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A Cold Wind: Have Body, Will Guard, #8
A Cold Wind: Have Body, Will Guard, #8
A Cold Wind: Have Body, Will Guard, #8
Ebook257 pages3 hours

A Cold Wind: Have Body, Will Guard, #8

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Aidan and Liam step in when a Russian oligarch's life is threatened


Slava Vishinev thought he had it all — a successful business empire, a loving wife, and two wonderful children. But when a moment of indiscretion leads to his arrest in Moscow, Slava's world crumbles. Forced to sell his company and shunned by friends and family, he flees to Monaco to start afresh.


As Slava struggles to rebuild his life, danger lurks in the shadows. A mysterious van nearly runs him down in the streets of Monaco, leaving him battered and shaken. Fearing for his safety, Slava hires bodyguards Aidan and Liam to protect him. But even their vigilant presence may not be enough when ghosts from Slava's past in Russia resurface, threatening to destroy him once and for all.


Amidst the chaos, Slava finds solace in a budding romance with his charming neighbor Thierry. With his bodyguards' house damaged in a fire and Liam injured in an accident, the team faces challenges on all fronts as they race to uncover who is behind the attempts on Slava's life.


As shocking truths emerge and alliances shift, Slava must confront his past and choose his path forward. Will he let the forces conspiring against him win, or will he rise from the ashes to forge a new future?


Join Aidan and Liam, the sexy bodyguard duo, in this gripping eleventh installment of the Have Body, Will Guard series. Packed with nail-biting suspense, unexpected twists, and steamy romance, A Cold Wind is an unforgettable thriller set against the glittering backdrop of the French Riviera.

Neil Plakcy weaves a compelling tale filled with humor, heart, and colorful characters in this book in the Have Body, Will Guard series, a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. Books in this series can be read in any order.

PublisherSamwise Books
Release dateMay 17, 2018
A Cold Wind: Have Body, Will Guard, #8

Neil S. Plakcy

Nach seiner zwanzigjährigen Karriere als Hochschullehrer schreibt Neil Plakcy nun hauptberuflich, in Gesellschaft seines Mannes und ihrer beiden wilden Golden Retriever. Er hat das Glück, in Südflorida zu leben, wo er mit den Hunden unter Palmen spazieren geht und ihnen Sand von den Zehen pult, und er könnte nicht glücklicher darüber sein. Seine Website ist Er war die Art von Kind, die immer ein Buch dabei hatte und las, selbst wenn sie in Geschäften hinter seinen Eltern herlief. Er begann mit E-Books, weil er so immer etwas zu lesen hatte, wenn er sein Telefon dabei hatte. Seine Lieblingsgenres sind MM-Romanzen und gemütliche Krimis, mit einer Prise Fantasy und Science-Fiction. Er sammelt Starbucks-Bearista-Bären und Gummienten und alles, was mit Hunden zu tun hat!

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    A Cold Wind - Neil S. Plakcy

    1 – The Death of Desire

    Slava Vishinev leaned back in the giant Roman tub of his luxury apartment in the Palazzo Raphael, at the edge of the Mediterranean in Monaco. He let the warm water slosh over his beefy thighs and then up, submerging his thick penis, then covering his broad chest. It was still a good body, he thought, though gray hairs had invaded his pubic thatch and the shag beneath his pecs. Too bad there was no one to see it.

    He closed his eyes and remembered the last time anyone had touched him with sexual intent—in the men’s room at the Castorama home improvement store in Moscow. He’d gone there to buy a new pair of pliers, after his son Arseny had broken the family’s only pair.

    The store had been nearly deserted that day, the calls for sales help over the loudspeaker echoing against the haphazard piles of light fixtures, the few sad barbecue grills marked down to fire-sale prices.

    His penis began to stiffen as he remembered the stranger’s face.

    A working man in paint-splattered jeans and a T-shirt that stretched taut over his chest, he was in his thirties, twenty years younger than Slava. When their eyes met, the look on the painter’s face was unmistakable. The man licked his lips and nodded toward the rest rooms at the back of the store.

    Slava forgot about the pliers and followed the painter, admiring the tightness of his ass in the faded jeans. The man entered the men’s room, holding the door behind him for Slava, who smiled and thanked him. The room was empty except for the two of them.

    The painter walked up to one of the floor-based urinals, unzipped his jeans, and pulled out his dick. As his urine began to flow, Slava took the urinal beside him and opened his own zipper. He had no need to urinate, though, so he just stood there, with his thick, erect penis sticking out.

    He looked over at the painter, who smiled. He finished urinating but instead of walking away, he reached out and grasped Slava’s dick in one hand and began fisting it. It felt so good to have that rough touch against his tender skin, the solid warmth of a man’s hand wrapped around him.

    The man muttered some harsh endearments as he jerked Slava, about how big and powerful Slava’s dick was, the way he would make Slava squirm and beg for release.

    Thinking back on that moment, Slava stroked the tip of his penis with his index finger, feeling the sensations rise in his gut. With his other hand he pinched his right nipple, then stroked around it. Yes, he thought. This is good.

    Slava usually visited one of the clandestine clubs in Moscow when he needed release, so he had no idea that the Castorama men’s room was a known location for gay sex. He braced one arm against the wall above the urinal, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the feel of the painter’s hand on his dick.

    He’d been unaware that their interaction was being recorded by a hidden security camera. At least the store security guard had the courtesy to wait until Slava had shot off in the painter’s hand to barge into the men’s room. Then again, maybe he’d been watching the action on his monitor and enjoying it.

    The guard confronted them with vulgar names. Slava was tempted to knock him down and run out of the store, but the painter was in his way. Two police officers arrived a few moments later, and they took both Slava and the painter into custody. Slava was charged with public indecency, and his wife was notified.

    Thus began the cascade that had destroyed his old life.

    His erection deflated; Slava opened his eyes. He couldn’t even jerk himself off anymore. Every fantasy ended in the realization of what his desire had done to him.

    Sometimes he blamed his wife, Yelena. If she had been willing to experiment a little in the bedroom, giving him a blowjob, using a dildo to stimulate his prostate, he might never have had to seek out other men for sex.

    But his desires had little or nothing to do with Yelena. She was the daughter of a prominent party official, an icy blonde who believed sex was only useful for procreation. Once she had a matched set of children, Arseny and Galina, she had closed that door except for special occasions like Slava’s birthday, or after she received a substantial gift like diamond earrings.

    Had he ever loved her? As a young man, he had been entranced by her beauty, flattered by her attention. They used to talk together about their plans for the future, the home and family they would share. They both liked to watch old American movies with Russian subtitles, then repeat the lines from comedies to each other—she was Katharine Hepburn; he was Spencer Tracy.

    They had both assumed that was love. What example did either of them have, anyway? His father and mother worked too hard to ever talk of love, and her parents had adopted the Communist ideal of two people working together to change society.

    He had prospered, channeling much of his sexual energy into business, and over the ensuing decades he had become one of the rising oligarchs of Russian commerce, with a net worth of millions of rubles.

    That kind of wealth attracted attention, though, and about two years before, a greedy interior minister began demanding that Slava hand over ownership of Roskosh—a luxury retail chain—to the state.

    Slava had declined, politely at first, and then with increasing defiance. But he knew in his heart that this was a battle he could never win, so he had begun transferring assets to several different Swiss bank accounts. By the time of his arrest at Castorama, he had a nest egg of nearly ninety million euros put aside.

    His high-powered attorney had quickly secured his release on bail, but when he returned home Yelena announced he was no longer welcome there. He had sent his assistant to collect his clothes and personal items and moved into a hotel.

    The next day he’d received a visit from the interior minister at his office. The man had offered to drop the charges against Slava if he would agree to turn over ownership of Roskosh.

    Slava signed the papers, and that night he’d packed his belongings and booked himself a first-class flight from Moscow to Nice, and from there a limousine to Monte Carlo, where he had reserved a suite at the Hotel Metropole. Two months later, he had moved into this apartment in the Fontvielle district.

    He had not spoken to Yelena since that day, though his attorneys and hers had exchanged many messages about the pending divorce. If he were honest, he would admit that he was relieved, and didn’t miss her. He did, however, miss his children. Galina had immediately sided with her mother, and refused to speak to him. Arseny had recently joined a very right-wing political group and renounced both his father and his father’s wealth.

    Grudgingly, Slava rose from the tub, water cascading from his arms, his belly, and his legs. He looked at his body in the mirror above the sink. Yes, he could lose some weight. His doctor chided him, wanted to see him fifty pounds lighter. But his shoulders were still broad, his legs like tree trunks. And his dick? His dick was his pride and joy, long and thick. If only it gave him the same pleasure it had before his arrest.

    Now that he was free of the expectations that had tied him to Moscow, to commerce, to his wife, he wanted more than pleasure. He remembered those American film comedies, the sense that the two stars genuinely loved each other. That was what he wanted, if it wasn’t too late. Someone to love. A man who would look at him the way Tracy had looked at Hepburn, the way Clark Gable looked at Claudette Colbert. A man he could share his most intimate self with, in bed and in life.

    He had met few people since moving to Monaco, only those there to serve him, like the Palazzo’s concierges, the handsome young baristas at the coffee shop he frequented. He had no idea how to meet other men like him. He had tried one of the dating websites for gay men, but halfway through he had abandoned his profile. It seemed so silly, so impersonal. How could you feel the zing that romantics spoke of through computer wires?

    He dried himself off, shaved, brushed his teeth, and took the cup of little pills that kept him healthy. In his big, simple bedroom he pulled on a pair of expensive silk boxers, then a loose pair of sweat pants and one of the oversized polo shirts with the Roskosh logo on the breast. He was just going to the store around the corner so he slid his feet into a pair of rubber slippers.

    He waved hello to the concierge behind the big round desk in the lobby. "Bonjour, monsieur," the man said between surveying his video monitors and accepting packages from a delivery man.

    Slava blinked a few times as he stepped outside into the bright sunshine. Why had he spent so many winters in cold, dismal Moscow, he wondered, when there was this beauty to be enjoyed? Glorious sunlight, sparkling water, verdant hills. And all around him, the smell of money, from the women’s diamonds to the men’s gold watches, every model of luxury car. He loved it.

    A gentle breeze blew in from the Mediterranean, only a few hundred feet away. A tiny bird swooped in front of him, then climbed a dizzying trajectory toward the clouds.

    The traffic light was in his favor, and he stepped from the curb to the pavement. He heard the acceleration of the white panel van as it headed directly toward him, but he continued to cross the street. This was the Principality of Monaco, after all, and drivers obeyed the law.

    Someone had forgotten to tell that to the van’s driver, however. Slava looked wide-eyed as the van approached, then jumped to the side as it brushed past him, knocking him to the pavement, then speeding away.

    The impact knocked him out for a moment, and when he awoke the concierge was leaning over him. Monsieur, monsieur, he said. There was blood everywhere, and it felt like his head was going to explode. He looked up at the concierge, and then everything went dark.

    2 – A Home in Ruins

    Aidan Greene stood in the living room of the house he and his partner had closed on only two weeks before. Their furniture was clustered in the center of the room like a group of refugees. Strips of bright floral wallpaper hung from one wall—lurid red poppies with black stamens against a background of white. The other walls had been stripped but still needed to be skimmed with plaster, then painted.

    A giant water stain in the shape of Africa marred the center of the ceiling. The new refrigerator stood at the entrance to the kitchen, waiting for the linoleum there to be ripped up and replaced with tile.

    I don’t know how I ever let you talk me into this, Liam McCullough grumbled.

    Poor baby, Aidan said. Big tough Navy SEAL can’t handle a little inconvenience.

    Ex-Navy SEAL, Liam said, crossing his arms over his massive chest. You’ve spoiled me. Gotten me accustomed to comfortable beds and regular meals.

    Can I help it if I love you and want to take care of you?

    Take care of this, then. Liam waved his hand to encompass the ongoing work.

    I tried. It’s not my fault that the painter we hired got deported.

    No, it’s Hassan’s fault, for recommending the man in the first place. Doesn’t he know anyone else?

    Six months before, they had embarked on the journey to home ownership. Their good friends Louis and Hassan had bought an old stone farmhouse and Hassan, an architect, had directed its renovation. Aidan had fallen in love with the place and wanted a home he and Liam could call their own.

    But their budget didn’t extend as far as their friends’, and they had bought a rundown ranch-style house built in the 1960s in the small town of Banneret-les-Vaux, in the hills above Nice. Neither Aidan nor Liam possessed the gay decorating gene, so they were lost when it came to color selections and tile choices. They had left it all up to Hassan, who had recommended a Slav who went by the single initial V, and was willing to work very cheaply. He had neglected to mention that V had no papers and could be deported at any time.

    Before he was unceremoniously ushered out of the country, V had spent several days stripping the wallpaper, and the room smelled like chemical solvents. The smell was bothering both of them, and they were arguing over every little thing. Aidan wondered, not for the first time, if they should have stayed in their rental apartment.

    Hassan is looking for someone to replace V, Aidan said. But he said it might be a few weeks before we could find someone willing to work within our budget.

    Maybe we need to increase our budget. We have the money, don’t we?

    Aidan didn’t say anything.

    Aidan? We still have fifty thousand euros in a money market account, don’t we?

    Back in December I transferred half of that into our US retirement accounts, Aidan said. I’m trying to make sure we have enough to live on in case something happens, and we can’t work, or when we finally decide to retire.

    And the rest?

    Aidan looked down at the tile floor. At least that didn’t need to be replaced. We haven’t worked in a month, remember? That means no money coming in, so we’ve been living on what we put away. And then we put down twenty-five thousand euros when we bought this house.

    We’re broke? Why didn’t you tell me?

    We’re not broke. We have enough to pay our bills for the next few months, and I put aside the money for V. He looked up at his partner. You told me a long time ago you didn’t want to have to manage our money. I’ve been taking care of it.

    I wish you had told me we were running so low. I could have pressed Jean-Luc to give us work.

    For the past year, Aidan and Liam had been working as bodyguards for the Agence de Securité, a personal protection company that provided security services for visiting dignitaries on the Côte d’Azur and anyone else who felt threatened. Jean-Luc Derain was their boss, the company’s regional director.

    Liam sneezed. This place smells like a wet dog rolled around in camel dung.

    Let’s go for a run, Aidan said. We’ll put Hayam out in the backyard, and you and I can work off some tension. Then we’ll sit down and figure out what to do next.

    Hayam was their small mixed breed dog, and at the sound of her name, she trotted into the room, her toenails clicking on the tile. Aidan opened the door to the small, fenced yard, and she ran immediately for her favorite tree—a twisted olive that the real estate agent had promised bore delicious fruit. Like many of the other promises they’d gotten, that had yet to be proved.

    Aidan followed Liam into the bedroom, which was as messy as the rest of the house, and painted a faded brown that reminded Aidan of diarrhea. Aidan had to dig around to find clean tank tops and nylon shorts for them, while Liam waited impatiently, naked.

    Stop tapping your foot, Aidan said. Standing there ready to rock out with your cock out is very distracting.

    Liam’s body was so well-sculpted it was like being up close and naked with Michelangelo’s David, though in flesh rather than stone. Broad shoulders, beefy biceps, a narrow waist, and a dick that was generous even in repose. His ass was tight, his thighs and calves well-muscled. Sure, some of his blond chest hairs had faded to white, and occasionally his bones creaked, but he was still the most amazing man Aidan had ever been with.

    Do you ever think about anything besides sex? Liam asked.

    You try living with a gorgeous man and see if you don’t think about sex at least a few times a day. He handed a jock strap and a pair of shorts to Liam.

    I do live with a gorgeous man, Aidan. I live with you. But I manage to think about other things now and then. Like making a living and paying bills.

    The sight of Liam stepping into his jock strap immediately made Aidan hard, and he turned away and pulled up his boxers quickly. He was a couple of inches shorter than Liam and much less muscular, though he was proud that he was in the best shape of his life.

    Aidan’s dick was still tenting his boxers, so he stood with his back to Liam as he pulled on his shorts and a tank top with the outline of the island of Corsica on it—a souvenir from a previous job.

    By the time he turned around and saw Liam’s irritated expression, his dick had softened. Liam took his shoes and walked outside to stretch, and Aidan followed a moment later.

    The wind, which usually came from the south, had shifted to the west, and it brought colder air with it. Aidan was glad; it meant he wouldn’t sweat as much during the run.

    To their left was the small town of Banneret—home to a pair of restaurants, a Casino grocery store, and a few other service businesses. A knight banneret was a medieval knight who led a company of troops during time of war under his own square-shaped banner. Aidan liked the symbolism of the town’s name, because he thought of himself and Liam as independent knights, brought in to help those in need.

    Aidan clipped his cell phone to the waistband of his shorts, stretched for a minute or two, then followed his partner, his feet slapping against the pavement.

    The low hills around Banneret rose

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