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Mystery Sky: ... Photography of the Unseen ...
Mystery Sky: ... Photography of the Unseen ...
Mystery Sky: ... Photography of the Unseen ...
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Mystery Sky: ... Photography of the Unseen ...

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Inside you will find over two hundred images of spirit photography combined with stories that reveal how the hidden realm of the unseen was captured by the camera of author/photographer Diana Lane Lambert.

Mystery Sky ... Photography of the unseen ... seeks to help you:

look at the beauty of the mysterious sky with a different knowledge than previously known become more interested in the spirit world realize that we are never alone, but surrounded by the spirit realm of the 'unseen' at all times

Dianas photographs speak eloquently of the mystery of consciousness. The images are unique, beautiful and thought provoking. We gladly recommend this book to inform the mind and inspire the heart

John Pickering and Katie Hall, authors of Beyond Photography

This kind of scene, in which the natural mingles unselfconsciously with the otherworldly, is the sort of wondrous strange place Diana Lane Lambert captures again and again with her camera.

John Wooley, author, college professor and radio personality

These photographs provide a glimpse into a previously unseen universeI simply see them as emissaries, liaisons between the realms of reality.

Robert W. Hardee, Jr., artist and teacher

When I look at Dianas work, I feel awe and wonder for the mysteries of life and a deep sense of peace.

Sally Haughey, Master Teacher of Oklahoma

"Diana's photographs are filled with quality, quantity and inspiration. They are one of the main reasons I became interested in these celestial visitors. I'm thrilled she and others are helping to spread the word."

Susan - New Mexico/Arizona

Author/Photographer Diana Lane Lambert is a former Mrs. Oklahoma. Between 1997-2007, she produced an award winning radio music program, CELTICMOODS with Diana Lane. Currently, she is the female voice of BIG BAND SATURDAY NIGHT with Alan Lambert, an NPR affiliate. She recently retired as a school counselor to pursue her passion for writing and photography.

Alan and Diana live in Oklahoma and continue to photograph the mysterious sky. and

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 15, 2011
Mystery Sky: ... Photography of the Unseen ...

Diana Lane Lambert M.S.

Author/Photographer Diana Lane Lambert is a former Mrs. Oklahoma.  For ten years, she produced an award winning radio program, ‘CELTICMOODS with Diana Lane'.  She is currently the female voice of ‘BIG BAND SATURDAY NIGHT with Alan Lambert’, an NPR affiliate.  She recently retired as a school counselor to pursue her passion for writing and photography. Alan and Diana live in Oklahoma and continue to photograph the mysterious sky.

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    Mystery Sky - Diana Lane Lambert M.S.

    Mystery Sky

    … Photography of the unseen …

    Copyright © 2011 Diana Lane Lambert

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-4217-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5089-3 (ebook)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011919913

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/10/2011


    Mystery Sky

    … Photography of the unseen …

    Take a flight into the photographic adventures of the unseen world through spirit mists,

    luminosities, unidentified energy sources, orbs & much more.

    Diana Lane Lambert, A.A., B.S., M.S.

    ~ Spirit Photographer ~


    John Alan Lambert, my husband

    In Special Memory

    Robert Lawrence ‘Larry’ Anderson (1959-2011)

    My beautiful firstborn son who lived with Down syndrome.

    In Memory

    Robert Wilfred Lane, my dad

    James Robert Shinn, my birth father

    Robert Wesley Hardee, Jr., my friend




    Chapter One: 2001-2006

    Chapter Two: 2007

    Chapter Three: 2008

    Chapter Four: 2009

    Chapter Five: 2010


    Image Index


    About The Author

    Resources nd Suggested Readings


    When I began thinking about how to set up in a few sentences the remarkable images and thoughts that grace this book, one of Shakespeare’s best-known exchanges popped into my head. It occurs in the first act of Hamlet, when the character Horatio happens upon not only his friend Hamlet, but the ghost of his father’s friend and finds the two engaged in conversation.

    •   O day and night, says Horatio, but this is wondrous strange!

    •   And therefore, returns Hamlet, as stranger give it welcome.

    •   There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

    Horatio’s philosophy—as liberal-art majors may remember from college-is grounded in the ‘seen’ rather than the ‘unseen’, in the natural instead of the supernatural. He is a rational guy and what he’s just witnessed, is something that he can’t explain in conventional terms, an occurrence combining the tangible world, one he can see and taste and feel, with a vista that exists beyond all his experience and understanding. This kind of scene, in which the natural mingles unselfconsciously with the otherworldly, is the sort of wondrous strange place Diana Lane Lambert captures again … and again with her camera. At first glance, she offers familiar images from day and night, the heavens and the earth, illuminated with a gentle and unusual artistic sensitivity. As you look at them and read Diana’s thoughts, you understand that they may actually be something much more. The mission she has given to herself is to bring the unseen into focus. By doing so, help us to consider the possibility … there is something at work in our world far greater than ourselves.

    The term spiritual is an overworked word these days, but if it applies to anyone’s work, it should certainly apply to Diana and the striking photographs between these covers. As she writes in these pages, she has long been convinced not only of the presence of a Creator, but also that a faith in that omnipresent entity brings strength, courage, and an ability to see beyond the physical realm of life into other, profound realities.

    Mystery Sky … Photography of the unseen … offers powerful evidence of her beliefs, reflecting the truth Shakespeare put in the mouth of one of his famed characters some 400 years ago. Indeed, Diana’s photos seem to tell us, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in all our philosophies. To paraphrase Hamlet’s advice to his astonished friend, we would all do well to give Mystery Sky our welcome.

    John Wooley is the author/co-author and/or editor for more than twenty books. He is a screenwriter, journalist, college professor, radio personality and a 2003 inductee into the Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame. In March 2011, he published three new books and his first e-book.


    The collection of photographs in Mystery Sky … Photography of the unseen … presents more than two hundred pictures of entities that dwell within the spirit realm. Within these images are different colored orbs of all sizes, plus luminosities, garden elementals, light tunnels, apparitions, shadow worlds, vortexes and unidentified energy sources (UES).

    Since the summer of 2002, capturing the ‘unseen realm’ through spirit photography has been a privilege. I have developed a ‘clairsentient/sensing’ knowledge of knowing when to ‘snap’ these unusual photographs. This skill developed as I became more astute in responding to this ‘sensing’ represented by a ‘feeling within’ or a physical ‘tingling’ that merited further investigation. My camera became my constant companion, as I became more adept to the spirit realm.

    In the ensuing years that followed, I honed my skills to the promptings of these other worldly messages, regardless when or where it occurred. The point was to immediately respond to the intuitive messages, poise the camera until it felt right and ‘snap’ the coveted pictures. These 225 original images are representative of more than 2500 photographs I have taken since 2002.

    In the early days of my adventures into this new endeavor, I used a disposal camera. Although, it did not have the quality of digital, it produced a few unusual images that gave hint of spirit photography. In 2006, I moved into the digital world of cameras with a Sony Cyber Shot, 7.2 Mega Pixels. In February 2008, I acquired a Canon EOS Rebel XT EOS 350D digital camera, gifted from my friend, Robert W. Hardee, Jr. He believed in the importance of these photographs and wished to support my efforts. A few days before he transitioned to his spiritual destiny, he promised to connect with me in four different ways as told in CHAPTER THREE: 2008 (February).

    In 2009, I purchased another Sony Cyber Shot with 8.1 Mega Pixels with the infrared feature that is conducive to spirit photography. Once I had a digital camera, developing became the simple task of downloading the images for my review, which sped up the process of selection. In the preparation of these images, my intent was to keep true to the original photographs. Computer editing provided software packages with multiple ‘ cyber-magic’ enticements; however, I resisted this technology temptation and used discretion in my editing choices. Due to the quantity of photographs taken at night, I found the adjustments on contrast and brightness to be essential. Some of the images required significant cropping for artistic value and revealing a closer look at

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