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Dead Wrong: The Vinnie Esposito Series
Dead Wrong: The Vinnie Esposito Series
Dead Wrong: The Vinnie Esposito Series
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Dead Wrong: The Vinnie Esposito Series

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The race is on to save Lavinia "Vinnie" Esposito.

After finding a dead man, Vinnie realizes she has become embroiled in yet another bizarre situation involving stolen art, proving her twin brother's innocence, and saving her own neck.
State trooper Marcus Richmond and FBI agent Aaron Grant are back to help Vinnie find the culprit while keeping her out of harm's way. That's task enough to try the most patient of men, because Vinnie isn't about to let a lead go stale because she's waiting for back up.

A sleuth with attitude, Vinnie Esposito is back!

Release dateJun 29, 2018
Dead Wrong: The Vinnie Esposito Series

J.M. Griffin

With her books sold worldwide, J.M. Griffin is one of today's popular women sleuths authors. J.M. is known best for her Vinnie Esposito series. The series, set in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the USA, is brought to life by a colorful cast of characters. Every novel has a blend of humor, mystery, and romance. J.M.'s latest novel in the series, Cold Moon Dead, is the fourth in the Esposito series. Her latest, The Deadly Bread Series, takes place in Rhode Island, features a Scot, a bread maker, and lots of interesting characters who help figure out who-done-it. Stepping away from Rhode Island's scenery, J.M. set Faerie Cake Dead on the coast of Maine. Filled with humor, faeries, sweet cupcakes, murder and a yummy hero, the villain is someone you’ll least expect. J.M.'s release, Murder on Spyglass Lane, takes place on the west coast of Florida in the Sarasota area. This cozy mystery has a unique and hilarious blend of characters, a sexy hero, and a psychic heroine. Tangled to Death was a mystery inspired by J.M.’s favorite art style, Zentangle. She set the story in New Hampshire with an unexpected corpse in the first scene. Wit and fun fill the pages of this novel. J.M., her husband, and two mysterious cats reside in a countryside village in western Rhode Island, where life is anything but mundane.

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    Dead Wrong - J.M. Griffin

    Chapter 1

    Funerals were a source of mystery and socializing in families such as mine. At least they are for me. This thought crossed my mind as the crowd gathered in the foyer of Nardolillo’s Funeral Home. First came our family members, followed by several FBI agents and trailed by local cops, who all dutifully shuffled past the casket. A line of mobsters uneasily followed them. Family friends were last to drag their feet past the dead man.

    It was easy to tell who was what.

    Mafia wise guys wore lots of bling. Heavy gold rings laden with diamond chunks laced their pinky fingers, while thick gold necklaces – heavy enough to sink a cruise ship – adorned their necks. Dressed in Armani suits that cost a small fortune, wearing handmade leather shoes, and silk neckties that finished off their attire, these men were easy to spot.

    FBI agents wore cheap suits bought off the rack, had well-trimmed haircuts and pious attitudes. The only exception to that would be my friend and tenant, Aaron Grant. An undercover FBI agent, Aaron always dressed in GQ Magazine style. Dapper, to say the least.

    The local Rhode Island cops, a more relaxed crew than the FBI, wore casual clothes or uniforms. These guys couldn’t afford Armani and wouldn’t wear FBI attire if it killed them. I’m aware of that since I work with cops all the time.

    My immediate family had gathered early for private viewing and a prayer service. I was spared that event, I’m happy to say. My great uncle, Nate, was laid out in a   pin-striped suit, his features as dashing as ever, even in death. Stiff and cold, his handsome face remained the same.

    The rest of the family, cousins, aunts, uncles, my parents, grandmother, and I filled the first several rows of chairs lined up before the casket. Everyone had taken their turn to kneel in front of the dead body to whisper a Hail Mary or maybe to curse the charming scoundrel. Everyone except the FBI guys, that is.

    Nate Esposito, the family bad boy from my dad’s side, was the family member nobody acknowledged knowing – when put to the test. His dirty deeds had led him into an unpredictable and sordid life that left most of us just plain embarrassed.

    Anyhow, I viewed the whole scene with a straight face, though my offbeat sense of humor fell into play at the varied parade. Great uncle Nate would have loved every minute of this.

    The heavy brocade draperies and thick-piled carpets fit perfectly with the soft music that played in the background. I could have done without the nauseating smell of funeral flowers which clogged my nostrils. This place had earned hundreds of thousands of dollars from my family over the years, and rightly so. The Nardolillo’s were the epitome of grace when it came to funerals.

    It was expected that when a family member passed on, no matter how, Nardolillo’s was the place for viewing – and all that entailed. Traditionally, my relatives used this funeral home.

    My mother, Theresa Esposito, sat on one side of my father, Gino, in the row of close family members who greeted and accepted condolences from those who came through the line. My grandmother and I sat on the other side. Mom leaned forward and tipped her head a bit, motioning that I should follow her into the foyer. Yikes. Now what? I nodded and whispered to my father that we would return in a moment. He stared at me, a brows raised, but didn’t utter a sound.

    In the corridor, my mother grasped my arm. She glanced in both directions and dragged me toward the sofa furthest from the viewing room. Other than the few people heading into the opposite viewing room, the corridor lay empty.

    Did you see that crowd? What do you think the cops want?

    Obviously, my mom, peacemaker and mother extraordinaire, had figured out there was more to the viewers than grief. This revelation was big. Mom tended toward innocence.

    Apparently some of these people want to make sure he’s dead. I think the FBI is here to verify that, but also to keep an eye on who attends this affair. The cops, well, they’re probably friends, ya know? As for the mob, who knows what they’re about?

    My mother nodded. She squeezed my hand and glanced down the hallway. I followed her gaze. Aaron Grant headed toward us. He smiled, his white teeth flashing bright against his tan. The man was golden brown all year long. How he managed that I couldn’t imagine. It was a tan most women dreamed of.

    I smiled at him, as did my mother. Yeah, she thought Aaron was a real catch, but then, she thought Marcus was, too. The only problem being, the family had no idea Aaron was undercover FBI. If they knew, he wouldn’t be welcome in the bosom of our Italian tribe. Even Marcus Richmond, a Rhode Island State Trooper, walked a thin line with my father, but it was doubtful that Marcus cared. His State Police status gave him a certain amount of ego and swagger. He wasn’t easily put off. I liked him for it.

    I wondered if you knew anything about Nate’s latest business deals, Lavinia? Mom murmured under her breath as Aaron approached. Unwilling to speak of our dirty laundry in front of a non-family member, my mother’s words were hushed.

    What business deals? I asked, wide-eyed.

    I’m not sure, but I thought your police friends might have mentioned Nate’s activities to you. If he’d behaved, he wouldn’t be here now.

    I thought he croaked from a heart attack. How did the old miscreant kick the bucket?

    He, um ... well, he was found in a very compromising situation with a lady friend. His wife is beside herself over it. He and the woman were, ah, well, um, doing the, uh, you know ... and he kind of died from overexertion.

    Get out.... Really? I guffawed and clapped a hand over my mouth in haste.

    Lavinia, really. It’s not funny. Lena is quite mortified.

    I nodded, though a smile lingered when I greeted Aaron.

    The WWF-sized, handsome man leaned forward to kiss my mother’s cheek. Then he kissed me on the lips. I smiled while mom blushed. Good grief.

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Esposito. Is Mr. Esposito inside?

    Charm dripped off the man. I stared at him through narrowed eyes, when I suddenly realized he was here on business instead of to express sympathy. Like his FBI cronies, Aaron was undoubtedly here to see if Uncle Nate had indeed kicked the bucket. I nodded my head in answer to his question.

    Yeah, he’s in there with the FBI, cops, and the mob – who have all paid their respects to the old geezer.

    Lavinia! Mom glared at me, her tone a tad snappy.

    Aaron held his grin in check and turned to escort us into the viewing room. Vinnie, I’m sure you didn’t mean to offend your mother that way.

    Lavinia Esposito is my given name, in honor of my Aunt Lavinia Ciano. My twin brother, Giovanni, nicknamed me Vinnie when we were kids – and it stuck.

    The aunt of all aunts, Lavinia had been my friend and confidante during my lifetime. She’d backed me up in tight spots with my family. When Livvy died, she’d left her colonial apartment house in the country, and a small gift shop in Providence, to me.

    As a criminal justice instructor at a local university, I deal with cops, security personnel or Two-Point-Fives as they are called in the business, and wannabe’s every day of the school year. I had Livvy to thank for that. My life was never dull or mundane, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Well, most of the time.

    My mother walked on Aaron’s left and I walked on his right as we slowly entered the room. I took in the sea of people, including the cops and agents lined against the rear wall, all of whom whispered to one another. They glanced in our direction and then away, no recognition on their faces. Ah, that good old cop training.

    A woman stepped behind us as we approached the casket. My mother left me with Aaron and returned to sit with my father and Nonni, my grandmother. Aaron glanced down at me as I knelt on the small bar in front of the casket. It tickled my sense of humor to know that he would have to follow suit. He’d kneel to this criminal and pretend to pray. With a smirk, I glanced over as he took his place beside me.

    His large frame nudged me sideways as he moved closer. My knees teetered on the edge of the short bar. Aaron turned, a look of surprise on his features. I peered past him at the round, bodacious woman with thin, flaming red hair who settled next to us.

    Her pink scalp showed through the teased hairdo. Globs of make-up plastered her face. Lips defined outside their rims, sparkled with glittery red lipstick. Good God, Halloween had come and gone.

    The bar sagged in the middle. Dang. We’d be on the floor in a second, if this kept up. I leaned forward for a better view of who’d joined us, when a loud whoop issued from my left. I grabbed Aaron’s arm before scrambling to my feet.

    My great-aunt Lena scurried forward, her handbag swinging wide, her wrinkled features contorted in rage. She hurled the handbag like a shot put.

    You tramp! Lena screamed. A mad dog snarl curled her lip. You killed my Nate—you dirty rotten tramp.

    The handbag found its mark as the broad-chested woman rose from the casket bench to stare at the oncoming maniac. The bag whacked the redhead upside her head, sending her to the floor, onto her knees.

    On spindly legs, Aunt Lena raced forward. Loose high-heeled shoes flopping on her tiny feet. The black knit dress stretched across Lena’s plump body and her stiff blue hair bounced with each step.

    Everyone waited, enthralled, as the scene unfolded before them. I glanced at my father and watched him shake his head, his lips compressed. I could tell he wasn’t about to become embroiled in this drama. Smart man. My mother stared in horror. Nonni jeered at the strange woman, the same woman who’d managed to send my great uncle into the wide blue yonder with a smile on his lips.

    Cops and agents in the back of the room lolled against the wall, waiting and watching. With shrugs, my family members passed the buck from one person to another in silence, not knowing what to do or how to handle their demented relative.

    I determined to stop the scene from playing out any further, and made the mistake of stepping in front of Lena.

    Auntie, please get a hold of yourself. I pleaded with the overwrought woman.

    Short in stature, Lena moved like an out-of-control steamroller. Across the room she rolled, brushing me aside like an insignificant ant. I caught her arm, swinging her to meet my gaze. Wrong move.

    Her hand came up as she rounded on me. I leaned aside and then grasped Lena by the waist. She struggled as I half lifted her fluffy body off the floor. Is someone going to help me here? I yelled.

    Cheers, accompanied by applause, rose from the back wall. With my hands full of her bulging flesh, I whirled Lena around and set her down to face the family.

    Aaron grasped my arm. He dragged me aside as the red-haired woman rose from the floor and sped past. Holding the offending handbag clutched tightly in her long-clawed hand, she thwacked Lena with it. The crowd roared and Nonni yelled words like ‘Punch-a da tramp-a, punch-a her.’ Nonni’s heavy Italian accent was laden with excitement.

    For a second I thought I was at a Providence Bruins hockey game. I usually yell similar stuff when a fight breaks out on the ice. Smiling cops moved through the crowded room as Aaron grasped my arm. He drew me close when the family swarmed forward to help Lena, and effectively blocked the cops.

    My parents and Nonni strode toward the door. My father had a grip on Nonni’s arm. Her fist shook in the air as she yelled words drowned by the noise of the dramatic incident. FBI agents left the room, followed by the mob. The cops wrestled through the rest of the family.

    My twin cousins were the last people I saw before Aaron removed me from the tide of bodies. Gina and Cara were struggling to break up the elderly women. The two old harridans clutched each other by the throat trying to choke the daylights out of one another. All over a dead man, huh.

    In the corridor, Aaron ushered me toward the side doors. Gina and Cara were soon behind us. Gina straightened her long dress, while Cara smoothed her dark mass of wavy hair.

    Vin, did you see that? The twins laughed, speaking at once.

    G, I said using Gina’s nickname, I can’t believe that woman would have the nerve to show her sorry ass here. Cripes, she screwed Nate to death. Lena’s having a cow over it.

    Cara glanced at Aaron who paced the hallway, shaking his head. She turned to me, dipped her head toward him and waggled her perfect eyebrows. I snickered while Gina glared at her identical sister. I glanced back at the viewing room and watched funeral parlor guardians charge into the fray.

    We’d better leave, ladies. Aaron glanced at the crowd, still fleeing the room in alarm. He motioned to us with a crook of his finger.

    All four of us left the building and skedaddled across the parking lot. Aaron’s Yukon sat two cars from my pale blue Altima. Gina and Cara had arrived in Cara’s white Mercedes, parked a few rows from my car.

    We stood near the Yukon as a swell of people flowed from the building. My parents were gone, and I was expected at their house – a neighborhood away.

    I’m going to my parents’ house if you want to join me, I said to the twins and Aaron.

    Great, Gina and Cara said with smiles. They moved toward the Mercedes and waved as they drove past.

    Your cousins are gorgeous. Beauty runs in your family, huh? I didn’t have a chance to meet anyone before round one.

    With a snort of humor, I nodded. Yeah, we’re a good-looking bunch, but not everyone is wrapped real tight. Gina and Cara are the exception, though.

    Their real names are Cara and Gina? Don’t you get confused since they’re identical? How do you tell them apart?

    Their full names are Regina and Carina. How to tell them apart is secret knowledge. I grinned as we left the lot.


    Chapter 2

    A cold, early November wind blew hard, whipping my long hair across my face. The suede coat tightened around my torso as I pulled it close to my body. We scrambled into the house where the rich smell of fresh brewed coffee invaded my senses.

    The twins had arrived first, and now munched cake while my mother bustled around the kitchen. I sidled into a chair and waited to see Aaron work my parents – if he dared. The last time he’d wanted information about the family, I caught him questioning my mother. His excuses weren’t good enough for me when I faced him with it, and he hadn’t tried it again since I’d warned him off.

    Cups rattled on saucers. Plates loaded with huge chunks of chocolate cake smothered in white frosting landed on the table with a thunk. I glanced up at my mother’s tight expression.

    What? I asked.

    That was an inexcusable display, Lavinia.

    I didn’t do anything wrong, other than to protect Auntie from herself. Geesh.

    With a huge sigh, my mother flopped into the chair opposite me.

    I know dear, I’m sorry. It’s upsetting to see elderly women act that way. What will people think?

    My mind flew back to the time my aunt Muffy sprayed a mafia boyfriend with pepper spray inside a restaurant. Good thing Mom hadn’t witnessed that fiasco.

    I patted her hand, then gave it a squeeze. I know, but it’s over now. The police have things under control, and I’m sure Lena is in good hands. Like maybe she is in handcuffs. I thought it that but didn’t say it.

    Gina could pick thoughts off me without trying. I smiled in return and Cara grinned. Aaron sat stuffing cake into his mouth, mesmerized by the three of us.

    Good cake, eh? I asked when my mother loaded his plate with another slice and refreshed his coffee.

    Mmm, hmm. Aaron mumbled his appreciation.

    You know Mom, since Aaron and Marcus eat your leftovers at my house so often I think I’ll claim them as a deduction on my income taxes.

    Aaron watched as my mother shook her head. She’d managed my father’s pizza restaurant business until he took an early retirement. The woman knew IRS regulations by heart.

    I don’t think you can do that, dear. She rose from the table to fix a plate of cake for my father who had just entered the room.

    Gino Esposito is a rugged man. My friends call him a looker with loads of charm. I guess he is a looker, but all I ever manage to elicit from him is a lecture on settling down and motherhood that includes soccer and cooking spaghetti – none of which thrills me in the least.

    We butt heads often. Sometimes I win and sometimes not.

    The head butting starts over the least little thing, but mostly over the fact that I can’t mind my own business. Curiosity plays a huge part in how I live my life, and lying by omission was a gift given to me at birth along with a healthy dose of independence. When I least expect it, my curiosity kicks in and I find myself armpit deep in trouble. My sorry-ass life is often in a state of disarray.

    I thank God daily for the two men in my life, Marcus and Aaron. Without them, who knows where I’d end up? I smiled at Aaron and said to my father, How are we going to get through the funeral if this woman shows up, Dad?

    How would I know? She’s not my responsibility. You should have minded your own business, Lavinia. You know it isn’t good to interfere in these things.

    And how did this become my fault? It would have been a whole lot worse if I hadn’t stopped Aunt Lena.

    These things work themselves out, Lavinia. Keep that in mind in the future. My father ate his cake while I reached for crumbs on his plate.

    A sharp rap on the knuckles followed my poor manners. I drew the hand back, licked frosting off my fingers, and listened to Gina and Cara crack up with laughter. Cripes, I was taking a beating here, both verbal and non-verbal. I’d be better off at home. I rose with the twins and cleared the table to escape any further issues.

    Aaron leaned back, engaging my father in conversation about who was what in the viewing room. He asked how old my dead uncle was. My father answered his questions in an affable manner until he caught my glance. With an imperceptible nod of my head, I warned him to curb his comments. He checked the time and pushed away from the table.

    It’s late. I’m headed to bed.

    I kissed his cheek and said I would be at the funeral home early the next day. Before leaving the room, he asked, Can you pick Nonni up?

    Sure, around eight o’clock. Okay?

    That’ll be fine. He gave me a brief hug, kissed the twins and my mother, and left the room with a nod in Aaron’s direction.

    Gina gazed after my father as he walked away and turned to me with a smirk and whispered, Smartened your ass up, didn’t he?

    Yeah, same as he does to you on occasion. I grinned at her.

    Uncle never smacks my knuckles. Cara boasted with a wide, self-satisfied grin.

    Gina and I offered her wicked glares before we all laughed. Cara said, At least it’s better than Nonni’s wooden spoon.

    Unable to comprehend why we’d find it funny, Aaron watched this display with a sense of wonder on his face. Plainly, he

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