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Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Ebook51 pages20 minutes

Selected Poems

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'Your smile, your lovely smile / Stirs my senses, as if / Waking to the first rays of an alpine sun / On the ridge of my tent, / I enjoy a spreading warmth........
Richard Smythe's imagery goes straight to the heart of what it is like to be human, simply joyful or sad, expectant or fearful, but above all to feel the natural world, in all its wonder, to be a part of oneself in life and, at the end, in one's frailty and death.
His poems span a lifetime's experience of music, mountains, teaching and acting from the dark years of the 1940's listening in bed to his mother playing Chopin to the present time when he wonders himself how he himself should be recalled: 'Carve no stone to remember me by / Lest it bruise you...........I would rather you / See me, feel me, like a child spreading his hands / On a couch of summer grass.
Inside this slim volume the reader will find an immense variety of subjects and moods, from quiet, philosophical reflection in the Shropshire countryside to a light hearted playing with words, as in the melodramatic portrayal of the cyclical existence of the common earthworm, written to be performed from within a sleeping bag!
Truly this is a book to be slipped into the pocket to provide pleasure at odd moments during a busy day.
Release dateSep 12, 2011
Selected Poems

Richard Smythe

Richard Smythe graduated with an illustration master's degree in 2010 and has illustrated many successful picture books with his distinctive style. Richard loves working on picture books because no matter how simple the narrative, you can always read between the lines—the only limit is your imagination! Richard says of a recent book, "Watersong is a special book in which the story is told through onomatopoeia, using the sounds water makes. It was challenging to create a story around these words but, in the end, the story of a fox...seemed to shine through. Watersong was recently included in the New York Public Library's Best Books for Kids 2017 list."

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    Selected Poems - Richard Smythe


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    © 2011 by Richard Smythe. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 08/29/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8865-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8866-7 (ebk)

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    Poems from Shropshire and beyond


    In Granville Park

    Conjure not

    Give me March

    Spring evening on Church Aston Hill

    Winter’s End

    Heart of Oak

    A sad day

    Chopin at Night

    Three Early Poems from the 1960’s

    Drone’s Lament

    On the Terrace

    ‘Meet me at the Festival Hall’

    Light hearted verse

    Woeful awe

    The Turn of the Worm

    The Pianists of Uppingham

    The Wrist

    Poems of youthful love

    It was a Sunday

    The daffodils

    Your smile

    Was it you?



    House Clearance

    Not far now

    Tender wish

    Songs from the short children’s novel, ‘Basil the Bucket’,

    Sammy the Sand Eel’s Banter

    Middle Stump’s Complaint

    ‘Time’ by Mr. Rock

    Basil Bucket’s Thoughts

    Poems from Shropshire and beyond



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