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Royal Pain
Royal Pain
Royal Pain
Ebook66 pages45 minutes

Royal Pain

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When Noah's grandfather dies, he finds out that there is much more to this mysterious side of his family than he's ever known—Noah belongs to the royal family of the European country of Evonia. He must decide whether he wants to take on royal responsibilities or keep living a normal life—but if Noah's grandmother has anything to say about it, he'll stick around for true love. Perfect for reluctant readers, this coming-of-age story is laced with romance, mystery, and escapist fun.

Release dateAug 1, 2018
Royal Pain

Raelyn Drake

Raelyn Drake enjoys chai tea, tai chi, and coming up with more than two items for lists. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband and rescue corgi mix, Sheriff.

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    Royal Pain - Raelyn Drake

    Copyright © 2018 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Drake, Raelyn, author.

    Title: Royal pain / Raelyn Drake.

    Description: Minneapolis : Darby Creek, [2019] | Series: Suddenly royal | Summary: Seventeen-year-old Noah Fuller suddenly learns that he is heir to a dukedom in Evonia, but he must decide if he wants to follow in the family business or live his life as an ordinary citizen.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2017048099 (print) | LCCN 2018007685 (ebook) | ISBN 9781541525979 (eb pdf) | ISBN 9781541525672 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781541526402 (pb : alk. paper)

    Subjects: | CYAC: Identity—Fiction. | Nobility—Fiction.

    Classification: LCC PZ7.1.D74 (ebook) | LCC PZ7.1.D74 Ro 2019 (print) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

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    9781541531406 ePub

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    To Elizabeth Catherine, Molly Beth, and Victoria Lynne


    We have to tell him.

    Noah Fuller froze in the hallway when he heard his mom’s hushed voice.

    We shouldn’t, Cass—the timing just isn’t right, Noah heard his dad say.

    His parents were in the study with the door closed, speaking in low voices. Noah crept closer to listen as his mind raced through the possibilities of what his parents could be discussing.

    Antoine, this is going to change everything for him, his mom replied. The sooner he knows, the better.

    Noah felt his palms grow sweaty. Oh no, he thought, are we moving?

    Can’t we wait until he’s done with junior year? He’s only got one more week before summer vacation. He has tests to study for.

    Noah spared a guilty thought for the backpack full of homework and test-prep materials he left by the front door.

    We can’t wait any longer. The funeral is next week.

    Noah’s breath snagged in his throat. He wrenched the study door open, not caring if his parents knew he had been eavesdropping. What funeral?

    His parents jumped at his sudden entrance. His dad’s mouth hung open a moment. His mom cleared her throat.

    Hi, honey, how was your—


    Your father and I were just talking—

    Mom! Noah repeated, louder. Can you and Dad please just tell me what’s going on?

    Um . . . His mom’s voice faltered before she continued. Grandfather Claude has passed away.

    Noah’s throat felt tight. He sank into the desk chair, half sad and half guilty he didn’t feel any sadder about the death of his grandfather.

    He hadn’t been that close to his mom’s side of the family. They lived in the tiny European country of Evonia, so he had never met them in person. His grandparents called twice a year: on his birthday and during the holidays. His Grandmother Octavia was nice enough but overly formal. Their conversations usually didn’t make it past standard small-talk questions about school. But his Grandfather Claude had been warmer, more interested in what was going on in Noah’s life beyond grades and college plans. He had been the one who first encouraged Noah’s interest in archaeology.

    And now he’s gone. I’m so sorry, Mom. Are you going to be okay?

    His mom managed a weak smile. I’ll survive. She exchanged a look with her husband, who sighed and gave a defeated shrug.

    Go ahead and tell him, Cass. You’re right. He needs to know.

    "There’s more? Noah asked, frowning. He couldn’t imagine what sort of news could possibly be as important as his grandfather’s death. Hold on, are we flying out for the funeral?"


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