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Wolf Snatched: The Dark Ridge Wolves, #1
Wolf Snatched: The Dark Ridge Wolves, #1
Wolf Snatched: The Dark Ridge Wolves, #1
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Wolf Snatched: The Dark Ridge Wolves, #1

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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A punctured tire in the middle of nowhere... A hand over her mouth... Dumped in the trunk of a car...

Curvy wolf-shifter Alyssa finds herself divided from the pack she's grown up with for the past eighteen years, and tied to a chair in a barn in the middle of nowhere.

A man has her now, a man who can also take the shape of a wolf. Alyssa has always followed by the rules, but now this man is forcing her to break them all...


Cole wants her the first moment he sees her. He's found his mate, knows it at the very first scent, but the curvy eighteen year old would never betray her pack and leave with a lone wolf.

But Cole knows he's found his mate, and wolves mate for life.

All he has to do is convince her he's right.

Release dateJul 15, 2018
Wolf Snatched: The Dark Ridge Wolves, #1

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely loved this story, I wish the story’s about the brothers were as good but quite frankly no way.

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Wolf Snatched - Marissa Farrar

Chapter One


Alyssa jumped at the gruff sound of her alpha’s voice and spun to face him, her cheeks heating. No, sorry. I was just about to.

Well, get a move on. I’m going to die of thirst at this rate.

Her alpha Gregory stared at her in a way that made her uncomfortable, his gaze slipping down over her body like liquid. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest, and wished she’d worn something more covering than the thin summer dress she’d chosen that morning. She wasn’t a small girl, and her breasts strained against the front of the dress, the straps tested by her curves. Her hips and bottom sent the material flaring out to stop mid-thigh.

She shouldn’t be made to feel this way. Gregory was not only her alpha, he was also at least forty—so twenty plus years older than her own eighteen years. He was already mated to the not-so-lovely Valerie, who was their alpha female. She knew alphas occasionally took mistresses, and she prayed that wasn’t what he had in store for her. Gregory was a bullish man, with a bald head, no neck, and wide, beefy shoulders. He wasn’t the sort of guy she’d be attracted to at all, and the age difference left a sickening dread in her stomach.

Perhaps she was imagining things—he had watched her grow up, and surely didn’t think of her as much more than a little girl himself. But no, the way his gaze lingered on the shelf of her breasts, she was sure he was thinking of her as most definitely all grown up.

Take the car, he said, and the cell phone. I don’t want you messing around in town, and if one of the human men tries to talk to you, just ignore them.

I will, she said. I don’t speak to anyone in town.

Glad to hear it. Your place is with us, the Dark Ridge wolves.

Then why is it always me you send into town to do chores? She didn’t give voice to her words, but she knew the constant allocation of chores was just an excuse for him to speak to her. Gregory had a niece, Ruby, who was still single and only a couple of years older than she was, but he never asked her to do the runs into town.

I know, Gregory, she said instead. I’ve never wanted to be anywhere else.

The men in town rarely spoke to her anyway, unless it was because they had to. Humans knew about wolf-shifters, but they had a silent agreement to keep themselves to themselves. The shifters didn’t involve themselves in human business and vice-versa. Occasionally, a rogue wolf lived among the humans, but that was rare. For the most part, wolves kept to their own packs and compounds, and the humans stayed in the towns. It had worked that way for hundreds of years, and, other than the occasional run-in, they lived peacefully.

Then I’ll see you this afternoon with what I’ve asked for.

A shout from one of the other shifters called Gregory over, and so he turned and walked away.

Alyssa sighed and headed over to where one of the cars was parked near the meeting house at the center of their compound. The pack didn’t have many cars. Gregory had his own beast of a truck, which he kept meticulously clean and wouldn’t let anyone else drive, but the rest of them shared the few vehicles they had. They tried to live their lives as close to nature as possible, so preferred to be on foot rather than drive vehicles, and things like cell phones and televisions were uncommon. They lived a simple life, and were happy that way.

Hey, Alyssa, wait up.

She turned to see her older brother Holton coming toward her at a slow jog. He was ten years older than she was, and beta in the pack. She was fiercely proud of him, and of their other brother, Joel, too, who was twenty-three and opposite to Holton in every way. Where Holton was big and dark, with his long hair and coarse beard, Joel was lean and blonde. She fell somewhere in the middle with her curly brown hair, though she wished she’d inherited some of the leanness Joel had. She felt like all she needed to do was look at a cookie and it landed straight on her hips.

Holton came to a stop in front of her, his thick dark brows drawn together in concern. Everything all right? I saw Gregory talking to you.

She sighed. Yeah, I just have to do a run to the store. He was asking me why I hadn’t left yet.

That was all?

Yeah, that was all. Why?

Oh, no reason. I just wanted to check on my baby-sister, that’s all.

She punched him on the arm, but her fist met only solid muscle and made no impact at all. Hey, less of the baby. I’m eighteen now, remember? A grown woman.

He cast a glance over his shoulder, in the direction Gregory had gone. Yeah, that’s what worries me.

Was Holton concerned about the same thing she was—that Gregory was thinking of her in a different way now that she was mature? She wanted to ask him directly, but even the thought embarrassed her, and the idea of saying it out loud, to her big brother, no less, made her cheeks burn with humiliation. Besides, it put her brother in a difficult position. He was Gregory’s beta—his right hand man. She didn’t want to put thoughts like that into Holton’s head. Holton was protective of her, and if he started to think Gregory had ideas about her in that way, it would make his job difficult. Nothing was more important than their pack being cohesive and working together. Friction between pack leaders could cause entire packs to break apart, and then they were left weak and open to being taken over by rival packs. The Dark Ridge wolves had always lived peacefully, and she didn’t want to be the cause of something like that happening.

I can come with you, if you want? Holton offered. I’ve got a couple of things to finish up here, but I’d be happy to join you for a trip into town.

I’ll be fine, Holton, honestly. Gregory wants me to get a move on, and I don’t want to keep him waiting any longer.

It won’t do him any harm to wait.

She tried again. "And I want to go on my own. I enjoy the drive."

He studied her face. As long as you’re sure.

I am, I promise.

Okay. Be careful, and don’t go talking to any strange boys.

She rolled her eyes at him, and he laughed. I know, I know. You’re all grown up now.

That’s right, she confirmed. I’ll be back by the afternoon.

She turned away from her brother and walked to where the car was parked. The keys were in the ignition—no one in the pack would ever dream of stealing the car—and she saw the cell phone sitting in the holder on the dashboard. She removed it from the holder and slipped it into her purse. Her shifter pack only owned two cell phones. They were together most of the time anyway, so what was the point in them having more? Plus the pack couldn’t afford to fund a whole heap of cell phones for members who would rarely need to use them. Gregory was tight like that, so he kept one for himself, and

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