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The Darkness of Mid Day
The Darkness of Mid Day
The Darkness of Mid Day
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The Darkness of Mid Day

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On her eighth birthday, Anita witnesses the rape and murder of her mother. Thus begins a series of events that will forever alter her life. In the years following her mother's death, Anita suffers more indignities and pain. After her seventeenth birthday, and with the aid of a friend, Anita escapes first to Chicago and eventually to California. Twenty-five years later, she returns to Illinois, and by chance encounters the three who murdered her mother. As she remembers that fateful day, and all of the atrocities that have since happened to her, she makes a decision. She will exact her revenge. However, revenge has a way of unleashing unforeseen consequences.

"The Darkness of Mid Day is a volatile story that will test the reader's ability to acutely discern a sinner from a saint. Let the reader beware as the characters of this story invade your psyche, you may be left with no hero to champion. Can murder ever be justified? You'll have to decide, because you may find yourself rooting for a cold blooded murderer. All these people had it coming, right? Maybe but when "good" people begin to die, your allegiance will vanish and you will be shocked at the unexpected ending of this dark tale." Saundra Julian, author.

Release dateNov 22, 2006
The Darkness of Mid Day

Joseph Wellman

Mr. Wellman is a retired teacher who spent thirty-five years teaching high school psychology and sociology. The Darkness of Mid Day is his third novel. Previously, he wrote The Private Lives of Teachers, and Payson Heights. Mr. Wellman lives in Elk Grove Village, a suburb northwest of Chicago.

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    Book preview

    The Darkness of Mid Day - Joseph Wellman



    A Novel

    Joseph A. Wellman

    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Lincoln Shanghai

    The Darkness of Mid Day

    Copyright © 2006 by Joseph A. Wellman

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any

    means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,

    taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written

    permission of the publisher except in the case ofbrief quotations embodied

    in critical articles and reviews.


    2021 Pine Lake Road, Suite 100

    Lincoln, NE 68512

    1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677)

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations,

    and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination

    or are used fictitiously.

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-41987-6 (pbk)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-87207-7 (cloth)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-595-86331-0 (ebk)


    Author’s Notes

    C H A P T E R 1

    C H A P T E R 2

    C H A P T E R 3

    C H A P T E R 4

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    I thought I had gone to hell.

    Hell would have been preferable.

    Author’s Notes

    I am grateful to Joe Bosslet for all of his assistance in the writing of this novel.

    In order to keep the story moving, I purposefully ignored the legal stages in teacher contract negotiations. Please excuse this liberty.

    In addition, the domination of a teachers’ union by a school administration, while not likely in today’s world, is not exactly a figment of the author’s imagination. In his early years of teaching, he experienced such situations several times.

    C H A P T E R 1


    God damn it! Shut up! You want her to hear us? Todd hisses and motions for Dan and Fred to get down on the ground and to shut up.

    Crouching lower in the dense underbrush that scratches and irritates their sweaty skin, the three nineteen year olds hold their breath making sure she hasn’t heard them. They remain motionless for a few minutes enduring the crawling ants that are moving over their skin and under their clothes.

    Why don’t you take another look? Dan whispers.

    Todd raises his head, listens, and hears nothing but the noise of the dense woods. He whispers back.

    I’m going up and see if she’s alone. Stay here and keep your damn mouths shut.

    On hands and knees, he creeps as close as possible to the edge of the timber’s underbrush. From here, he has a clear view of the house that’s about fifty yards away. In front of him is the driveway that runs behind the house and onto the barn with a cutoff to the garage that’s next to the house. No one’s in sight. He lifts his head higher trying to find out what happened to her. They heard her a few minutes ago. Where in the hell is she? With a car parked in the garage, he figures she has to be home. He shifts his attention back to the house as the screen door slams.

    Jesus H Christ, Todd whispers to the underbrush as he watches her stroll toward the garage clad in a skimpy bikini and carrying a large sunbonnet. As she walks past the garage, he hears her call. Anita, where are you, honey? I’m in the barn, Mommy.

    With a kitten in her arms, Anita comes to the open door and waits for her mother.

    Is this one of the new kittens? Yeah, isn’t she cute?

    Jennifer scratches the kitten under the chin. Are you sure it’s a she?

    I don’t know. I figured since she’s shy and not rowdy like the others, this one has to be a girl.

    Remember what I told you, don’t get too attached. I won’t. Are you going to paint this afternoon? I thought I might.

    Todd continues to watch, ignoring the large number of insects crawling all over him. Time for revenge he thinks. He moves back into the woods. As he crawls back, Dan says, Well? No one’s around except for the rugrat. What are we going to do with her? a worried Fred asks. We’ll lock her in the house.

    Hey, why don’t you take her? She’s your size. I don’t think you can handle momma, Dan snickers as he stifles a laugh. Go to hell. She’s a kid. Yeah, but she won’t mind your little dick.

    Knock it off, Todd hisses at his two bickering friends, but he too is smiling at Dan’s constant teasing of Fred. Aw look, he’s pouting.

    Todd starts crawling back to the edge of the clearing. Why are we crawling?

    Because I want to make sure we do this right. Got any problems with that? Dan drops to all fours, muttering to himself as he crawls behind Todd. Fred, as usual, brings up the rear.

    Todd smiles at Dan and says, She’s wearing nothing but a string bikini. No shit?

    What? Fred whispers. She’s not wearing any clothes.

    Fred stares at Dan’s butt as he says, She’s naked?

    She’s naked as a jaybird.

    At the edge of the timber’s underbrush, Fred gets a glimpse of Jennifer and shouts, She’s not naked.

    Todd smacks Fred along side of the head, telling him to shut up.

    On their bellies in the underbrush, they watch and wait. When the time is right, they’ll make their move. For the moment, a bikini-clad Jennifer spurs on their thoughts and imaginations. They watch her move about setting up her easel.

    I’m getting a hard-on watching her prance around. Let’s get going, Dan demands.

    Wait, is all Todd says.

    They wait.

    Their obsession began several days earlier as the three sat in a Hardin restaurant having lunch. The eatery, next to the Illinois River, is a popular spot for locals as well as those who come over from the Kampsville archaeological site.

    As they’re finishing lunch, Jennifer walks in with Anita.

    Who is she? Fred blurts out.

    Could be a tourist, so don’t get your balls in an uproar. Besides, she’s out of your league, Todd says.


    Laughing, Dan continues the jibing.

    He means you need to stick with the fifteen-year-olds. A woman like this needs a man.

    Todd and Dan’s loud laughter catches Jennifer and Anita’s attention for a second, before they resume reading their menus.

    How old do you think she is? Dan wonders aloud.

    Late twenties.

    After a few moments, the three quiet down.

    Jennifer’s conservative dress doesn’t hamper her alluring figure. If the daughter were not present, one might mistake Jennifer’s age and guess that she’s in her mid twenties. Her auburn hair, tied into a ponytail, adds to her youthful looks; and unless you were right next to her, you would never know she doesn’t wear makeup. With an easy smile and an infectious laugh, she draws looks everywhere she goes.

    The daughter has the beauty of her mother and appears older than her eight years.

    For the moment, the three boys are content to sit at the table mesmerized by Jennifer. Their reverie is broken when the waitress saunters over with their check.

    Anything else? she asks. How about a big scoop of poison. She tired a long time ago of their immature flirting, wiseass remarks, and sexual innuendos.

    Yeah, who’s the babe with the kid? Todd asks.

    She glances at Jennifer and Anita, and looks back at the three, thinking these knuckleheads are the most immature teens she’s ever had the misfortune to encounter. Now they want to know about an older woman.

    Her name is Jennifer, and that’s her daughter Anita.

    They live around here?

    Not in town. She has a place up in the hills closer to the Mississippi side. She’s here a month or two in the summer. Why?

    No reason. Haven’t seen her in here before. I mean, we eat all of our meals here. You’d think we’d come across her.

    The waitress smiles and shakes her head, amused by their interest in Jennifer. Since they’ve been coming to Hardin, the only girls they’ve been picking up are the young teenagers. She can’t believe they’re thinking Jennifer would even give these bozos the time of day.

    Where’s her husband? Dan asks, thinking he’d like to get a look at the lucky bastard.

    Dead, killed in an accident several years ago.

    With a flip of her wrist, she tosses the check onto the table.

    Here’s your check, and don’t bother leaving a tip. I don’t want to be insulted again.

    Let’s invite her to a cookout.

    The waitress? Dan asks.

    No, idiot. The babe over there.

    What? Are you crazy? She’s got a little kid. What are we going to do with her? Besides, what makes you thinks she’d come with us? She’s got to be at least ten years older than us.

    What’s wrong with that? Maybe she’d like a young stud. You got any better ideas? You’ve been bitching about not getting laid for a while, so maybe this is our chance. Most of the chicks around here have been ignoring us.

    Just like that, huh? You’re going to waltz over there and expect a total stranger, an older woman with a kid, to come with us to a cookout?

    What cookout? Fred asks.

    Wanna bet?

    Before either of them can respond, Todd is walking toward Jennifer’s table. They watch and admire his audacity as he stops in front of Jennifer.

    Pardon me, but my friends and I were wondering if you would like to come to a cookout at our place tonight?

    Jennifer glances up, bemused at the invitation. She has heard about these three. In fact, the whole area knew about these three very rich and spoiled brats. Every summer, since they were old enough to drive, they came here for several weeks causing trouble. Most of the local girls, tiring of their insults and propositions, learned long ago to give them a wide berth. Hmm, Jennifer thinks, they must be running out of young ones and have decided to give us older women a try. Well, this is going to be interesting.

    And who is going to be at this little cookout?

    Well, it’d be you, your daughter, my two friends and maybe some others.

    Uh huh. What others?

    Well, you know, anybody we happen to meet and would like to party.

    Jennifer leans back in her chair, folds her arms across her chest, and studies Todd before responding. What you’re saying is that my daughter and I would be the only guests at your party, right?

    Well, uh, er, we, uh, we just now decided to have a party, so we haven’t had a chance to ask others. You’re the first one, but we’ll be inviting others later in the day. How about it?

    She fixes Todd with an unwavering look.

    And what makes you think that I, a thirty-four year old woman with an eight-year-old daughter, would want to be hanging out with a couple of high school kids?

    We’re not kids. We’re college freshmen.

    Look sonny, I don’t think I’m so desperate that I’m ready to rob the cradle. Why don’t you and your friends stay with your own group? I’m sure there’re teens in the area that would be happy to party with you. As for me, I want to stay with a more mature group, people my own age. Frankly, I don’t see how we would have anything in common. Now, if you don’t mind, I want to have lunch with my daughter. Good day.

    With a wave of her hand, she dismisses him, turns to her daughter and says, And what would like for lunch, young lady?

    Anita giggles and in a loud whisper says, Nice putdown, Mom.

    At another table, the waitress can’t hide her glee at Todd’s predicament. It’s something she’s wanted to do for years.

    Todd’s first impulse is to slap her face as hard as he can. No bitch ever talked to him this way. If they did, they did it once and never again. A noise behind him catches his attention, and he turns and sees his friends snickering and chortling with their hands covering their mouths. As he stomps toward the exit, Dan and Fred run to join him, when there’s a shout, Pay the bill, assholes!

    The owner, a large beefy, bald, and bearded Armenian, says to them again, I said, pay your bill.

    He would love for one of them to start something. He’d like nothing better than having an excuse to beat the hell out of them, something he has been itching to do for a long time.

    Todd knows he’s no match for the owner. Hell, all three are no match for the owner. With a nod of his head, Todd says to Fred, Pay the guy.

    But… Fred starts to say as he watches Todd and Dan head out the door.

    Shit, I’m stuck paying the bill again.

    Frustrated, he pays the Armenian, and rushes to catch up.

    That bitch, that lousy bitch, Todd screams as he gets into the car. If you want a ride, you better get your ass in here now.

    The car’s moving even before Fred makes it into the back seat. Rocks and gravel pelt the front of the restaurant as the car fishtails out of the parking lot. As Todd speeds onto the highway, he yells at the top of his voice, I’m going to make that bitch wish she’d never said a word to me. Bitch!

    What are you going to do? Dan asks.

    There’s a squeal of tires as Todd brakes, swerving off the highway and onto a gravel road. He slaps the steering wheel, and shouts over the wind rushing through the open car windows.

    Boys, we’re going to have a party. It’s going to be at her place, and she’s going to be the center attraction. She’s going to find out what a real man is like, whether she wants to or not. Treat me like a kid? I’ll show that bitch what this kid can do. Let’s go find out where this bitch lives so we can plan a nice surprise for her.

    What if she doesn’t want to party with us?

    The car skids, swerving back and forth on the gravel road before coming to a stop. Todd turns around and glares at Fred.

    You’re joking, aren’t you?

    In the weeds and underbrush, they crouch and wait.

    It wasn’t difficult finding out where she lived. As it turns out, her place is about three miles from his parent’s cabin. On the way back to their cabin, Todd decides they will surprise her a day after tomorrow.

    The next day, they drive their packed car through Hardin, making sure a number of people see them leave the area. He wants people to think they’re going home a couple of weeks early this year, and to make sure of this he stops at Mark’s gas station.

    You guys going fishing, or are you going home? Mark asks looking at the packed car. If they’re going home, he can’t wait to spread the joyful news.

    Going home. Too quiet around here, Todd answers.

    Later, after leaving Hardin, they double back, driving slow over gravel roads hoping not to raise too much dust and attention. Parking their car on an old unused lane that’s about a mile from her place, they spend the night in the woods. The next morning, they begin heading through the timber and underbrush to Jennifer’s place.

    O’er the river and through the woods to Jennifer’s house we go, Todd sings as they start into the timber. They hurry along until they get within several hundred yards of her place before they begin proceeding at a cautious pace.

    Now, as they crouch on the edge of the woods, they continue to wait, watch, and listen.

    Anita! Come here, honey! Jennifer shouts, as she emerges from the house carrying a small cake adorned with eight burning candles.

    What do you want, Mommy? Anita yells back as she runs out of the barn.

    What do you think, birthday girl? Did you think I had forgotten?

    Anita squeals as her mother sets the cake on the picnic table.

    She runs to her mother, gives her a big hug, and says, I knew you didn’t forget. Do I get my presents now?

    Nope, you have to wait until tonight. We’ll have dinner in town, and that’s when you’ll get your presents. Now, do you want me to sing?

    Mommy, she giggles, you’re beautiful and you can paint, but you can’t sing.

    With one puff, she blows out the candles.

    Did you make a wish? I did.

    What did you wish for?

    I can’t tell you, or it won’t come true.

    That’s silly.

    Okay, I wished we could be this happy forever.

    Oh, Anita, that’s so nice.

    And I also wished you would learn how to sing.

    She giggles.

    Just for that, young lady, I’m going to eat your piece.

    No, you won’t. You’re afraid of getting fat. I bet you won’t even eat one piece of my cake.

    I’m going to prove you wrong, Miss Birthday Girl.

    She cuts two pieces and sits down opposite Anita.

    I can’t believe you’re eight years old. I can’t believe it. My little girl is growing up.

    Just before taking a bite of cake, Anita asks, Did you make this cake or did you buy it in town?

    Silly girl, you know I stayed up all night baking this cake.

    No, you didn’t, Anita says, giggling with a mouthful of cake. She can’t imagine her mother baking a cake since she’s a disaster in the kitchen. Anita and her father used to laugh over her mother’s attempt to cook.

    Well now, Little Missy, I was going to tell you about one of your birthday gifts, but since you’re making fun of my cake, I guess it’ll have to wait.

    As she’s talking, she stands, and starts moving around the table.

    Now, it’s time for your birthday spanking.

    Anita, seeing her mother starting to stand, takes off running. Jennifer catches her inside the barn. Swooping her up, she hugs her as tight as she can, kisses her eight times, and gives her a pinch on the butt.

    Anita hugs her back.

    I love you, Mommy. I love you.

    And I love you, Sweet Stuff.

    Setting her back on the barn floor, she says, And next week, we’re flying to California and going to Disneyland. How about that?

    A loud squeal follows Jennifer’s announcement.

    Well, well, well, isn’t this a pretty sight. A birthday party and we weren’t even invited. What do you think about that, boys?

    At the sound of the voice, Jennifer has a quick intake of air, turns and stares at Todd, who’s smiling and chewing a piece of cake he had picked up from the table. Jennifer pushes Anita behind her. Looking to her right, she sees another of the trio. Where’s the third one, she wonders, as she searches to her left.

    He’s behind you, if you’re wondering.

    Out of the corner of her eye, she sees him sitting on a bale of straw, grinning as if he knows the answer, and she hasn’t even guessed the question.

    Jennifer tries to remain calm and in control, but her high-pitched voice gives her away when she squeaks out, What do you want?

    Why, we want to party with you. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

    Jennifer doesn’t answer as she looks about wondering how to get out of this predicament. There’s no way out, as both of them are blocking the large barn door opening, and there’s no way out the back. Trapped!

    That wasn’t very polite of you to turn down our offer of a cookout. Then, you go ahead and have a birthday partywithout inviting us. That’s not being very neighborly. Boys, do you think it’s right for little missy to have a party without asking us?

    Dan and Fred smile and wait.

    Happy birthday, little girl. Your cake is delicious, Todd says, laughing and spitting out the remains of the cake in Jennifer’s direction, missing her feet by inches.

    Jennifer’s breath in coming is short gasps, and it’s becoming difficult to breathe. She feels and almost hears her heartbeat.

    Again, in a halting voice she asks, Wha, wha, what do you want?

    I think you know what we want.

    Todd attempts to run his hand inside her bra, but Jennifer pulls back.

    Her knees are shaking so hard she’s not sure she can stand much longer. She’s never been this frightened.

    Mommy, I’m scared, Anita says as her fingers dig into Jennifer’s legs.

    Anita, honey…

    Fred, get the kid.

    Leave her alone!

    There’s a splat sound and Jennifer stumbles to her left and backwards, her face stinging.

    She feels Anita’s arms tightening around her legs, as Fred tries to pull her away. All the while Anita screams at the top of her voice, Mommy! Mommy! Within seconds, the warmth of Anita’s arms and fingers around her legs is gone.

    Don’t you dare hurt her!

    Jennifer’s shout brings another vicious slap that sends her reeling, and she has difficulty trying to keep focused.

    Call me sonny, you fucking bitch. You’ll be god dammed sorry you ever said that to me.

    Reaching across, he rips off her bra in one motion, and caresses her nipples.

    I bet that feels good, doesn’t it?

    Cupping a breast, he continues with, A little on the small side, but they’ll do.

    He takes one in his mouth and bites.

    Jennifer puts a fist in her mouth to keep from crying out.

    Meanwhile, Anita is still screaming, crying, and calling for her mother.

    Shut that god damned kid up, will you?

    As Fred wraps his hand around her mouth, Anita bites one of his fingers.

    Ouch, goddamn you, you little bitch!

    Hell boy, if you can’t handle that little kid, how’re you going to handle momma?

    There’s laughter from Todd and Dan.

    Jennifer realizes there’s no escape, and makes a decision.

    Please, don’t hurt my daughter. I’ll do whatever you want.

    Well, now that’s more like it.

    Anita, freeing her head from Fred’s grasp, screams for her mother.

    Anita, honey, please be quiet and do what the man says. Please.


    I love you Anita, I love you.

    Sobbing, Anita tries to answer, but it takes time for her to say, "I, I, I love you,



    Todd and Dan grab and throw Jennifer to the straw-filled floor. In the process, they rip off her bikini bottom amid cries from Jennifer.

    Oh God, no, not in front of my daughter, please, not in front of my daughter. Oh God, no, please, please…


    Todd, tiring of her blabbering, hits her in the face with a fist that brings a muffled cry from Jennifer, and a scream from Anita.

    Dan holds Jennifer’s arms as Todd strips off his shorts and tries to kneel between Jennifer’s legs she’s still holding together. Angered at Jennifer’s resistance, he makes a fist and hits her in the stomach with all of his might.

    Oomph. is all the sound that comes from Jennifer, as she feels she’s going to die, unable to catch her breath.

    Now, get those god damned legs apart, or I’ll hurt you real bad.

    With a slow movement, she opens her legs, and he kneels between them.

    As blood runs from her nose and mouth, Jennifer grimaces and grits her teeth, enduring the pain and humiliation as Todd forces himselfinto her. Grunting and thrusting, Todd lowers his face next to hers.

    How do you like it?

    She turns her head and bites her lip, drawing more blood and hoping the pain will mask the rape.

    Anita watches in horrified fascination.

    Mommy, what’s he doing to you, Mommy? What’s he doing to you?

    With one final thrust, Todd climaxes, and falls back with a satisfied sigh.

    She’s all yours.

    Dan stands, looks down at a crying Jennifer, her faced smeared with blood and dirt, and says, On your knees, bitch.

    What, what do you want?

    He kicks her in the ribs and shouts, I said on your knees, bitch. Are you deaf?

    Oooh, Jennifer cries out, and as she rolls over and kneels, he grabs her head and shoves his erection at her.

    She gags and retches.

    Dan smacks her along side of the side of the head.

    You do that again and I’ll knock your god damn teeth out. Understand?

    She chokes back her urge to vomit, and begins to administer to him.

    Once again, Jennifer hears Anita’s horrified voice.

    Mommy, make him stop.

    At first, Jennifer’s confused, thinking Anita’s screams are about what Dan is doing to her. She hears more screaming.

    No, don’t do that. Don’t do that! Ouch, that hurts. Stop it.

    Something’s wrong. Jennifer opens her eyes and looks in Anita’s direction in time to see Fred with his hand in her panties. Anita, screaming in terror, struggles against Fred’s left arm that encircles her neck, as she tries in vain to move her hips in an effort to keep him from inserting his finger into her. With both hands, she tries to pull his hand out ofher panties. Seeing the assault on her daughter, Jennifer bites down as hard as she can on Dan’s erection.

    He screams, until there’s no more air in his lungs.

    Todd is the first to react as he grabs a long handled shovel and swings it as hard as he can. The back of the blade hits Jennifer along side ofher head, knocking her half-unconscious, and she releases Dan’s penis from her mouth. Dan falls onto his back, continuing to scream while blood pours between his crotch-clutching fingers.

    God damn! God damn! She bit my dick off! She bit my dick off.

    Releasing Anita, Fred runs to Dan’s side.

    No, she didn’t. Your dick’s still there, but it sure as hell looks in bad shape.

    Anita rushes to her mother’s side, crying, Mommy, Mommy, shaking and trying to get her awake.

    Get the kid, Fred. God damn it, can’t you do anything right?

    Fred grabs a whimpering, kicking Anita, and drags her off to the side.

    A moaning Dan rolls back and forth on the floor, holding on to his crotch, trying to assuage his pain.

    I need help, Todd. I need help. Please. Oh, God, it hurts. It hurts.

    We’ll get you help. We’ll get you to Lohman and he’ll take care of you, but first we got to take care of his bitch.

    With the shovel still in his hand, he walks back to Jennifer, who lies motionless on her back. He pauses, raises the shovel above his head and brings it down with all the force he can muster on her forehead. There’s a sound of cracking bones, and blood splatters all around, some of it hitting Todd and Dan.


    Okay, your turn, Todd says to Dan.


    It’s your turn to hit her.

    I don’t know ifI can. Damn it Todd, my dick hurts like hell, and I’m bleeding all over the place.

    Hit her!

    As he struggles to his feet, he takes the shovel and swings. It’s a weak hit, since he’s using just one hand, while holding onto his crotch with the other.

    Fucking pussy.

    Todd grabs the shovel away from Dan and hits Jennifer again.

    Okay Fred, it’s your turn.

    As soon as he lets go of her, and takes the shovel, Anita runs out of the barn and heads for the woods. She knows where to hide and where they won’t find her.

    We’ll get her later. Okay, hit her, or are you going to wimp out on us like you usually do?

    Bastard, I’ll show him.

    Give me the shovel. I’ll show you who’s a wimp.

    He swallows, looks once at Todd and brings the shovel down on Jennifer’s face.

    He hits her three more times and when he finishes, her skull is cracked and her face is misshaped. Leaning down, Todd puts his fingers on the side of her neck checking for a pulse.

    Is she dead? Fred asks, feeling sick to his stomach.

    I can’t believe it. Her head’s busted wide open, but her heart is still going. Well, she won’t last long.

    What about the girl? Fred asks.

    Find and kill her.


    Please guys, let her go and get me to a doctor. Please.

    Todd examines Dan’s penis. His pants are soaked with blood.

    Damn, it does look bad, but we got to find the kid first.

    Please Todd, I need a doctor.

    As fast as her legs will carry her, Anita, crying and sobbing, runs into the woods as saplings, weeds, and small briar slap and scratch her arms and legs. She knows where to hide. Not even her mother could find her when they played hide and seek. She squeezes through a small opening that’s under a rocky ridge outcropping and lies still, her breath coming in short pants. She hopes Mommy won’t be mad at her for running away.

    Fred runs out of the barn to the edge of the barnyard and listens. Then, he hears the crying, and the noise of Anita running through woods. He takes off after

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