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Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities
Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities
Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities
Ebook195 pages2 hours

Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities

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The governments have implemented taxation on everything realistically possible and raised these taxes to the maximum tolerable level. The Federal Government has utilized its option of creating money out of thin air to such a point that inflation has caused the current dollar to have less purchasing power than one cent used to be able to purchase.

Since the state governments do not have that option, they have devised the fraudulent “True Legal Name scam” (birth certificate to driver license fraud) to bring all those who have been too busy to pay attention under the political and/or civil contract jurisdiction of these state governments.

There is no doubt or question that what these governments have been and are currently doing is totally fraudulent, but the governments have been perpetrating these acts for so long that their scam has been incorporated into the fabric of our society. We can hardly function without claiming a birth certificate in order to be issued a driver license for identification purposes, as well as Social Security Numbers in order to be employed and/or open bank accounts (not to overlook, paying income taxes).

If any significant percentage of our population were to understand what I have written here and utilize the Notice and Demand that is provided here, the financial impact on the government would be completely devastating.

Because of the unquestionable self-evident facts that I have presented here, the possibility of any charging or accusing entity responding to present any manner of proof of its jurisdiction, better stated as its authority, over any Wrongly accused person is highly unlikely. In fact, anything that the prosecution or opposition might present would only be on record because of the government's fraud in inducing everyone into some manner of subservience. However, because that would bring them into conflict with the thirteenth amendment, they would have no other option but to drop the case.

However, as I mentioned earlier, to be successful, you must fully understand where you currently are with regards to your relationship with those who currently occuy the seat of authority and how and why you are in your condition of subservience.

Release dateMay 22, 2018
Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities

Dimitry Krasil

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Consultant, Writer/Publisher at iNews Network, Author, Independent Contractor

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Gained even more overstanding and even more ammunition to use.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love it. But ill review it after court tomorrow.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved the book I need to read it again for true clarity the author was so knowledgeable, and he is a teacher.

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Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense). Constitutional Legalities - Dimitry Krasil

Government’s Achilles Heel or How to Win Any Court Case (we the people & common sense)

Dimitry Krasil



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The publication is protected under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state, and local laws. All rights are reserved, including resale rights. You are not allowed to reproduce, transmit, or sell this eBook in part or in full, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the author.

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Table of Contents

Constitutional Legalities

Thirteenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

People Volunteered into Subservience to Government

Origin of Birth (Settlement) Certificates

Birth Certificate Scam

How is Such a Government Scam Possible? What is the Root of All That Evil?

What Constitutes a Republic?

People vs. Citizens

Five Empowering Faulty Provisions of the Constitution

Necessity knows no restrictions


Robert Morris, the only other candidate

Constitutional Conclusions

What to Do With the Crime

How Do We Become Subordinated to the Government?

Voting is Not a Right; Voting is Violence

Rules and Lies


Political Jurisdiction

Notice is NOT a Motion

True Legal Name

Lawyers and In Propria Persona

In conclusion

Court Procedures

Appearing and Disappearing

The Court

Some Reminders

Constitutional Legalities

As the first step to reclaiming your freedom, I ask that you read and fully understand where you presently are with regards to your relationship with those who currently occupy the seat of authority and how and why you are in a condition of subservience to them, and the very simple action that you can take to extract yourself, while retaining reasonable participation in society, is to use your driver license as a means of identification rather than for driving, and your SS# for employment and banking, but not for IRS filings. This is an application of the Law of Necessity.

Secondly, by using this method, you are unlikely to get a court victory. What you will get is the charges dismissed. Do not expect that this will happen openly and directly by any court, not so, for it will happen by simply dropping the case. It must be understood that this is a situation, which the government cannot win and dares not lose, at least not officially on record. So, what the system does when you go with this sort of procedure as suggested and you properly follow it, is that they simply drop the case in question. It will simply be swept under the rug. Either of two things will happen: Your case might remain open on the court's docket, or the file can get lost.

The next thing to consider is the outcome. Please understand that the governments of this society have a very serious problem. The citizens of this country have demanded more and more perks to be provided by the government, and all of these are very expensive. With no place to hide, the government must, through some means, raise or acquire the money to pay for all these ever-increasing perks, and not overlook the ever-increasing numbers of persons receiving these expensive perks.

The governments have implemented taxation on everything realistically possible and raised these taxes to the maximum tolerable level. The Federal Government has utilized its option of creating money out of thin air to such a point that inflation has caused the current dollar to have less purchasing power than one cent used to be able to purchase.

Since the state governments do not have that option, they have devised the fraudulent True Legal Name scam (birth certificate to driver license fraud) to bring all those who have been too busy to pay attention under the political and/or civil contract jurisdiction of these state governments.

There is no doubt or question that what these governments have been and are currently doing is totally fraudulent, but the governments have been perpetrating these acts for so long that their scam has been incorporated into the fabric of our society. We can hardly function without claiming a birth certificate in order to be issued a driver license for identification purposes, as well as Social Security Numbers in order to be employed and/or open bank accounts (not to overlook, paying income taxes).

If any significant percentage of our population were to understand what I have written here and utilize the Notice and Demand that is provided here, the financial impact on the government would be completely devastating.

Because of the unquestionable self-evident facts that I have presented here, the possibility of any charging or accusing entity responding to present any manner of proof of its jurisdiction, better stated as its authority, over any wrongly accused person is highly unlikely. In fact, anything that the prosecution or opposition might present would only be on record because of the government's fraud in inducing everyone into some manner of subservience. However, because that would bring them into conflict with the thirteenth amendment, they would have no other option but to drop the case.

However, as I mentioned earlier, to be successful, you must fully understand where you currently are with regards to your relationship with those who currently occupy the seat of authority and how and why you are in your condition of subservience.

Just try answering the following five questions asked by Larken Rose:

"To follow God and obey reason is the same thing."

- Are there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves?

- Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right?

- Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)?

- When lawmakers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that anyone else would who did the same thing on his own?

- When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to obey the law?

When you can properly understand these questions and answer them, you’ll be able to use them. To help you with that, let’s look at what the thirteenth amendment says to us.

Thirteenth Amendment

In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was declared ratified. This Amendment is self-evidently an acknowledgment of the natural born status of every human, and it also incorporates this natural condition into the Constitution of the United States, declaring that involuntary servitude shall never exist in the United States.

Fourteenth Amendment

The claimed purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was to confer or vest civil rights on the former slaves. A method was needed to convert them from ordinary chattel into full civil beings because the Supreme Court had issued rulings that precluded that from happening. Thus, an Amendment was mandatory.

However, it took a little more than just the amendment for this to come into reality. The former slaves had to perform an act, subjecting (subordinating) themselves to the jurisdiction of the United States. By now, you probably already realize that an oath was used to accomplish this, and is still used to this day.

After rebellion was crushed, the emancipated slaves were free, but had no rights as humans. They had no voting privileges, hence could not vote. The Southern states were really upset about what had just happened within the preceding several years, and they had no intention of granting voting privileges to the former slaves. And so, what was done about this reluctance? The Federal government set up a procedure and pushed this reluctance out of the way, and in doing so, established the electoral franchise for the ex-slaves.

What the Federal Government did was to order that voters had to be registered. As well, it ordered that to become a registered voter, one had to SWEAR an oath of allegiance to the Constitution. Of course, most of the white folks had no intention of doing that. They were also very riled and upset by the fact that the justification for all these battles was an unwritten, alleged, Constitutional assumption that a State had no right to secede.

Of course, the ex-slaves had no objection to swear allegiance to the Constitution. Most of them had no idea what an oath was, nor did they know what the Constitution was!

Consequently, voter registrations took place and most ex-slaves were sworn-in, by swearing actually an OATH OF OFFICE.

So, what happened was the electoral franchise in the South then changed to consist of almost solely ex-slaves, while white folks unanimously rejected that oath, which resulted in them being denied their voting privileges. For some time, many Southern State governments consisted of no one other than ex-slaves. The former slaves became federal officials legally through their oath and were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States because of that oath.

They were non-compensated and received no benefits from their office. There was small talk about providing compensation in the form of 40 acres and a mule, but it quickly faded away.

What is the point of this discourse? That we ought to know that jurisdiction over a person can only exist by oath. It was always this way, and will always be this way. For a court to have jurisdiction, someone has to bring a charge or petition under oath. In case of a criminal matter, the charge is delivered under the oaths of the grand jurors (indictment) or under the oath of office (information). Before a warrant may be issued, someone has to swear that there is probable cause. Should there be a later discovery that there was NO probable cause, that person would be charged with perjury. Yes, it is all about oaths. And one of the crimes for which immunity, including sovereign immunity, cannot be extended is PERJURY, simply translated as falsehood or untruthfulness.

Who is a Citizen?

As the word, citizen projects a self-evident acknowledgment of a political superior, any person ascribing this word to himself would, in effect, be acknowledging that he was politically subservient to a political superior. This makes it clear that the Thirteenth Amendment prohibits any level of government in the United States from declaring anyone to be a citizen thereof. Neither does the Fourteenth Amendment declare anyone born on this land to be designated a citizen due to such birth.

Please pay attention to the actual words of these amendments! Not to what you have been fraudulently indoctrinated to believe through your mandatory attendance at government indoctrination centers commonly known as public schools.

People volunteer themselves into subservience to the government by transferring their God-given rights (unalienable rights (such as life, liberty, and property)) to the state in exchange for the subservient status of a citizen and some privileges handed out by the government from time to time.

People Volunteered into Subservience to Government

The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of the wolves.

– Thomas Jefferson

Well, if the government has no authority to command you into subservience, then how did you become subservient to any level of government established on this land? Whether you know it or not, and whether you intended it or not, you volunteered. When did you do that? First, please take notice of the fact that I did not ask, in the previous question, how you became a citizen. I asked how you became subservient. This is because, from my reasoning and legal justification, there are actually two different styles of servitude under this government; one being political and one being under a civil contract. They are both very similar, and the subservience of either is relatively identical, but nonetheless, they are different. Although most persons have volunteered themselves into both, the circumstances under which a person may be proceeding will cause him to function under either one or the other. It is very important to understand which one you are operating under in a given situation so that you will know the proper arguments to present, as well as the proper response to give appropriately and respectfully.

How do you volunteer yourself to become either a subservient citizen or subservient under civil contract?

Firstly, let us discuss citizenship subservience. In my substantial research, I have clearly determined and established that the Fourteenth Amendment does not, in any way, declare any person born in the United States a citizen due to such birth. A careful reading of the wording of the Fourteenth Amendment reveals that there isn’t such a declaration in that Amendment. By reason of the exclusion of involuntary servitude acknowledged and infused or instilled into the Constitution under the Federal Thirteenth Amendment, the one and only way a person born in the United States becomes a citizen thereof is by his simple claim of such status, but only after he becomes an adult.

Secondly, we’ll discuss civil contract subservience. This subservience is achieved with considerably more deception and maneuvering on the part of the government. This is what I refer to as the True Legal Name fraud - birth

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