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Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition
Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition
Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition
Ebook241 pages2 hours

Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition

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Over 7 billion people live on the earth, and 84 percent of them describe themselves as being religious. Few topics incite such passion as religion. What does that mean? Why are humans invested in ideas that may never be proved? Why has religion played such an important role in history?

In Comparative Religion: Investigate the World through Religious Tradition, readers seek answers to these questions by comparing and contrasting the cultural, spiritual, and geographical underpinnings of five different religions. By developing a better understanding of the similarities and differences among religions of the world, readers gain a strong foothold in a dialogue that has continued for thousands of years.

Combining hands-on activities with theology, history, geography, world cultures, art, and architecture, Comparative Religions encourages deeper understanding of the world's religions. Entertaining graphic art, fascinating sidebars, and links to primary sources bring the topic to life, while key questions reaffirm foundational concepts.

Activities include conducting an interview with a rabbi, comparing the story of Abraham and Isaac in three sacred texts, studying the architecture of the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, studying the Hindu practice of yoga and meditation, and examining how religious doctrines shape the behavior of believers.

PublisherNomad Press
Release dateOct 19, 2015
Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition

Carla Mooney

Carla Mooney is an award-winning children’s author. She has written more than 70 books for children and young adults, including many for Nomad Press, such as Climate in Crisis: Changing Coastlines, Severe Storms, and Damaging Drought and The Physics of Fun. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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    Comparative Religion - Carla Mooney

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    What Is Religion?

    Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6

    Many Religions, One World




    The four Vedas are written.


    Moses is in danger from Pharaoh’s men.


    Buddha is born and touches blossoms.


    Jesus is born in a manger.


    Muhammad is born in hill country.


    What Is Religion?

    What influence does religion have on our lives?

    Different people have different definitions of religion. But most people agree that religion is a set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

    Around the world, the majority of people say that they are religious. This is just as true today as it was in the past. Yet religion means many things to many people. A Muslim or a Jewish person might define religion differently from a Buddhist or a Christian or a person who follows the Hindu faith. Even within religious traditions there can be differences in beliefs. There have been countless religions in human history and each has its own distinct beliefs and rituals.

    Whether we are religious or not, manifestations of religion exist all around us. These can be seen in ceremonies and rituals and in a variety of moral and ethical codes of behavior.

    Religion is a powerful force in our world. It is the foundation of a wide range of moral values and cultural identities. These values and identities often influence and guide the behavior and choices of many people.

    In some cases, religion also influences the actions of entire nations. Directly or indirectly, religion affects all of our lives.

    So what exactly is religion? You probably know it when you see it, but most people have a hard time defining it. The concept of religion includes a wide variety of doctrines, rituals, forms, leaders, and stories. One broad definition of religion is a set of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.


    Primary sources come from people who were eyewitnesses to events. They might write about the event, take pictures, post short messages to social media or blogs, or record the event for radio or video. Why are primary sources important? Do you learn differently from primary sources than from secondary sources, which come from people who did not directly experience the event?


    While there are many religions around the world, the majority of people identify with one of the five major religions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions have some similarities, but they also have many differences. For example, some religions are polytheistic, meaning that followers worship many gods. Others are monotheistic—members believe in one supreme god.

    In addition, there are significant differences in how each religion addresses the idea of afterlife. Those who follow the Hindu faith believe that the soul is reborn over and over again, while Christians believe in an eternal heaven or hell.

    Most of the major religions have common elements, such as a belief in some type of deity or supreme being. They also present a code of conduct that guides people in how to live their lives. These religions usually also have a doctrine of salvation, or a way for followers to be forgiven for their transgressions.


    There is a lot of new vocabulary in this book! Turn to the glossary in the back when you come to a word you don’t understand. Practice your new vocabulary in the VOCAB LAB activities in each chapter.

    Have you ever been to a church service or made a pilgrimage to a holy site? Most of the world’s religions have specific ways in which followers observe their faith. These can include religious rituals, ceremonies, prayers, meditation, music, and feasting or fasting. Observing a faith often involves using physical items or spaces, such as artifacts, places of worship, or relics.

    Most major religions also have central stories that explain the answers to different questions. How did the world begin? Where did humans come from? How were gods created? A religion’s stories often include a creation story, which explains how the world and all of its creatures, including people, originated. Stories can also include a history of the faith’s gods, prophets, and other important figures.

    Many stories or parables illustrate the beliefs and values of the religion. This narrative can be an oral tradition or a set of scriptures.

    Every major faith has a collection of sacred texts, such as the Christian Bible and the Muslim Qur’an. These sacred books detail the faith’s central ideals. They narrate the history of the religion and its traditions. In many cases, these sacred texts are believed to have been given to followers by a supreme deity.

    In addition to sacred texts, many religions have other texts that explain their philosophy and doctrine. Often these texts detail the rules of conduct that followers are expected to obey. For example, in the Jewish and Christian faiths, the Ten Commandments are rules that followers strive to live by.


    Today, there are approximately 5.8 billion people worldwide who are affiliated with a religion. This is more than 80 percent of the world’s population.


    Comparative Religion: Investigate the World Through Religious Tradition examines the five major religions—Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. This book will help you better understand religion and how

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