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Learning PySpark
Learning PySpark
Learning PySpark
Ebook553 pages3 hours

Learning PySpark

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About This Book
  • Learn why and how you can efficiently use Python to process data and build machine learning models in Apache Spark 2.0
  • Develop and deploy efficient, scalable real-time Spark solutions
  • Take your understanding of using Spark with Python to the next level with this jump start guide
Who This Book Is For

If you are a Python developer who wants to learn about the Apache Spark 2.0 ecosystem, this book is for you. A firm understanding of Python is expected to get the best out of the book. Familiarity with Spark would be useful, but is not mandatory.

Release dateFeb 27, 2017
Learning PySpark

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    Learning PySpark - Tomasz Drabas

    Table of Contents

    Learning PySpark



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    What this book covers

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    1. Understanding Spark

    What is Apache Spark?

    Spark Jobs and APIs

    Execution process

    Resilient Distributed Dataset



    Catalyst Optimizer

    Project Tungsten

    Spark 2.0 architecture

    Unifying Datasets and DataFrames

    Introducing SparkSession

    Tungsten phase 2

    Structured Streaming

    Continuous applications


    2. Resilient Distributed Datasets

    Internal workings of an RDD

    Creating RDDs


    Reading from files

    Lambda expressions

    Global versus local scope


    The .map(...) transformation

    The .filter(...) transformation

    The .flatMap(...) transformation

    The .distinct(...) transformation

    The .sample(...) transformation

    The .leftOuterJoin(...) transformation

    The .repartition(...) transformation


    The .take(...) method

    The .collect(...) method

    The .reduce(...) method

    The .count(...) method

    The .saveAsTextFile(...) method

    The .foreach(...) method


    3. DataFrames

    Python to RDD communications

    Catalyst Optimizer refresh

    Speeding up PySpark with DataFrames

    Creating DataFrames

    Generating our own JSON data

    Creating a DataFrame

    Creating a temporary table

    Simple DataFrame queries

    DataFrame API query

    SQL query

    Interoperating with RDDs

    Inferring the schema using reflection

    Programmatically specifying the schema

    Querying with the DataFrame API

    Number of rows

    Running filter statements

    Querying with SQL

    Number of rows

    Running filter statements using the where Clauses

    DataFrame scenario – on-time flight performance

    Preparing the source datasets

    Joining flight performance and airports

    Visualizing our flight-performance data

    Spark Dataset API


    4. Prepare Data for Modeling

    Checking for duplicates, missing observations, and outliers


    Missing observations


    Getting familiar with your data

    Descriptive statistics




    Interactions between features


    5. Introducing MLlib

    Overview of the package

    Loading and transforming the data

    Getting to know your data

    Descriptive statistics


    Statistical testing

    Creating the final dataset

    Creating an RDD of LabeledPoints

    Splitting into training and testing

    Predicting infant survival

    Logistic regression in MLlib

    Selecting only the most predictable features

    Random forest in MLlib


    6. Introducing the ML Package

    Overview of the package







    Predicting the chances of infant survival with ML

    Loading the data

    Creating transformers

    Creating an estimator

    Creating a pipeline

    Fitting the model

    Evaluating the performance of the model

    Saving the model

    Parameter hyper-tuning

    Grid search

    Train-validation splitting

    Other features of PySpark ML in action

    Feature extraction

    NLP - related feature extractors

    Discretizing continuous variables

    Standardizing continuous variables



    Finding clusters in the births dataset

    Topic mining



    7. GraphFrames

    Introducing GraphFrames

    Installing GraphFrames

    Creating a library

    Preparing your flights dataset

    Building the graph

    Executing simple queries

    Determining the number of airports and trips

    Determining the longest delay in this dataset

    Determining the number of delayed versus on-time/early flights

    What flights departing Seattle are most likely to have significant delays?

    What states tend to have significant delays departing from Seattle?

    Understanding vertex degrees

    Determining the top transfer airports

    Understanding motifs

    Determining airport ranking using PageRank

    Determining the most popular non-stop flights

    Using Breadth-First Search

    Visualizing flights using D3


    8. TensorFrames

    What is Deep Learning?

    The need for neural networks and Deep Learning

    What is feature engineering?

    Bridging the data and algorithm

    What is TensorFlow?

    Installing Pip

    Installing TensorFlow

    Matrix multiplication using constants

    Matrix multiplication using placeholders

    Running the model

    Running another model


    Introducing TensorFrames

    TensorFrames – quick start

    Configuration and setup

    Launching a Spark cluster

    Creating a TensorFrames library

    Installing TensorFlow on your cluster

    Using TensorFlow to add a constant to an existing column

    Executing the Tensor graph

    Blockwise reducing operations example

    Building a DataFrame of vectors

    Analysing the DataFrame

    Computing elementwise sum and min of all vectors


    9. Polyglot Persistence with Blaze

    Installing Blaze

    Polyglot persistence

    Abstracting data

    Working with NumPy arrays

    Working with pandas' DataFrame

    Working with files

    Working with databases

    Interacting with relational databases

    Interacting with the MongoDB database

    Data operations

    Accessing columns

    Symbolic transformations

    Operations on columns

    Reducing data



    10. Structured Streaming

    What is Spark Streaming?

    Why do we need Spark Streaming?

    What is the Spark Streaming application data flow?

    Simple streaming application using DStreams

    A quick primer on global aggregations

    Introducing Structured Streaming


    11. Packaging Spark Applications

    The spark-submit command

    Command line parameters

    Deploying the app programmatically

    Configuring your SparkSession

    Creating SparkSession

    Modularizing code

    Structure of the module

    Calculating the distance between two points

    Converting distance units

    Building an egg

    User defined functions in Spark

    Submitting a job

    Monitoring execution

    Databricks Jobs



    Learning PySpark

    Learning PySpark

    Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: February 2017

    Production reference: 1220217

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78646-370-8



    Tomasz Drabas

    Denny Lee


    Holden Karau

    Commissioning Editor

    Amey Varangaonkar

    Acquisition Editor

    Prachi Bisht

    Content Development Editor

    Amrita Noronha

    Technical Editor

    Akash Patel

    Copy Editor

    Safis Editing

    Project Coordinator

    Shweta H Birwatkar


    Safis Editing


    Aishwarya Gangawane


    Disha Haria

    Production Coordinator

    Aparna Bhagat

    Cover Work

    Aparna Bhagat


    Thank you for choosing this book to start your PySpark adventures, I hope you are as excited as I am. When Denny Lee first told me about this new book I was delighted-one of the most important things that makes Apache Spark such a wonderful platform, is supporting both the Java/Scala/JVM worlds and Python (and more recently R) worlds. Many of the previous books for Spark have been focused on either all of the core languages, or primarily focused on JVM languages, so it's great to see PySpark get its chance to shine with a dedicated book from such experienced Spark educators. By supporting both of these different worlds, we are able to more effectively work together as Data Scientists and Data Engineers, while stealing the best ideas from each other's communities.

    It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to review early versions of this book, which has only increased my excitement for the project. I've had the privilege of being at some of the same conferences and meetups and watching the authors introduce new concepts in the world of Spark to a variety of audiences (from first timers to old hands), and they've done a great job distilling their experience for this book. The experience of the authors shines through with everything from their explanations to the topics covered. Beyond simply introducing PySpark they have also taken the time to look at up and coming packages from the community, such as GraphFrames and TensorFrames.

    I think the community is one of those often-overlooked components when deciding what tools to use, and Python has a great community and I'm looking forward to you joining the Python Spark community. So, enjoy your adventure; I know you are in good hands with Denny Lee and Tomek Drabas. I truly believe that by having a diverse community of Spark users we will be able to make better tools useful for everyone, so I hope to see you around at one of the conferences, meetups, or mailing lists soon :)

    Holden Karau


    I owe Denny a beer; if you want to buy him a Bud Light lime (or lime-a-rita) for me I'd be much obliged (although he might not be quite as amused as I am).

    About the Authors

    Tomasz Drabas is a Data Scientist working for Microsoft and currently residing in the Seattle area. He has over 13 years of experience in data analytics and data science in numerous fields: advanced technology, airlines, telecommunications, finance, and consulting he gained while working on three continents: Europe, Australia, and North America. While in Australia, Tomasz has been working on his PhD in Operations Research with a focus on choice modeling and revenue management applications in the airline industry.

    At Microsoft, Tomasz works with big data on a daily basis, solving machine learning problems such as anomaly detection, churn prediction, and pattern recognition using Spark.

    Tomasz has also authored the Practical Data Analysis Cookbook published by Packt Publishing in 2016.

    I would like to thank my family: Rachel, Skye, and Albert—you are the love of my life and I cherish every day I spend with you! Thank you for always standing by me and for encouraging me to push my career goals further and further. Also, to my family and my in-laws for putting up with me (in general).

    There are many more people that have influenced me over the years that I would have to write another book to thank them all. You know who you are and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    However, I would not have gotten through my PhD if it was not for Czesia Wieruszewska; Czesiu - dziękuję za Twoją pomoc bez której nie rozpocząłbym mojej podróży po Antypodach. Along with Krzys Krzysztoszek, you guys have always believed in me! Thank you!

    Denny Lee is a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft for the Azure DocumentDB team—Microsoft's blazing fast, planet-scale managed document store service.  He is a hands-on distributed systems and data science engineer with more than 18 years of experience developing Internet-scale infrastructure, data platforms, and predictive analytics systems for both on-premise and cloud environments.

    He has extensive experience of building greenfield teams as well as turnaround/change catalyst. Prior to joining the Azure DocumentDB team, Denny worked as a Technology Evangelist at Databricks; he has been working with Apache Spark since 0.5. He was also the Senior Director of Data Sciences Engineering at Concur, and was on the incubation team that built Microsoft's Hadoop on Windows and Azure service (currently known as HDInsight). Denny also has a Masters in Biomedical Informatics from Oregon Health and Sciences University and has architected and implemented powerful data solutions for enterprise healthcare customers for the last 15 years.

    I would like to thank my wonderful spouse, Hua-Ping, and my awesome daughters, Isabella and Samantha. You are the ones who keep me grounded and help me reach for the stars!

    About the Reviewer

    Holden Karau is transgender Canadian, and an active open source contributor. When not in San Francisco working as a software development engineer at IBM's Spark Technology Center, Holden talks internationally on Spark and holds office hours at coffee shops at home and abroad. Holden is a co-author of numerous books on Spark including High Performance Spark (which she believes is the gift of the season for those with expense accounts) & Learning Spark. Holden is a Spark committer, specializing in PySpark and Machine Learning. Prior to IBM she worked on a variety of distributed, search, and classification problems at Alpine, Databricks, Google, Foursquare, and Amazon. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Mathematics in Computer Science. Outside of software she enjoys playing with fire, welding, scooters, poutine, and dancing.

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    It is estimated that in 2013 the whole world produced around 4.4 zettabytes of data; that is, 4.4 billion terabytes! By 2020, we (as the human race) are expected to produce ten times that. With data getting larger literally by the second, and given the growing appetite for making sense out of it, in 2004 Google employees Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat published the seminal paper MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Since then, technologies leveraging the concept started growing very quickly with Apache Hadoop initially being the most popular. It ultimately created a Hadoop ecosystem that included abstraction layers such as Pig, Hive, and Mahout – all leveraging this simple concept of map and reduce.

    However, even though capable of chewing through petabytes of data daily, MapReduce is a fairly restricted programming framework. Also, most of the tasks require reading and writing to disk. Seeing these drawbacks, in 2009 Matei Zaharia started working on Spark as part of his PhD. Spark was first released in 2012. Even though Spark is based on the same MapReduce concept, its advanced ways of dealing with data and organizing tasks make it 100x faster than Hadoop (for in-memory computations).

    In this book, we will guide you through the latest incarnation of Apache Spark using Python. We will show you how to read structured and unstructured data, how to use some fundamental data types available in PySpark, build machine learning models, operate on graphs, read streaming data, and deploy your models in the cloud. Each chapter will tackle different problem, and by the end of the book we hope you will be knowledgeable enough to solve other problems we did not have space to cover here.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Understanding Spark, provides an introduction into the Spark world with an overview of the technology and the jobs organization concepts.

    Chapter 2, Resilient Distributed Datasets, covers RDDs, the fundamental, schema-less data structure available in PySpark.

    Chapter 3, DataFrames, provides a detailed overview of a data structure that bridges the gap between Scala and Python in terms of efficiency.

    Chapter 4, Prepare Data for Modeling, guides the reader through the process of cleaning up and transforming data in the Spark environment.

    Chapter 5, Introducing MLlib, introduces the machine learning library that works on RDDs and reviews the most useful machine learning models.

    Chapter 6, Introducing the ML Package, covers the current mainstream machine learning library and provides an overview of all the models currently available.

    Chapter 7, GraphFrames, will guide you through the new structure that makes solving problems with graphs easy.

    Chapter 8, TensorFrames, introduces the bridge between Spark and the Deep Learning world of TensorFlow.

    Chapter 9, Polyglot Persistence with Blaze, describes how Blaze can be paired with Spark for even easier abstraction of data from various sources.

    Chapter 10, Structured Streaming, provides an overview of streaming tools available in PySpark.

    Chapter 11, Packaging Spark Applications, will guide you through the steps of modularizing your code and submitting it for execution to Spark through command-line interface.

    For more information, we have provided two bonus chapters as follows:

    Installing Spark:

    Free Spark Cloud Offering:

    What you need for this book

    For this book you need a personal computer (can be either Windows machine, Mac, or Linux). To run Apache Spark, you will need Java 7+ and an installed and configured Python 2.6+ or 3.4+ environment; we use the Anaconda distribution of Python in version 3.5, which can be downloaded from

    The Python modules we randomly use throughout the book come preinstalled with Anaconda. We also use GraphFrames and TensorFrames that can be loaded dynamically while starting a Spark instance: to load these you just need an Internet connection. It is fine if some of those modules are not currently installed on your machine – we will guide you through the installation process.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for everyone who wants to learn the fastest-growing technology in big data: Apache Spark. We hope that even the more advanced practitioners from the field of data science can find some of the examples refreshing and the more advanced topics interesting.


    In this book, you will find a number of styles of text

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