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Whispers from the Heart: A Journey from Unbelief into God’S Amazing Grace
Whispers from the Heart: A Journey from Unbelief into God’S Amazing Grace
Whispers from the Heart: A Journey from Unbelief into God’S Amazing Grace
Ebook116 pages27 minutes

Whispers from the Heart: A Journey from Unbelief into God’S Amazing Grace

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About this ebook

This is a book of prose. It began in the year 1992 after a transition from an agnostic point of view to complete and total surrender to my Lord Jesus Christ. His whispers began with my comprehension of Gods sacrifice to redirect my fate. The whispers continued through the years with my growth and trust in Him. With the tragic death of my son at age thirty-two, I wondered how I would go on. Then His whispers came day and night as He walked beside me in my garden of grief. This is a book for you, if you do not know the Lord. If you know Him, it will lead you into praise and worship. If your heart is broken from the loss of a loved one, then I trust you will find a measure of comfort for your healing. Be blessed as you read.

Diane Wise

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Release dateApr 26, 2004
Whispers from the Heart: A Journey from Unbelief into God’S Amazing Grace

Diane Wise

Diane Wise is a sixty-two year old wife and mother writing her first book.  She has been married forty years and had two sons, Mark and Jason.  She has been a stay-at-home wife and mom throughout her married life.  Her sons grew and married, blessing her with four grandchildren.  She had a love for antiques, refinishing and decorating.  Now, her first love is the Lord.  She first began to journal with her salvation at age fifty-one.  Then with the untimely death of her youngest son, she has begun the healing process with these outpourings of comfort from the Lord.  Her hope is if you know the Lord you will be blessed as you read, if you know Him not, you will be drawn to Him and if you are grieving for a loved one, you will find a measure of comfort in these whispers from her heart.

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    Book preview

    Whispers from the Heart - Diane Wise


    from the


    A Journey from Unbelief

    Into God’s Amazing Grace


    Diane Wise

    © 2004 by Diane Wise. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 04/15/04

    ISBN: 1-4140-1293-4 (e-book)

    ISBN: 1-4184-3803-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 1-4184-3802-2 (Dust Jacket)

    ISBN: 978-1-4140-1293-3 (e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2003097252

    All scripture quotations in this book are from

    The King James Version of the Bible (KJV)





    Growth & Trust

    Garden of Grief

    Sweet Whispers


    In memory


    Jason Tully Wise


    Dedicated to

    My loving husband Bill, whom I adore.

    My cherished son Mark, trustworthy and kind.

    My beautiful daughter-in-law in Christ, Sheryl.

    My heartstrings, Hamilton and Emmie Ruth.

    The sons Jason

    loved so dearly,

    Tully L. Wise and Oakley A. Wise.

    A special aunt and uncle

    Ginger and Dan Brannock.

    To my dear friends at

    Wise Oil & Fuel, Inc.

    for their love and support.

    A special thank you to Amy Redmond

    and Sheryl Wise, without their expertise

    this would not be in print.


    This journey began at a small church in a sleepy little town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. A revival was being held. Reverend Claypool was preaching. I cannot tell you about the sermon. I can tell you he met me at the altar. He told me to ask Jesus into my heart and to tell Him I wanted to receive all He had to offer. In an instant, one heartbeat of time, I was transformed. Now I am a sinner saved by God’s amazing grace.


    My beginning was humble

    now I am a child of the King.

    A cot was my resting place

    now I am revived in my Savior’s arms.

    Heaven was not a word I used frequently

    heaven was a place of unbelief for me.

    Tragedy came.

    My husband needed a miracle.

    It was a June day

    clouds of purest white

    the sky a cerulean blue.

    I looked upward and spoke

    life changing words.

    God if You exist

    in a place I cannot see

    I am unworthy to pray.

    Head down I walked away

    gripped by ice-cold fear

    of losing someone

    I held so dear.

    In recognition of sin

    He began to reveal Himself to me.

    Now I see a place before unseen.

    My husband suffered

    a fourth degree electrical burn.

    I heard his death rattles.

    The body fluids had shifted

    and he was unconscious.

    He was transported by helicopter to

    a burn center two

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