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Visits to Heaven
Visits to Heaven
Visits to Heaven
Ebook538 pages6 hours

Visits to Heaven

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As each case is unlocked, Varga gives her readers an insider’s view into near-death experiences (NDEs) and afterlife communications with examples, studies, and stories that include apparitional appearances, deathbed visitations, ghostly encounters, and visits from angels. Throughout the book she shares specific examples from such well known researchers and authors as Bernie Siegel, Mellen Thomas Benedict, Dannion Brinkley, Dr. Melvin Morse, Physicist Peter Russell, Dave Tango of Syfy’s Ghost Hunters, and many others.
Release dateFeb 15, 2011
Visits to Heaven

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    Visits to Heaven - Josie Varga



    Robert Perala

    Author of The Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium and The Divine Architect: The Art of Living and Beyond

    Life is a mystery school in which we are commissioned to discover the laws between the material world in the here and the hereafter.

    Visits to Heaven captures a virtual compendium of stories and examples in near-death experience studies including apparitional appearances, deathbed visitations, ghostly encounters as well as angel visitations and after death communication cases.

    The secret of life’s continuum is found throughout Visits to Heaven. Unlocking each case gives the reader an insider view into the revolving life cycle the human soul continues to experience.

    Throughout the book we find specific examples from such well-known researchers and authors as Bernie Siegel and Mellen-Thomas Benedict as well as Dannion Brinkley and many others. Each takes us through his experience with those members who exist on the Other Side and continue to visit us in our dreams and in the physical world.

    Josie Varga‘s research is extremely well founded as she shows us that God is energy and the infinite wisdom that surrounds all things at all times. All these visits to heaven truly show, as Linda Stewart’s testimony says in one of the chapters of this book, that God and love are the only reality. Throughout our journey we find that dying is the easy part; living is hard.

    Many surprises are held for the reader to encounter along the way such as the theories which explain that there is a life review we must all encounter in addition to our own judgment of ourselves. We also find that when leaving this earthly plane, the body, apparently, and all of its earthly connection of memory go away. As alarming as that may seem, it is also liberating as we don’t necessarily take all of our pain with us. This disconnect allows us to observe our painful moments for what they are without being overthrown by them which in turn allows us to come to terms with the events of our past life and prepares us for the next.

    Visits to Heaven makes for a startling and intelligent report as well as an eye-opening read that allows us to look at the wonders of life before birth, during our time in the material world, and after death.

    This book truly shows us that spirit shines bright and lights the way for many. Enjoy the journey!




    In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the power of God was moving over the water. Then God commanded, ‘Let there be light’—and light appeared.¹ And so begins the book of Genesis.

    While researching the near-death phenomenon for this book, I found it very interesting that the first line of the Bible mentions light since it also seems to be a common link between most near-death experiences (NDEs). In his book, Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley tells of seeing a light around a Spiritual Being who came to greet him. He writes, The Being of Light stood directly in front of me. As I gazed into its essence I could see prisms of color, as though it were composed of thousands of tiny diamonds, each emitting the colors of the rainbow.²

    Many who have had near-death experiences believe that this light and God are one and the same. As one NDEr explained, At some point I felt I was sucked away, and I went into a long dark tunnel; I was sucked at an incredible speed! At the tunnel end there was a glowing pinpoint. In this tunnel there were other beings like myself, and we looked at each other saying, ‘I believe we are dead!’ The more I went forward, the more the light grew. I arrived into this light which was wonderful, very bright, but what hit me the most is that in this light I felt at peace, joy, but most of all I felt an incredible love! This light loved me! This light talked to me! I asked it if it was God, and it answered me, ‘Yes, I am the light!’ This light being (whom I did not see) knew EVERYTHING about me; He knew my life from beginning till end! Once in this light, I remembered who I was; I also got answers to all questions I ever wondered about like who created the universe and how, how does the cosmos work, physics, etc. Oh, yes, I did not learn it, I remembered it!³

    Steven E. Hodes, MD, author of Metaphysician on Call for Better Health: Metaphysics and Medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit, says light implies a beneficent divine presence and believes the process of photosynthesis, the conversion of light energy to chemical energy and the storage of sugar in plants, is life’s true miracle. Forget about the Shroud, bleeding stigmata, crying statues, or parting Red Seas, he states. Just ponder what truly happens when a tiny organelle (a subunit within a cell that has its own function) soaks up water through the stems and mixes light energy from the sun. It then builds these invisible carbon atoms into its own skeleton, into sugars, into the food that allows animals to live. No animal can do this. No animal can extract the energy of life from a star 93 million miles away.

    Plants need this light energy (CO2 and H2O) to make sugar. This then becomes food allowing animals to live, and it is also the source of the O2 (oxygen) we breathe. Obviously, without oxygen there would be no life.

    Every day from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we take this light for granted. Everything that we see, we see because of light. We go about our day watching the sunrise, the television, the flowers in the garden, our children, the road, computer screens, mirrors which show our reflections, and so on. While our minds may perceive the objects before us, the only thing we are really seeing is light as this is the only thing our eyes are capable of seeing. We are capable of seeing the world as we know it because everything either gives off or reflects light rays which then connect to our eyes and are processed by our brains. In other words, light has to leave what we are looking at and travel back to our eyes for us to see it. This happens so fast that we don’t even realize what is happening.

    Scientists have been studying the nature of light for centuries, and there is still so much left to be argued. But one of the most popular theories in physics today defines light as electromagnetic radiation, a form of energy made up of electric and magnetic fields that has a twofold nature of both particles and waves. Light radiates like the waves in a pool from its source in all directions at a speed of 186,000 miles per second which makes it the fastest phenomenon in the universe. To put things into perspective, if you were able to travel at the speed of light, you would have traveled 11,160,000 miles in one minute (known as a light minute).

    Albert Einstein determined that light was made up of photons, which are the fundamental particles of electromagnetic energy that are constantly moving at the speed of light.

    The study of light has proven to be quite complicated and will more than likely go on for centuries more. Could it be that scientists or physicists are just looking in the wrong place? Perhaps they need to explore the metaphysical in order to understand light fully.

    Time ceases to exist at the speed of light. Why is this so? And is it coincidental that the majority of NDErs says that time ceases to exist on the Other Side? They describe an all-encompassing light filled with unyielding love, void of time and space as we know it.

    As in the NDE I mentioned earlier, those who have crossed over and come back frequently talk about speaking to a Supreme Being or Light. So it’s interesting to note that physicists have actually found that light particles communicate with each other. According to quantum mechanics, a pair of subatomic particles can become entangled and the fate of one subatomic particle instantly affects the other. Einstein actually referred to this idea as spooky action at a distance.

    In 1982 a physicist at the University of Paris named Alain Aspect discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles can communicate immediately with each other no matter how long or how far the distance is between them. They could be two inches apart or one million miles apart; it doesn’t matter. Somehow each particle always knows what the other one is doing.

    Another interesting point is the fact that many who have had an NDE describe being in a different dimension. Earth, they say, is but one dimension. Edgar Cayce, known as the world’s greatest American psychic, performed over four thousand readings in a forty-year span. One of the things that he continually mentioned was the fact that this earth plane is just one of many dimensions. Many physicists have noted that entanglement is strange only if the universe is limited to three dimensions. If there are more, it is possible for particles to be much closer than they appear.

    God is infinite. He always was and always will be. Energy is also infinite; a photon travels at the speed light and therefore, it is believed, must have an infinite amount of energy. I could go on further, but I believe this is enough to make one wonder if the light described in many NDEs and God are, indeed, one and the same.

    NDErs also describe a feeling or a knowing of Oneness. We are all, many say, one with God and the feeling of no longer being entrapped by the heavy body we once wore on earth is wonderful beyond words. Recently I had the privilege of chatting with Charles Thomas Cayce, the grandson of Edgar Cayce. He spoke candidly about love, life, his famous grandfather, and the hereafter.

    We think we have many possibilities while on this earth plane, but the truth is our soul is actually in prison, he explained. "We don’t realize it now, but while we are in our physical bodies, we are very limited in the choices available to us. To continue with this prison analogy, we can do only certain things while we are in prison. We can read, we can think, etc. But we can’t eat when we want, we can’t go outside the prison. Truthfully, there is so much we can’t do.

    Likewise, there is so much we can’t do here, we just don’t realize it. As a soul, we have the freedom to experience whatever we want. This, incidentally, is the reason we incarnate. We have a multitude of experiences that allow our souls to grow. We all have free will. We all originated from Oneness and then God made us separate. We made a choice to be separate in order to make choices and have life experiences.

    These experiences, according to Cayce, help us to evolve and move again toward Oneness with God. There are, he notes, three parts to our soul:

    1. Our Will

    2. Our Spirit

    3. Our Mind

    Since the above are parts of the soul and not the body, they continue to exist when the body dies.

    In addition to NDEs, many other mystical experiences are considered proof of an afterlife. These include electronic voice phenomenon (EVP), apparition appearances, deathbed visions, ghostly encounters, out-of-body experiences, angel visitations, hypnotic regression, after death communication (ADC), visits from heaven, and more.

    I intentionally classified an ADC and a visit from heaven separately. They are truthfully two different things. An ADC, according to Bill and Judy Guggenheim, the well-known authors of Hello from Heaven, is a spiritual experience that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend. A visit from heaven is a metaphysical experience that takes place when a person is contacted either directly or indirectly through the use of a third party by someone who is deceased. It does not matter whether or not the experience occurred spontaneously or directly. Also, a visit from heaven contains an element of proof.

    This book is the sequel to Visits from Heaven which highlights evidential afterlife communication accounts from around the world. After Visits from Heaven had already been completed, I had the privilege of speaking to Lance Beem who told me about the death of his daughter Kari Lynn Beem and subsequently one of the most incredible visits from heaven I have ever heard.

    Kari was born as what appeared to be a very normal, healthy child. However, by one year of age she started having seizures. After consulting with physicians and geneticists, it was determined she had a genetic disorder called tuberous sclerosis—a rare, multisystem genetic disease that causes benign tumors to grow in the brain and on other vital organs. Symptoms include seizures, developmental delay, behavioral problems, skin abnormalities as well as lung and kidney disease. Sadly, she eventually lost her ability to speak and for the next twenty-four years was autistic and considered mentally at a two-year-old level.

    Raising Kari presented the Beems with many challenges, and their daughter was eventually placed in a day program for mentally delayed adults. On June 9, 2008, Kari was having her regular lunch break with her vocational group in Sacramento, California. As her assistant turned to help another client, Kari quickly reached for a piece of orange (her favorite) from the picnic table and sat back down, lodging the orange in her throat. Within minutes she began turning blue and passed out. The Heimlich maneuver was tried but to no avail. By the time the paramedics arrived ten minutes later, her heart had stopped.

    Although she was revived after eighteen minutes of treatment, she had to be placed on life support. Four days later on June 13 at the age of twenty-four, she passed into the light. But her story did not end there. One year later on the anniversary of the day Kari was admitted to the hospital, her father Lance was busy at home working when the house alarm began to sound from the closet in the hall. He immediately went over to the closet where the alarm box was located. When he opened the door, the alarm suddenly stopped. At first it seemed odd because the alarm was disconnected. It was at that moment he looked down and noticed a child’s wooden sweater rack, which Kari’s grandfather had given Kari when she was a child. The rack is a wood cutout portrait of a little blond girl with the name Kari on it. Lance looked at this situation somewhat startled as he then turned his attention to the alarm box which he had disconnected one year earlier. You can just imagine his continued shock when he looked at the alarm. The electrical wires remained disconnected—black, red, and open ended, dangling downward pointing to the rack.

    He then sat down in utter astonishment feeling his daughter’s essence all around him. As a bereaved father, he knew this must be a sign from his daughter. But as a scientist, his rational mind was trying to find a more logical explanation for what had just occurred.


    Fifteen minutes later when his wife Leslie (Kari’s stepmother) came home, the alarm again sounded before he had a chance to tell her what had occurred. She smiled and cried along with him. Afterwards, the two took in the events of the day and started cooking dinner when for the third time the alarm sounded even louder and would not stop even after they had opened the closet door. At this moment with the alarm blaring away Lance sat down in front of the wood cutout rack of his daughter Kari, closed his eyes, and touched the name Kari. In that instant he saw a vivid scene in his mind of his mother, daughter, and father all waving and laughing at him in a bright light sitting down on a beautiful green hill. His dad was giving him the thumbs up as he often did. All three were young, healthy, happy, and radiating love. Finally the alarm stopped for the last time. The picture above is the photo Lance took of the closet on that day. (Notice the wires dangling from the alarm in the upper-right corner).

    Four nights later was the first anniversary of the hour when Lance held his daughter for the last time and told her to go to the light. I told her we will always love you, but you are free to go home, he explained. On this night Lance was at his computer reading a story he had written two months earlier about Kari’s passing. He had several scanned pictures in the story. He was scrolling down the pages and happened to find the last photo taken of his daughter. But now, to his amazement, there was something distinctly different about this last picture of her. As bright as could be, a rainbow-shaped tunnel now appeared behind his daughter on a wall that was once barren and beige. While there was only sunlight on the wall before, now it showed all the colors of the rainbow.

    Fortunately, Lance had two versions of this picture: the original one on his desktop computer and another on his laptop. He immediately went to the other photo on his desktop computer and confirmed that there was no such tunnel behind his daughter in the original. The walls were, in fact, barren. Below is the original photo, followed by the photo Lance found on that magical moment one year to the hour when he told his daughter they would always love her, but when the light comes, go to it.


    In Lance Beem’s words, that night I tried to transfer or print the photo, but each time it would only print without the rainbow in the background. This really freaked me out, and I was afraid I would lose the picture so I finally grabbed my digital camera and took a picture of the computer screen to send it to Dr. Melvin Morse and others that I trusted to witness what was happening. I was numb but convinced she was letting us know she was okay. Her message was obvious, he said, We are all from the light and never lost.


    Author’s Note: Lance William Beem has been working in agricultural sciences for the past thirty years. As a plant scientist, he has been researching, among other things, plant growth, physiology, and protection against disease. He has both a BS and MS in biology sciences. For more information, visit the Web site

    As I said earlier, this is one of the most incredible validations that I have ever heard. What are the chances of a disconnected alarm sounding three times on the anniversary of Kari’s admittance to the hospital? What are the chances of a once barren photo suddenly appearing with a rainbow in the background? Is this a coincidence? In fact, Dr. Melvin Morse, one of the most recognizable and trusted names in NDE research and a contributor to this book (see his story The God Spot: Our Connection to the Divine on page 237), reviewed the photos above and believes the rainbow resembles those shared by others who have had NDEs. As an example, he told of a young boy who spoke of going down a noodle (tunnel) with the colors of a rainbow.

    An NDE refers to a wide range of personal experiences associated with those who have had a brush with death. In addition to encountering the colors of a rainbow and a Being of Light as mentioned earlier, there are several other characteristics which are believed to be common in an NDE. According to Melvin Morse, there are nine common traits:

    1. Peace and no longer feeling pain

    2. The sense of moving through a tunnel

    3. Having a life review

    4. Numerous aftereffects including everything from the loss of fear of death, increase in psychic powers, and higher level of spirituality to changes in personality

    5. Having an OBE (out-of-body experience)

    6. Having a sense of being dead

    7. Encountering a Being of Light or Supreme Source

    8. Encountering relatives or other people of light and

    9. Being reluctant to return to life

    It is important to note that death is not the only trigger for the near-death experience. As you will read in some of the accounts included in this book, trauma, fear, and shock are often causes of an NDE. And at other times, there is no trauma but an altered state of consciousness that triggers the NDE and/or out-of-body experience.

    All the contributors in this book say they were transformed by their experience in many ways. In addition to the aftereffects mentioned above, experiencers often come back with a sense of knowing and purpose. They say that they don’t just believe there is a God, they know there is.

    Cayce could not agree more and explained that his belief in God and the afterlife came from not only the experiences of his father and renowned grandfather but also his own. For me, it’s not about a belief in an afterlife or God; it’s a knowing beyond knowing, he states. When you trust your experience, you just know. It’s not a belief.

    Regardless of your beliefs, my intent in this book is not to convince you that there is a God. Although I am a firm believer in God, Supreme Being, or whatever you choose to call it, I will not preach. What I will do is present credible near-death experiences and chapters written by respected experts in the field of NDE research so that you can arrive at your own conclusions. My hope is that after reading this book, you, too, will come to know that there is certainly a God and there is definitely no death.

    ¹Good News Bible (New York: American Bible Society, 1978), 1.

    ²Dannion Brinkley, Saved by the Light (New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 2008), 8.


    ⁴Dr. Steven E. Hodes, Metaphysician on Call for Better Health: Metaphysics and Medicine for Mind, Body and Spirit (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers), 58–59.


    A Tribute to Natalie


    Natalie Smith-Blakeslee†

    You can shed tears that she is gone,

    Or you can smile because she has lived.

    You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back,

    Or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.

    Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her,

    Or you can be full of the love you shared.

    You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,

    Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

    You can remember her only that she is gone,

    Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

    You can cry and close your mind,

    Be empty and turn your back.

    Or you can do what she’d want:

    Smile, open your eyes, love, and go on.

    As a special tribute to Natalie Smith-Blakeslee, I begin this book with this beautiful poem by David Harkins. She was a special friend who knew firsthand the meaning of loving and giving to others. When I was doing research for my book Visits from Heaven, I came in contact with Natalie, a gifted medium and bereaved mom.

    Natalie and I became fast friends. I quickly came to know what a beautiful person she was—an absolute blessing beyond words. She offered to help put me in contact with several bereaved parents who had evidential afterlife communication experiences (what I refer to as visits from heaven). She never wavered in her love and support. In addition to giving me many contacts, she contributed to a story about her daughter Carrie, whom she lost to leukemia. She wrote the preface for Visits from Heaven.


    Unbeknownst to me, Natalie was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in September 2008. She never let on that she was sick, and our phone conversations and e-mails went on as usual. Natalie also agreed to share her near-death experience (NDE) in this book and spoke about how excited she was for me. I never had a clue that anything was wrong until her e-mails slowed, and I no longer heard her voice.

    Natalie passed on October 28, 2009. I was completely stunned. When I spoke to her husband, he told me that she did not tell me and many others on purpose. She wanted us to remember her as she was, not stricken with a horrible cancer but alive and well.

    We shared many conversations about the afterlife, and I do know that her spirit is alive and well. I know that her love lives on. My only hope is that she knows how much she touched not only my life but the lives of so many others and how very grateful I am to her for everything that she did for me. Her memory and love will live on forever within my heart.

    Below is the story of Natalie’s NDE, which occurred when she was suffering from anorexia. The full details of her NDE can be found in her book Close to You . . . A Memoir by a Mother in Mourning, coauthored by Martha D. Humphreys. For more information, please visit her Web site


    Let go . . . .release . . . .my body was barely there . . . there was so little mass of flesh, skin, and bones it wasn’t hard for me to believe I could float above myself . . . and so I did.

    Gently, softly, spiritually I rose above the bed.

    I wasn’t cold anymore . . . I wasn’t warm either.

    I was looking down at me still curled up like a seashell beneath the sheets. The sheets were still. No movement of my shoulders or chest . . . surrounded by darkness, deep grey, no light beneath the door into the hall . . . no filtered light through the shades on the window . . . no light anywhere.

    Panic, frantic, terror surged up my throat.

    Where were the lights?

    Where was the power?

    There’s no storm, no wind, no lightening, no rain . . . yet no power.

    Didn’t hospitals have generators for power outages?

    I could no longer see myself on the bed . . . but I couldn’t feel the bed beneath me either. Please, oh, please turn on the lights!

    I felt pins and needles on the tips of my fingers and the tips of my toes . . . as if my muscles were falling asleep from the outside in . . . a light, please dear God, a light!

    Squeezing my eyes tightly closed like I did when I was a little girl searching for the orange on the inside of my lids indicating light on my face, I waited and prayed for a pinpoint of whiteness in the darkness around me.

    Slowly opening my eyes, there was a needle of light aimed at me. Did I die? I was being pulled toward the pinpoint, and it was getting larger the nearer I was to its source. Like filings onto a magnet, I was drawn to the light, the source.

    I wasn’t moving. The light was attracting my body through a darkened hallway with people on both sides who weren’t flesh-and-blood people with distinct features, rather people with identities I sensed, but didn’t recognize. A ballerina, a firefighter, a cowboy, and a seamstress formed a line on each side of me. I didn’t know who they were, but I understood what they were. Occasionally, a child, a dog, a bird, or another child in a baseball uniform stood between the taller people on either side of me.

    Halfway home, I said to myself . . . halfway home to heaven.

    A woman stepped from the side, Natalie?

    It was a soft voice, a melodic voice, a gentle voice, a mother’s voice.

    Yes? I answered, fear falling away in the gentle embrace of her voice.

    Come with me, Natalie. I’ll take you to the light.

    My anxiety was replaced by warmth, the feeling of being wrapped in a heated baby alpaca blanket without the weight of a wrap. The nearer to the light, the warmer I felt as the current pulled me closer and closer.

    No more fear, ever.

    The comfort of company . . . loving, supportive, accepting . . . company was lifting me, encouraging me, helping me to my soul’s destination.

    The woman beside me felt familiar from my mother’s side of our family . . . although I didn’t recognize her. Petite and slightly slumped, she took my arm as if we were strolling in a park together. She wore an old-fashioned hat with a lacy veil reaching the tip of her nose. The hat matched her navy blue dress hanging well below her knees. She had sturdy shoes, granny shoes with a short thick heel on the patent leather lace up tops. Her dark brown hair indicated she was younger now than when she passed over; I felt her hair was grey at the time of her death. A string of pearls rested gently around her neck.

    You’ve had it rough, haven’t you, Natalie? She said in her lovely voice.

    Yes, I responded.

    Food, she said. Something that sustains us, rewards us, and entertains us—one of God’s many gifts . . .

    Another woman on my left emerged from the group and approached me. She was surrounded in a white glow, like a full body halo. Looking at her I felt energized and free, finally free. Free from my fight with food, free from being controlled by others on the outside, free to be me from the inside. Yes, definitely, this was heaven . . . because the woman in the glow was my grandmother Agnes Tate.

    With recognition came all the emotion of missing her for the last fifteen years. The last time I saw her alive, cancer had sucked the life from her body. I remember her funeral: seeing her in the casket, and she was breathing. I was thirteen-years-old, and her passing hurt me the most of anyone in the family. As my brow furrowed in confusion at the evidence of life remaining in her embalmed body, I looked up to see her standing beside her casket. Smiling at me, she looked healthy and at peace. Then she told me she was all right and free from the pain caused by the cancer. Her spirit self faded after she delivered her message.

    I remember tugging on my mother’s sleeve, then nodding toward her mother’s image across the coffin from where we stood.

    Mom, Mom . . . look she’s breathing . . .

    Natalie Ann, stop it. They all look like they’re breathing lying there . . . Apparently what I said upset her even more because she turned away and went back to her seat. I looked for her spirit self, but she too had gone.

    Emotions swelled as I reached to embrace my grandmother in recognition and love. No pain for either of us anymore. We were alive; we were well. Suddenly I was so full of the light of inspiration that I wanted to announce my discovery to the world.

    But how could I do that from this side?

    Before I could state my intention, my grandmother answered me, You must return; you have work to do; you have children to love and to raise . . .

    I was about to object that John was a good father and could raise Carrie and Ashley—they didn’t need me . . .

    Hush, my grandmother replied before I finished the thought. She directed my attention to a look into the future if I stayed with her in heaven.

    I watched my mother’s grief at my passing.

    She blames herself, my grandmother, her mother, communicated to me. It’s not expected when a child predeceases a parent . . . made more painful when the parent blames herself for not doing enough to prevent it. Stubbornly I didn’t want to return for it was a one way trip . . . I knew if I went back, it was to stay. Look, look at your daughters without you . . .

    Carrie, headstrong and independent, acted as if my passing didn’t matter to her at all. Growing into a lovely young woman with a large chip on her shoulder, she approached every relationship expecting abandonment. Angry, full of resentment at her mother who didn’t care enough to fight her disease, Carrie wore her rage like armor, protecting herself from any further pain. The ice cold vibe from her personality belied the burning hot pain she covered within. I watched her set herself up to never trust anyone enough to really love them . . . and therefore robbing herself of the experience of being loved.

    Ashley, my baby girl, felt most left out because she no longer had a mother. Lonely and alone, since John favored Carrie, Ashley was left to grow up on her own. Her future held no close girl friends to shop with, giggle with, talk about boys with . . . instead she retreated within herself. Her self-spun shell was as impenetrable as her sister’s full suit of armor.

    Turning toward my beloved grandmother, I wanted so badly to stay . . . and understood what a selfish decision that would be . . . she assured me that she will always be with me until I can rejoin her here in heaven.

    Before my return, I witnessed some parts of my life where I had hurt others and different parts where others had hurt me. There was no judgment, simply acceptance of the events as they had occurred. Indicating that it was time to return, my grandmother embraced me again. I clung to her wanting answers to the eternal questions:

    • How does heaven work?

    • Does God really hear our thoughts and prayers?

    • Does God control our time here on earth?

    • Do we survive physical death?

    • How can I help people believe that there is a heaven?

    • How can I make a difference?

    Suddenly I knew, and with the knowing I was swept back into that ice-cold body on the bed. My heart jump-started with a thud, and I was back. I knew I was back because of my pain—every bone shook with chill; the little flesh I still had on my skeleton shrunk close to my bones tightening the ligaments, pinching my face against my skull. It looked like a death mask on a gargoyle. Grimacing, I pushed my front teeth with my index finger and felt them give ever so slightly. Anorexia will make your gums recede because of the dehydration and that, in turn, will loosen your teeth in their sockets. Squeezing my biceps, I felt ropes where muscle should have been. Reaching for my thighs, I felt bone, not flesh. What had I done to myself? And why?

    My death was inevitable . . . and necessary. Its occurrence provided the impetus I needed to overcome my shyness, my reluctance, my resistance to my gift.

    The next day I awoke with purpose, confidence, and the will to live. I had a mission, I had wonderful news for those who were open to hear it; I had a gift . . . and as they say in the Bible in the parable of the Talents:

    "To whom much is given,

    Much is expected."


    Who Did That?


    Dr. Bernie Siegel


    When I was four-years-old, I was home in bed with one of my frequent ear infections. I took a toy telephone I was playing with, unscrewed the dial and put all of the pieces in my mouth as I had seen carpenters do with nails which they then pulled out to use. The problem was that I aspirated the pieces and went into laryngospasm (a frightening experience in which the vocal cords suddenly freeze blocking the flow of air into the lungs). I can still feel my intercostals muscles and diaphragm contracting forcefully, trying to get some air into my lungs, but nothing worked, and I was unable to make any sounds to attract help. I had no sense of the time but suddenly realized I was not struggling anymore. I was now at the head of the bed watching myself die.

    I found it fascinating to be free of my body and a blessing. I never stopped to think about how I could still see while out of my body. I was feeling sorry that my mother, who was in the kitchen, would find me dead, but I thought it over and found that my new state was preferable and intellectually chose death over life.

    Then, for no apparent reason, the boy on the bed vomited, and all the pieces came flying out. He began to breathe again, and I was very angry as I returned to my body against my will. I can still remember yelling, Who did that? My thought as a four-year-old was that there was a God who had a schedule, and I wasn’t supposed to die now. So an angel apparently did a Heimlich maneuver on me is the way I would explain it today.

    I really do believe there is a

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