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The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Ebook297 pages

The Black Arrow

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The Black Arrow tells the story of Richard Shelton during the Wars of the Roses: how he becomes a knight, rescues his lady Joanna Sedley, and obtains justice for the murder of his father, Sir Harry Shelton.
Release dateAug 15, 2013
The Black Arrow

Robert Stevenson

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another wonderful tale by the British author R.L. Stevenson who excelled in producing historical novels like Kidnapped. In this work, he weaves the tale of a Richard Shelton & his quest for justice during the time of the Wars of the Roses. In the midst of this tale, a black arrow strikes its intended victims released by another whose quest for revenge gets Shelton into trouble. All in all, a tale with twists & turns keeps one awake wondering who done it & will Shelton get his girl?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A bit like Robin Hood, but not as excitingly outcast, I enjoyed this book, but parts of it annoyed me. There were some character inconsistencies that I had trouble getting past, and some of the characters were really, really flat. Also, there are many, many historical references that seemed like they just went nowhere. All in all, though, a quick, entertaining read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "...and how a thing once done is not to be changed or remedied by any penitence"...true words from RLS, sadly maligned by the woolfs...
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I read this to tie up a loose end after starting it as a child and never finishing. Although I'm glad that I've now done so it was a bit of a struggle -- much more so than Treasure Island, which at least has the merit of being iconic and a necessary part of the canon. By contrast The Black Arrow turned out to be excessively episodic, melodramatic (although not without some character complexities) and obfuscated throughout with Stephenson's idea of medieval modes of speech. At times I felt like I'd stumbled into a low-grade HBO mega-series in which the plot churns feverishly in order to keep the series going for 26 episodes.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Adventure and romance during the War of the Roses! This is the tale of a young man, Richard Shelton, who, while helping a boy escape captivity, discovers his guardian Sir Daniel had murdered his father in order to seize his property. He then finds out the boy is actually a girl! Sir Daniel wants to sell her marriage but Dick is determined to marry her himself... Add to that battles between Lancasterians and Yorkists ending with Dick being knighted by none other than Richard, Duke of Gloucester.

    One minor annoyance is that Stevenson wrote the dialogue in language appropriate to 1460; some word usage is strange to the modern reader {For example, using "an" to mean "if" and "gossip" to mean "friend"}.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Like most people I was introduced to RLS through Treasure Island. But since those early days of pirate adventures I seem to have overlooked his other works. Thinking it was about time I read another of his novels I came across The Black Arrow in a local bookshop and thought I would give it a try.The story itself is pretty sturdy, we follow the adventures of Richard Shelton as he seeks to find the true story of his father's death. Set during the war of the Roses, England is in turmoil with people changing allegiance to which ever rose is winning, subterfuge and battles are at every turn, throw in a bit of young, forbidden love and you have the ingredients of a 'boys own' adventure.The main problem for me was that the story just seemed to drag, and coupled with characters speaking an archaic 'middle English' language it made for quite a painful read. It hasn't put me off reading more RLS but it has certainly lowered my expectations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant! Stevenson's superb use of language would have been enough to keep me turning the pages, but there is so much more. A rousing adventure story, a believable, well wrought world and characters, and a view of war not as good against evil but as something infinitely more complex. Dick Shelton is neither hero nor buffoon, but a young human being in challenging circumstances who succeeds, fails, and learns lessons about war and consequences that never border on preaching. I am so glad I finally discovered this book--so many lesser lights pale in memory! (Actually, a lot of them were pretty pale to begin with.)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a rowdy boy's adventure story set during the Wars of the Roses between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians in England. (My 15 year old had never heard of the War of the Roses, so I'm offering a little explanation here.) Dick Shelton is an orphan who is being fostered by a tough warrior type. Then he finds out that a band of outlaws has targeted his benefactor and others as being responsible for the deaths of many people, including Dick's father.So who can Dick trust? Practically no one, it seems. That part is kind of dark. But there's a romance too, and plenty of fight scenes thrown in for no apparent reason whenever the story slows down. Don't look for a lot of plot continuity in here. There isn't much. But there are plenty of sword fights, being captured and then daring escapes, a guy disguised as a leper, and lots more. I got kind of tired of it, really. Too much going on. I was glad to be at the part with Richard of Gloucester, the Crookback, who became King Richard III. But he doesn't show up until the end of the book.I would recommend this if you like adventure type stories and if you don't mind loosely plotted book. Or if you want to see what kid's books were like once upon a time. For the modern reader, I think it's a little tougher going.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This has a certain grim humor I enjoy, particularly when the villain is waiting out a battle to see which side wins.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Finally!! After weeks and weeks of reading this book I am finally done! The Black Arrow simply has to be the dullest book I have ever read! Masquerading as a swashbuckling novel of merely a couple of hundred pages, I found it to be slow in language, contrived in style, pathetic in characterisation, and sloppy of plot. If you're wondering why I plodded my way through this then...well...I can only say that once having started it I figured I simply had to finish it. The story is set during the period of the wars between the two disctinct branches (also known as the red and white roses) of the Plantagenet line. Its protaganist is a young man by the name of Richard Shelton who will stop at nothing to save the woman he is in love with. He enlists the help of the league of the Black Arrow - a bunch of outlaws and outcasts - and gets involved in the war that rages around him.*SPOILER WARNING*The brief summary doesn't sound to bad, does it? Except that Richard Shelton is an extremely weak character who inspires absolutely nothing in the least, he invoked no positive response from me! He was a dithering lad with plenty of bravado but no wisdom or commonsense. And while this does not necessarly make a protaganist unworthy (in fact it does not if the characterization is done well) Richard was plainly a fool. One must give him credit for seeing it himself at the end of the novel, but I did wonder what it was that Joanna (the heroine) found in him! The characterization was so dreadfully shallow. There wasn't a single character that was rounded. They were all as flat and dry as cardboard. And it seemed to me that the only reason young Dicky survives right up till the end of the novel is because he had the good fortune of being the author's main guy. I suspect that this could never have passed as a real-life story! Every single person I came across in the novel seemed to be naive in some way or the other. In fact, I feel, this entire plot works out on the naivity and foolishness of everybody involved.But what really got my goat was the character of Joanna's best friend, Alicia Risingham. Her role, seemed to be, much like the role of the jesters and fools in Shakepeare's plays. Outwardly light-hearted and full of fun, it is she who disects Richard's character bit by bit - but she herself is as uninteresting as the above mentioned cardboard. This would perhaps be because of how she was grieving for her dead uncle one day and the very next had completely forgotten her own grief as her friend gets married. No. She forgets on the same day she realises, actually. As for the men of the Black Arrow, at the beginning one thinks they are going to play a major part in the plot, but they are pushed deep into the woods whence they came from and reappear piece-meal, at the end. This last is a pity, especially as they sound as interesting as Robin Hood and his merry men. If anything, I suspected that they were perhaps the same...or they were used as a model by Stevenson. The language, as I have mentioned before, was very contrived. More so when there was dialogue as Stevenson tries to imitate a language and style he could only have read from books of that era. While this particular form would not seem odd, for instance, in Chaucer's works, it was very, very odd and detracted from the story in this book. I suppose as the first is based in a contemporary world, and therefore well known, the language cannot be contrived, while in the latter case it just wasn't the same through lack of living it. Stevenson's descriptions were good, but the dialogue simply gave me a headache (perhaps this explains the headaches I've been having these past three days??).And speaking of descriptions, there is this one phrase that has stayed with me:"So they ran on, holding each other by both hands, exchanging smiles and lovely looks, and melting minutes into seconds..."The Black Arrow is thus sprinkled with few pretty phrases like that, and I will admit to being reminded of the swashbuckling movies of old. It is a very fast-paced story, albeit it ends in a dreadful hurry in the end. No. It definitely made a bare impression.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dick Shelton finds himself up to his ears in adventure when his uncle tries to force him to marry a girl he's never seen and the forest outlaws start assassinating various close friends. This book is one of the most exciting historical romances I've ever read. The heroine is lots of fun, the drunken sidekick is hilarious, and did I mention the thrilling adventure?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This one was a bit of a disappointment after Kidnapped. Set in fifteenth century England during the War of Roses, it follows young Dick Shelton as he dicovers his guardian plotting against him, and flees, and gets caught up with some outlaws, and tries to find the girl he loves… at some point there’s a battle. Also they steal a guy’s ship and then wreck it. Thing is, all the dialogue (and much of the prose) is written in archaic English, which makes following the plot quite difficult. As with Rudyard Kipling’s Kim, it was a chore to read and I only had a general idea of what was happening most of the time. Apparently everybody else concurred, from critics to readers to Stevenson himself, who referred to it as “tushery.” A waste of time for all involved! I’ll prrobably still read Treasure Island at some point.

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The Black Arrow - Robert Stevenson


No one but myself knows what I have suffered, nor what my books have gained, by your unsleeping watchfulness and admirable pertinacity. And now here is a volume that goes into the world and lacks your imprimatur: a strange thing in our joint lives; and the reason of it stranger still! I have watched with interest, with pain, and at length with amusement, your unavailing attempts to peruse The Black Arrow; and I think I should lack humour indeed, if I let the occasion slip and did not place your name in the fly-leaf of the only book of mine that you have never read—and never will read.

That others may display more constancy is still my hope. The tale was written years ago for a particular audience and (I may say) in rivalry with a particular author; I think I should do well to name him, Mr. Alfred R. Phillips. It was not without its reward at the time. I could not, indeed, displace Mr. Phillips from his well-won priority; but in the eyes of readers who thought less than nothing of Treasure Island, The Black Arrow was supposed to mark a clear advance. Those who read volumes and those who read story papers belong to different worlds. The verdict on Treasure Island was reversed in the other court; I wonder, will it be the same with its successor?

R. L. S.

Saranac Lake, April 8, 1888.



On a certain afternoon, in the late springtime, the bell upon Tunstall Moat House was heard ringing at an unaccustomed hour. Far and near, in the forest and in the fields along the river, people began to desert their labours and hurry towards the sound; and in Tunstall hamlet a group of poor country-folk stood wondering at the summons.

Tunstall hamlet at that period, in the reign of old King Henry VI., wore much the same appearance as it wears to-day. A score or so of houses, heavily framed with oak, stood scattered in a long green valley ascending from the river. At the foot, the road crossed a bridge, and mounting on the other side, disappeared into the fringes of the forest on its way to the Moat House, and further forth to Holywood Abbey. Half-way up the village, the church stood among yews. On every side the slopes were crowned and the view bounded by the green elms and greening oak-trees of the forest.

Hard by the bridge, there was a stone cross upon a knoll, and here the group had collected—half a dozen women and one tall fellow in a russet smock—discussing what the bell betided. An express had gone through the hamlet half an hour before, and drunk a pot of ale in the saddle, not daring to dismount for the hurry of his errand; but he had been ignorant himself of what was forward, and only bore sealed letters from Sir Daniel Brackley to Sir Oliver Oates, the parson, who kept the Moat House in the master’s absence.

But now there was the noise of a horse; and soon, out of the edge of the wood and over the echoing bridge, there rode up young Master Richard Shelton, Sir Daniel’s ward. He, at the least, would know, and they hailed him and begged him to explain. He drew bridle willingly enough—a young fellow not yet eighteen, sun-browned and grey-eyed, in a jacket of deer’s leather, with a black velvet collar, a green hood upon his head, and a steel cross-bow at his back. The express, it appeared, had brought great news. A battle was impending. Sir Daniel had sent for every man that could draw a bow or carry a bill to go post-haste to Kettley, under pain of his severe displeasure; but for whom they were to fight, or of where the battle was expected, Dick knew nothing. Sir Oliver would come shortly himself, and Bennet Hatch was arming at that moment, for he it was who should lead the party.

It is the ruin of this kind land, a woman said. If the barons live at war, ploughfolk must eat roots.

Nay, said Dick, every man that follows shall have sixpence a day, and archers twelve.

If they live, returned the woman, that may very well be; but how if they die, my master?

They cannot better die than for their natural lord, said Dick.

No natural lord of mine, said the man in the smock. I followed the Walsinghams; so we all did down Brierly way, till two years ago, come Candlemas. And now I must side with Brackley! It was the law that did it; call ye that natural? But now, what with Sir Daniel and what with Sir Oliver—that knows more of law than honesty—I have no natural lord but poor King Harry the Sixt, God bless him!—the poor innocent that cannot tell his right hand from his left.

Ye speak with an ill tongue, friend, answered Dick, to miscall your good master and my lord the king in the same libel. But King Harry—praised be the saints!—has come again into his right mind, and will have all things peaceably ordained. And as for Sir Daniel, y’ are very brave behind his back. But I will be no tale-bearer; and let that suffice.

I say no harm of you, Master Richard, returned the peasant. Y’ are a lad; but when ye come to a man’s inches, ye will find ye have an empty pocket. I say no more: the saints help Sir Daniel’s neighbours, and the Blessed Maid protect his wards!

Clipsby, said Richard, you speak what I cannot hear with honour. Sir Daniel is my good master, and my guardian.

Come, now, will ye read me a riddle? returned Clipsby. On whose side is Sir Daniel?

I know not, said Dick, colouring a little; for his guardian had changed sides continually in the troubles of that period, and every change had brought him some increase of fortune.

Ay, returned Clipsby, you, nor no man. For, indeed, he is one that goes to bed Lancaster and gets up York.

Just then the bridge rang under horse-shoe iron, and the party turned and saw Bennet Hatch come galloping—a brown-faced, grizzled fellow, heavy of hand and grim of mien, armed with sword and spear, a steel salet on his head, a leather jack upon his body. He was a great man in these parts; Sir Daniel’s right hand in peace and war, and at that time, by his master’s interest, bailiff of the hundred.

Clipsby, he shouted, off to the Moat House, and send all other laggards the same gate. Bowyer will give you jack and salet. We must ride before curfew. Look to it: he that is last at the lych-gate Sir Daniel shall reward. Look to it right well! I know you for a man of naught. Nance, he added, to one of the women, is old Appleyard up town?

I’ll warrant you, replied the woman. In his field, for sure.

So the group dispersed, and while Clipsby walked leisurely over the bridge, Bennet and young Shelton rode up the road together, through the village and past the church.

Ye will see the old shrew, said Bennet. He will waste more time grumbling and prating of Harry the Fift than would serve a man to shoe a horse. And all because he has been to the French wars!

The house to which they were bound was the last in the village, standing alone among lilacs; and beyond it, on three sides, there was open meadow rising towards the borders of the wood.

Hatch dismounted, threw his rein over the fence, and walked down the field, Dick keeping close at his elbow, to where the old soldier was digging, knee-deep in his cabbages, and now and again, in a cracked voice, singing a snatch of song. He was all dressed in leather, only his hood and tippet were of black frieze, and tied with scarlet; his face was like a walnut-shell, both for colour and wrinkles; but his old grey eye was still clear enough, and his sight unabated. Perhaps he was deaf; perhaps he thought it unworthy of an old archer of Agincourt to pay any heed to such disturbances; but neither the surly notes of the alarm bell, nor the near approach of Bennet and the lad, appeared at all to move him; and he continued obstinately digging, and piped up, very thin and shaky:

"Now, dear lady, if thy will be,

I pray you that you will rue on me."

Nick Appleyard, said Hatch, Sir Oliver commends him to you, and bids that ye shall come within this hour to the Moat House, there to take command.

The old fellow looked up.

Save you, my masters! he said, grinning. And where goeth Master Hatch?

Master Hatch is off to Kettley, with every man that we can horse, returned Bennet. There is a fight toward, it seems, and my lord stays a reinforcement.

Ay, verily, returned Appleyard. And what will ye leave me to garrison withal?

I leave you six good men, and Sir Oliver to boot, answered Hatch.

It’ll not hold the place, said Appleyard; the number sufficeth not. It would take two score to make it good.

Why, it’s for that we came to you, old shrew! replied the other. Who else is there but you that could do aught in such a house with such a garrison?

Ay! when the pinch comes, ye remember the old shoe, returned Nick. There is not a man of you can back a horse or hold a bill; and as for archery—St. Michael! if old Harry the Fift were back again, he would stand and let ye shoot at him for a farthen a shoot!

Nay, Nick, there’s some can draw a good bow yet, said Bennet.

Draw a good bow! cried Appleyard. Yes! But who’ll shoot me a good shoot? It’s there the eye comes in, and the head between your shoulders. Now, what might you call a long shoot, Bennet Hatch?

Well, said Bennet, looking about him, it would be a long shoot from here into the forest.

Ay, it would be a longish shoot, said the old fellow, turning to look over his shoulder; and then he put up his hand over his eyes, and stood staring.

Why, what are you looking at? asked Bennet, with a chuckle. Do, you see Harry the Fift?

The veteran continued looking up the hill in silence. The sun shone broadly over the shelving meadows; a few white sheep wandered browsing; all was still but the distant jangle of the bell.

What is it, Appleyard? asked Dick.

Why, the birds, said Appleyard.

And, sure enough, over the top of the forest, where it ran down in a tongue among the meadows, and ended in a pair of goodly green elms, about a bowshot from the field where they were standing, a flight of birds was skimming to and fro, in evident disorder.

What of the birds? said Bennet.

Ay! returned Appleyard, y’ are a wise man to go to war, Master Bennet. Birds are a good sentry; in forest places they be the first line of battle. Look you, now, if we lay here in camp, there might be archers skulking down to get the wind of us; and here would you be, none the wiser!

Why, old shrew, said Hatch, there be no men nearer us than Sir Daniel’s, at Kettley; y’ are as safe as in London Tower; and ye raise scares upon a man for a few chaffinches and sparrows!

Hear him! grinned Appleyard. How many a rogue would give his two crop ears to have a shoot at either of us? Saint Michael, man! they hate us like two polecats!

Well, sooth it is, they hate Sir Daniel, answered Hatch, a little sobered.

Ay, they hate Sir Daniel, and they hate every man that serves with him, said Appleyard; and in the first order of hating, they hate Bennet Hatch and old Nicholas the bowman. See ye here: if there was a stout fellow yonder in the wood-edge, and you and I stood fair for him—as, by Saint George, we stand!—which, think ye, would he choose?

You, for a good wager, answered Hatch.

My surcoat to a leather belt, it would be you! cried the old archer. Ye burned Grimstone, Bennet—they’ll ne’er forgive you that, my master. And as for me, I’ll soon be in a good place, God grant, and out of bow-shoot—ay, and cannon-shoot—of all their malices. I am an old man, and draw fast to homeward, where the bed is ready. But for you, Bennet, y’ are to remain behind here at your own peril, and if ye come to my years unhanged, the old true-blue English spirit will be dead.

Y’ are the shrewishest old dolt in Tunstall Forest, returned Hatch, visibly ruffled by these threats. Get ye to your arms before Sir Oliver come, and leave prating for one good while. An ye had talked so much with Harry the Fift, his ears would ha’ been richer than his pocket.

An arrow sang in the air, like a huge hornet; it struck old Appleyard between the shoulder-blades, and pierced him clean through, and he fell forward on his face among the cabbages. Hatch, with a broken cry, leapt into the air; then, stooping double, he ran for the cover of the house. And in the meanwhile Dick Shelton had dropped behind a lilac, and had his crossbow bent and shouldered, covering the point of the forest.

Not a leaf stirred. The sheep were patiently browsing; the birds had settled. But there lay the old man, with a cloth-yard arrow standing in his back; and there were Hatch holding to the gable, and Dick crouching and ready behind the lilac bush.

D’ye see aught? cried Hatch.

Not a twig stirs, said Dick.

I think shame to leave him lying, said Bennet, coming forward once more with hesitating steps and a very pale countenance. Keep a good eye on the wood, Master Shelton—keep a clear eye on the wood. The saints assoil us! here was a good shoot!

Bennet raised the old archer on his knee. He was not yet dead; his face worked, and his eyes shut and opened like machinery, and he had a most horrible, ugly look of one in pain.

Can ye hear, old Nick? asked Hatch. Have ye a last wish before ye wend, old brother?

Pluck out the shaft, and let me pass, a’ Mary’s name! gasped Appleyard. I be done with Old England. Pluck it out!

Master Dick, said Bennet, come hither, and pull me a good pull upon the arrow. He would fain pass, the poor sinner.

Dick laid down his cross-bow, and pulling hard upon the arrow, drew it forth. A gush of blood followed; the old archer scrambled half upon his feet, called once upon the name of God, and then fell dead. Hatch, upon his knees among the cabbages, prayed fervently for the welfare of the passing spirit. But even as he prayed, it was plain that his mind was still divided, and he kept ever an eye upon the corner of the wood from which the shot had come. When he had done, he got to his feet again, drew off one of his mailed gauntlets, and wiped his pale face, which was all wet with terror.

Ay, he said, it’ll be my turn next.

Who hath done this, Bennet? Richard asked, still holding the arrow in his hand.

Nay, the saints know, said Hatch. Here are a good two score Christian souls that we have hunted out of house and holding, he and I. He has paid his shot, poor shrew, nor will it be long, mayhap, ere I pay mine. Sir Daniel driveth over-hard.

This is a strange shaft, said the lad, looking at the arrow in his hand.

Ay, by my faith! cried Bennet. Black, and black-feathered. Here is an ill-favoured shaft, by my sooth! for black, they say, bodes burial. And here be words written. Wipe the blood away. What read ye?

‘Appulyaird fro Jon Amend-All,’ read Shelton. What should this betoken?

Nay, I like it not, returned the retainer, shaking his head. John Amend-All! Here is a rogue’s name for those that be up in the world! But why stand we here to make a mark? Take him by the knees, good Master Shelton, while I lift him by the shoulders, and let us lay him in his house. This will be a rare shog to poor Sir Oliver; he will turn paper colour; he will pray like a windmill.

They took up the old archer, and carried him between them into his house, where he had dwelt alone. And there they laid him on the floor, out of regard for the mattress, and sought, as best they might, to straighten and compose his limbs.

Appleyard’s house was clean and bare. There was a bed, with a blue cover, a cupboard, a great chest, a pair of joint-stools, a hinged table in the chimney corner, and hung upon the wall the old soldier’s armoury of bows and defensive armour. Hatch began to look about him curiously.

Nick had money, he said. He may have had three score pounds put by. I would I could light upon’t! When ye lose an old friend, Master Richard, the best consolation is to heir him. See, now, this chest. I would go a mighty wager there is a bushel of gold therein. He had a strong hand to get, and a hard hand to keep withal, had Appleyard the archer. Now may God rest his spirit! Near eighty year he was afoot and about, and ever getting; but now he’s on the broad of his back, poor shrew, and no more lacketh; and if his chattels came to a good friend, he would be merrier, methinks, in heaven.

Come, Hatch, said Dick, respect his stone-blind eyes. Would ye rob the man before his body? Nay, he would walk!

Hatch made several signs of the cross; but by this time his natural complexion had returned, and he was not easily to be dashed from any purpose. It would have gone hard with the chest had not the gate sounded, and presently after the door of the house opened and admitted a tall, portly, ruddy, black-eyed man of near fifty, in a surplice and black robe.

Appleyard—the newcomer was saying, as he entered; but he stopped dead. Ave Maria! he cried. Saints be our shield! What cheer is this?

Cold cheer with Appleyard, sir parson, answered Hatch, with perfect cheerfulness. Shot at his own door, and alighteth even now at purgatory gates. Ay! there, if tales be true, he shall lack neither coal nor candle.

Sir Oliver groped his way to a joint-stool, and sat down upon it, sick and white.

This is a judgment! O, a great stroke! he sobbed, and rattled off a leash of prayers.

Hatch meanwhile reverently doffed his salet and knelt down.

Ay, Bennet, said the priest, somewhat recovering, and what may this be? What enemy hath done this?

Here, Sir Oliver, is the arrow. See, it is written upon with words, said Dick.

Nay, cried the priest, this is a foul hearing! John Amend-All! A right Lollardy word. And black of hue, as for an omen! Sirs, this knave arrow likes me not. But it importeth rather to take counsel. Who should this be? Bethink you, Bennet. Of so many black ill-willers, which should he be that doth so hardily outface us? Simnel? I do much question it. The Walsinghams? Nay, they are not yet so broken; they still think to have the law over us, when times change. There was Simon Malmesbury, too. How think ye, Bennet?

What think ye, sir, returned Hatch, of Ellis Duckworth?

Nay, Bennet, never. Nay, not he, said the priest. There cometh never any rising, Bennet, from below—so all judicious chroniclers concord in their opinion; but rebellion travelleth ever downward from above; and when Dick, Tom, and Harry take them to their bills, look ever narrowly to see what lord is profited thereby. Now, Sir Daniel, having once more joined him to the Queen’s party, is in ill odour with the Yorkist lords. Thence, Bennet, comes the blow—by what procuring, I yet seek; but therein lies the nerve of this discomfiture.

An’t please you, Sir Oliver, said Bennet, the axles are so hot in this country that I have long been smelling fire. So did this poor sinner, Appleyard. And, by your leave, men’s spirits are so foully inclined to all of us, that it needs neither York nor Lancaster to spur them on. Hear my plain thoughts: You, that are a clerk, and Sir Daniel, that sails on any wind, ye have taken many men’s goods, and beaten and hanged not a few. Y’ are called to count for this; in the end, I wot not how, ye have ever the uppermost at law, and ye think all patched. But give me leave, Sir Oliver: the man that ye have dispossessed and beaten is but the angrier, and some day, when the black devil is by, he will up with his bow and clout me a yard of arrow through your inwards.

Nay, Bennet, y’ are in the wrong. Bennet, ye should be glad to be corrected, said Sir Oliver. Y’ are a prater, Bennet, a talker, a babbler; your mouth is wider than your two ears. Mend it, Bennet, mend it.

Nay, I say no more. Have it as ye list, said the retainer.

The priest now rose from the stool, and from the writing-case that hung about his neck took forth wax and a taper, and a flint and steel. With these he sealed up the chest and the cupboard with Sir Daniel’s arms, Hatch looking on disconsolate; and then the whole party proceeded, somewhat timorously, to sally from the house and get to horse.

’Tis time we were on the road, Sir Oliver, said Hatch, as he held the priest’s stirrup while he mounted.

Ay; but, Bennet, things are changed, returned the parson. There is now no Appleyard—rest his soul!—to keep the garrison. I shall keep you, Bennet. I must have a good man to rest me on in this day of black arrows. ‘The arrow that flieth by day,’ saith the evangel; I have no mind of the context; nay, I am a sluggard priest, I am too deep in men’s affairs. Well, let us ride forth, Master Hatch. The jackmen should be at the church by now.

So they rode forward down the road, with the wind after them, blowing the tails of the parson’s cloak; and behind them, as they went, clouds began to arise and blot out the sinking sun. They had passed three of the scattered houses that make up Tunstall hamlet, when, coming to a turn, they saw the church before them. Ten or a dozen houses clustered immediately round it; but to the back the churchyard was next the meadows. At the lych-gate, near a score of men were gathered, some in the saddle, some standing by their horses’ heads. They were variously armed and mounted; some with spears, some with bills, some with bows, and some bestriding plough-horses, still splashed with the mire of the furrow; for these were the very dregs of the country, and all the better men and the fair equipments were already with Sir Daniel in the field.

We have not done amiss, praised be the cross of Holywood! Sir Daniel will be right well content, observed the priest, inwardly numbering the troop.

Who goes? Stand! if ye be true! shouted Bennet. A man was

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