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Miraculous Encounters: True Stories of Experiences with Angels and Departed Loved Ones
Miraculous Encounters: True Stories of Experiences with Angels and Departed Loved Ones
Miraculous Encounters: True Stories of Experiences with Angels and Departed Loved Ones
Ebook192 pages3 hours

Miraculous Encounters: True Stories of Experiences with Angels and Departed Loved Ones

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Internationally renowned clairvoyant and visionary Michele A. Livingston invited others to tell her about their direct messages from Heaven. These true stories will provide healing and reassurance to anyone grieving for lost loved ones and to those wondering about life after death. Angels and departed loved ones often communicate with us, from subtle signs to dramatic visions and telepathic messages. Not only do angels exist and protect us; when needed, they may even take human form! The author, known for her ability to see beyond the veil and receive messages from departed souls, adds commentary and reveals her incredible personal encounters. Miraculous Encounters will forever change your thinking about Heaven and uplift your soul for its continued journey in this world.

Release dateSep 22, 2004
Miraculous Encounters: True Stories of Experiences with Angels and Departed Loved Ones

Michele A. Livingston

Michele A. Livingston is an internationally renowned clairvoyant, artist, and author.  Through her seminars, TV and radio appearances, and one-on-one counseling, a growing legion of believers have witnessed her incredible ability to communicate with angels and departed loved ones.  As a healer, counselor, columnist, lecturer, ordained minister, and paranormal consultant for film producers, she has touched and inspired thousands of people with messages and actual visions of their departed loved ones.  As a successful artist, she first became known for her paintings and collector’s plates that are in demand around the world, but it is her incredible journey in life as one of America’s most gifted visionaries that is bringing inspiration and soul-healing stories to people all over the world.

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    Miraculous Encounters - Michele A. Livingston

    © 2004 Michele A. Livingston

    All Rights Reserved.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher or author.

    The stories in this book are based on true experiences as told to the author by the individuals to whom they happened. They have been edited for grammar and flow. Some individuals requested that only their first names or initials be used. To remain consistent and to protect the privacy of all individuals, only first names and last initials have been used throughout.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself or others, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    First published by AuthorHouse 07/22/05

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-8808-6 (e)

    ISBN: 1-4184-8809-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 1-4184-8810-0 (dj)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2004095771

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana

    Cover design by Jon R. Stroh

    Cover Picture The Descent of the Holy Spirit painted by Michele A. Livingston for her book Visions from Mary, 1999, Blue Mantle Press.

    Edited by Gayle Crist and Jon Stroh

    Back cover and book jacket text by Fred Lauver


    Other books by Michele A. Livingston


    Preface My Journey


    Chapter One Angelic Encounters


    Chapter Two Dream Communications

    Chapter Three Clairvoyance (Seeing)

    Chapter Four Clairaudience (Hearing)

    Chapter Five Clairsentience (Feeling)

    Chapter Six Olfactory Occurrences (Smelling)

    Chapter Seven Multiple Sensory Experiences

    Chapter Eight Animal and Insect Messengers

    Chapter Nine Communication through Inanimate Objects

    Chapter Ten Physical Manifestations from Spirit


    About the Author

    Other books by Michele A. Livingston

    Visions from Mary

    Echoes in the Wind: Messages from the Tribes of the Nation

    Volume 1, The Lakota (Sioux) Nation

    Messages from Beyond the Veil: A Selection of Group Information from the Sessions of Michele A. Livingston

    Available from author at [email protected] or phone 717.737.3888


    Angels and Departed Loved Ones



    I wish to first thank all the individuals who sincerely and lovingly submitted their true stories for publication. All have touched my heart.

    Next, I acknowledge and thank my husband and soul partner, Jon Robert Stroh for his dedication and support during this project.

    With gratitude I thank my editors Gayle Crist and Jon Stroh.

    Finally I acknowledge Fred Lauver for composing the cover and book jacket text.

    "There are two ways to live your life.

    One is as though nothing is a miracle.

    The other is as though everything is."

    – Albert Einstein


    My Journey

    "A miracle is a gift of unconditional love that can transform those who doubt,

    change people in positive ways, and teach them that God, the Creator,

    is ever constant, faithful, and present with us." – Michele Livingston

    My story begins before I took my first breath—the breath of life. The first thing I remember is hovering, somehow, on the ceiling of the delivery room. It was 1951. The room was tiled in green with very bright lights. I heard a voice say, It’s time to go down. But, I didn’t want to go down, so I remained floating on the ceiling. Suddenly, it felt like I was on a chute or a sliding board, and hands were pushing me down. That was the moment I entered my body!

    After that, I have little memory until I was about 2 years old. I had the spiritual amnesia all babies have when their old soul enters a new baby’s body. It was interesting that, when I was old enough to understand, my mother Dorothy told me about her vision. It was something I would never forget.

    One night, during the fifth month of her pregnancy, my mother saw me in a very lucid dream! I was a little dark-haired child, out in infinite space, looking at the world with all the twinkling stars around it—and I was shaking my head NO! I really didn’t want to come to the earth-plane at that time. But I was on a mission, though it took me years to discover exactly what the mission was.

    My mother was in her mid-40s and had just married my dad, Lear, who was 50. She had prayed for a little girl, but the doctors told her not to get her hopes up. They had discovered a fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit in her uterus and told her she had to have a hysterectomy when she returned from her honeymoon. Shortly after she returned, she went in for a presurgery examination and … they discovered she was pregnant with ME! And that was not the only miracle—I actually grew right around the tumor!

    I was born with a clubfoot, which my mother faithfully massaged daily to prevent me from having to wear leg braces. But for the first several years, my soul was still trying to decide if it should stay in this new body or go back to the beautiful heavenly realms of love and light; therefore, I almost died several times during my early childhood.

    One of these incidents occurred before we even left the hospital! Because of Dorothy’s precarious medical condition, they kept her hospitalized with me the first two weeks of my life. One morning, around 2 a.m., my mother sat straight up in bed and screamed, My baby is dying! She got out of bed and ran down the hall in bare feet towards the nursery section of the hospital. Two nurses tried to restrain her, but she insisted on seeing me. Weighing only five pounds, I had just missed the incubator and was in the main nursery section. When the nurse came to my crib, she found I had turned blue and was not breathing.

    Phlegm had collected in my throat—I was literally choking to death! They got to me just in time to save my life. This incident, when I was only 3 days old, developed a never-ending soul bond between Dorothy and me. Of course, my dad, at age 50, was thrilled with his new miracle child—his only child. Then, at age two, I looked at my mother and said, Mama, I’m glad I picked you to be my mama! I’d tell her that often. When she held me, she said she knew I was an old soul—she could see it in my eyes.

    So, what was the mission I was sent down to accomplish? I feel it’s the work I do today. I bridge the gap between dimensions for other people. I am the liaison between the earth-plane and the world of spirit. I have seen many miracles and have experienced in my 53 years of life things that other people can only imagine. I have seen and communed with my own angels, spirit guides, and loved ones on the other side, and I have brought others closer to theirs.

    This didn’t happen overnight. Discovering my mission was an evolutionary process of self-awareness. My first 38 years on Earth were spent as an artist and teacher. I started drawing and painting at the age of three and had my first one-man show in the sixth grade. I graduated with a Master’s degree from Penn State University and taught art in the inner city for 10 years. I then left and developed an art business, and I traveled the country participating in art shows.

    This business led me into opening my own art gallery, where I displayed all the prints, paintings, and porcelain collector’s plates I had designed over many years. This Part One of my life was dedicated to enlightening others and bringing them joy through my artwork.

    Today, when I do television and radio interviews, the first question usually is: When did you know you had this gift for being a visionary? And my answer is: I was at an art show selling a piece of my work to a stranger, and I saw the initials L.R. floating above the lady’s head. I wondered what in the world they were doing there. When I asked her name, it happened to be Laura Roberts—which correlated with the L.R. This surprised me at the time, but that incident became the beginning of my new career. Next, an interviewer usually asks me how I started seeing human souls from the spirit world. And my answer is, It simply happened!

    I was participating in a metaphysical conference at my alma mater, and in front of me sat a lady who wanted to receive impressions from me about her life. I looked up at her, and there was a man—a human soul—standing beside her, on my left. I could see him plainly. He wore a light blue shirt, his hairline was receding, and he had a pleasant demeanor. He was also translucent—I could see right through him!

    I wasn’t at all afraid, just rather shocked. I thought to myself, I wonder why he’s standing next to her? At that moment, he telepathically sent back this message, My name is John, and I’m her grandfather! I timidly asked her, Do you happen to have a grandfather named John? The lady looked surprised and slowly answered, Yes …why are you asking me that? I said, He’s standing right next to you. She said, What does he want? I telepathically asked him, and he held up four fingers. I asked her if four meant anything to her, and she said, Why, yes. I have four daughters. (I have since learned fingers always represent the number of people the soul wants to acknowledge.)

    With that, the spirit of John nodded in agreement and proceeded to give me information about each one of his granddaughters. He described how he protects them and is especially fond of the one named after her mother. The lady’s mouth dropped open—she got more than she bargained for that day!

    After that first visionary experience, I myself wondered why this had occurred so suddenly. As an avid Bible student, I remembered the verse, As to whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48) and pondered it. I came to the conclusion I was not mature or focused enough before age 38 to handle the responsibility of this gift. Indeed, it is a whole lifestyle readjustment. Extra rest, good nutrition, soaking baths, walks in nature, and prayer and meditation time are musts. Fifteen years later, this gift never ceases to amaze me, because I myself need constant reaffirmations and confirmations …and I always receive them. I continue to do this work to let others know they are not alone.

    God is the source of all that is, and our souls are eternal and indestructible. We shed the physical shell or body, like the metamorphosis of the butterfly, and then we fly free once more. The soul retains its memories, its mind, and its personality. It still loves us here on Earth, since love never dies. By making others aware of this, it gives them hope, knowing they will join those they’ve loved and lost to physical death. I feel my gift is meant to encourage, uplift, and bring hope to others on their journey through the physical world.

    Through my travels, I’ve met people who stop me and say, Do you want to hear my story? Can I share my experience with you? These constant questions spurred me to think about compiling a book with these compelling stories, and that’s how the idea for this book was born! This is a compilation of stories—based on the true experiences I’ve received from others. They were submitted at my seminars and through e-mails and letters. Some of these individuals have been changed by their experiences, and for others a new spiritual realm has emerged.

    These encounters include protection and appearances by angels, communiqués from departed loved ones, and even sightings of spirit messengers from the animal and insect kingdoms. They are woven together with a common thread of truth, sincerity, and unconditional love. In essence, they are miracles that are impossible to explain by means of the laws of nature—they are supernatural events. To me, a miracle is a gift of unconditional love that can transform those who doubt, change people in positive ways, and teach them that God, the Creator, is ever constant, faithful, and present with us. But best of all, these miraculous encounters remind us that we are never alone!

    I’ve included one or more of my own personal experiences at the beginning of most chapters, and now I hope these miraculous encounters will amaze and move you as they have me.

    Michele A. Livingston

    PART I



    Chapter One

    Angelic Encounters

    "Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit:

    for without being seen, they are present with you." – St. Francis de Sales

    In many seminars and interviews, I’m asked, What are angels? Through extensive experience, reading, prayer, and meditation time, I’ve come to the following conclusion: angels are light beings created by God to travel with us on our journey through eternity. They have never been a human soul but can take on human form in times of need. They don’t have free choice and will as human souls do but instead take assignments from the Creator.

    There are many kinds and levels of angels. Guardian angels never leave our side. They protect, oversee, and inspire our development. Birthing angels will bring their energy around a mother who is giving birth, assisting a soul as it enters a new baby’s body with the first breath—the breath of life. Project angels are assigned to us in order to help us with certain endeavors or pursuits—writing a book, painting a picture, composing a song, building a new house, and so on. These angels stay until the project is completed and then leave. Angels act as coaches in the game of life.

    Transition or death angels come for us when we are making our transition from the third to the fourth dimension. Archangels oversee certain dimensions and realms and are given more responsibility than regular angels. Archangel Michael is the Divine Protector—he protects humans and shields them from negativity and harm. Archangel Gabriel is the Divine Messenger of Truth. He was directed to deliver the news to Mary about the conception of Jesus and announced the birth of John the Baptist. Archangel Raphael is the Divine Healer. He oversees hospitals and those who are ill and heralds into the earth-plane other healing angels. Most archangels and many guardian angels have an el in their name. El is from Hebrew and means like unto God or coming from God.

    There are 12 dimensions of light and energy—the Angelic Kingdom is in the 11th dimension. Angels are androgynous (or sexless), and they don’t have wings. They emanate a bright light or aura that people sometimes perceive as halos and white wings. The following are stories people have sent me, based on their actual experiences with angels, but first I’d like to start the chapter with one of my own.

    An Angel from the Mercy Band

    My first angelic encounter happened when I was 15. My father had passed away suddenly from a brain tumor, and I was in total shock …so much so that I started to retreat from reality. My mother recognized the warning signs and tried to bring me out of my shell. She took part of our savings and sent me to Europe for the summer with the Foreign

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