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Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age
Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age
Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age
Ebook114 pages2 hours

Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age

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Are you feeling insecure, unfulfilled in the sexual pursuits that life has to offer? If you are down and confused, cant remember the last time you had a meaningful sexual relationship, then this book is for you.

There should be no compromise when it comes to your true desires and awareness. Being well informed is the key to happiness and harmony in your life. Do your batteries need to be recharged? Dont pass up this opportunity to reconnect with your true potential.

This book can assist you in avoiding any pitfall or setback that can short-circuit your true sexual capacity for complete gratification, regardless of your present circumstances. It is also a good road map for young adults.

Dont shut yourself off from achieving quality sexual orientation techniques that may very well enhance your lifestyle in many ways. This book will enlighten your mind in a very positive way.

Release dateMay 1, 2006
Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age

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    Sexual-Realities of Our Modern Age - Robert John

    © 2006 Robert John. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 7/18/2006

    ISBN: 1-4259-0779-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-1235-1 (ebk)

    The author’s sole purpose and motive for writing this book is to reach out to all individuals who may be experiencing inadequacies or emotional insecurities in their pursuit of a sexual love relationship.


    With so many sex manuals written about the subject, I have come to the conclusion that nobody possesses all the answers to the complex but delicate issues of love and sex.


    In the event you find yourself lost and confused about the direction your life is taking regarding your physical or emotional welfare about your own sexuality, this book is for you.


    I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but I can provide a down to earth perspective in the simplest terms. It is my considered opinion that in order to better understand any subject in depth, we must do our self-diligence.


    This book, read in its entirety, can stimulate the mind in a positive way, just as Viagra stimulates bodily functions. However, the price you pay for this book is considerably less than what you would spend on Viagra. Our minds have the unlimited potential to unlock any door and create a positive sexual awareness.

    Table of Contents

































    This book provides an excellent tool for accentuating the positive over all the negative issues people have to deal with in their daily lives. It will provide direction in your life for a more positive resolve, regardless of the issues you may be dealing with now or in the immediate future. This book doesn’t actually detail the sexual acts or intimate portrayals of sexual partners in a vulgar or inflammatory way. So if you are closed-minded or perverted in nature, this book is not for you. Its contents are presented in a respectful and dignified manner.

    The private issues of intimate sexual behavior can vary tremendously among individuals, and prospective partners, and should be respected. What happens behind closed doors is a very private and sacred matter, and should not be exploited for any reason. It’s up to every individual or couple to tailor his or her sexual desires to suit their own needs.

    Sexually, we have all experienced frustration in a relationship at one time or another. Feelings of inadequacy prevail; our self-image is shattered. Sometimes this is only temporary and other times it can create a real problem in our relationships; this would be a time for dialogue.


    Can you imagine what it would be like to have a perfect and fulfilling sexual relationship with someone who understands your true feelings, your true nature, and especially your own potential to be the most wonderful lover you can be? Take charge of your emotional wellbeing, and be confident in the fact that a minor setback is not going to stand in your way of becoming the ultimate sexual partner.


    After all, isn’t this deep down what most of us want to attain in a relationship? So it is for this purpose that I dedicate this informational book to all of us who find ourselves on the short end of our true potential. We know deep down inside that we are much more capable.

    All too often we’ve encounter road blocks, many of them self- imposed. This chapter will deal with tearing down these road- blocks and myths that are associated with our inability to perform at our maximum capability.


    Consider the pleasure you will bring to your partner. It will enhance your confidence as you become more aware of your partner’s, and your own, sexual preferences.

    Most of us let our sexual fantasies play a major role in our sexual preferences. Everything influences us … magazines, movies, even the TV programs we watch. We see beautiful models, movie stars, and other celebrities. They appear so sensual and good-looking. And, Oh! Those heavenly bodies! Somehow we are taken in by all that glamour. But that’s not the real world. Get yourself back down to reality.

    All these models and movie stars have their own personal trainers, make-up artists, etc; not to mention millions of dollars to purchase the most fashionable and expensive array of clothing, jewelry, cars, and any other glamorous items you can think of. It’s no wonder they can project such an envious lifestyle. Again, back to reality.

    Take all those luxury items away, and they aren’t any different than you and me. They’re just ordinary folks. Their wants and desires are no different than ours. Love and happiness is on the top of everyone’s list. Achieving it, of course, is where the challenge lies.

    The average person has to assess his or her values in order to determine what is important to their own sexual pleasures, always keeping in mind that it takes two to make it a most pleasurable reality encounter. Therefore, we must carefully consider all factors, which inspire us to reach the ultimate sexual experience. Use it or lose it.


    Keep in mind that the discomfort or confusion that a person may be feeling is actually directing him or her to take charge of his or her own life. It is in our own best interest to act and make choices that will pull us out of stagnation or despair. Initiate counter-measures with a plan of action and a firm belief that you are in control of your life and can meet any challenge that presents itself.

    Let us not get caught up in all the hype that seems to present itself in our everyday lives. Tune into reality as much as possible. Keep your thoughts in perspective and your priorities in order.

    Don’t get caught up in an inappropriate mindset, especially when it comes to your sexual needs and desires.

    Some of us may find it easy to get caught up in our sexual fantasies. How would you feel if the only motivation your partner felt was driven by sexual fantasy? Don’t get me wrong; sexual fantasy can be good at times. But don’t let it be a dominant factor in a relationship. Fantasies come and go, but reality is constant. Be aware of the difference between the two, and stay focused on the reality of any situation you may find yourself in.

    How many times have we seen TV commercials with a beautiful model selling a given product? You may say to yourself, Wow, I would sure like to make love to her! Or you might say to yourself, Boy, what a hunk. I would sure like to take him home! He can put his shoes under my bed anytime.

    Everywhere we look we seem to be overwhelmed by sexual innuendo, obscuring us from seeing reality in its true form. It is no wonder that we have so many complications with our relationships … too many diversions driven by our fantasies and selfish sexual desires. It’s no wonder we lose perspective and end up creating chaos, confusion, and sometimes even destructive behavior.

    With this self-induced mindset, we also may lose our integrity, self- respect, and most importantly, our perception of reality. Don’t be victimized by your own narrow-minded point of view. You will become a much better person, capable of giving yourself a more noteworthy cause-and-effect lifestyle.

    We’ve all heard the saying, what goes around comes around. Make no mistake about it; everybody is somebody’s fool. However, that only happens when we allow it to. There is nothing wrong with playing the fool now and then. The problem comes from making it a habit. In this scenario, if this is the case, you are way out of touch with reality. The sooner you become in tune to the real world, the better off you’ll be.

    We are all inundated by fantasies starting from a very early age. Remember all those fairy tales in school: Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, or perhaps Little Red Riding Hood. As we grew older, we idolized great entertainers such as movie stars, action heroes, Superman, Spiderman, and countless other fictional characters. We were susceptible to a type of fantasy world, which I believe may well have had an adverse affect on our young minds, deep rooting fantasies

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