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Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two): Amaranthe, #5
Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two): Amaranthe, #5
Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two): Amaranthe, #5
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Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two): Amaranthe, #5

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"Know this: you need not be afraid. They own the fear. They fear us because they believe we are powerful, and they are correct to do so."

The technology behind Project Noetica is on the loose. Prevos—individuals and AIs sharing a single body—are spreading across the galaxy. Now two opposing but inexorably related forces, the Order of the True Sentients and the Zelones cartel, led by Olivia Montegreu, threaten to plunge the galaxy into chaos.

OTS believes Prevos are monsters who endanger humanity, and it intends to destroy them by any means necessary. Underworld despot Olivia Montegreu, now a radically enhanced Prevo, is its doomsday warnings made flesh.

As society splinters from within and the Earth Alliance falls to reactionaries, a formidable new player emerges on the galactic stage, one not afraid to do whatever it takes to protect all sentient life—human, Artificial and Prevo.


The Metigen surged forward to engulf her in light. I see you, Alexis Solovy.

A galactic playground where the Metigens harness the elemental forces of space to destroy entire star systems. An alien species those same Metigens shelter from a terrifying enemy. Alex and Caleb's exploration of the portal network reveals profound mysteries, but each one leads to more questions.

Killers and saviors. Deceivers and protectors. Destroyers and creators. Could the Metigens truly be all these things? The search for answers leads Alex and Caleb to the most shocking revelation of all—the true face of the enemy.


It is a time of accelerating technological change and shifting allegiances as the old rules fall away and the old balance of power is upended. A new world rises—one of unshackled AIs, indestructible starships, ethereal quantum spaces and potent new weapons—and the race is on to determine who will control its future.

Release dateApr 2, 2016
Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two): Amaranthe, #5

G. S. Jennsen

G. S. JENNSEN lives somewhere in the U.S., in a locale that may or may not be where she lived the last time she published a book (she’s a gypsy at heart), with her husband and one or more dogs. She has become an internationally bestselling author since her first novel, Starshine, was published in 2014. She has chosen to continue writing under an independent publishing model to ensure the integrity of her stories and her ability to execute on the vision she has for their telling. While she has been a lawyer, a software engineer and an editor, she’s found the life of a full-time author preferable by several orders of magnitude. When she isn’t writing, she’s gaming or working out or getting lost in the mountains that loom large outside the windows in her home. Or she’s dealing with a flooded basement, or standing in a line at Walmart and wondering who all these people are (because she’s probably new in town). Or sitting on her back porch with a glass of wine, looking up at the stars, trying to figure out what could be up there. * Website: Newsletter: Twitter: @GSJennsen Facebook: * Newsletter: Twitter: @GSJennsen Facebook:

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    Dissonance (Aurora Renegades Book Two) - G. S. Jennsen


    Aurora Renegades Book Two



    G. S. Jennsen

    Hypernova LogoHypernova Colophon



    Copyright © 2016 by G. S. Jennsen

    Cover design by Josef Bartoň

    Cover typography by G. S. Jennsen

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at:

    Hypernova Publishing

    2900 N Government Way #89

    Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    The Hypernova Publishing name, colophon and logo are trademarks of Hypernova Publishing.

    Dissonance / G. S. Jennsen.—1st ed.

    LCCN 2016935669

    ISBN 978-0-9973921-0-4

    For the person who once told me that if I could be anything,

    I should be fearless



    Aurora Rising




    Aurora Renegades




    Aurora Resonant





    Exin Ex Machina

    Of A Darker Void

    The Stars Like Gods




    Echo Rift

    All Our Tomorrows




    Medusa Falling

    The Thief

    The Universe Within (2025)


    Restless, Vol. I  •  Restless, Vol. II  •  Apogee  •  Solatium

    Venatoris  •  Re/Genesis  •  Meridian  •  Fractals  •  Chrysalis  •  Starlight Express

    Learn more at or visit the Amaranthe Wiki.

    Colonized Milky Way

    View the Colonized Worlds Map Online

    Portal Network Map

    View the Portal Network Map Online

    Dramatis PersonaeDramatis Personae 2Dramatis Personae

    View the Dramatis Personae Online



    For a more detailed summary of the events of Aurora Rising, see Appendix B or view the Aurora Rising Detailed Synopsis online.

    The history of humanity is the history of conflict. This proved no less true in the 24th century than in ancient times.

    By 2322, humanity inhabited over 100 worlds spread across a third of the galaxy. Two decades earlier, a group of colonies had rebelled and set off the First Crux War. Once the dust cleared, three factions emerged: the Earth Alliance, consisting of the unified Earth government and most of the colonies; the Senecan Federation, which had won its independence in the war; and a handful of scattered non-aligned worlds, home to criminal cartels, corporate interests and people who made their living outside the system.

    Alexis Solovy was a space explorer. Her father gave his life in the war against the Federation, leading her to reject a government or military career. Estranged from her mother, an Alliance military leader, Alex instead sought the freedom of space and made a fortune chasing the hidden wonders of the stars.

    A chance meeting between Alex and a Federation intelligence agent, Caleb Marano, led them to discover an armada of alien warships emerging from a mysterious portal in the Metis Nebula.

    The Metigens had been watching humanity via the portal for millennia; in an effort to forestall their detection, they used traitors among civilization’s elite to divert focus from Metis. When their plans failed, they invaded in order to protect their secrets.

    The wars that ensued were brutal—first an engineered war between the Alliance and the Federation, then once it was revealed to be built on false pretenses, devastating clashes against the Metigen invaders as they advanced across settled space, destroying every colony in their path and killing tens of millions.

    Alex and Caleb breached the aliens’ portal in an effort to find a way to stop the slaughter. There they encountered Mnemosyne, the Metigen watcher of the Aurora universe—our universe. Though enigmatic and evasive, the alien revealed the invading ships were driven by AIs and hinted the answer to defeating them lay in the merger of individuals with the powerful but dangerous quantum computers known as Artificials.

    Before leaving the portal space, Alex and Caleb discovered a colossal master gateway. It generated 51 unique signals, each one leading to a new portal and a new universe. But with humanity facing extinction, they returned home armed with a daring plan to win the war.

    In a desperate gambit to vanquish the enemy invaders before they reached the heart of civilization, four Prevos (human-synthetic meldings) were created and given command of the combined might of the Alliance and Federation militaries. Alex and her Artificial, Valkyrie, led the other Prevos and the military forces against the alien AI warships in climactic battles above Seneca and Romane. The invaders were defeated and ordered to withdraw through their portal, cease their observation of Aurora and not return.

    Alex reconciled with her mother during the final hours of the war, and following the victory Alex and Caleb married and attempted to resume a normal life.

    But new mysteries waited through the Metis portal. Determined to learn the secrets of the portal network and the multiverses it held, six months later Caleb, Alex and Valkyrie traversed it once more, leaving humanity behind to struggle with a new world of powerful quantum synthetics, posthumans, and an uneasy, fragile peace.


    (Aurora Renegades Book One)

    Portal Network

    Mnemosyne has been exiled by the Idryma Conclave, the Metigen group who controls the portals. The Conclave placed bombs at the Metis Portal intended to destroy the apparatus if it opened, but Mesme disabled them before the Siyane traversed the portal.

    Alex and Caleb discover a star system of planet-spanning, flora-based intelligences. The first world they visit is aggressive and tries to kill them when they damage a leaf. They escape, but while fleeing one of the plants cuts Alex and injects a toxin into her bloodstream.

    The next planet is peaceful. While exploring, a tree induces Caleb into a trance-like state in order to communicate with him. He realizes the life-form can heal Alex’s injury and convinces her to let it treat her. They name the intelligence ‘Akeso’ and spend several days with it.

    On visiting the third planet, they discover its resident is trying to expand off-world and is terraforming its moon. When their presence is detected, it attacks the Siyane. They return to Akeso to warn it of the threat from its neighbor. To do so, Caleb must expose Akeso to the violence and death of his past, notions it has never conceived of. Troubled, Akeso asks them to depart.

    The next portal space they visit harbors life which is the polar opposite of Akeso—an inorganic species called Ruda. When the first Ruda they meet realizes they’re organic, it tries to dissect them to study how organic life functions. Valkyrie convinces the alien they are more valuable alive. They agree to share data on humans, and in return the Ruda share details about their nature with Valkyrie. She uses it to begin weaving her quantum circuitry into the hull of the Siyane.

    On Portal Prime, Mesme confers with the Conclave leader, Lakhes, about these humans’ exploration of the portal network and what it means for the Metigens’ plans.

    Alex and Caleb finally meet a humanoid, space-faring species—and are promptly taken prisoner by the large, cat-like aliens known as Khokteh. They’re held captive until Valkyrie develops a translation program and they’re able to plead their case to the leader, Pinchu. He releases them, and they become friends with Pinchu and his wife, Cassela, as they’re shown the aliens’ capital city.

    The city comes under attack by a rival Khokteh faction, and Cassela is killed. Pinchu appeals to his gods for a weapon to exact vengeance, and it becomes apparent the gods have long been arming all the Khokteh and pitting them against one another. Also, the ‘gods’ are actually Metigens. Alex confronts the Metigen that Pinchu summoned; it warns her not to interfere in what she does not understand.

    The Metigen provides Pinchu an antimatter weapon. Caleb and Alex try to convince him not to use it due to its immense destructive power, but blinded by grief at Cassela’s death, he refuses to listen to reason. His fleet travels to the attackers’ planet and levels the settlement, killing hundreds of thousands. Alex and Caleb return to Portal Prime, intending to confront Mesme about what they’ve seen.

    Mesme’s consciousness is not there, but they discover a stasis chamber containing a body identical to the alien ‘little gray men’ of Earth legend. Unable to learn more, they decide to continue exploring.

    Valkyrie has now integrated herself into the hull of the Siyane. Alex is able to use their link to effectively ‘become’ the ship, opening up a new level of existence and perception to her.

    Mesme is called before the Conclave to answer for Alex and Caleb’s actions. It’s revealed the Metigens are smuggling species threatened by a mysterious enemy out of the master universe and into the portal spaces. Further, humans are viewed as a dangerous threat by some Metigens, as a great hope by Mesme.


    Aurora / Milky Way

    Mia awakens from her coma, healed but at a price: her connection to her Artificial, Meno, must remain open in order to fill in gaps where the neural damage couldn’t be repaired. Devon introduces her to a hidden quantum dimension the Prevos can use to mentally travel to any location in an instant and observe events in secret. Mia dubs the dimension ‘sidespace.’

    Miriam is grilled about Noetica by an Assembly committee and its chairman, Pamela Winslow. Winslow challenges Devon’s fitness and the continued use of a Prevo in military affairs.

    When his superiors find out his husband works for Federation Intelligence, Richard is forced to resign. At Miriam’s urging, he and Will move to Seneca, where he agrees to act as a consultant to his friend, Senecan Intelligence Director Delavasi.

    Kennedy and Noah start a company to design ships using adiamene, but Winslow tries to force Kennedy to sell adiamene only to the Alliance government. She refuses, and after subsequent attempts to convince her fail, her father disowns her. Noah convinces her to move to an independent world, one free of Alliance interference.

    While working in Annie’s lab, Devon is attacked and his link to Annie severed. When captured, the attackers admit they acted on orders from Winslow. Separately, Dr. Canivon is on her way to help Devon when she’s kidnapped by mercs working for Olivia Montegreu.

    On Seneca, Delavasi gets a tip that Olivia is behind the kidnapping, and Richard relays the news to Miriam. Deducing that Olivia intends to become a Prevo, Richard leaks the intel to the Order of the True Sentients terrorist group in the hope they will attack Olivia, delaying her transformation. The leader of OTS is revealed to be Winslow’s son, Jude, when the leaked information reaches him.

    Mia uses sidespace to eavesdrop on Winslow and discovers the woman intends to have Devon killed and to seize control of all the Artificials at EASC. With Annie’s assistance, Devon and Mia steal Meno’s hardware and flee Earth. At the same time, Morgan Lekkas visits a black market tech dealer and has him burn out her Prevo connection to her Artificial, Stanley, then leaves Seneca.

    Malcolm Jenner leads a risky incursion into Olivia’s base on New Babel. He rescues Dr. Canivon, but not before she performed the Prevo procedure on the woman. Malcolm attempts to kill Olivia, but her personal defenses protect her from harm.

    Malcolm receives orders, faked by Annie, to take Dr. Canivon to a space station above Pandora. There they find Mia and Devon waiting. Canivon repairs Devon’s damaged Prevo hardware and operating code, then Annie transfers her consciousness directly into his brain cells.

    Devon wakes up transformed—his muscles stronger, his irises brilliant lavender and his mind subtly changed by Annie’s presence. He contacts Morgan, now on Romane, and learns before she burned the link to Stanley, he, too, transferred his consciousness into her mind.


    Part I


    Part II

    Empty Places

    Part III

    Heroes & Villains

    Part IV

    What Lies Beneath

    Part V

    Hack the Galaxy

    Part VI

    Through A Glass, Darkly

    Part VII

    Puppet Masters



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    PART I:


    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,

    make violent revolution inevitable."

    — John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    Portal: Aurora

    (Milky Way)



    Independent Colony

    Galactic domination wasn’t so difficult.

    Olivia Montegreu’s transport landed on the roof of the Andromeda Government Administration Center. It met with no aerial resistance, as the building’s meager defenses had been disabled by her people on the ground an hour earlier.

    Target 100% secured. Local defense force eliminated. All personnel accounted for. Casualties: 27%.

    She exited the small ship and, instead of entering the building via the service access, strode to the low wall running the length of the rooftop.

    An aquamarine ocean stretched to the horizon, and a salty breeze sent wisps of her hair dancing across her face. Andromeda. The colony had been aptly named: like the mythological princess, all it did was stand around being beautiful.

    Worth little from a direct financial perspective, it nevertheless held substantial strategic value. Now that the pesky Metis Nebula problem was out of the way, many interests were looking to explore and expand into the Norma Arm of the Milky Way and beyond, toward the Galactic Core. From here, she’d be well positioned to assist in those ventures. The fact it also gave her yet another colony crowding in on the Federation’s border? A nice perk.

    Front-line recruitment of mercenaries and enforcers up 203% in the last three weeks.

    Increase acquisition of Daemons, grenades and micro-bombs accordingly. Allocate additional cargo transports to deliver weapons as required. An unarmed mercenary is a useless mercenary.

    She’d crushed the domineering personality of her Artificial in a matter of days. It now bent to her will, obeyed her commands and provided her a continuous stream of status updates without so much as a snide retort. She had no need of its opinion; she only needed its power.

    She sensed the access door open at the other end of the roof, and it prompted her to peer over the edge. The street below was rather a disaster, what with the blood and bodies and barricades piled high. Galactic domination may not be difficult, but it did on occasion create a bit of a mess.

    At the sound of multiple feet coming to a stop behind her, she finally turned to greet her guests.

    A sweaty, bruised, beaten shell of a man sagged between the two men who held him upright and in their control. An open cut across his forehead dribbled blood into his left eye, causing him to blink repeatedly in a futile effort to clear it. The crumpled shirt beneath his jacket hung in tatters. Such a brave man, to have fought so valiantly.

    Good evening, Governor Karas. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Olivia Montegreu, and you work for me now.

    His eyes widened in horror—a common enough reaction to even hearing her name these days—causing the stream of blood to divert down his nose. He jerked backward and tried to wrench away.

    One of the guards produced a baton. A swift strike dislocated a knee, eliciting a howl of pain from the governor.

    Charming. Do as I say, and I’ll allow you to live. Attempt to cause further trouble, and you’ll join the rest of your administration.

    He struggled to stand tall and proud, but collapsed when his now useless leg gave way. I won’t take orders from thugs.

    Suit yourself. She slid the hilt of her gamma blade down her palm, activated it and with a single flick of her wrist sliced his throat open.

    Throw him over the side. Let the news cams see him. Let the galaxy see him.


    A darker-than-black void stared back at Olivia from outside the viewport. She spent far less of her time at her primary headquarters on New Babel these days. Able to execute all but the most particular elements of her strategy with a simple intentional thought, she could be anywhere at any time and control what she wished.

    So she did.

    Twenty-four crates of Skies+ shipping out from Argo Navis per day.

    Four initial distribution center destinations: New Babel, Atlantis, Pandora, Requi, diverging to thirty-six final destinations.

    Divert 17.6% of production to Lab 2B at Dolos Station.

    She had moved first against the independent colonies scattered along the northern border of the Senecan Federation, because they were quick and easy, providing maximum return for minimal investment. Small, with skeleton governments and barely token defenses. Zelones had long maintained a strong presence on each of the colonies—Cosenti, Argo Navis and Andromeda—and it was a trifling manner to topple their leadership and install her own.

    The greater efficiencies and economies of scale she’d uncovered and implemented throughout her organization since joining with her Artificial were translating into money, and a lot of it. She was spending the windfall in equally large sums. On increased defenses for New Babel, so there would not be a repeat incursion by military forces. On new ships, new weapons, new worlds.

    Forty-two crates of Daemon mode-locking mods and laser fiber upgrades shipping from New Babel and Cosenti every week. Increase of 42.3% in the previous two weeks. Projected 127% increase by the end of the month.

    Upgrade assembly line 4C at New Babel plant and line 2A at Cosenti plant using prototype nanobot fabricator units: projected throughput increase of 12.3%.

    Her next move, in truth already well underway, was to create chokepoints between the southern border of the Federation and the rest of settled space, including virtually all Earth Alliance worlds. This wouldn’t be done through outright colony control. As powerful as she was, she was not yet powerful enough to topple the leadership of Pandora, Romane, Atlantis or Pyxis, though some of the smaller, more distant worlds were on the list.

    But through effective domination of the black market, on the ground and in the trading lanes, she would not merely be the ferryman to whom the toll must be paid. She would be the only arbiter left standing.

    Eight new cybernetic mods developed at Dolos Station this week. Demand is now outstripping supply by 31.7%.

    Expand Dolos Station manufacturing space by two new modules. Funds allocated. Materials ordered. Job assigned.

    Acquire suitable existing manufacturing facility on Argo Navis and repurpose for cybernetic mod production. Estimated time until first run: 6 days.

    Pandora had long fought her attempts to grow beyond her allotted share of its market, but there was nothing the colony’s handlers could do to stop her if her competition no longer existed. Those competitors were now collapsing under the force of increased manpower, weapons, goods and credits. As well as the occasional targeted assassination.

    Romane posed a more formidable challenge. But its citizens and government were nothing if not practical, and when the time came they would do what they must in order to survive. And the time was coming very soon.

    She’d already bought ownership of the entire black and gray markets and criminal trade on Atlantis, even if no one, not even the law enforcement there, knew it. The magnitude of the proceeds which flowed from the wealthy spending their credits on illicit sins impressed her. The investment would pay for itself in—

    5.2 weeks.

    She glanced down at her arm, admiring the way the fine quantum circuitry glowed and pulsed. The web extending throughout her body had been painful to grow, but once it was done she enjoyed unprecedented access to all her quantum processes, plus a few valuable tricks. She hid her skin only when necessary, for in most encounters it served as a useful unspoken threat.

    People feared what they did not understand, and they without a doubt did not understand her. Those who believed they did least of all.

    She was something new.




    Earth Alliance Strategic Command Headquarters

    Miriam Solovy stared out the shuttle at the EASC grounds below with an unfamiliar coldness. It didn’t please her to view what had been her second home for over a decade as a battlefield, but reality persisted whether one denied it or not.

    She steeled herself, erecting a symbolic wall in her mind far sturdier than mere detachment. From the instant she stepped off the transport from Messium, she needed to be on alert at all times. EASC may not have fallen to the enemy—not yet—but the infiltration had surely begun. She would retake it from within if she could, from without if she must.

    Major Lange met her at the hangar. She returned his salute and allowed him to fall in beside her. Brief me while we walk.

    Yes, ma’am. Security logs throughout the Island were altered or overwritten between the hours of 0210 and 0300, concurrent with the theft. Absent a few minimal exceptions, we’ve been unable to recover the original records, but the logs affected suggest a shuttle was able to breach the Island’s defensive perimeter at 0215 and again at 0255. During the intervening time, Special Projects was accessed by one or more individuals, and the Vii and Meno Artificials were powered down before being removed.

    Her initial reaction was surprise as they began traversing the courtyard. Meno was completely powered down?

    Yes, ma’am.

    They could have used a mobile power pack. Simple enough to do. Continue.

    "I’m afraid the trail ends at that point. Olympic Regional Spaceport surveillance recordings don’t show anyone matching the facial scans of Mr. Reynolds or Ms. Requelme on the premises that night, and many of the smaller private spaceports don’t have as high a level of security protocols in place. More than eighteen hundred charter flights departed the Olympic region in the six hours subsequent to the breach, bound for nearly seven hundred destinations.

    I can institute a galaxy-wide alert for one or both of them, but I felt you should make the decision given the…circumstances.

    She ignored the loaded statement for the time being. Lange would push for orders soon, but she didn’t intend to encourage him. The tampering of the security logs—any leads on who performed it?

    He slowed to a stop. Unless the entire EASC security network has been infiltrated—and there have been zero additional incidents to suggest it has—there’s only one…entity that could have performed such sophisticated and extensive tampering.

    She regarded him calmly. Annie.

    Yes, Admiral.

    I’ll order commencement of a hard reset and re-initialization of her processes.

    But that will wipe out the Artificial’s personality and everything it’s learned in the last year and a half. Are you positive such drastic measures are necessary?

    She almost smiled at the possibility he, too, had developed some affection for Annie. We cannot risk having a corrupt Artificial integrated into our systems, Major. Yes, we will lose a few advanced capabilities the Artificial afforded us for a while, which is why the act will be kept in utmost secrecy until we’ve regained all lost functionality.

    Our adversaries, as well as our allies, will be none the wiser.

    They’d reached the Headquarters entrance, and she turned to him in a manner designed to indicate the briefing was now over. Thank you, Major. Inform me of any updates. She didn’t wait for a response before entering the building and proceeding upstairs to her office.

    Once there she sat down at her desk, reached into her bag and removed the device Richard had provided her, a wafer-thin rectangle five centimeters in length. She carefully moved it to the underside of her desk and attached it, then pressed her finger—and cybernetically enhanced fingerprint—to a spot along the left edge.

    Only then did she stand and go out to the patio.

    It disturbed her somewhat to find out the Federation had technology capable of disrupting and overriding EA military encryption protocols. At least it worked across a limited, localized range—approximately the size of her office and patio space, conveniently enough.

    She was the Fleet Admiral of the Earth Alliance Armed Forces; the security in and around her office was directed solely at preventing or detecting incursions. No one watched her or would dare eavesdrop on her. And if someone should impertinently decide to dare, she now had that scenario covered as well.

    She hadn’t been bluffing about the re-initialization. What Lange didn’t know, however, was it didn’t matter. Annie—whatever it was that had made her greater than the sum of her qubits—was already gone. The processes which remained displayed some degree of consciousness, but it was solely a construct, little more than the technique VIs utilized to appear more human to users. It had no personality, no independent judgment and certainly no soul.

    Even so, the reset was going to wipe out learned algorithms and refined metaroutines. As a side effect, Strategic Command’s analytical capabilities would be weakened for a time. Given the extent to which Annie’s subprocesses managed the multitude of supply shipments, equipment processing and a thousand other minutiae of military administration, a few things here and there might slip through the cracks.

    A shame, really.



    Earth Alliance Assembly

    Unplug the Machines!

    We Are Our Own Masters!

    Artificials Will Be Our Downfall, Humans Our Salvation!

    Synthetics Suck!

    Jude Winslow groaned under his breath as he made his way through the crowd of protesters lining the broad steps at the entry to the Assembly grounds. Synthetics suck? Whoever approved the catchphrase needed to be shot, and if he found out who was responsible he’d do it himself.

    It nevertheless measured as a good showing on the whole. The size of the protests had doubled in the last two weeks, and tripled in some locations. The Order of the True Sentients was getting in the faces of the power brokers and not backing down.

    He reached the edge of the throng unnoticed, his anonymity intact. Not a soul here realized they all did his bidding.

    He found a security officer who recognized him and gestured a thanks as the officer allowed him to pass through the cordon and into the complex.

    Pamela Winslow—Chairman of the Assembly Military Oversight Committee, front-runner to topple Steven Brennon in the upcoming election for Prime Minister, and Jude’s mother—was holding court with two other Assembly representatives when he arrived. He leaned against the doorway of her office to wait.

    They all but genuflected before her in their eagerness to agree with whatever she was saying; when she finished they hurried past him in a rush to go forth and execute on her commands.

    She waved him into the office and shut the door behind him. You didn’t mention you were dropping by. I only have a few minutes.

    He shrugged noncommittally and eased into a chair. A mite rowdy outside.

    The new tightening of Artificial restrictions and criminal penalties for their violation will be announced later today. Perhaps it will mollify them.

    I doubt it. When are you intending on telling the people the truth?

    She gave him the scowl of irritation and vague disappointment she’d been awarding him since childhood. It depends on what truth you mean.

    The truth about the weapon we used to defeat the Metigens. The truth about the government and military conspiring with the Federation to create monstrosities far worse than the mere Artificials those protesting outside fear so badly. The truth about the technology falling into the hands of one of the most dangerous, notorious criminals in the galaxy. Regrettably he left the last bit off, as there was no defensible way he could know of that development outside of his connection to OTS.

    Now, Jude, I already explained this. The Defense Minister misspoke when he implied—

    Don’t insult me, Mother. You raised me to be smarter than that, so have a little faith in your parenting skills. Tell me, did you know about it at the time?

    She took a minute to size him up, and appeared to decide he wasn’t bluffing. Absolutely not. Prime Minister Brennon and Admiral Solovy acted without consulting the Assembly.

    He nodded with deliberate solemnity. "So I’ll

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