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Night of the Storm: The Eura Chronicles
Night of the Storm: The Eura Chronicles
Night of the Storm: The Eura Chronicles
Ebook326 pages4 hours

Night of the Storm: The Eura Chronicles

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About this ebook

New York Times bestselling author, K.N. Lee presents the highly-anticipated sequel to Rise of the Flame.
A curse. A plague. The last dragon.
Lilae escaped slavery, only to find her body still bound to the Shadow Elf who cursed her, and her mind linked to the emperor who seduced her. With their hold on her, she risks slipping into a void that can destroy her and her bond with her greatest ally--the prince from her dreams.

While Liam vows to protect Lilae and their world from a vengeful fallen god, Queen Aria does her best to preserve his kingdom for him, despite betrayal, political intrigue, and a deadly plague.
Lilae and Liam were born to be demi-gods in this epic fantasy, but even their powers aren't strong enough against a threat from another world that they never imagined intervening.

5 Stars! "Epic in every sense of the word!"
The Eura Chronicles
Publication order:

*Rise of the Flame (The Eura Chronicles, Book 1)
*Night of the Storm (The Eura Chronicles, Book 2)
*Dawn of the Forgotten (The Eura Chronicles, Book 3) coming October 2018
*The Darkest Day (The Eura Chronicles, Book 4) coming soon

Praise for Night of the Storm:
"A perfectly written sequel! If you havnt read "Rise of the Flame" then I highly suggest you do so! It's hard for me to find a book that keeps my interest during the entire read but both books will have you craving more!" Jenna-Amazon Reviewer

Grab your copy today!
Embark on a fantastical journey perfect for readers of Branden Sanderson, C.S. Lewis, and George R.R. Martin

PublisherK.N. Lee
Release dateJun 13, 2018
Night of the Storm: The Eura Chronicles

K.N. Lee

K.N. Lee is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is the author of the Dragon-Born Saga, Eura Chronicles, Wonderland University, and the Chronicles of Koa series. When she is not writing twisted urban fantasy, epic tales of dragons, pirates, and mermaids, and dark poetry, she does a great deal of traveling and spending time with her family and Princess Polly, the pet pig. Wannabe rockstar, foreign language enthusiast, and anime geek, K.N. Lee also enjoys gaming and sketching. She is a winner of the Elevate Lifestyle Top 30 Under 30 "Future Leaders of Charlotte" award for her success as a writer, business owner, and for community service.  

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    Book preview

    Night of the Storm - K.N. Lee

    Realm: Kyril

    Tryan, fairy, and mermaid territory

    Tryan Traits

    Enchant—prominent trait: the ability to make weapons or items stronger and more powerful

    Creation—the ability to create objects from ordinary materials or invent new ones

    Blessed shield—a shield of energy that protects its user

    Vex—the ability to confuse an opponent temporarily

    Mind Telling—the ability to read the thoughts of others

    Fairy Traits

    Heal—prominent trait: the ability to heal wounds with energy power

    Enchant—the ability to make weapons or items stronger and more powerful

    Flight—the ability to fly

    Soothe—the ability to calm others, including animals

    Realm: Alfheim

    Silver Elf and mermaid territory

    Silver Elves

    Agility—prominent trait: the ability to climb and increased balance

    Focus—increased focus

    Accuracy—increased precision when using a weapon

    Stealth—the ability to go invisible

    Shift—the ability to change into an animal

    Realm: Nostfar

    Shadow Elf and mermaid territory

    Shadow Elves

    Dart—prominent trait: lightning-fast speed

    Rage—the ability to become more powerful when angry

    Camouflage—the ability to blend into their surroundings

    Ellowen World Map


    "S HE’S GONE."

    The one Dragnor had hunted for almost eighteen years.

    Lilae. The Flame.

    Master was not pleased.

    Dragnor looked up at the night sky, still frozen in awe by the amount of power his prisoner had displayed in that very courtyard just seconds ago.

    I knew this would happen, he whispered as she vanished from his sight like a shooting star.

    His sharp glare stared at the disturbed clouds. He just let his only bargaining tool escape.

    You disappoint me.

    The eerie voice made Dragnor’s body stiffen with dread. As if he were all around him, Wexcyn came to him like a monster in a dream.

    The world went dark. Nearly a hundred palace guards surrounded Dragnor, and yet he was the only one to notice the strange darkness that smothered him like a blanket.

    A god, even a forgotten one imprisoned by the other gods—could do remarkable things.

    I brought you back from the dead. I gave you power, Wexcyn said. Far away in his prison, the forgotten god could still reach his agents.

    And there were many.

    There was nowhere to hide.

    The Cursed is still yours to command, Dragnor said, his eyes searching for a way out of the darkness that threatened to force him to his knees.

    Escape. If only he could fly away, the way Lilae had just done. Too late for second thoughts. Dragnor’s life—his soul—belonged to Wexcyn.

    I have weakened the emperor with a potion that will leave him vulnerable to The Horrors and bend him to our will once more.

    You have done nothing but prove that Emperor Kavien cannot be controlled.

    But he can, Master. The Flame’s influence over Emperor Kavien was only a temporary setback. I can fix this.

    Dragnor, Wexcyn hissed. His voice made the fine hairs on Dragnor’s arm stand on end.

    Yes, Master?

    Find the Storm, Flame, Inquisitor, Seer, and Steel and any other person that dares to defy me, and kill them. I swear this is your last chance. Do you understand?

    I will. I swear it.

    Fail me again and I will let Vaugner have you. Do you know what he does to those that escape the Underworld?

    The thought of being sent back to the Underworld, into enemy hands, frightened Dragnor into silence. He’d just escaped the clutches of Vaugner, the Elder that wanted him ripped from the living world. He would have gotten on his knees and begged if he wasn’t standing in the presence the Avia’Torenan soldiers and guards.

    Until Emperor Kavien was awakened, Dragnor would rule in his stead.

    I will find them and kill them all.

    There was no further reply. As Dragnor stood in fear, awaiting Wexcyn’s voice, the darkness was lifted, and the world was bright with torches and moonlight once again.

    Clear out. Search the entire city for the slave, Dragnor ordered.

    The soldiers and guards cleared the courtyard, going in sectioned troupes to search for the missing slave. Lilae would be halfway across the realm by now, but he had to at least try.

    If he had to mount his wyvern, Tari and fly to every kingdom in Eura, Dragnor would do so. He’d done it before. He’d do it again to keep his place in Wexcyn’s new world order.

    Part I

    Chapter 1

    THE HAIRS ON LIAM’S neck stood on end at the ghastly sight between him and The Barrier.

    The head of a Tryan man was set on a pike in the middle of the jungle.

    Stay back, a female voice boomed from the trees as Liam, Nani and Rowe approached The Barrier. You are not welcome in Nostfar.

    Liam’s bright blue eyes glowed in the dark as they shot from the pike to The Guardians that awaited. They stood before the open doorway that stretched hundreds of feet into the black sky. The glow from The Barrier’s ancient power illuminated the giants before him, swords ready in their massive hands.

    They were silent, and whoever did speak was unseen.

    His blue eyes narrowed as he looked up to the tops of the trees. The dark leaves rustled with the wind, yet revealed not even a trace of who spoke.

    Shadow Elves. They could blend in anywhere.

    Who speaks?

    Turn around and leave.

    Liam’s brows furrowed. "This, coming from an elf in the Tryan realm."

    Last warning.

    His sword. If only he had it on his hip at that moment.

    Pain seared into Liam’s leg as a thorny black vine wrapped itself around his thigh and yanked him to the slick black ground of the volcano.

    Liam hit his head on the hard packed dirt.


    He was so close to The Barrier and finally meeting The Flame. Her face came to him as darkness threatened to take over.

    Liam cradled his head with a hand. For a moment, he was disoriented. In a haze, he watched Rowe grab a skinny male Shadow Elf by the neck and slam it into the ground with such strength that the sound of crunching bones filled the dark jungle that surrounded them.

    Kill them. They must not enter Nostfar, the same female voice yelled from the trees as several Shadow Elves jumped to the ground with such agility that they were barely seen.

    Liam’s eyes widened as they prepared to attack his greatest friends in the world. He sat up and reached for the vine wrapped around his thigh. The instant his fingertips touched it, the vine lifted him from the ground.

    Cool air whipped past Liam’s face as he was slung through the air at such a speed that he saw nothing but blackness. His mind raced as he searched for a way to free himself. Before he could react, more vines reached Liam and snapped themselves around him body, pinning his arms to his side. Like a cocoon, they ensnared him and slammed his wrapped body into the base of a tree that appeared to be dead, yet rumbled like a hungry stomach.

    A quick glance at the ground revealed the source of the vines.

    The tree branches shot through the clearing, attacking his friends and forcing them into a tight space before The Barrier.

    Liam, Nani shouted, as she tried to fly to him. With a broken wing, he could tell that she struggled. The branches blocked her path, ascending as she fought to fly over their blockade.

    I can’t get free, Liam said.

    Liam looked at the sky. He could summon a storm.

    How would that help? He needed the use of his hands to direct the lightning without harming Nani and Rowe. He used all of his strength to try to break through the vines, and yet they only held on tighter, so tight that he found breathing laborious.

    A lithe female Shadow Elf jumped down from her spot in the tree top and landed beside Liam. She looked strong, and tall, with leather over chainmail covering her chest and stomach. Her arms were bare, revealing white tattoos and scars. The points of her ears stuck through her auburn hair that looked to be slicked back by mud.

    Ferocity filled her brown eyes as she straddled his chest and held her dagger to his throat.

    Not now. Not like this.

    Not after Liam had already escaped death once. The Ancients might not give him another chance.

    He met the eyes of the Shadow Elf. Lilae awaited him. He had to see her in person at least one time before he died.

    Almost as if the Shadow Elf woman read his thoughts, she paused, her brow raising as she searched his eyes with her own dark purple gaze.

    Nani shot to the ground, faster than Liam had ever seen her fly. She landed in the center of it all. The mayhem that ensued as Rowe fought dozens of Shadow Elves armed with glowing daggers.

    She held her hands out before her and closed her eyes.

    Liam raised a brow. He’d never seen Nani so calm in the face of danger.

    Before his eyes, she started to change.

    Smoke began to rise from the ground and up her body as if she’d recently been engulfed in flames. Liam’s eyes widened as the trees began to die all around them. Nani’s hair went from purple to white. When she opened her eyes, gold light filled them as she held out her small hands.

    White power shot from her fingertips. Screams of terror and pain filled the air as her power shot into every Shadow Elf within the clearing and hiding in the trees.

    Rowe held up his hands and froze, but Nani’s power seemed to be selective, leaving Rowe and Liam free from its terror.

    The Shadow Elves were reduced to nothing more than bone and guts.

    Liam held his breath as even that turned to ash and floated away with the breeze, leaving the three in silence as the intensity in Nani’s eyes faded.

    He hadn’t even realized that the vines had let him free. Glancing back at the tree revealed that whatever Nani had done had killed it, leaving its vines lifeless and shriveled on the ground.

    Liam, Nani called in a small, timid voice.

    Liam stood and turned to her. Her white hair gave her an eerie beauty as it was lifted by the breeze. Whatever power Nani had hidden from them all, made her hover off the ground despite her broken wings.

    Nani, Liam whispered.

    She smiled and slowly returned to her normal appearance.

    She walked over to him, Rowe close behind. Are you okay?

    I’m fine, Liam said, running his hands through his thick black hair. But what was that?

    Rowe cleared his throat. We didn’t get a chance to tell you.

    Tell me what?

    Nani wrapped her arms around his waist. He looked down at her small face.

    I didn’t know until today, Liam, she said.

    Know what? Tell me. I’ll understand.

    She bit her bottom lip and let go of him. Twirling the ends of her purple hair, she flickered a sheepish look at him.

    I am the Inquisitor, Nani whispered. Please, don’t be cross with me, Liam. She lowered her eyes to the ground as she wrung her small hands. This is all still very new to me.

    Liam took a deep breath.


    Could his dear fairy friend be one of the keys to saving all of Ellowen?

    He picked Nani up and hugged her. I could never be cross with you, Nani. You and Rowe are my best friends, and together we will rid this world of evil.

    Liam nodded to The Barrier as the giants started to move from their frozen positions.

    Are you ready for this?

    She smiled at him. I am.

    Chapter 2


    Lilae squeezed her bright green eyes shut against the memories of being called that vile word. Scars and intricate black tattoos covered her body, serving as ugly reminders of the suffering she’d experienced in captivity.

    No one would take her freedom from her again. The blood of the men she’d killed started to dry on her skin and stained her clothes.

    Just a moment longer, Delia said. She held onto her staff made of willow and bone to steady herself on the top of the black mountain. "The Storm is just beyond those doors.

    Rocks and stone surrounded them, and dark woods that stretched for as fas as the eye could see awaited below, but Lilae’s eyes were fixed on the door of The Barrier.

    Red hair, wild and glowing in the light of the moon, whipped around Lilae’s face as she glanced back at Delia and the skeleton warrior, Garion.

    Lilae’s lips pursed as she waited with anticipation of finally meeting one of the other heirs of the Ancients.

    Adrenaline kept Lilae from shivering. In only the sheer nightgown she’d escaped the palace in, Lilae stood taller than the majority of women she’d encountered during her travels.

    Lilae’s eyes narrowed at the figure of The Storm as he emerged from the distance. Finally, she would meet this elusive creature.

    Clad in gold armor from the Overworld, where the Ancients dwelled, The Guardians turned to Lilae and knelt before her. Their faces and fingers were shielded with metal plates fused to their gray skin.

    Each realm had a single entryway that only The Guardians could open. It was wide and under a stone archway that had a film of light stretching from top to bottom.

    For years, Lilae and her surrogate family had followed The Barrier along Eura during their travels. Every time she’d imagined what the races on the other side were like. Having met a Shadow Elf and suffered at his hand, she was wary about what creature would step through those doors.

    Lilae, the Guardians said in unison. The Storm is in position. A new era is upon us. It is time to destroy The Barriers.

    Lilae’s throat was dry. She swallowed and looked at Delia whose dark blue eyes watched her.

    I don’t know how to do this, she whispered.

    Delia gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Use the power that the Ancients gave to you. I’ve watched you grow from a tiny baby to a strong, beautiful woman. The Ancients chose you because of your courage and heart, Lilae. Make me proud. Make your father proud.

    Breathless, Lilae nodded, her heart thumping.

    The Guardians stood from their kneeling positions and motioned together toward the doors.

    Your power will link with the Storm. Only such power can destroy The Barrier, Delia said, and patted the top of her hand.


    The Ancients had given her a wondrous gift.

    Lilae looked down at her bloodstained hands. The Shadow Elf, Dragnor had stolen her divine power, leaving her defenseless for nearly a year. Now, it begged to be free, urging her to destroy everything in her path.

    You can do it. Remember all that I taught you.

    I remember, Lilae said.

    Good, Delia said. Let that power flow now,

    Lilae smiled at having Delia grant such permission.

    Delia stepped away as threads of light encircled Lilae’s body.

    This is new.

    The sound of sparks along the stone columns caught Lilae’s attention.

    Her hair flew back as the storm raged on above. Lightning flickered across the sky, screaming and crashing down onto the stone structure. The wind ripped around them, smacking her in the face. The feel of the Storm’s power nearly overwhelmed her.

    Lilae clenched her jaw and stood upright in the vicious wind.

    Warmth encircled her like a warm blanket as her hands were set ablaze. She sucked in a breath and focused on creating two large orbs of fire that settled above her palms.

    While the Storm’s raging wind and lightning fought the magic of The Barriers, Lilae’s flames sparked within the air causing vibrant colors to cut through the darkness. With great concentration, the orbs grew larger and larger until it seemed that the balls that contained them would explode.

    Lilae grinned as the light illuminated her face.

    The power had raged inside of her for so long.

    Finally, it relished in its release as the flames around her body intensified.

    Slamming the orbs together created a bubble that she could step inside. Surrounded by red flames, Lilae leaped into the air. She rode the wind, exhilarated by the smooth feel of the air gliding past her as she ascended. Higher and higher she went, releasing the flames like a flood of fire.

    The Barriers began to crumble and crack. Stone and debris fell to the ground. Lilae’s flames and the Storm’s lightning stretched across the entire structure, traveling farther than her eyes could follow.

    The ground shook beneath them.

    The dark sky grew brighter, and the air grew colder. There was the sound of crackling and sizzling as their power fought with that of The Barriers. The glow of The Barriers dimmed as the stone turned to black dust and faded away.

    Thank you, The Guardians said. They opened their massive black wings that stretched the span of at least six feet and flew into the darkened sky.

    Delia stepped forward, her face pale in the moonlight. You did it, Lilae. Now, we begin.

    They heard footsteps crunching on the debris of the destroyed structures.

    The Storm had arrived.

    Chapter 3

    AS THE STORM STEPPED closer, Lilae clamped her hands over her mouth.

    It’s him.

    Lilae had met this man before, numerous times, in what she had thought was her secret world, tucked deep into her dreams and imagination.

    The Storm was more rugged than his dreamlike perfection. Her heart quickened when their eyes met. They were strikingly blue, unnatural but beautiful. Messy black hair fell onto his face as he beamed at her.

    The distance between them closed as he approached Lilae. He bowed before her, took her hand, and kissed it with his soft lips.

    Prince Liam Marx of Oren.

    I can’t believe it's you, Lilae whispered. She wanted to throw herself at him, wrap her arms around his neck, and hug him tighter than she’d ever held a man.

    I know, he said, reaching for her. Finally, we meet. I’m sorry if I'm too forward. But, you are even more stunning than in our dreams.

    Heat came to Lilae’s cheeks, reddening them. She was still unsure of how to respond to compliments. Two men in her entire life had remarked on her beauty.

    Liam was now the third.

    His skin glowed as if a light shone from within his body.

    A Tryan.

    Lilae’s eyes lingered on his hands, not hesitating to place her own within them.

    The touch sent delicious warmth along her skin. His grasp was tender as he stroked the back of her hand with his thumb and pulled her closer to him.

    Every dream and moment of suffering had led to this moment, to the day when she would meet the man that seemed to be the missing link to make her whole.

    Thank you, Lilae said, her lips trembling as she looked at Liam.

    He cupped her face in his hands. For what?

    Lilae sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. How was it possible that she felt so safe and secure in his hands?

    She held onto his hands as he stroked her cheeks. For being there for me when no one else was. For giving me strength when all I wanted to do was cry and give up. To die.

    She opened her eyes.

    Ash fell, covering the black ground like a white blanket.

    You saved me, Lilae whispered, her eyes welling as she looked into Liam’s.

    When he pulled her into a tight embrace, she clutched to his body, not caring that he was technically a stranger from a faraway land. To them, they were more than that. They’d helped each other heal, and persevere, for longer than either even realized.

    You’re bleeding, Liam said, holding her at arm’s length to get a look at the blood that stained her clothes and skin.

    It’s not my blood.

    Liam looked into her eyes and pursed his lips. Concern filled his eyes, but he breathed in relief. Good.

    He hugged her tight to his hard chest.

    Liam smelled of the sea and the jungle. Lilae didn’t want him to let go.

    Welcome, Prince Liam, Delia said, breaking them from their intimate moment.

    When Lilae pulled away, she noticed a hint of a smile on the Elder’s lips as she watched them.

    I am Elder Delia. It seems you’ve already met Lilae.

    Lilae, Liam repeated. He held onto her hand. It was clear that neither of them wanted to let go. I knew your name had to be beautiful.

    Voices came from the wreckage.

    Nani and Rowe are my dear friends from Oren, Liam said, motioning to the odd pair. Rowe is a soldier, and Nani is a healer.

    Lilae rubbed her hands together, her eyes taking in the

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