The contents of this book are useful for predicting: Corn Prices; Oats Prices; Rough Rice Prices; Soybeans Prices; Rapeseed Prices; Soybean Meal Prices; Soybean Oil Prices; Wheat Prices; Wheat Prices; Milk Prices; Cocoa Prices; Coffee Prices; Sugar Prices; Crude Oil Prices; Brent Crude Prices; Ethanol Prices; Natural gas Prices; Heating Oil Prices; Gulf Coast Gasoline Prices; Propane Prices; Gold Prices; Platinum Prices; Palladium Prices; Silver Prices; Copper Prices; Lead Prices; Zinc Prices; Tin Prices; Aluminium Prices; Aluminium alloy Prices; Nickel Prices; Cobalt Prices; Molybdenum Prices; Recycled steel Prices; Rubber Prices; Palm Oil Prices; Wool Prices; Real Estate Prices; Property prices; Equity Prices; and Bond Prices ... & All other prices without exception

PublisherNsingo Sakala
Release dateMay 5, 2018
How To Foretell All Prices

Nsingo Sakala

Mission: To reveal the beauty in prices

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    Book preview

    How To Foretell All Prices - Nsingo Sakala

    How To Foretell All Prices.

    Nsingo Sakala

    Being A Treatise On The Fundamentals For Forecasting Changes In Price According To Time.

    The contents of this book are useful for predicting:

    Corn Prices; Oats Prices; Rough Rice Prices; Soybeans Prices; Rapeseed Prices; Soybean Meal Prices; Soybean Oil Prices; Wheat Prices; Wheat Prices; Milk Prices; Cocoa Prices; Coffee Prices; Sugar Prices; Crude Oil Prices; Brent Crude Prices; Ethanol Prices; Natural gas Prices; Heating Oil Prices; Gulf Coast Gasoline Prices; Propane Prices; Gold Prices; Platinum Prices; Palladium Prices; Silver Prices; Copper Prices; Lead Prices; Zinc Prices; Tin Prices; Aluminium Prices; Aluminium alloy Prices; Nickel Prices; Cobalt Prices; Molybdenum Prices; Recycled steel Prices; Rubber Prices; Palm Oil Prices; Wool Prices; Real Estate Prices; Property prices; Equity Prices; and Bond Prices

    … & All other prices without exception

    Digitally Published


    Nsingo & Company Ltd

    (Publisher Of The Dictionary of Investment Thoughts)

    How To Foretell All Prices

    By Nsingo Sakala

    Copyright 2014 by Nsingo Sakala

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This ebook contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including copying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the publisher. Reviewers may quote brief passages.

    ISBN: 978-1-908482-52-5

    Smashwords Edition

    Designed in Syria

    The Formatting used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the International Standard for Information Sciences.


    Works From The Publisher

    Fine Bound in Leather

    The Book of Impulse: Arts of Success - Nsingo Sakala

    The Book of Growth: Dictionary of Thoughts - Nsingo Sakala

    The Book of Example: Mathematics of Price- Nsingo Sakala

    Paper or Hardback

    260 Hours, Days or Weeks - Nsingo Sakala

    How To Foretell All Prices - Nsingo Sakala

    Dictionary Of Investment Thoughts - Nsingo Sakala

    Electronic books

    Your Forces & How To Use them - Mulford Prentice

    Ticker & Investment Digest interview - Richard D. Wycoff

    How Money is made in security investments - Henry Hall

    As A Man Thinketh - James Allen

    (& more.)



    Publisher's Note

    How to Read This Edition


    Chapter 1: Thought & The Character Of Prices

    Chapter 2: Effect of Thought on Circumstances & Business Environment

    Chapter 3: Effect of Thought on The Health & The Body Of The Price

    Chapter 4: Thought & The Price's Purpose

    Chapter 5: The Commodity's Visions & Ideals

    Chapter 6: Serenity

    Chapter 7: The Story of Jacob

    Chapter 8: Nsingonomic Breathing

    Every stock makes a vow, do you know where to read it?

    Extracts From Dictionary of Thoughts A- O

    Extracts From Dictionary of Thoughts P - Z

    Publisher's Note

    The substance, or driving force that leads men to pen the words they have in mind, in the manner and sequence in which they spring up from within, is a miraculous process to witness. This is especially so when the men referred to, lived in different ages, having been brought up under different customs and literary environments; and yet the purity of thought is preserved and thus kept relevant in all periods.

    The evidence is thus clear, that this substance within us all, which some refer to as the spirit, or the soul, is fundamentally one and the same. And 'IT', by whatever name men choose to give it in the various periods, is what makes the order of all pure works true.

    Nsingo Sakala is a publisher of books, which are relevant to the figuring of price motions, and this ebook - How To Fore-Tell All Prices, has been classified as an Intermediate work within the catalogue of texts, which should lead the men of natural science to the attainment of this goal.

    Since no book is complete, which does not embed the principles of sequence, the publisher has kindly added to this classic work, valuable reading times and the weight or number of words within the text. This is for the benefit of those dedicated to mastering The Art of Time.

    More specifically for those who intend to view Loki's words from the perspective of figuring price motion, it is advised to intertwine the Glossary in this work, within the 40 day reading plan, as outlined in the printed edition of The

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