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The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions
The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions
The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions
Ebook301 pages3 hours

The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions

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The need for HR professionals to understand and apply data analytics is greater than ever. Today's successful HR professionals must ask insightful questions, understand key terms, and intelligently apply data, but may lack a clear understanding of the many forms, types, applications, interpretations, and capabilities of HR analytics.HR Analytics provides a practical approach to using data to solve real HR challenges in organizations and demystifies analytics with clear guidelines and recommendations for making the business case, starting an HR analytics function, avoiding common pitfalls, presenting data through visualization and storytelling, and much more.
Release dateJun 15, 2018
The Practical Guide to HR Analytics: Using Data to Inform, Transform, and Empower HR Decisions

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The Practical Guide to HR Analytics - Rachael Johnson-Murray

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I’d like to dedicate this book to the many amazing teachers and mentors throughout my career who taught me how to use science and analytics to solve business challenges. To my constant sources of inspiration, Scarlett and Emeline. I am in awe of your endless energy, playfulness, and unconditional love.


To those who are terrified of analytics. I’m proud of you for picking up this book. You are an inspiration. Be kind to yourself in the learning process.


Table of Contents

List of Tables, Figures, and Case Studies



Author Biographies

Chapter 1. Define the Business Challenge

Chapter 2. Understand the Analytics Domain

Chapter 3. Establish an Effective Team

Chapter 4. Form Your Hypothesis

Chapter 5. Run Basic Analyses

Chapter 6. Explore Complex Analyses

Chapter 7. Use Data to Inform Your Decisions

Chapter 8. Communicate Your Findings

Chapter 9. Evaluate Your Intervention

Appendix A. How Analytics Fit into the SHRM Competency Model

Appendix B. Assess Yourself

Appendix C. Evaluate Your Data

Appendix D. Choose Your HR Metrics

Appendix E. Identify Your Stakeholders

Appendix F. Develop Your Hypotheses

Appendix G. Choose Your Statistical Test

Appendix H. Write Your Analysis Plan

Appendix I. Summarize Your Findings

Appendix J. Tell Your Story

Appendix K. Plan Your Evaluation

Appendix L. Communicate Your Plan

Appendix M. Set Up an Analytics Function


Additional Reference Materials

List of Tables, Figures, and Case Studies


Table 1.1. Example models

Table 2.1. Turnover metrics from the last year

Table 4.1. Data summary

Table 5.1. Reasons why candidates declined an employment offer

Table 5.2. Frequency distribution of job offer decline rationales

Table 5.3. R&D salaries

Table 5.4. Performance ratings of separations versus active employees

Table 5.5. R&D exit data

Table 6.1. Correlations with likelihood of leaving

Table 7.1. Summary of R&D data

Table 7.2. Findings to support each R&D challenge

Table 8.1. Common ways of visualizing data

Table 8.2. Examples of important data to include in presentation

Table 8.3. Gestalt principles

Table 9.1. Evaluation plan for R&D solutions

Table D.1. HR metrics categories

Table D.2. HR metrics glossary


Figure 1.1. Analytics process

Figure 1.2. Cognitive bias codex

Figure 1.3. Workforce-planning vision

Figure 2.1. Sources of evidence for decision-making

Figure 4.1. Types of variables. Each category builds on the previous one

Figure 4.2. Lagging vs. leading indicators

Figure 4.3. HR analytics maturity model

Figure 4.4. MicroStrategy Employee Fitness Report

Figure 4.5. MicroStrategy Employee Fitness Dashboard

Figure 5.1. Engagement scores in R&D compared to the rest of the company

Figure 5.2. Histograms of departmental salaries with and without the VP

Figure 5.3. Normal vs. non-normal distributions

Figure 5.4. Standard deviations and the spread of data

Figure 5.5. Frequency distribution of R&D performance ratings

Figure 5.6. Customs & Border Protection HRM Skills Assessment Tool Dashboard: Overall Summary

Figure 5.7. Customs & Border Protection HRM Skills Assessment Tool Dashboard: Critical Technical Skill Gaps

Figure 6.1. Scatterplots of various correlation coefficients

Figure 6.2. Correlation vs. Multiple Regression

Figure 6.3. Mean comparisons via t-tests across different levels of variability

Figure 6.4. FTI scenarios to increase representation of women in leadership

Figure 7.1. BetterUp Percentile Performance Improvements

Figure 7.2. BetterUp ROI

Figure 8.1. Storyboarding for R&D presentation

Figure 8.2. Horizontal and vertical logic in presentations

Figure A.1. SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge (SHRM BoCK)

Figure E.1. Influence-Interest grid description

Figure E.2. Jen’s Influence-Interest grid

Figure E.3. Interest-Influence grid template

Figure G.1. Statistical test decision tree

Figure J.1. The Graphic Continuum (part 1 of 2)

Figure J.1. The Graphic Continuum (part 2 of 2)

Figure M.1. HR analytics function roadmap


Chapter 1. Pratt & Whitney Creates a Workforce-Planning Vision

Chapter 2. Management Concepts Identifies the Need for On-the-job Support for Training

Chapter 3. Veterinary Holistic Care Reduces Wait Times with Analytics

Chapter 4. Microstrategy Helps Employees Drive Healthy Habits

Chapter 5. US Customs and Border Protection Uses Dashboards to Help Managers Track Skills

Chapter 6. A Multinational Consulting Firm Uses Analytics to Improve Diversity

Chapter 7. BetterUp’s Analytics Help Logitech Demonstrate Leadership Growth

Chapter 8. Liberty Mutual Investigates Turnover

Chapter 9. Hilton Hotels and Resorts Focuses on Well-being


Seventh-grade algebra was the first time I received a C in a class. From that point on, I began telling myself a story: I hated math. I wasn’t good at it. I could manage without it because I was going to be a scientist, not a mathematician. Problem solved, right? As you might expect, I couldn’t escape algebra quite that easily. I had to face my fears in college when I took my first statistics class. I spent a few weeks with that same seventh-grade feeling in the pit of my stomach before I finally decided to reach out for some tutoring.

We had talked about the normal curve for two weeks when suddenly the light bulb went on. Things started making sense. From that moment, statistics became different. It wasn’t math. We weren’t talking about computing the height of anonymous buildings. I was learning that I could use statistics to address problems that were much more meaningful to me—increasing student learning, selecting high performers, learning what makes a better team, and so on. Even more unexpectedly, my appreciation for statistics made me like algebra.

I spent much of the first part of my career using analytics to help organizations make better hiring and promotion decisions, as well as predicting and reducing turnover. In more recent years, I’ve used analytics to help leaders evaluate and reform a wide range of programs, including selection, compensation, recruitment, training and development, performance management, and rewards and recognition. In my current role, I apply analytics to better understand how to create lasting behavior change and evaluate the impact of large-scale coaching programs. Through those experiences, I have seen firsthand the impact that analytics can have on both the credibility of the HR function and business outcomes.

Although I have long loved analytics and the value they can bring, I didn’t see writing a book about them in my future. During my time as SHRM’s vice president of research, I was asked to develop a seminar on HR analytics. I had the opportunity to present that seminar to a handful of audiences across the country. I arrived early to set up and introduce myself to attendees as they entered the room, and I often asked why they were there. Over and over again, I heard responses with a similar theme—I know this is important, but I’m not sure where to start.

Many HR professionals get into the field in unexpected ways, but a common draw is our love of people and desire to make their experience better at work. Our field has evolved a great deal and continues to evolve. Expectations in large organizations have changed. The availability of data and the expectation that it will be used to ground decision-making is no longer limited to other business functions. Classes on human-capital analytics and research methods are now core parts of degree programs in human resources.

This book was written for those of us living in the transition. Whether you are an HR leader or an HR generalist needing to navigate analytics rather than specialize in them, or early in your career and trying to decide if an analytics specialization is the right path, this book was written for you. This isn’t a textbook or an analytics handbook. It won’t teach you big data techniques or discriminant analysis. What it will do is help you get started and give you some options where to go next.

Developing comfort and fluency with analytics can empower you not just to create new knowledge about what’s going on within your organizational walls, but also to be better equipped to bring in knowledge from the outside. If nothing else, HR professionals need to become savvy consumers of analytics to distinguish between fads and robust findings when making decisions.

When we started writing this book, we began by developing an outline that covered everything we thought was important, with statistical principles and theory, and highly detailed and technical information. We ended up with a very comprehensive, very boring book outline. We weren’t excited about writing it, and we certainly couldn’t imagine that you would be excited about reading it. So, we scrapped the whole thing and started over.

Where we ended up was an approach that attempts to put analytics in context. We introduce you to Jen, an HR director confronted with a common problem that bubbled up from the business: turnover of critical talent. You get to follow Jen’s story from problem diagnosis to the proposed solution, with breaks in the story for teaching content and space for your own reflection. We also provide a set of appendices designed to help you apply the content to your own story within your organizational context.

HR professionals are a diverse bunch, so we built features into this book to give you options to tailor the content to meet your individual needs. We provide opportunities to dive deeper into the topics that interest you through callouts to curated resources throughout. Each chapter has a section called From the SHRM Research Lab that integrates a little bit of behavioral science and research. We include a few sections on how things might look different in small organizations. In the end, we hope our use of variety, story, and application come together to provide an approachable resource for a topic that can seem less than warm.

—Shonna Waters


Although four of us are on the byline, we would like to thank the many others who made integral contributions to this book. First is Dr. Scott Oppler, who diligently reviewed nearly every word from his other office at Panera Bread. We were honored to have someone with such a distinguished career in measurement and analytics as a mentor for this effort, and our readers will undoubtedly benefit from his involvement. We included a range of case studies in the book to provide you with examples of the wide range of analytics applications. That content would not have been possible without our generous and innovative partners: Dr. Rich Cober at MicroStrategy, Marc Bishop and Kasey Fleisher Hickey at BetterUp, Dr. Joy Oliver at Management Concepts, Dr. Matt Fleisher at FTI Consulting, Kathy Stewart at US Customs and Border Protection, Rachel Callan at Liberty Mutual, Kristie Buys at Veterinary Holistic Care, Paula Traugh at Hilton, and Patrick Carey at Pratt and Whitney. Montrese Hamilton helped us obtain necessary permissions for content throughout the book.

Author Biographies

Shonna D. Waters

Dr. Shonna Waters is a regional vice president of behavioral science at BetterUp, where she leads a team that conducts research to advance the science of behavior change and consults with organizations to apply it in support of business goals. Prior to joining BetterUp, she was the vice president of research at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). She has spent her professional career helping organizations use analytics to improve performance and the employee experience. Dr. Waters spent over fifteen years as an external and internal consultant applying analytics to a wide range of human-capital challenges. While at the National Security Agency (NSA), she led the transformation of NSA’s promotion, performance management, and awards and recognition systems; the design and validation of NSA’s analyst hiring assessments; and a variety of other evaluation and organizational performance projects. Dr. Waters holds a PhD in industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology and statistics and a certificate in leadership coaching from Georgetown University. She is also an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF), and a SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRMSCP). She is currently a professor in Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies and previously taught statistics and research methods at the George Washington University and the University of Minnesota. Her work has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals and books, and she has published over fifty technical reports and presented at more than twenty-five professional conferences.

Valerie N. Streets

Dr. Valerie Streets is a quantitative research consultant at CEB, now Gartner, where she uses data analytics to provide businesses with insights and recommendations. Prior to that, Dr. Streets was the first postdoctoral research fellow at SHRM. In that role, she worked to expand SHRM’s thought leadership by disseminating her findings to the HR and academic communities via conference presentations, publications, toolkits, magazine and blog articles, and effective practice guides. Before joining SHRM, she worked as a researcher

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