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How to Open the Windows of Heaven
How to Open the Windows of Heaven
How to Open the Windows of Heaven
Ebook59 pages45 minutes

How to Open the Windows of Heaven

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About this ebook

This book is about teaching you
the principals of God with expectations and great hope of receiving'mso-spacerun:yes'> This book gives you the Hope of Knowing that
you can receive blessings in this life without stealing or being immoral, by
following of the spiritual principals of a loving creator to His creation whom
he loves and wants to provide for in this life and the life to come that you
may have life and have it more abundantly with comfort of peace, love, joy in
the spirit of the Lord!

Release dateNov 9, 2004
How to Open the Windows of Heaven

Overseer O. Walker

I came to the Lord at a very young age.  I heard so many things that you couldn’t do after getting saved, till it was mind limiting, but I thank God as I grew older God began to rteach me His covenant promises and blessings in His word. So I began by His grace to walk in them and they began to work for me with amazement, amazing because I started walking in the peace of God that passeth all understanding (Phil. 4:6) and also the blessings of health through His word. And walking in the blessings of health I haven’t needed to take as much as an aspirin in the last 10 years. These blessings overflow to the lives of your family and friends, both spiritual and natural blessings, to the glory of God, and to the edifying of the body of Christ, to the saving of souls.

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    How to Open the Windows of Heaven - Overseer O. Walker

    © 2004 by Overseer O. Walker. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/12/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-5599-6 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-4564-5 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2003099689


    I came to the Lord at a very young age. I heard so many things that you couldn’t do after getting saved, till it was mind limiting, but I thank God as I grew older God began to teach me His covenant promises and blessings in His word.

    So I began by His grace to walk in them and they began to work for me with amazement, amazing because I started walking in the peace of God that passeth all understanding (Phil. 4:6) and also the blessings of health through His word. And walking in the blessings of health I haven’t needed to take as much as an aspirin in the last 10 years.

    These blessings overflow to the lives of your family and friends, both spiritual and natural blessings, to the glory of God, and to the edifying of the body of Christ, to the saving of souls.

    How To Open The Windows Of Heaven

    This book is written for the body of Christ; to people who want to love God; who want to learn to serve Him with all of their heart, with all of their soul, with all of their mind, with all of their strength. This is for people who don’t want to just come to God to get what they can get out of Him, but people who are born again; who want to give their all to God; who are willing to lose their life that they may gain it again.

    This is to the body of Christ, who want God to bless them so that His covenant may be established in the earth as He has promised unto our fathers. (Deuteronomy 8:18).

    This is for the people who want to know how to receive the blessings in Malachi the 3d chapter, which said that He would open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there is not room enough to receive.

    This is to people who want to love and adore and appreciate God for who He is, and want to get to know Him; not people that are self willed; not people who believe that self preservation is the first law of nature; but people, Hallelujah to God, who want to be a blessing, dispensing good to others; to God first, in praise and worship, submission and obedience, and to the body of Christ, and to those that aren’t saved, and to the saving of their own souls.

    This book, I repeat again, is to people in the body of Christ who want to be Spirit fed and Spirit led.

    Before we get into the study of the word for the opening of the windows of heaven, I would like to tell you a little about myself.

    I came to the Lord as a teenager, and God saved my soul and filled me with the Holy Ghost. I have been in holiness now for 41 years.

    I have watched God’s people pay tithes and struggle. I have seen people pay tithes and hardly meet their bills; barely feed their families, or send their children to college, or have a decent car or live in decent homes.

    I have watched people pay tithes, and when they get old, they are set aside and put into nursing homes

    I have seen people pay tithes, Hallelujah to God, and live fairly decent lives, have money enough to have a fairly decent home and fairly decent car and dress fairly well, but then when they reach retirement age be troubled because they didn’t have the sufficient funds to take care of themselves properly in their old age.

    And in watching these things through the years, I came, by God’s grace and mercy, to the conclusion that there is something wrong here. If God said (Mal 3:10) Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

    Now, He said you, meaning individually, not collectively. If you do it, you- will receive this individual blessing.

    There is another word here that we want to talk about, and that’s prove God. It is necessary to prove Him. And I just want to travel through the scriptures with you. I want to give you a basic understanding of what proving God means to your benefit, and receiving the

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