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Becoming Prince Charming
Becoming Prince Charming
Becoming Prince Charming
Ebook70 pages40 minutes

Becoming Prince Charming

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Seventeen-year-old Mason is content with his slacker lifestyle. That is, until he learns his absentee mother is a member of the Evonian royal family. Suddenly, everything changes—Mason travels to Evonia, where he gets to know his mother and starts to fall for an enchanting Evonian girl. Soon Mason realizes that a little hard work might make his life as a royal more interesting than video games. An escapist coming-of-age story laced with romance and intrigue, this installment in the Suddenly Royal series will engage even the most reluctant readers.

Release dateAug 1, 2018
Becoming Prince Charming

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    Becoming Prince Charming - Loren Bailey

    Copyright © 2018 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.

    All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged review.

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    Cover and interior images: Igor Klimov/ (background texture); GoMixer/ (coat of arms and lion); KazanovskyAndrey/iStock/Getty Images Plus (gold); mona redshinestudio/ (crown).

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Bailey, Loren, author.

    Title: Becoming Prince Charming / Loren Bailey.

    Description: Minneapolis : Darby Creek, [2018] | Series: Suddenly royal | Summary: On his seventeenth birthday, slacker Mason learns his absentee mother is a member of the Evonian royal family and, with a little hard work, his life as a royal could be more interesting than video games. | Identifiers: LCCN 2017049271 (print) | LCCN 2017059831 (ebook) | ISBN 9781541525931 (eb pdf) | ISBN 9781541525702 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781541526365 (pb : alk. paper)

    Subjects: | CYAC: Countesses—Fiction. | Mothers and sons—Fiction. | Conduct of life—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Europe—Fiction.

    Classification: LCC PZ7.1.B326 (ebook) | LCC PZ7.1.B326 Bec 2018 (print) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

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    To Mitch—I’m forever grateful for all the love and support


    Our team will need a couple hundred more points if we want to win this thing. Mason Everett checked the countdown clock on the wall—only thirty seconds left to go. He crouched behind a neon block, eyes scanning the black splatter-painted walls for any sign of the opposing team.

    In the distance, he heard a blast and a shout of frustration from his friend Andre. With the amount of time it took to recharge after a hit, Mason knew Andre was basically out at this point. He had no idea how Chase, their other teammate, was doing.

    Mason spotted a flash of blue. He darted to another neon structure and peered through a small peephole. Three of the blue team’s members were clustered inside a tall tower of painted plywood. Must be trying to ride out the clock, Mason thought to himself. If he could get all three of them, there was a good chance that his team would win.

    Fifteen seconds on the clock. It was now or never.

    He slipped out of his hiding place and jogged over to the tower. His footsteps gave him away. One of the blue team members looked over and spotted him. He gasped, and all of Mason’s targets raced away in different directions.

    Go, Mason, go! Chase shouted to him from across the arena. But Mason felt himself hesitate. These players weren’t sitting ducks anymore—he’d have to sprint after one just for the chance that he might hit him.

    It’s pointless, he said, as the clock counted off the last three seconds.

    Whatever, Mason, Andre grumbled as a loud buzzer went off. You still could have tried.

    Chase joined them, panting. Please. Have you ever heard the words ‘Mason’ and ‘try’ in the same sentence?

    Yeah, here’s one for you: I’ll try not to smack you, Mason snapped. And hey, aren’t you supposed to be nice to a guy on his birthday?

    Yeah, as long as he helps you win at laser tag, Chase joked.

    They made their way out of the arena, pulling off their orange chest plates. As they hung their gear on the designated hooks, a large screen displayed the teams’ statistics:

    blue team: 3,200 points

    orange team: 3,050 points

    congratulations, blue team!

    His friends sighed at the screen and Mason tried to pretend he didn’t notice. It was just laser tag. Who really cared?

    Fine, sorry or whatever. Can we go now? he grumbled.

    It was no secret that Mason wasn’t exactly the type to take initiative, but neither were his friends. It’s why they were friends in the first place. They spent their days sitting in the back rows of classrooms, trying to go unnoticed by teachers as they doodled cartoons on their desks and worked to get past the school’s website blockers.

    Mason and his

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