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The Kingdom Within
The Kingdom Within
The Kingdom Within
Ebook182 pages2 hours

The Kingdom Within

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About this ebook

Knowing God the Spirit and learning to flow in and through Him.
This book is for people looking for a primer on Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit 101). It will help you to learn about His nature, graces and gifts but even more importantly it is designed to draw you into a deeper friendship with God. It provides practical and easy ways for you to tune your heart to Him. Each chapter has suggested meditation questions which are designed to enable you to understand what God has for you.
Chapters include:
•Coming to Know the Holy Spirit ~ Progressing Toward Union With God
•Knowing Holy Spirit ~ His Name, Symbolic Descriptions, The Sevenfold Spirit
•Holy Spirit the Giver ~ Fruit of the Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit
•Positioned to Receive ~ Focus, Faith, Filled With the Spirit
•Revealer of Truth ~ How God Speaks, Our Spiritual Senses
•Spiritual Disciplines ~ Listening Prayer, Meditation, Fasting, Spiritual Retreat
•Testing Revelation
•Ministering through the Spirit ~ Praying Like Jesus, Releasing the Flow
•Teamwork ~ Prophetic Etiquette, Seeking God Together

Release dateAug 14, 2018
The Kingdom Within

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    The Kingdom Within - Yvonne Prentice

    The Kingdom Within

    By Yvonne Prentice


    Copyright ©2017 All rights reserved

    ISBN Canada 978-0-9949401-6-2

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information browsing, storage, or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Requests for permission to use or reproduce material from this book should be directed to [email protected].

    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


    I dedicate this book to my children.

    My desire is that you will enjoy reading about our friend Holy Spirit and that you will each pass on what you have received to the next generation.


    First and foremost eternal thanks to my God and very closest companion, Holy Spirit. It has been at Holy Spirit’s prompting that this work has been written, and I pray it is pleasing to God.

    I thank my family: Mum and Dad who gave me so much.

    My dear husband: Bob, who is my biggest fan and encourager.

    My children: Ben, Kyle, Rachel, Abby and Caleb - who have taught me so much, given love and constructive feedback, who listen to my ideas, and encourage me.

    To the following dear people, without whose help this work would never have been completed, I say thank you so much:

    To Rachelle Lavergne-Dixon: who edited this work thank you for labour of love, enthusiasm, creativity, wisdom and support which has given this project life. You are such a blessing

    My daughter Rachel: my proofreader and computer wonder, who has countless times saved me hours of frustration. You have more than repaid me for the times of reading your many university papers. Love you, dear.

    Many thanks to Karen Trory: for her proofreading and advice.

    Many thanks to those who have blessed me with their creative gifts, which can be admired in the beautiful cover of this book:

    My daughter, Abigail Cook: artist of Kingdom Release which has so beautifully illustrated Holy Spirit’s flow released from each of us. Thank you to Tricia Tumibay, for the cover layout and her enthusiasm.

    To Reverend Virginia Tilstra: who has been a wonderful friend and has encouraged me to write and told me she trusts the Holy Spirit in me.


    Suggestions for Using This Book

    Introduction – Connection to God

    Chapter 1 – My Journey, Coming to Know Holy Spirit

    Chapter 2 – Knowing Holy Spirit

    Chapter 3 – Holy Spirit the Giver

    Chapter 4 – Positioned to Receive

    Chapter 5 – Revealer of Truth

    Chapter 6 – Spiritual Disciplines

    Chapter 7 – Testing Revelation

    Chapter 8 – Ministering Through the Spirit’s Flow

    Chapter 9 – Team Work

    Appendix A: Bible References – Dreams

    Appendix B: Bible References – Visions

    Appendix C: Bible References – Names of God

    Thank You

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    About Yvonne

    Suggestions for Using This Book

    In order for this book to be of most benefit to you, I have included questions that you may take into your times with Holy Spirit.

    For many people, much deeper revelation into a particular spiritual truth is received when they dedicate time to listening to God through stillness or soaking prayer¹. For example, I had noted the verse on the Sevenfold Spirit of God as I read my Bible, and knew that I needed to understand this concept, so I took time over the course of a week to be still, listen, and meditate upon it. Each day I dedicated time to one of the aspects of the Sevenfold Spirit and used listening prayer or soaking to hear God’s voice with all of my senses. I then wrote what He had shown me and asked further questions using two-way journaling to hear God through His voice or spontaneous thoughts². Chapter 2 of this book was borne out of what God showed me in that time, and thus provides an example of what can result from meditation and listening prayer.

    You may wish to use this material as a group by reading each section, practicing listening prayer and meditating, and then sharing together the revelation of truth that Holy Spirit has unveiled to you.

    I pray you will not only enjoy reading this book and pondering its topics, but that you will use it as a launching pad for hearing and experiencing Holy Spirit more and more. May you connect with God in a deeper way as you grow in your knowledge and love of Him.


    1 See Listening Prayer, Chapter 6.

    2 See Hearing, Chapter 5.

    Introduction – Connection to God

    The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 3:26-4:7: You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law that we might receive of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

    This scripture is talking about the change God made in the religious community of the day, Judaism, when His son Jesus Christ gave His life to enable all people everywhere to become sons of God. This transaction: Jesus’ death for our life, is sealed by the Holy Spirit who comes to connect us with God. He can do that because He is God, and having all power He comes to empower us to live from our true spiritual nature.

    I found this amazing truth - that I am now a son of God - to be exciting. Unfortunately it was not actualized for the first twenty years of my Christian experience. This disconnect between what God intends for His people and what we experience is, I have realized, a common issue among Christians. I found this is due to several factors, which I will attempt to address in this work on Holy Spirit.

    My initial misunderstanding of how to please God – that is, by learning more and more about Him and trying to be good - seemed to be upheld by the teaching I received which emphasized striving and straining to work at the Christian life, sanctification growing out of human effort. As I am not much of a disciplined person by nature, it was just a matter of time before failure and disillusionment hit me full force.

    In response to this I became more determined in my attempts to behave as a good Christian woman should, which was perpetually followed by disappointment. This destructive cycle only proved to reinforce low self-worth and embarrassment about my falling short, which in turn led to blockages in my friendships with God and other people. Another negative effect of this self-defeating pattern was that I felt the need to hide the real (far-from-perfect!) me from those in my Christian community.

    Grace for life in God: Although most of us agree that God is gracious, merciful, and kind, we often do not live in accordance with that knowledge. We practice life through the misconception that we are to live by rules of religion and regulations of Old Testament law. Many Christians thus believe that self-effort is the way to achieve a lifestyle that will please God, yet human discipline and resources are not adequate to achieve what God designed to do through the power of His Holy Spirit working in us.

    If, on the other hand, we choose to live in the truth of God’s grace, we are able to be open with God about our inabilities and allow Him to do good work from within us. Holy Spirit has been given to us not only to convict us of our inability to love and obey God but to conform and empower us to live as Jesus did.

    Jesus Christ modeled the perfect life of love and power as He lived among mankind. We can follow His example if we live in the realization that we are unconditionally loved by our Father God, that He has given us His grace (unmerited favour and empowerment) to live as His children, and that He has provided everything we will need to live out of our new nature.

    Many believers are held back from living in love and power as Jesus did, due to the misconception that, If God wants me to be healed, to see visions, to hear His voice, or do any supernatural act, He will do it. I am willing to receive but He will have to initiate. This thinking may cause passivity that risks severely limiting how fully we live out of our divine nature³.

    Let us rather be inspired by Jesus’ ministry here on earth, entering into active agreement with God as we learn to listen and see like Christ; He did not stand idly waiting for a sovereign act of God when performing His many miracles! Jesus Christ implemented His Father’s kingdom and gave expression to the divine power with which His Father directed Him to use.

    In writing the following pages, I do not want to merely inform you about the Holy Spirit, nor is it my wish to attempt a complete study on His work or to fully describe His inward ministry; my desire is that you would receive enough insight to stir you into encountering Him and experiencing a life of union with God. I hope you will come into a deeper agreement with Holy Spirit’s unction and direction.

    You will find at the end of each topic suggested meditation or journaling exercises. These are to help direct you to the Holy Spirit for His personal input as you digest each aspect being presented. I pray that as you read and ponder you will be helped by the disciplines and practices I have described. As you learn to hear and listen to God’s sweet voice I trust you will grow deeper in your love and knowledge of Him.


    3 Of course, the sovereign intervention of God moving upon a person spontaneously can and does happen without limiting us. In fact it is by God’s initiation that we come to Him for the gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence.

    Chapter 1 – My Journey, Coming to Know Holy Spirit

    At the age of six I began to have a strong desire to go to church. I lived in Sydney, Australia at the time and a young neighbour, who was a new Christian, offered to take me to the little Methodist Church on the hill close to our home.

    The Sunday school had a loving and peaceful atmosphere, and I felt God’s presence. I became fascinated with Jesus, who was depicted as a gentle shepherd and loving father in white robes. Although it wasn’t until many years later that I really got to know this wonderful Saviour, I began to long to be close to God.

    As an adult I actually thought that somehow God and I were a long

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