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Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python
Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python
Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python
Ebook452 pages3 hours

Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python

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About This Book
  • Understand how Spark can be distributed across computing clusters
  • Develop and run Spark jobs efficiently using Python
  • A hands-on tutorial by Frank Kane with over 15 real-world examples teaching you Big Data processing with Spark
Who This Book Is For

If you are a data scientist or data analyst who wants to learn Big Data processing using Apache Spark and Python, this book is for you. If you have some programming experience in Python, and want to learn how to process large amounts of data using Apache Spark, Frank Kane’s Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python will also help you.

Release dateJun 30, 2017
Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python

Frank Kane

Frank Kane (1912–1968) was the author of the Johnny Liddell mystery series, including Dead Weight, Trigger Mortis, Poisons Unknown, and many more. 

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    Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python - Frank Kane

    Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python


    Real-world examples to help you analyze large datasets with Apache Spark


    Frank Kane


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    Frank Kane's Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python

    Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: June 2017

    Production reference: 1290617

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78728-794-5


    About the Author

    My name is Frank Kane. I spent nine years at and, wrangling millions of customer ratings and customer transactions to produce things such as personalized recommendations for movies and products and people who bought this also bought. I tell you, I wish we had Apache Spark back then, when I spent years trying to solve these problems there. I hold 17 issued patents in the fields of distributed computing, data mining, and machine learning. In 2012, I left to start my own successful company, Sundog Software, which focuses on virtual reality environment technology, and teaching others about big data analysis.

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    Table of Contents


    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code

    Downloading the color images of this book




    Getting Started with Spark

    Getting set up - installing Python, a JDK, and Spark and its dependencies

    Installing Enthought Canopy

    Installing the Java Development Kit

    Installing Spark

    Running Spark code

    Installing the MovieLens movie rating dataset

    Run your first Spark program - the ratings histogram example

    Examining the ratings counter script

    Running the ratings counter script


    Spark Basics and Spark Examples

    What is Spark?

    Spark is scalable

    Spark is fast

    Spark is hot

    Spark is not that hard

    Components of Spark

    Using Python with Spark

    The Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)

    What is the RDD?

    The SparkContext object

    Creating RDDs

    Transforming RDDs

    Map example

    RDD actions

    Ratings histogram walk-through

    Understanding the code

    Setting up the SparkContext object

    Loading the data

    Extract (MAP) the data we care about

    Perform an action - count by value

    Sort and display the results

    Looking at the ratings-counter script in Canopy

    Key/value RDDs and the average friends by age example

    Key/value concepts - RDDs can hold key/value pairs

    Creating a key/value RDD

    What Spark can do with key/value data?

    Mapping the values of a key/value RDD

    The friends by age example

    Parsing (mapping) the input data

    Counting up the sum of friends and number of entries per age

    Compute averages

    Collect and display the results

    Running the average friends by age example

    Examining the script

    Running the code

    Filtering RDDs and the minimum temperature by location example

    What is filter()

    The source data for the minimum temperature by location example

    Parse (map) the input data

    Filter out all but the TMIN entries

    Create (station ID, temperature) key/value pairs

    Find minimum temperature by station ID

    Collect and print results

    Running the minimum temperature example and modifying it for maximums

    Examining the min-temperatures script

    Running the script

    Running the maximum temperature by location example

    Counting word occurrences using flatmap()

    Map versus flatmap

    Map ()

    Flatmap ()

    Code sample - count the words in a book

    Improving the word-count script with regular expressions

    Text normalization

    Examining the use of regular expressions in the word-count script

    Running the code

    Sorting the word count results

    Step 1 - Implement countByValue() the hard way to create a new RDD

    Step 2 - Sort the new RDD

    Examining the script

    Running the code

    Find the total amount spent by customer

    Introducing the problem

    Strategy for solving the problem

    Useful snippets of code

    Check your results and sort them by the total amount spent

    Check your sorted implementation and results against mine


    Advanced Examples of Spark Programs

    Finding the most popular movie

    Examining the popular-movies script

    Getting results

    Using broadcast variables to display movie names instead of ID numbers

    Introducing broadcast variables

    Examining the script

    Getting results

    Finding the most popular superhero in a social graph

    Superhero social networks

    Input data format


    Running the script - discover who the most popular superhero is

    Mapping input data to (hero ID, number of co-occurrences) per line

    Adding up co-occurrence by hero ID

    Flipping the (map) RDD to (number, hero ID)

    Using max() and looking up the name of the winner

    Getting results

    Superhero degrees of separation - introducing the breadth-first search algorithm

    Degrees of separation

    How the breadth-first search algorithm works?

    The initial condition of our social graph

    First pass through the graph

    Second pass through the graph

    Third pass through the graph

    Final pass through the graph

    Accumulators and implementing BFS in Spark

    Convert the input file into structured data

    Writing code to convert Marvel-Graph.txt to BFS nodes

    Iteratively process the RDD

    Using a mapper and a reducer

    How do we know when we're done?

    Superhero degrees of separation - review the code and run it

    Setting up an accumulator and using the convert to BFS function

    Calling flatMap()

    Calling an action

    Calling reduceByKey

    Getting results

    Item-based collaborative filtering in Spark, cache(), and persist()

    How does item-based collaborative filtering work?

    Making item-based collaborative filtering a Spark problem

    It's getting real

    Caching RDDs

    Running the similar-movies script using Spark's cluster manager

    Examining the script

    Getting results

    Improving the quality of the similar movies example


    Running Spark on a Cluster

    Introducing Elastic MapReduce

    Why use Elastic MapReduce?

    Warning - Spark on EMR is not cheap

    Setting up our Amazon Web Services / Elastic MapReduce account and PuTTY


    Using .partitionBy()

    Choosing a partition size

    Creating similar movies from one million ratings - part 1

    Changes to the script

    Creating similar movies from one million ratings - part 2

    Our strategy

    Specifying memory per executor

    Specifying a cluster manager

    Running on a cluster

    Setting up to run the script on a cluster

    Preparing the script

    Creating a cluster

    Connecting to the master node using SSH

    Running the code

    Creating similar movies from one million ratings – part 3

    Assessing the results

    Terminating the cluster

    Troubleshooting Spark on a cluster

    More troubleshooting and managing dependencies


    Managing dependencies


    SparkSQL, DataFrames, and DataSets

    Introducing SparkSQL

    Using SparkSQL in Python

    More things you can do with DataFrames

    Differences between DataFrames and DataSets

    Shell access in SparkSQL

    User-defined functions (UDFs)

    Executing SQL commands and SQL-style functions on a DataFrame

    Using SQL-style functions instead of queries

    Using DataFrames instead of RDDs


    Other Spark Technologies and Libraries

    Introducing MLlib

    MLlib capabilities

    Special MLlib data types

    For more information on machine learning

    Making movie recommendations

    Using MLlib to produce movie recommendations

    Examining the script

    Analyzing the ALS recommendations results

    Why did we get bad results?

    Using DataFrames with MLlib

    Examining the script

    Getting results

    Spark Streaming and GraphX

    What is Spark Streaming?



    Where to Go From Here? – Learning More About Spark and Data Science


    We will do some really quick housekeeping here, just so you know where to put all the stuff for this book. First, I want you to go to your hard drive, create a new folder called SparkCourse, and put it in a place where you're going to remember it is:

    For me, I put that in my C drive in a folder called SparkCourse. This is where you're going to put everything for this book. As you go through the individual sections of this book, you'll see that there are resources provided for each one. There can be different kinds of resources, files, and downloads. When you download them, make sure you put them in this folder that you have created. This is the ultimate destination of everything you're going to download for this book, as you can see in my SparkCourse folder, shown in the following screenshot; you'll just accumulate all this stuff over time as you work your way through it:

    So, remember where you put it all, you might need to refer to these files by their path, in this case, C:\SparkCourse. Just make sure you download them to a consistent place and you should be good to go. Also, be cognizant of the differences in file paths between operating systems. If you're on Mac or Linux, you're not going to have a C drive; you'll just have a slash and the full path name. Capitalization might be important, while it's not in Windows. Using forward slashes instead of backslashes in paths is another difference between other operating systems and Windows. So if you are using something other than Windows, just remember these differences, don't let them trip you up. If you see a path to a file and a script, make sure you adjust it accordingly to make sense of where you put these files and what your operating system is.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Getting Started with Spark, covers basic installation instructions for Spark and its related software. This chapter illustrates a simple example of data analysis of real movie ratings data provided by different sets of people.

    Chapter 2, Spark Basics and Simple Examples, provides a brief overview of what Spark is all about, who uses it, how it helps in analyzing big data, and why it is so popular.

    Chapter3, Advanced Examples of Spark Programs, illustrates some advanced and complicated examples with Spark.

    Chapter 4, Running Spark on a Cluster, talks about Spark Core, covering the things you can do with Spark, such as running Spark in the cloud on a cluster, analyzing a real cluster in the cloud using Spark, and so on.

    Chapter 5, SparkSQL, DataFrames, and DataSets, introduces SparkSQL, which is an important concept of Spark, and explains how to deal with structured data formats using this.

    Chapter 6, Other Spark Technologies and Libraries, talks about MLlib (Machine Learning library), which is very helpful if you want to work on data mining or machine learning-related jobs with Spark. This chapter also covers Spark Streaming and GraphX; technologies built on top of Spark.

    Chapter 7, Where to Go From Here? - Learning More About Spark and Data Science, talks about some books related to Spark if the readers want to know more on this topic.

    What you need for this book

    For this book you’ll need a Python development environment (Python 3.5 or newer), a Canopy installer, Java Development Kit, and of course Spark itself (Spark 2.0 and beyond).

    We'll show you how to install this software in first chapter of the book.

    This book is based on the Windows operating system, so installations are provided according to it. If you have Mac or Linux, you can follow this URL, which contains written instructions on getting everything set up on Mac OS and on Linux.

    Who this book is for

    I wrote this book for people who have at least some programming or scripting experience in their background. We're going to be using the Python programming language throughout this book, which is very easy to pick up, and I'm going to give you over 15 real hands-on examples of Spark Python scripts that you can run yourself, mess around with, and learn from. So, by the end of this book, you should have the skills needed to actually turn business problems into Spark problems, code up that Spark code on your own, and actually run it in the cluster on your own. 


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning. Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, path names, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: Now, you'll need to remember the path that we installed the JDK into, which in our case was C:\jdk. A block of code is set as follows:

    When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: Now, if you're on Windows, I want you to right-click on the Enthought Canopy icon, go to Properties and then to Compatibility (this is on Windows 10), and make sure Run this program as an administrator is checked

    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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