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Sanders Experiment Ii: Rivalry
Sanders Experiment Ii: Rivalry
Sanders Experiment Ii: Rivalry
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Sanders Experiment Ii: Rivalry

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For the first time in his life, Guy was at the peak of happiness, surrounded by old and new friends who respected him, as he did them. Yes, it was a wonderful new beginning... Or so he thought.

Its been nearly three years since Guy has been living a normal life with his best friends and adoptive siblings, Scott and Cindy. Suddenly out of nowhere, he has a relapse, becoming contaminated once again. However, this time his body is somehow producing a much higher dose of the chemicals than it has ever produced before, causing him to lose control of not only his abilities, but his emotions as well. Upon further investigation, with the help of his sidekick Scott, he learns that the cause of his relapse is due to a telepathic link to two other men with the same contaminant in their blood, but much more powerful and stronger than he. The strangers, who seem to be unstoppable, are wrecking havoc in the state of Kansas, robbing banks and killing people who just look at them the wrong way. Guy teams up with the authorities to try and overthrow the two men who are ten times stronger than he, being ten times stronger than any ordinary man during his relapse, and thats not the least of his troubles. After learning of the existence of these dangerous killers and Guy himself, someone in the military opens the sealed files of Guy, wanting a piece of the action as well as a blood sample of any one of these men to find out what makes them stronger than any other human in body and mind. Since Guy is the only one powerful enough to stop these mischievous men, he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice with his life to stop them with any means necessary. And if he does succeed, he must then escape the persistence of the military in acquiring the special blood he possesses. Its brains versus brawn in this adventurous hayride of a tale.

Release dateFeb 28, 2012
Sanders Experiment Ii: Rivalry

Bo James Cortez

Born on July 29, 1965 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Bo is the youngest of five children. He graduated at Dillard High School in 1983, and worked at several bowling alleys as a mechanic while attending Tampa Technical Institute. After graduating TTI in 1985, he worked as a pager technician for Contact Gabriel for seven years before they went out of business. Now retired, he decided to write this first story, which he conceived at an early age, imagining different scenarios for the sole purpose of falling asleep. Bo has completed Sanders Experiment II: Rivalry in late 2012.

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    Sanders Experiment Ii - Bo James Cortez

    Copyright © 2012 by Bo James Cortez.

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    CHAPTER 10


    CHAPTER 11


    CHAPTER 12


    CHAPTER 13


    CHAPTER 14


    CHAPTER 15


    CHAPTER 16


    CHAPTER 17


    CHAPTER 18


    CHAPTER 19


    CHAPTER 20


    CHAPTER 21


    CHAPTER 22


    CHAPTER 23


    CHAPTER 24


    CHAPTER 25


    CHAPTER 26


    CHAPTER 27


    CHAPTER 28


    CHAPTER 29


    CHAPTER 30


    CHAPTER 31


    CHAPTER 32


    CHAPTER 33


    CHAPTER 34


    CHAPTER 35


    CHAPTER 36




    About 150 miles west of Sanders lies a small town named Delaney, which is in the county of the same name. The town may be small, but the population was abundant, mainly due to Delaney College, which sits right in the middle of it. It was at this very same college in which a man named Guy attended when he was just 4 months old. No one would ever have believed, but this man was an end result of an experiment which exploded in Sanders on April 3rd, 2004. While still inside his mother’s womb, she inhaled the rapid-growth mist and passed it along to him. In just a few months, he looked as if he were 21, very handsome with straight, black hair which grew out of control after being in an agitated state of mind. With the strength of ten ordinary men and the ability to use almost every molecule of his mind, he was a fast learner who retained everything he was exposed to, as well as a potentially dangerous man if he ever became out of control with his anger. However, even though he was a peaceful man, this only happened once, and someone ended up paying the price for it.

    Guy new that he was special and learned more about himself and his abilities as he grew. Unfortunately, the one skill he did lack was the one involving sexual relations with a woman. While attending college he met a beautiful woman named Monique. She became the very one, and only, who released the full pleasure of intimacy from Guy, stating to him that she was on the pill and to just let it flow to the highest level anyone could achieve. Being the very first time for Guy, the overwhelming pleasurable feeling he never knew before did not allow him to argue the fact, and he did as she asked. And even though she knew she wasn’t going to see him after he was finished with school, the incident of the one man who payed the price of Guy’s out-of-control anger happened shortly after, and Guy was arrested and forced to leave college and Delaney before graduation. It was at this period in time that Monique started to have problems of her own.

    During the week of August 30, 2004, which was after Guy’s arrest, Officer Brown was patrolling a quiet neighborhood at 1:47 p.m. when he heard the call come in from his radio. This is dispatch calling Unit 7. Please respond.

    He clicked his radio piece. This is Brown.

    We just received a missing person report on a Monique Watson, residing at 1275 Northwest 17th Avenue. We need confirmation on her status.

    Say no more. I’m on it. After making a quick U-turn, he proceeded to the stated address, and arrived at 1:58 p.m. A hard knock at the door resulted in no response, so he knocked harder the second time, yelling, Monique Watson. This is the police. Please open up. After failing to get a response a second time, he clicked on his radio. This is Unit 7 responding to the missing person report on Monique Watson. There’s a car in the driveway and I can see there are lights on through her window, but there is no response to my presence. Waiting for further instructions.

    Unit 7, we have contacted her family, and you are authorized with their permission to use any means necessary to enter the house and report on any activity.

    Roger that. He grabbed the doorknob and noticed that is was locked, so he forcefully butted the door with his right shoulder twice and succeeded to bust it open. After walking inside, he scoped the house carefully, yelling once again, Monique Watson, this is the police. Please answer me if you can. Still being cautious, he walked slowly through the living room, then noticed an arm stretched out from behind the couch. He rushed over and knelt next to her with a horrid look, seeing her lying on her back, wearing just her underwear and bra. After feeling a pulse on her neck, he clicked on his radio once more. This is Officer Brown. I need an ambulance at 1275 Northwest 17th Avenue. I have an unidentified well-impregnated Caucasian woman, mid 20’s, barely alive. Her stomach seems to be covered with scars, like stretch marks or something. It could be the sign of twins or triplets, but it doesn’t look natural. It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before.

    Monique heard him and slowly opened her eyes. He looked at her while she spoke slowly and out of breath. Get it… it out… please. It’s… it’s hurting me.

    Ma’am, just try to breathe. What is your name?

    Monique. But I can’t… be… this far…

    Ma’am, I need you to stay calm. The ambulance is on its way. You and your baby will be just… Suddenly he was stifled by a squishing noise and stared in awe while watching her stomach distort, as if the infants inside her were trying to punch their way out.

    When the ambulance arrived at Delaney County Hospital at 2:31 p.m., the paramedics quickly wheeled Monique in the emergency room on the gurney, unconscious, with a pool of blood oozing from of her womb. Doctor Farley made sure he was the first to grab her, hearing the bizarre nature of the call that was received. How is she doing?

    The paramedic looked at him and scratched his head. I don’t know, Doc. She kept rambling on about how it’s impossible to be this pregnant because she was normal just a week ago, whatever that means. I think she’s hallucinating or something. You might want to check her for drugs. He then lifted the cover to expose her stomach riddled with stretch marks, confirming the officer’s official report. But then again, I guess I can understand what she meant.

    Farley’s eyes widened as he grinned with excitement, since he had been waiting patiently a long time for this day to come. Get her up to the delivery room, stat. And tell no one until I figure out her condition. As requested, the paramedics wheeled her up to the fifth floor in a large room and stayed with her until Farley arrived. Okay, leave us. After they left the room, he closed the door for privacy. He then placed an oxygen mask on Monique and strapped wires on her to monitor her condition. She was fading fast while he was looking at the sonogram that was being distorted by the brainwaves of the two live struggling babies inside her. He squinted at the monitor in disbelief after counting seven very small dead fetuses surrounding her uterus wall. Looking sharp at the monitor, he noticed one of the two survivors inside her was being strangled by his umbilical cord, knowing it was causing brain damage. Just then he heard a popping sound caused by the embryonic fluid which rushed out of her along with the dead fetuses. All her vital signs went dead, but the two babies that were still alive were too big to come out on their own. With his white latex gloves on, he carefully slit her stomach open and gently pulled both of them out one at a time and cut their cords, hoping to save them. After successfully doing so, he laid them on the bed at her feet and placed the fetuses in a biohazard bag. He then took off his gloves, walked over to the wall phone, and dialed. Toby? Farley here. Get the others and meet me in room 517. While waiting for his secret gang of scientists to arrive in the room, he cleaned up the blood from Monique and covered her lifeless body.

    Toby came in with Mike and Cary, all three were in their early 20’s and barely out of med school. Toby, the leader of the three scientists, asked, Please tell me you have him! Is Guy really here?

    Farley grinned from ear to ear and shook his head. I have something better. His offspring!

    What? How can you tell?

    Take a look. Farley moved out of the way so they could see the twins, then handed the bag of fetuses to Toby.

    Holy Mother of God! Why are there so many?

    My guess is that the one egg grew too fast, so it had no choice but to divide to keep stable. I’ve noticed some deformations in those first-trimester fetuses which may explain why they died quickly. He then looked over at where Monique lay covered. Poor woman. She chose the wrong man for her desire.

    Sir? You know her?

    Her name’s Monique Watson. She’s always wanted a child on her own. Looks like she got her wish… and it killed her. He paused for a moment, then shook his head to snap out of the remorseful spell he was in. Then, being in a paranoid state of mind, he grabbed Toby’s shoulders and said, Hurry down to the incinerator and fry the bag. Make sure nobody sees you. Then he turned to Mike and Cary who were still staring at the twins in awe. You guys get her down to the morgue. I need to alter the paperwork. By the way, how long will it take you to set up our lab for these two fine specimens?

    Give us two weeks, Mike answered, then left with Cary with Monique’s covered corpse to get rid of her.

    Farley grabbed the two live infants, wrapped them snug in a blanket, and snuck outside to his car using the stairway. While driving to the unprepared lab, he tried to listen to the radio in his car, but instead heard nothing but static with the faint sound of a radio station coming through. Well, aren’t we quite the little devils? he mumbled to the infants, turning off the inaudible radio while continuing to drive.

    After he arrived at the lab, located in a large basement of an abandoned building, he started feeding the infants with the formula he picked up along the way. He opened his cell phone and dialed. Where the hell are you guys?

    He heard Toby’s voice. "We’re driving up to the lab now. We’ll be there in a few."

    Good, because I have to get back to the hospital before someone notices I’m gone. After hanging up the phone, it took only a few seconds for the three to arrive in the lab. Take over the feeding, Farley said to Toby. Remember, these little fellas are gonna be constantly hungry, so make sure they’re fed regularly. If you guys screw this up…

    Mike interrupted him with a stern voice. "What? Don’t be threatening us! We’re all in this together. So if one of us goes down, we’re all going down. Ain’t that right, Doc?"

    As long as we understand each other. Just remember… , in a couple of months these two will be full-grown men and very strong. So make sure you get the strongest and thickest titanium restraints to keep them in their places. God help us if they ever woke up from the never-ending nap we’re about to bestow upon them.

    We know what we’re doing, Toby said, feeling a bit insulted. We read your stolen files on their father, as you requested. Now get outta here, and outta our hair so we can get to work. You’ll have your precious lab up and running in a couple of weeks. I’m sure your two circus freaks here won’t be a bother until then. Feeling a bit satisfied, Farley nodded to him, and left. Toby turned to the other two students and said, Come on, guys. You heard the doc. We got work to do. He then placed his hands on his hips and glanced with an evil stare at the door at the top of the stairs where Farley had exited the soon-to-be home for the twins.



    Exactly two months had passed, as it was now October 30, 2004. With Farley’s lab set up, the two siblings in inanimate stasis were constantly being poked and prodded by the foursome, trying to find out what made these two brothers strong in mind and body. The twins were standing upright, each in an elongated tube placed side-by-side, and strapped in by thick titanium plates for the doctor’s safety. The three plates of each tube were placed to cover their chest, legs, and pelvis areas to hide their nakedness. Dozens of wires were attached to each sibling, going to special state-of-the-art equipment, monitoring their brain waves and vital signs. The lazy scientists didn’t bother shaving their faces or cutting their hair completely. Instead, they occasionally cut their beards to keep the hair out of their way, while keeping it at shoulder-length.

    While Farley was looking at their blood through his high-tech microscope, the others were separating the components of the blood through centrifuge, boiling, freezing, and all other kinds of tests to see the different reactions. Mike added some chemicals to his blood sample and started running his tests again. I don’t understand, he said, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes in fatigue. We’ve been at this for almost two months, and we still don’t have an orange glow. Nothing!

    Cary asked Farley, Doc, what exactly happened on that day Guy glowed? I mean, it had to come from some kind of chemical imbalance. I’m sure he just didn’t stick his fingers in a wall socket and pose as a glowing Christmas tree, for Christ’s sake.

    According to the police report, he was angry and distraught about his friend’s suicide.

    Cary thought for a moment. Then what about adding…

    Mike interrupted him. "I’ve already added adrenaline, epinephrine, and all the other chemicals the body produces during the states of anger, anxiety, and distraught. I’ve frozen it, boiled it, manipulated it, and done everything except throw it against the damn wall, which I’m close to doing right now."

    Farley became more impatient with their bickering and screamed, Would you guys please shut up and continue! We’ve only been at it for a short while, so keep working if you wanna keep getting paid from our sponsor. Don’t forget, he can rig your failing grades just as easily as he rigged your passing ones. Besides, I have to be at the hospital in… He was suddenly interrupted by a squeaking noise. What was that? If that was another fucking rat, I swear to God, Toby. I told you to get rid of…

    I know you did, but there were too many of them and they just kept coming in from the outside, especially during a rain storm. Sooo, instead of rat traps… He walked over to a brown bag from the hardware store, reached in, and pulled out a box. . . . I got this.

    Mike laughed and jested, What’s that? Your boom box? I’m sure those rats will definitely flee from your pounding rap music. I know I sure as hell would.

    No, smart-ass. It’s an ultra high frequency emitter used to keep rats, rodents, and other pests away. Too bad it doesn’t work on you. He tore open the box, took out the emitter, and hung it on the wall, then asked before plugging it in, Is this outlet switched or unswitched?

    Farley was busy looking in his microscope and scribbling on his pad, so Cary answered, I believe that outlet is switched, so you probably don’t want to…

    It doesn’t matter, dammit! Farley snapped in frustration. The generator is constantly on and we don’t turn anything off in here when we leave, so just plug the stupid thing in already and get rid of these damn pests once and for all!

    With rolling eyes accompanied with a heavy sigh, he plugged the emitter in and turned it on. Farley jumped while a rat suddenly ran across his shoes and scurried in a crack in the wall to hide from the irritating frequency coming from the emitter. Impressive, he said to Toby. It’s about time you did something right. Toby scoffed at the degrading remark and walked back to his station, shaking his head from the lack of respect.

    At that very moment, Mike’s eyes opened wide at something that caught his attention. Uh, that’s not the only thing impressive. Look, he said enthusiastically. Everybody walked over to his station and gawked at the sample of the blood he had retrieved from one of the siblings, which was glowing orange.

    Farley stared with envy. Please tell me you guys are seeing what I’m seeing. They all agreed verbally, then he said to Toby, Go over and turn that device off.

    What device?

    That rat thingamajig you just turned on, you idiot.

    Okay, already! Geez. Don’t be such a grinch! He walked over to the emitter again, and when he turned it off, the blood stopped glowing. Farley instructed him to turn it back on again, and after doing so, he walked back over to them.

    Well, I’ll be a monkey’s ass, Farley said as they all stared at the glowing blood.

    With their eyes focused on the blood and chatting amongst themselves, the foursome didn’t notice that the twins, too, were glowing in response to the high frequency emanating from the emitter. With his eyes still staring wide-eyed on the blood, Farley said, Toby, get some fresh blood from one of our guests. I want a clean sample.

    Do you want it from Dan, or Stan?

    I don’t care which one. Just get me some.

    Toby grabbed a syringe packet and was staring down trying to open it while walking toward the twins. After stopping in front of one of the tubes, he grabbed one of the men’s arms to take the blood, and immediately noticed the glow on his skin. Riddled with fear, he slowly looked up and saw the twin viciously staring at him straight in the eyes. Before Toby could talk, the twin easily freed his arm and grabbed him by the throat with such force, that he couldn’t utter a word for help. He made sure Toby’s eyes were locked with his while he squeezed a bit harder, cracking the bones in his neck and causing blood to disperse from his nose and mouth. Nobody from the group realized what was going on behind them while the twin slowly eased the life out of Toby, then released him. When they heard the thud of his body hitting the floor, they turned around and slowly backed away, frightened of the sight of the dead, blood-faced body. Farley had the most fear in his eyes, knowing what Guy did to Rocco’s head on the college grounds. Damn it! I told you to keep them sedated at all times!

    We just did before you got here, Mike answered.

    Immediately, Farley grabbed the dart gun and pointed it toward the awakened twin, but before he could shoot, the twin grabbed his brother’s hand through the titanium bars and used his mind in conjunction with his to erect a blurry, translucent sphere. As the sphere became wider, it knocked down the bottles of acid and chemicals that were on the tables, and started disintegrating them at the sphere’s boundaries. Finally, Farley shot the dart gun just to see the dart ricochet off the sphere and fly upward toward the ceiling. All the chemicals that were knocked over mixed together and started a fire, causing them to boil at an accelerated rate. The two remaining scientists, along with Farley, headed for the stairs to escape, but the chemicals exploded violently, throwing them against the wall and knocking them down. They screamed in agony when the acidic compounds sprayed on their skin, which blistered while causing a painful and long, horrid death. While the building burst with fire bombs, which were continuously being fed by oxygen tanks and other gases, the twin tore right through the titanium plates that were restraining him and his brother. The protective sphere he created with his unconscious brother’s help kept them safe from the inferno. Grabbing his brother and tossing him over his shoulder, he headed upstairs, walking over the dead bodies, and finally made it outside the building, unscathed by the blast. After relaxing his mind, causing the sphere to dissipate because it was no longer needed, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath. He then ran, still carrying his brother, underneath a bridge where the fire trucks rode by heading for the fire at the abandoned building. When he laid his brother down, he sat next to him and passed out from the exhaustion caused by the sphere he created.

    A few hours passed and Dan was awakened by his brother. Obviously, neither of them knew much English, and the only words they heard and quickly learned while in stasis were those spoken by the four working on them. In fact, they didn’t need to speak at all, for as long as they were in close proximity with each other, allowing their minds to join as one, both could read each other’s thoughts as well as their feelings. This became apparent when they looked at each other and Dan nodded, agreeing that the first business at hand was to eat and find shelter to survive. They rose quickly and ran off into the night, starting on their journey as free men.

    Arriving at the first convenient store they encountered, they walked in, still naked, and ravished through the snacks and sodas, ripping them open and having their first solid meal since birth. The few customers in the store dropped everything they were holding and quickly left, thinking the two naked men were playing a prank. When the clerk saw them, he grabbed his baseball bat, walked over to Stan, and hit him in the back while shouting, Get outta here before I call the cops! Stan instinctively reacted quickly and punched him so hard in the chest that he flew several feet through the air and landed head first on the front counter breaking his neck. Stan looked at his hand, not understanding why he was so strong, then glanced back at the dead body laying on the floor, devilishly grinning at it. His brother saw the incident, and with an emotion of great sorrow, ran over and tried to awaken the clerk by gently shaking him, not knowing he wasn’t alive. Stan came over and grabbed his brother’s hand, feeling his weakness of concern and sorrow, which caused him to become angry. Dan looked up at him and shook his head, patting the clerk on the chest, causing Stan to become more furious, so he sent out a signal to inflict pain in Dan’s head, which caused disorientation. Stan seized the opportunity of his weakened brother, grabbed him, and ran out the door quickly, busting the glass door and unhinging it from the frame. With their bellies now full, feeling strong and rejuvenated, they ran off into the night.

    When he knew they were safe again, Dan stopped his brother for a second and started patting himself, signaling to him that they needed clothes. While Stan didn’t understand the concept of the need for outer garments, he finally agreed after several minutes of arguing and started looking around. Even though it was 3:17 a.m. and all the stores were closed, it didn’t stop them from finding a small clothing store in a nearby mall and break in through the glass doors. They were startled by the sound of an alarm and realized that it was a warning to attract unwanted attention to them. In just a few minutes, they quickly found some clothes and shoes to wear. Hearing the police sirens getting closer, they knew they didn’t have the time to put on their stolen attire, so they grabbed each other’s hand to create another shield to bust out the back of the building right through the brick walls. While running through the woods holding hands, the shield caused every branch and bush they passed to break and snap outward away from them. After arriving under the same bridge to keep out of sight and danger, they put on the stolen clothes. Dan placed his hand on Stan’s shoulder, turned him around, and looked at him straight in the eyes. After getting Stan’s full attention, he used his body language along with telepathy to tell his brother of his disapproval and disappointment, and that he was very irate that his brother showed no remorse after killing the cashier. Once again Stan became angry and used the same means of communication to tell Dan of the humiliation and discomfort that was forced on them while locked up in the lab. Both argued for a while until Stan had enough of the mind bickering, so he grabbed his brother’s shoulders and started giving him pain in his head again to shut him up. Dan was trembling in fear while once again the pain caused disorientation and nose bleeds until he passed out. Afterward, Stan sat next to him and stayed awake and alert to make sure they were safe through the night. Before he stood watch, he took one last glance at his brother, unable to understand why he would be so sympathetic to the other humans in general, since they caused them nothing but pain since birth. With a closed fist, he released all his anger and punched the pavement underneath him, cracking it as if it were plastic. Again, he looked confused at his hand, wondering why he was stronger than anyone else. He grinned with confidence, knowing that this power of his was going to turn the tables between them and the others as a sense of revenge for what they had done to them. With his fear subsided, he finally relaxed and leaned against the bridge tunnel wall, staring wide-eyed into the night.



    (August 12th, 2007—3 years later)

    Guy woke up earlier than his usual time, hoping to avoid a confrontation with Scott or Cindy. He couldn’t bear getting out of bed knowing that the day would be one filled with sadness and discomfort. After quietly getting dressed, he snuck out of his room and walked downstairs to head for the front door, looking forward to spending the lovely Sunday morning by himself. Unfortunately for him, the front door was by the kitchen, where he saw Scott and Cindy sitting at the table, fully clothed and eating breakfast. Noticing Guy’s surprised expression, Scott said, Oh, I see you’re eager to get out of here. Or, were you planning your usual failing escape?

    Guy sighed in disappointment. You’re a jerk.

    Call me what you will. Your breakfast is in the microwave. Just heat it up and scarf it down like you usually do. Compliments of my beautiful wife. Cindy looked up and gave her husband a smug smile from his remark.

    Guy walked to the microwave, heated his plate for a minute, then sat at the table and started eating. Thanks, Cindy, he said humbly.

    She put down her fork and grabbed his hand. For the last time, would you stop thanking me for everything, already? Both you and Scott bring home the well-earned bacon, and I’m more than happy to do your daily chores… no matter how pregnant I am.

    The two men exchanged looks, then Scott said to her, Yeah, about that, honey. I… I mean Guy and I, have been meaning to talk to you about that. We feel that since you’re almost due, you shouldn’t be on your feet so much, so we thought we’d hire someone for a short time to do the laundry, cooking, and all. Until you have the baby, that is.

    She looked over at Guy and, after swallowing his food, he said, "I’m sorry, Cindy, but I’m with him on this. You know I try to stay out of your affairs, but I’d really feel bad if something happened to you or the baby while you were on your feet. Besides, you need the break. And trust me when I say, ‘Don’t even try to argue with us,’ because you will lose."

    Cindy sat there and pondered, looking at them and tapping her chin with her finger. Let me guess… you already placed an ad out for a short-term maid.

    The two men looked at each other and laughed. She knows us too well, bro, Guy said.

    Yeah, well, being married to her for two years, you think she would. You’ve known her longer than me, so you should know. He then turned to Cindy, grabbed her hands and looked at her beautiful, brown eyes. You know I love you, honey.

    I love you too, sweetheart, she answered back in a sexy voice, then leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

    Guy rolled his eyes and looked at them, disgusted. Oh, geez! Don’t get all icky on me! I’m eating here! Save it for the bedroom.

    They both pulled back giggling and grinning at him, then looked back at each other again. Guy froze when he saw a devious look on both their faces. The two lovebirds nodded to each other, then grabbed Guy and started kissing him on his cheeks and head, saying, Oh, are we feeling left out? Let’s give you some sugar, too. You know you want it.

    He tried to push them away. Yu-u-uck! Stop it! You may have adopted me, but it doesn’t give you the right to slobber all over me! When they pulled back from him, they laughed while he wiped his face with his hands. Now I have to go get some cootie shots.

    Scott playfully punched him in the arm rather hard, knowing he can take it. There’s your shot. Now let’s go do this, okay? he said with a stern voice.

    Guy looked down and frowned with a heavy sigh. Okay. I’ll go.

    After eating a good meal, the men helped Cindy up from the breakfast table. Making sure the lights were off, they left the house, hopped inside their new four-door minivan, and drove off to their destination.

    All was quiet while driving through the big city of Banksville. Scott spotted the usual florist shop, drove in the lot, and parked the car. Okay, dude. First stop.

    After Guy exited the car and walked into the shop, Cindy asked Scott, Do you have to do this to him every year? You know how fragile he still is.

    Damn right I do. Honey, he has to face his demons. Until that happens, and he is willing to actually start doing this on his own, only then will I know that he’s accepted it.

    You’re right, I guess. I just hate to see him sad like this. He’s been through so much turmoil in his life, and it just eats me up to see him upset.

    Cindy, it’s only once a year. That’s all I ask of him. He knows that.

    She looked at him sadly, and said with a grin, He loves you, you know. I can’t count how many times he said that to me.

    Yeah, I know. I love him, too. If it weren’t for him, I’d never have met you. She giggled with a far away look in her eyes, prompting him to ask, What’s so funny?

    I was just thinking of the time you told me when he hypnotized you, so that you could finally get to be a sensitive, one-woman man.

    Okay, let’s not go down that road. I feel like such a fool because I don’t even remember him doing it. I mean, he said a few words to me, and that’s all I remember before he snapped his fingers. It was as if I lost 45 minutes of time that day. Amazing.

    Inside the florist, Guy was looking around at the small potted plants trying to pick out the best one that suited his needs. Finally, he spotted a green ceramic planter, about six inches in height and diameter. It was filled with big green leaves and three beautiful calla lilies perfectly centered in the plant, nicely spaced apart and standing erect. With a heavy heart, he sighed and picked up the planter carefully, then brought it over to the cashier and paid for it. Afterward, he walked outside and sat in the back seat of the car, noticing Scott looking at him in the rear-view mirror. That’s a nice planter.

    Do you think he’ll like it?

    Guy, it’s not the plant that he wants to see. It’s you. And, yes… I think he’ll like it very much. He started the car and drove off once again to their destination. During the quiet drive, Scott would occasionally glance at Guy in the mirror and see him sadly looking out the window at the green trees and flowers surrounding the dirt road that led to Ferris Cemetery. After entering the gates, he drove to lot 28 and parked the car. Scott kept the engine running so that Cindy would have some cold air. He said to Guy, We’re here, buddy. Do you want some company?

    No. I’ll be right back. He stepped out of the car and went to the grave site where the expensive, shiny, black marble tombstone read, Robert K. Billingston—Beloved Son and Friend—May 5, 1981-August 12, 2004. In smaller letters, it read at the bottom, Your smile and love of life brought happiness to us all.

    Guy had a painful expression as he leaned down on one knee and placed the planter in front of the tombstone. Hey, Bobby, he said in a low voice. I’m here. I sure do miss you, pal. I brought you three lilies. One for every year since you been gone. I hope you like them. I… uh… A tear ran down his cheek while he swallowed with pain, feeling the lump in his throat. I don’t know if it’s getting easier or harder to come see you every year. At first I didn’t want to, but now that I’m here, I’m glad I did. You’ll always be in my heart, Bobby. Maybe it’s me that shouldn’t forget that. Well, I hope you’re happy wherever you are. I have to go now. Until next year, my friend. If they have a bar in heaven, have a drink for me. And I will have a drink for you down here. I promise. Goodbye for now.

    He rose up and walked toward Scott, who was leaning on the minivan while noticing the disturbance and torture in his soul as he came closer. Are you okay, buddy?

    Without answering him, he reached for the back door handle, but Scott grabbed him before he could do so and forced a hug on him, knowing he needed it. It was only then when he answered, I should have made sure he walked out with me to class. He’d be alive today if I didn’t leave him alone.

    You have to stop beating yourself over the head, Guy. It’s not your fault. You need to come to terms with that if you’re ever gonna accept his death.

    Guy drew back and started pounding him hard on the chest. You don’t know that! I should have been there for him! I should have seen the signs!

    Scott grabbed his arms and pushed them down by his side. But you didn’t! And it’s not humanly possible to be everywhere at one time. Guy, you did everything in your power to make sure he was okay. Please, for the sake of your sanity, stop torturing yourself. You can’t turn back time, so if you wanna keep honoring him as your valued friend, then visit him every year like you’re doing now. Keep him in your heart. You lost him, Guy. Don’t lose yourself, too. Because if you do, you’ll make us sad. You’re my brother now, as well as my best friend. So, I’m begging you. Please. Besides, do you really think he wants to see you this way?

    Guy looked at him quickly after his remark and slowly pulled Scott’s hands off him, saying sadly, No. He wouldn’t. I’m sorry.

    Hey. No apologies, remember? You know I’d do anything for you. Even if it means taking a beating, now that I’m gonna be bruised for the next week. Guy laughed, which made Scott happy, giggling with him with a smile. He put his hand on Guy’s shoulder and slightly massaged it, as a best friend would do. Okay, you rascal. In the car you go. Let’s get outta here.

    When they were leaving the grave site, Guy noticed a limousine with dark tinted windows passing them with an Alabama license plate. He quickly glanced at the stranger’s car wondering who was inside. Keeping an eye on it as they drove further, he noticed it stopped at the exact spot Scott had parked.

    At that same time, Stan and Dan were sitting on a bench outside Walkins City Bank, located on the border of Delaney. The bank was open seven days a week, as advertised on the entrance doors. Stan looked over at his brother and asked, Are you okay, D? Don’t get cold feet on me.

    I don’t understand why we need to keep doing this. We’re not gonna kill anybody, are we?

    Look, it’s much harder stealing food and supplies from the stores since we have to carry them. At least this way we’ll be buying our necessities. He noticed Dan looking at him, sad, still wanting an answer from his question. Okay, fine! I’ll only kill someone if they stupidly disobey my demands! Does that satisfy you?

    Yeah, thanks. And… You know, it’s still the same.

    What is?

    We’re buying our food and clothes with stolen money. Isn’t that the same as stealing them?

    Damn it, D! We’ve been over this a thousand times! Don’t make me hurt you again. I need your full attention here, so get a grip of yourself and stop asking so many questions that you know anger me. Do I have to keep reminding you what they did to us in the lab?! After a quick glance at his watch, he continued, Okay, it’s time. Let’s go. They got up and walked casually in the bank, as not to alarm anyone of their presence. Since it was Sunday, the tellers were limited, and only one guard was on duty, which was part of their strategy to strike with little resistance. They looked around quickly, scoping the place and observing the customers and the guard, figuring out which teller to go to. Communicating telepathically, they nodded at each other and stood in the shortest line, with Stan in front of Dan, and two customers in front of him.

    After the two customers were served, the twins walked up to the teller. Stan turned around to make sure the guard was not in their field range, then grabbed Dan’s hand and created the protective shield, making sure the teller was enclosed within it. When he did so, Dan started having split second flashes of the scenery Guy was seeing, causing him to lose his concentration. A bit disoriented, he looked around the bank to see if anyone was connecting to his thoughts. Stan immediately noticed his confusion, turned around, and said, Focus, D! Keep the damn shield up! When Dan finally forced the flashes from his mind, the glass and wooden counter around the two brothers distorted as their shield went up. Stan looked straight at the female teller through the bulletproof glass and said, You have two choices, the money, or your life.

    She looked at him confused, seeing that they didn’t have a gun or any other weapon. After seeing that she didn’t take him seriously, Stan punched the glass in front of her and shattered it to show her his strength. She became more confused, watching the glass bounce back off the shield and landing on the counter. The guard heard the glass and took out his gun, shouting, You two! Don’t move. Everybody in the bank quickly lay down on the floor flat on their stomachs, screaming in fear.

    Stan turned around and grinned at him. I wouldn’t fire that if I were you. You might hit one of your precious customers. After hearing his own words, he grinned when a devilish idea popped inside his mind. Since he promised Dan that he wouldn’t kill anyone and really wanted to see someone get hurt or die, he cunningly connected with the guard’s mind and made him vision him holding a gun which was pointed right at him. With a cop-like instinct, the guard quickly squeezed the trigger of his weapon and fired at him. The bullet ricocheted off the shield and shattered the entrance glass door, which made Dan sigh in relief that it didn’t hit anyone. Stan smiled with a giggle at the dumbfounded guard, as to taunt him, then he and Dan jumped over the counter simultaneously, still holding hands to keep the shield up with the teller still inside. He grabbed her and said, You made the wrong choice, bitch! and threw her against the shield. When her body came in contact with it, every person in the bank heard her scream in agony as her skin slowly disintegrated until there was nothing left of her but a puddle of goo on the floor where she stood. Concerned for the safety of the people and himself, the guard was afraid of firing another bullet. Stan opened a large bank bag and stuffed it with the money from the drawer. Being an inexperienced bank robber, he pulled out all the cash which sounded the alarm when the money clip hit the bottom plate of the metal drawer, shorting the circuit. Shit! Let’s get the hell outta here! He grabbed the bag and both hopped back over the counter. With the bag of cash in one hand and his brother’s hand in the other to maintain the shield, they fled out the front door. While running across the street to escape, the cars on the highway were crashing into their shield and being pulverized as if they were hitting a brick wall. When they finally reached safety, Stan grabbed his brother’s neck in anger and squeezed. What the hell is wrong with you? You could have gotten us killed back there!

    I… I don’t know. Something was interfering with my concentration. I felt a power drain, he said, desperately clearing his mind to not reveal to his brother that it was another human presence he felt.

    Stan released him. Well, don’t let it happen again! I keep telling you to never let your guard down! You know we need our combined strength to survive any attacks. Let me know if you feel it again. Let’s get back to our hideout before the cops come. Dan nodded while rubbing his sore neck, and they fled again.

    Scott and Cindy were having a conversation on the way back home from the cemetery, driving again through Banksville. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. So, are you sure you’re up to going to the party tonight?

    Scott, I told you then, and I’m telling you now… I’m alright. It’s not like I’m going to do some heavy lifting or anything. Stop babying me.

    I’m sorry. I’m just worried something will go wrong.

    Like what? If the baby decides to come out in the middle of the party, well… then we’ll have something to talk about when he grows up, now won’t we.

    You can’t blame me for being concerned.

    That’s what I love about you. Besides, it’s about time I met some of your associates. Yours and Guy’s, of course.

    Yeah, I owe him this great job. It’s a lot better than the hard work in construction, which I don’t miss at all. Just then he heard Guy grunt and noticed in the mirror him holding his head. Guy? You okay back there, buddy?

    I think so. We just passed the mall, right?

    Yeah, so?

    I think someone was blowing that damn dog whistle in there again, because I heard it. Or something similar.

    Cindy turned her head toward the back seat so he could hear her, since she was unable to see him completely. Guy? Dr. Patterson just gave you your bi-monthly cleansing two weeks ago. You shouldn’t be able to hear that whistle.

    I don’t know what to tell you, Cindy. I heard something. Although it was a little off of what the whistle sounds like… from what I can remember, anyway.

    Do you still hear it?

    No, it only lasted for a split second. But it was so loud and clear, like it was right next to my ear. Almost as if it were inside my head.

    "You will let me know if you hear it again, right?"

    Being a little irritated that she was treating him like a

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