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Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw
Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw
Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw
Ebook48 pages35 minutes

Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw

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The receipt of a mysterious package, sent to Holmes from Pentonville prison, begins a case that should it not be resolved, our great nation with its proud naval tradition, might founder.
A brilliant naval engineer, Benjamin Stewart, who has been detained for his own protection, contacts Holmes in an ingenious manner, asking for his help. However, before Holmes can take up the case, the man is murdered. In his message to Holmes, Stewart has implicated his brother who resides at an unknown address in Chiswick and it is now a concern that the brother's life may also be in danger. Stewart's message contained a final cryptic clue, namely, "The diver has the answer in the devils claw". It is this conundrum that Holmes believes is the key to the development of the steam turbine demonstrated by the vessel 'Turbinia' at the Spithead naval review.
Mycroft reveals that other nations are eager to learn its secrets and Holmes is inflamed when he discovers that the contents of Stewart's message have been stolen from Baker Street. He is greatly relieved when Watson, inadvertently, provides Holmes with the key to the puzzle. After a brief visit to Kew by Holmes, they travel to Chiswick where the diver's secret is finally revealed.

PublisherDick Gillman
Release dateJun 11, 2018
Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw

Dick Gillman

Dick Gillman is a Yorkshireman in his 70's. He retired from teaching Science in 2005 and moved from the UK to Brittany, France, in 2008 with his wife Alex. After 14 enjoyable years, he returned with his wife to the UK in October 2022 and hopes to continue writing. As well as writing his Sherlock Holmes stories, he is an accomplished acrylic and digital artist. Having lived near the coast, the rugged landscape and the Atlantic Ocean often influence his artwork. During his retirement he has written well over thirty Sherlock Holmes short stories, many of which are published here with more than 10 new titles to be added during 2023. Successfully publishing both e-books and paperbacks, he has also been selected to contribute many stories to the superb, World Record beating and ongoing MX Sherlock Holmes anthology. His stories appear in over 10 volumes published by MX Publishing and also in the monthly case solving letters entitled 'Dear Mr Holmes' published by Letterjoy in the United States. More are to follow in the latest volumes by MX and Letterjoy. A highlight of his work is the collection entitled 'Julia Moriarty - in memorium' which contains all seven stories in which Holmes crosses swords with the beautiful, but deadly, Julia Moriarty. This is available an e-book and can be found as a paperback at all major online bookstores. His latest two stories, 'The King's Cross Somnambulist' and 'A Brush with Death' were published here on Smashwords in June 2023.

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    Book preview

    Sherlock Holmes and The Devil's Claw - Dick Gillman

    Sherlock Holmes


    The Devil’s Claw

    by Dick Gillman

    Text copyright © 2018 Dick Gillman

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover photograph courtesy of Miheco

    Flickr Creative Commons License

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - A mystery package

    Chapter 2 - Mycroft is incandescent!

    Chapter 3 - A lesson on cavitation

    Chapter 4 - The devil’s claw

    Chapter 5 – The diver!

    Sherlock Holmes


    The Devil’s Claw

    by Dick Gillman

    Chapter 1 – A mystery package

    It was late one afternoon in July, 1898 that there was an occurrence that was to herald the case of ‘The Devil’s Claw’. Holmes and I had settled back with an afternoon pipe of tobacco and a refreshing cup of Darjeeling when a gentle tap at the door of our rooms was the preface to Mrs Hudson entering whilst carrying a small, brown paper wrapped, parcel.

    With a smile and nod in my direction, she approached Holmes who was, at that moment, completely hidden from view by his copy of ‘The Times’. Without lowering the broadsheet, a dismembered voice announced, I take it that the parcel is addressed to me, Mrs Hudson. Would you be so kind as to hand it to Watson? I feel that he is in need of some further observational instruction.

    I took this bluntness by Holmes to be attributed to the fact that a suitably worthy case had not presented itself for the previous few days. Even so, I was greatly dismayed by his off-hand manner. I thanked Mrs Hudson as she passed the parcel to me and watched as she cast a tight-lipped glance towards Holmes, still hidden behind the broadsheet, before slowly shaking her head and leaving.

    Frowning, I felt it necessary to make my feelings clear, exclaiming, I consider that you were most unkind, Holmes! The result of your frustration does you no credit… and, I assume, an unexpected parcel from Her Majesty’s Prison, Pentonville will, then, be of little interest to you.

    On hearing this, the newspaper which hid Holmes from my view was swiftly lowered and a pair of keen, hawkish eyes were now riveted on the parcel that I held in my hands. I made a move as though I was to begin to open it, knowing full well that I would be thwarted. The figure across from me remained seated for barely a

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