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A Widow's Egyptian Adventure
A Widow's Egyptian Adventure
A Widow's Egyptian Adventure
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A Widow's Egyptian Adventure

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A young women loses her husband and after a year of sitting alone in her room and crying. She decides even though she has never been anywhere alone. That she will visit the land of her dreams. Egypt!

Little did she know what she would find when she arrives there.

Friendship, adventure and romance!

Release dateJun 27, 2006
A Widow's Egyptian Adventure

Emily Del Rosario Vansant

Emily Del Rosario Vansant was born on Ajo, Arizona. She is the niece of the literary author, Dr. John Reyna Tapia, and the granddaughter of Genaro Villa Gomez Tapia, the oral narrator of this book, Emily was raised in Ajo, Arizona by her grandparents, Genaro Villa Gomez Tapia and Guillerma Reyna Tapia. Emily is a retired Secretary, and is the author of several fiction and non-fiction books. “A Widow’s Egyptian Adventure,” “Star’s Gift,” “Star’s Return.” She is the translator of, “The Compromised land.” Coming soon, “Star’s Vision’s,” the last book in the Star’s series. Emily resides in Selma, Oregon with her husband and two Jack Russell’s.

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    A Widow's Egyptian Adventure - Emily Del Rosario Vansant



    Emily Del Rosario Vansant

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    © 2007 Emily Del Rosario Vansant. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 3/5/2007

    ISBN: 978-1-4259-0018-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-1239-9 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2005909742

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana


    To my Uncle John Reyna Tapia JD, PHD.

    If it wasn’t for you, Uncle John, I wouldn’t have gotten my wanderlust.



    This is a journal I kept when I visited Egypt in 1986.

    Enclosed you’ll find my entire itinerary, information on all the archeological sites I visited, and my personal thoughts and experiences while I was there.

    I hope you enjoy reading it!

    I enjoyed living it.



       Goodbye, My Love


       The Journey


       Cruising the Nile




       A Little Adventure


       A Kiss in the Moonlight


       A Camel and the Pyramids


       Exploring Lower Egypt


       Back In Cairo


       Goodbye, Egypt


       Goodbye, My Love

    January 4th, 1986, it was my daughter Shorty and my son-in-law’s birthdays. We were celebrating their birthdays at our home. It was a Saturday and everything was going great that day. My husband had invited some of his friends from work as well as some friends from the neighborhood. I also invited some of my girlfriends. All five of our children were there that day as well as our three small grandchildren.

    My husband liked to cook when he was home. That was something I was never fond of doing! So that day, he cooked up a big pot of stew. Everyone had a good time that day; they ate, drank, and laughed.

    It was close to midnight when everyone began to leave. I remember one of his friends from work jokingly telling my husband, Hey, Ronnie, that stew was great; if you were a woman, I’d marry you! Everyone laughed and said goodnight and good-bye.

    Our daughter Shorty and our youngest daughter, Terry, lived with us at the time. The girls said goodnight and went to bed.

    It was close to 1:00 a.m. when my husband and I finally went to bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands on his forehead and said, I just got an instant headache! Then, a couple of seconds later, he said, Something’s wrong. call an ambulance!

    He fell back on the bed and passed out. I went over to him and tried to wake him, but I couldn’t. I shook him and shook him. I knew that he wasn’t drunk, because that night, he didn’t have a lot to drink. I got frightened and dialed 911. I told them what had happened and to come quickly. They asked their usual questions and said they would be there as soon as possible.

    Meanwhile, I woke the girls and told them what had happened. I told them to call their brother Randy and their sister Audry.

    After what seemed like forever, the ambulance got there. Our son Randy arrived about the same time. I rode in the ambulance and Randy followed.

    A few hours after we got to the hospital, a doctor came out to talk to us. He told us that my husband was very ill. He told us that he was in a coma. He said that he would be conducting more tests on him. That was all we were told that night.

    In the early hours of the morning, the doctor came out to talk to us again. He told us that there was nothing that he could do for my husband, that he was in a deep coma and on life support. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

    Just ten years ago, they told me the same thing about my oldest son, Ronnie, and in that very same hospital. I prayed to God that night and many nights after that to let my son live. God must have heard my prayers, because not only did my son emerge from his coma after a horrible car accident, but he made such improvements that the doctors could hardly believe it.

    And now, they were telling me that my husband was in an irreversible coma and he was going to die. I asked the doctor about surgery. He said that he had an aneurysm and that it had burst. I couldn’t believe what was happening to our family. One minute, we were having a party, and what seemed like

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