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The Gambling Girl
The Gambling Girl
The Gambling Girl
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The Gambling Girl

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„The Gambling Girl”, by Edgar Wallace is a book of short story mysteries. Bill and Mary met at a gambling casino and both are imprisoned for reasons that are murky. Bill was a former detective with the American Army at G.H.Q. Mary’s past was more mysterious. From that day forward however, neither of their lives would ever be the same again. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. It’s all great fun and Wallace keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you haven’t discovered the joys of Wallace’s mysteries there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.
Release dateFeb 17, 2018
The Gambling Girl

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace (1875–1932) was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. His hundred-odd books, including the groundbreaking Four Just Men series and the African adventures of Commissioner Sanders and Lieutenant Bones, have sold over fifty million copies around the world. He is best remembered today for his thrillers and for the original version of King Kong, which was revised and filmed after his death. 

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    Book preview

    The Gambling Girl - Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace

    The Gambling Girl

    Warsaw 2018


    Chapter I. Billy and the Briscoes

    Chapter II. If Billy Had Rung

    Chapter III. A Shot in the Dark

    Chapter IV. Billy Goes to Prison

    Chapter V. The Mystery of Billy’s Room

    Chapter VI. Mary Goes to Prison

    Chapter VII. The Escape

    Chapter VIII. The Solution


    TO write the true story of the two extraordinary crimes which placed first Billington Stabbat and then Mary Ferrera in a prison cell, is a comparatively easy matter. To know exactly where to begin is the bigger problem. I could, of course, start with the genealogy of Billington Stabbat–except that I am not quite certain as to his nationality.

    He had been all over the world when I met him in France, and he certainty was serving with the American Army at G.H.Q., having been loaned by Canadian H.Q.

    It was not new work for Billy. He had been a detective in Toronto, the smartest man in that corp, and he had his promotion fixed, when the war broke out, for his capture of the Briscoe gang.

    What the Briscoes did not know about the mechanics of lock-making wasn’t worth learning. They were patient, far-seeing, diabolically brilliant criminal. It was Billy who trapped the crowd, caught Tom red-handed, and four of the gang. He took George, too, but the case against him fell through. Tom was sent to prison for twenty years, and hanged himself in his cell. I recall this achievement of Billy’s because few people in this country ever knew very much about the Briscoe case, even after George stood his trial at the Old Bailey.

    I think this story starts when I met Levy Jones on the stairs going up to make a call on Billy. Levy is a little fellow, about five feet two in height, but so immensely broad across the shoulders that he looks shorter and almost deformed. His face is long, his nose pendulous, his mouth broad and uneven in the sense that when he is amused one corner lifts higher than the other.

    His bushy eyebrows rose at the sight of me, and out came a hand of considerable size.

    I was surprised and delighted to see him. He had been working with the Mosser Commercial Bureau in pre-War days–as Credit Investigator, I believe– and I had no idea at that moment that he had attached himself to Billy.

    Why, Levy, said I, this is a pleasant shock. I thought you were dead.

    No, sir, said Levy, with that lop-sided grin of his; alive–happily. I’m with Mr. Billington Stabbat.

    The devil you are! I was a little taken back. And how is it that one of the original Jones of Johannesburg comes to be in the private detective line of business? By the way, Levy, how did you get that Jones into your name?

    "It is a compromise, Mr. Mont. If I call myself Jivitzki, people think I am a Bolshivicki (sic) You’re not a Jew-hater, are you, Mr. Mont?"

    Not a scrap, said I, in truth. Some of the best pals I have ever had have been of your Royal and Ancient Faith.

    That’s a new one–Levy was interested–sounds like football to me–or is it golf? I’m rather sorry you’re not a Jew-hater. I have a new argument for Judaism which I wanted to try on you. I tried it on our Rabbi, but he has no sense of humour. Have you heard the story about the Jew and the flour-bin?

    Levy, like most of his compatriots, had a large repertoire of stories digging slyly at the inherent shrewdness of his race, and this story was a good one.

    But Levy, said I, how did you get in touch with Billy–Mr. Stabbat?

    Call him Billy, said Levy. I do, he insists upon it. I met him during the War. He’s just the same now as ever he was. I don’t suppose he has ever altered or ever will. He’d give away his shirt to a friend and go to the gallows to help some woman with a hard-luck story.

    Prophetic words. I remembered them afterwards.

    Kindness to women will be the ruin of Billy. Levy shook his head. We lost a fat commission last week because he trailed an erring female, and then when he’d got all the evidence, turned round, worked day and night to prove an alibi! Mind your back, Mr. Mont.

    He drew me on one side to allow a white-overalled workman to pass up the stairs.

    They finish decorating to-day, he said. That’s the electrician.

    I glanced idly at the workman in the white smock. He was a pale man with a short red beard.

    Well, so long, said Levy. I’m going to Whitechapel to nose around. We’ve got a fire case for one of the insurance companies. By the way, get Billy to tell you about our new client.

    He winked mysteriously, and I went up the stairs to meet his chief.

    I saw Billington Stabbat described the other day in a usually well-informed journal as a remarkably tall man. That description is absurd. His height is about 5 ft. 10 in. His weight must be something under eleven stone. He was well-built–a type

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