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The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh
Ebook299 pages3 hours

The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh

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The Time Has Come To Receive

As a people birthed with purpose, God has reserved the best for the last to display his tangible anointing power to a dying world. The anointing is that divine inducement from above, and not a desire of emotional feelings. It comes not with years of experience, status and articulates. But rather it is given by laying aside every weight and sin that easily besets us.

He has placed a now power (Ephesians 3:20) on the inside of you to defeat your adversary. This power is actually on the inside of you right now. This is the beginning of miracles concerning you just believe!

Discovering the anointing on your life; you will realize that it an inheritance given to serve and not to be served.

I believe we are at a prophetic crossroad in history to witness a people with a new birth - destined to walk in a double portion of his spirit, just as Elisha received a double portion of Elijahs spirit. God has saved us, the best, for the last.

Therefore, we must desire nothing less than the anointing that destroys yokes of bondage, opens blind eyes, straightens crippled limbs, mends broken homes and deliver every captive.

Gods Word promises that there will be an overflow, or a double portion, of wine and oil (or anointing), coming your way in one month. Thats a double blessing! This double portion is waiting for you, it is part of your inheritance through Christ Jesus. It will show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and do greater works than that of the risen Messiah.

This is your hour of power! This is your day to receive your double portion.

After reading this book your life should never be the same again. It is my desire that readers obtain spiritual experiences and insights that will enlarge their spiritual vision for tomorrow.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 23, 2011
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh

Merits Henry

Pastor Merits Henry is the visionary leader and Senior Pastor of Worship Conference Ministries, Grand Cayman with his wife, Minister Rashemia Henry. His ministry was birthed in his spirit while he was at Bethel Bible College in 2001 while pursuing a post graduate degree in Theology and Minor in Counseling. Under his dynamic and prophetic leadership, Worship Conference Ministries has become a spiritual beacon at the local and national level. Pastor Merits Henry was born in Jamaica, St. Catherine to Mrs. Delpha Henry and Mr. Adonijah Henry on March 24th 1981. He experienced the call of God at the tender age of nine and began preaching when he was only 15 years old at the Inter School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) at Vere Technical High School and Kingston Technical High School. He was later appointed by the clergy as a Youth Minister at Good News Release Center, Prophetic Church of God, Love Lane Jamaica, under Overseer R. Howe and Bishop Carl Wilson. He was ordained and consecrated for ministry by Bishop Wilson (his spiritual father) and Dr. Christopher (his Spiritual Teacher). In addition to his commitment and anointing, he willingly served as their Sunday School Superintendent, Sunday School Teacher, Men’s President and Youth President. Under the inspirational leadership of Pastor Henry, Worship Conference Ministry has become one of the fastest growing churches in the Cayman Islands. This Ministry has given tangible support to more than three organizations. Programs are available at Worship Conference Ministries, which meet the needs of the congregation and the community. Pastor Henry is also actively involved in other devotional and teaching exercises at Schools and Government Departments of the Cayman Islands. In addition to his full-time ministerial duties as Senior Pastor, Pastor Henry is also the Asst. Field Director of Gospel Crusade Ministerial Fellowship (GCMF) Grand Cayman, whose head office is located in Bradenton, Florida. He is presently the host of sweet hour of prayer and move of inspiration as their “Prayer Pastor” on Love 103.1 your power station of the Grand Cayman Island that is currently reaching millions of homes across the Caribbean and the world, both secular and Christian networking by way of new media technology. Pastor Henry has had the opportunity to play a leading role in many churches locally and internationally, but remained obedient to the vision given to him by God. He is a dynamic preacher and teacher of the word with a heavy prophetic anointing in his ministry that spiritually empowers, equips, energizes, and break yokes of fear and torment. Through God, His ministry creates an atmosphere for miracles; defeating oppression, demons, addiction and sickness. Although Pastor Henry is a multitalented individual, preaching the Word of God is what he has been chosen to do. His philosophical belief is clearly stated in the book written to the Philippians (4:13) which states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. He strongly believes that there is no “I Can’t” in Christendom, only when pride gets in the way. He is known for his charming personality and winsome countenance. Pastor Henry is a firm believer that believes; “it is not what you are in Christ, but who you are in Christ”. Pastor Merits Henry works diligently in the service of the Lord with his wife, Minister Rashemia R. Henry, and the dedicated members of the church. Pastor and Miniser Henry are the proud parents of Raar, Ramere and Azzan Henry.

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    The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh - Merits Henry


    Anointing Exposes

    the Deeds of the Flesh

    For if he lives after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit (Anointing) do mortify the deeds of the body (flesh), ye shall live —Romans 8:13.

    Merits Henry

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    Copyright © 2011 Merits Henry

    Cover design © 2010 Lennox and Elsa

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-1220-4 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011921668

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 2/17/2011

    This book is dedicated to my family.

    To my spiritual father, Bishop Carl Wilson, whose love, guidance, and mentorship have been a great tower of strength; whose words of wisdom hitherto transformed my life from nothing to something, failure to success, and pit to the palace. Thanks for believing in me and having the courage and patience to put up with me when I could not see my true purpose and destiny. With your support and prayers, I am what I am today simply because of the spirit of wisdom that God gave you, which prepared me for Ministry.

    To my parents, Delpha and Adonijah Henry, whose ray of hope shined, believing that one day God would turn my life around. I love you, Mom and Dad, for all the years of praying and support that I have received. You are two in a million; indeed, you are the best parents in the world.

    My first daughter, Raar Henry, whose life stories also encouraged my heart to write this book.

    And most of all, to the lover of my life, my queen Rashemia Henry. Our union together in the Lord has blessed us with two wonderful children, Ramere and Azzan Henry. You are an outstanding mother who has ceaselessly devoted your time and love for our children.

    Rash, thank you for standing by my side and being an encouragement to me in the good times and offering comfort in the bad times. You are the greatest gift from God. I love you.





    Part 1

    The Anointing Versus Lucifer and the Flesh

    1. The Anointed Cherub

    2. Created, Not Made

    3. The Distraction of Worship and Beauty: Lucifer

    4. The Throne Room Becomes A Courtroom

    5. Living before the Throne of Worship

    6. The Threefold Anointing before the Throne

    7. God’s Servant, the Branch

    8. Anointed: Be Careful Who Gets The Glory

    9. The Anointing Is to Serve

    10. The Anointing Knows the Wiles of the Devil!

    11. Be Sober Minded

    12. The Purpose of the Anointing on Your Life

    13. Benefits of the Anointing

    14. The Dogma of the World’s Standards

    15. The Deeds of the Flesh

    16. The Fruit of the Spirit

    17. Experience of the Anointing

    18. Personal Experience of the Anointing

    19. Biblical Typology of the Anointing

    20. The Rod of Aaron: God’s Power

    21. A Rich Inheritance (Possession)

    22. Exposing Demons with the Power of Love

    23. The Purpose of Man

    24. Where Is the Anointing in the Church?

    25. Spiritual Witchcraft

    26. The Spirit of Idleness: King David

    Part 2

    The Spirit of Jezebel and Ahab

    27. Dealing with the Spirit of Jezebel

    28. Jezebel: Spiritual Combat

    29. The Spirit of Greed: Jezebel

    30. Jezebel: Ice Breaker

    31. Ahab’s Spirit

    32. Get Caught in the Web

    33. Boldness to Confront

    34. A House of Darkness

    35. Personal Encounter with Demons

    36. Exposing and Defeating the Deeds of Satan in Your Life

    37. The Shadow Anointing

    38. Know the True Power:

    Be Armed with Knowledge

    39. Witchcraft in the Pulpit

    Appendix A

    Appendix B


    The Testimony


    About the Author

    End Notes


    Double Portion Inheritance

    This is the beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him (John 2:1–11).

    According To Rod Parsley (The Double Portion Anointing, 2002), An inheritance is only valuable if you receive it and use it.

    Every born-again believer is entitled and has a right to this birthright inheritance. It was promised and later prophesied by Joel in 2:23–29. The very first miracle recorded in the word of God is when Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine (John 2, as above).

    As a people birthed with purpose, God has reserved the best for the last to display his tangible anointing power to a dying world. The anointing is that divine inducement from above, and not a desire of emotional feelings. It comes not with years of experience, status, and articulates. But rather it is given by laying aside every weight and sin that easily besets us.

    He has placed a now power (Ephesians 3:20) on the inside of you to defeat your adversary. This power is actually on the inside of you right now. This is the beginning of miracles concerning you—just believe!

    This is your hour of power.

    It is my heart’s desire that every born-again believer will be ready to experience this mighty move of God upon his or her life. Times are too serious for us to sit quietly under the Juniper tree waiting to hear from the prophet of old, which seemingly doesn’t like you because of the tangible anointing on your life. God has not given you (the church) the spirit of fear but of power, love, and of a sound mind.

    Why? From the beginning of time, there has been a struggle for the double portion of God’s blessing destined for the church. We have seen this in the lives of Jacob and Esau, Perez and his brother, and Elisha. They all desired a double portion of Elijah’s spirit before he was taken away to heaven.

    Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the church has been in a fight to receive the double portion inheritance that rightfully belongs to her. But I believe we are at a prophetic crossroad in history to witness a people with a new birth—destined to walk in a double portion of his spirit, just as Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. As part of the church of the firstborn, God has saved us, the best, for the last.

    Therefore, I charge every believer to refuse to settle for the mediocre. We must bring every thought captive from being anything less than Holy Ghost possessed. We must desire nothing less than the anointing that destroys yokes of bondage, opens blind eyes, straightens crippled limbs, mends broken homes, and delivers every captive.

    My heart’s cry is Get ready! There is a storm of revival coming! There is a double portion of the Holy Ghost wine, oil, and anointing waiting for you. The book of Joel proclaims it this way: Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fat shall overflow with wine and oil (Joel 2:23–24).

    God’s word promises that there will be an overflow, or a double portion, of wine and oil (or anointing) coming your way in one month. That’s a double blessing! This double portion is waiting for you. It is part of your inheritance through Christ Jesus. It will show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and do greater works than that of the risen Messiah.

    In this year of prophetic destiny, the Lord is giving birth to a generation of people who will learn to live, move, and have their being in the spirit realm because of the anointing upon their lives. Will you answer the call to be part of this remnant, destined to walk in the double portion of God’s spirit?

    This is your hour of power! This is your day to receive your double portion.

    The wiles of the devil are very cunning, and that’s why it is of paramount importance to receive this double portion so that we can stand triumphant and say we are well able to overcome. Beware! The flesh will most definitely battle with the spirit of God, but the greater one will come out victorious. As we are preparing also, let us remember persons, such as false prophetess Jezebel and compromising Ahab, who will have their own agenda against the strong tower of God.

    Receive Your Double Portion.

    Instead of your shame you shall have a double portion, instead of dishonor you shall rejoice in your lot; therefore in your land you shall posses a double portion; yours shall be everlasting joy (Isa. 61:7 RSV).

    But my horn shall be exalted like the horn of an unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil (Ps. 92:10).

    Thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever (Ps. 23:5b–6).

    I want to add my faith to yours and believe with you that these words will take root within your spirit. As we agree together, I believe you will reap the greatest miracle you have been waiting for—you will receive your double portion.

    Please pray with me:

    Father, I thank you that in this hour of double, I pray that you will increase this person’s revelation and anointing. I believe you to double their freedom and the resurrection power of Christ in their lives. I declare even now, as you read the first page of this book, that your life will never be the same again. As the word of God says, beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 2). I speak more than enough, abundance, overflowing, increase, extensions of territories, and favor of prophetic releases into your life right now.

    In the name of Jesus, I release to you that which I have received, an impartation of the spirit of faith to know in your weakest moment Jesus is praying for you. Even now, He is calling your name, refusing to allow your faith to fail. Your greatest battle means your greatest victory.

    May you know and experience the double portion of God’s peace, presence, and miracle-working power in your life even right now. I believe it to be so, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

    Merits Henry


    To God be the glory; great things he has done!

    I humbly acknowledge God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who’s the author and finisher of my life, for deeply inspiring me to write this book.

    With deep gratitude, I want to profoundly thank Mrs. Ericka Daniel and Sis R. Barnes who, because of their sincere compassion and faithfulness, have assisted to bring this message to the world. I am forever grateful to you and will forever express kindness to you and uplift you in my prayer. Also to the multitude of friends and educators who have contributed and encouraged me to complete this work.

    To Mr. Roosevelt Cowan, for his excellent ideas and influence that continues to motivate me to soar to new heights.

    To my prayer mother, Evangelist Carol Graham, whose times of intercession have given me new vision, zeal, and determination to continue pursuing this book.

    I am especially grateful to my editors who have work diligently to complete this book. Thank you for making this book a great success.

    God bless you all!


    This book is about spiritual warfare. The context is God-inspiring and directed divinely by the Holy Spirit. Many things in this book are to further open your eyes to much deeper revelation and truth concerning his plans and purpose for your life.

    The book is divided into two main parts, namely The Anointing versus Lucifer and the Flesh and The Spirit of Jezebel and Ahab. According to the name of the book, The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh, the parts previously named will be clearly interrelated with definitions, terminology, typology, and exegesis. All quotations from Scripture are from the authorized King James Version unless otherwise noted.

    In regard for integrity and loyalty to the ministry of God, please note that changes are made in relation to my life testimonies, experiences, and people’s names.

    As you read this book, it is my prayer that you will become increasingly aware of the wiles of the devil through the tangible anointing on your life.

    May you be transformed from glory to glory.

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    Part 1

    The Anointing Versus Lucifer and the Flesh

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    The Anointed Cherub

    Since the fall of Lucifer, the anointed Cherub, there has been a struggle in the Christian arena to receive the double portion anointing. Mighty men have become complacent and in so doing have compromised the truth. Unfortunately, the love of many has become cold, and the zeal of the Pentecostal anointing is no longer present in the pulpit. The glory of the Lord has departed. The divine insignia, which is said to be the spiritual staff of office, an emblem of authority and a symbol of God’s presence, is fading away. The glory of the Lord has now become Ichabod instead of Ebenezer. The road on which these happenings are driven is called the mystery of iniquity. The mystery of iniquity has thus revealed itself through the entrance of pride and a rebellious spirit simply because of the powers of iniquity, influence, illusion, and witchcraft in conjunction with manipulation, intimidation, and domination. These have been launched out into the world by the enemy’s cohorts. Satan is a master strategist. He has a strategy that is aimed at diverting us from fellowship, thus preventing us from receiving from God. His mission is to scare, manage, and overpower us.

    The anointed cherub was appointed by God especially to minister in triune presence. He was chosen above the others by the Godhead for this particular task. Gifts were given to him to entertain the Father during special hours of worship. Lucifer had it all. His task was one of a kind. His administrative roles were spectacular. He was given pre-eminent rights to organize the choir for these occasions, to chose and plan worship events wherein the anointing would usher in the presence of worship. Cherubim, as recorded in the Bible, operate as the primary guardians to the presence of God.

    In the Garden of Eden after the exposition of sin, God placed cherubim in the garden with flaming swords as a source of protection. They were highly trained officers with ranks of seniority (see Genesis 3). He was privileged to enter the throne room of God at any time. No one was closer to the Godhead than Lucifer. He entered the presence of God at will. Perhaps he grew so accustomed that he took this privilege for granted. Perhaps he entered without a cause and presumptuously tried to gain favor by doing a little bit more to please God. According to the old adage, Familiarity breeds contempt and supposition opens wounds of deception. People with such a presumptuous attitude easily become too familiar with the presence of the Lord, and, as a result, the reverential fear no longer exists in the house of God. One has to be careful that being overzealous for God doesn’t lead us in the wrong path of servant hood in the Master’s vineyard. One can easily miss the ultimate reason for worshipping God if too much fire is seen and no results. Quite often, we purposely come to church when we feel like, do our own thing, and have our own service group. This being the case, the follies of self-will have just won. The line must be drawn in holiness unto the Lord. Being too friendly is detrimental to the gifts of Christ, especially regarding the role of pastoral care and counseling. Rebuke and discipline will be hard for the servant of God because he or she has created a gap for such disciplinary action to carry out.

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    Thou are the potter, I am the clay. Only the maker can determine your shaping.

    We are the creation for creativity, not the creator of the creation.

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    Even though Lucifer is in a fallen state, he still enters the presence of God to accuse believers before the Father. For the accuser of the brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night (Rev. 12:10). He still sees himself as the anointed cherub delegating to the angels. One thing about Lucifer is that he takes pleasure in dictatorship (since his nature is prone to give orders and to be in command). If a boss fires you for inconsistency, there is absolutely no way you can make claims or wrongfully accuse the boss regarding what he did—you will

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