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The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys
The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys
The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys
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The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys

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An easy to read intriguing story about some characters who become involved with each other and with over a million dollars that has been skimmed and stolen from a Las Vegas casino.
Release dateOct 1, 2013
The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys

Franklin Lindeburg

Born in San Francisco, he attended the University of California, Berkeley. Was one of the original faculty members at the University of California, Riverside. Has received the HALL OF FAME AWARD IN ATHLETICS. And has published THE BIG BOOK WITH FOUR STORIES, plus two physical education books. on basketball and physical activities.

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    The Fox the Wolf & the Two Turkeys - Franklin Lindeburg







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    2013 Franklin Lindeburg. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 8/29/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-7435-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-7434-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-7433-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012908128

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12



    O nce upon a time there was a fox, a wolf and two turkeys.

    Now Aesop’s probably could have written an intriguing tale about these characters, their problems and troubles and he, no doubt, he would have ended the saga with a nice, tidy little ending. The story would have a moral in which fairness, wisdom and good judgment would always prevail. And, of course the good guys would come out smelling like a sweet Gardenia blossom on a warm summer’s evening.

    In this scenario, and with most humble apologies to Aesop’s, a female fox, a male wolf, and two male turkeys—all homo sapiens—became involved in a unique occurrence. Unlikely circumstances brought these characters together. The results of this encounter, like a flooding river, gathered the players and swept them along with the debris. The strong ones endeavored to influence their course of action while the weak ones were carried along by the current.

    The question is: who are the stronger and who are the weaker?

    Who shall prevail?



    S teal a million dollars from a Vegas casino? You must be out of your mind, Norman Hill blurted out.

    Take it easy. I got it all planned out and, believe me, it’s blue-chip all the way. Are you interested?

    Oh God, am I interested, Norm replied, as he remembered the conversation, his question just gushed out. What kind of a robbery is it? Who do we hold up? What’s involved?

    All right, all right, Dominic Leone said. Then he scowled and added, Here’s the deal… He looked straight into the nondescript brown eyes of his new found partner and continued, If you want out of the pot, now is the time to say so, because from now on I call all the shots and we go all the way. Okay?

    Norman Hill, with a bright gleam in eyes, nodded his head in the affirmative and added a solemn, Yes.


    On Wednesday, April 2, the following article appeared in newspapers throughout the country, having been distributed through the Continental Press:


    For the second time in seven years, Las Vegas casinos are being investigated for alleged fraud. Although no specific casino was named, it is reported by an unnamed State official that the latest findings will soon reveal which casinos, names of owners, and dollar amounts are involved in this latest episode of alleged casino skimming. Skimming is stealing gambling money right off the top, before it is counted and made accountable for tax purposes. This illegal practice, long under investigation by the Nevada Undercover Tax Authorities and, it is assumed that this time there will be a thorough investigation.

    Seven years ago, a similar investigation did not bring a single person to trial or prove that there was such a gimmick as skimming. The big question is whether or not the present administration will require a comprehensive investigation to prove what many in high places believe to be a common practice: the art of skimming."

    The following ad was also run the very same day:


    One more magazine was added to Morton Communications, Inc. (MCI) was announced today. The TODAY AND TOMORROW magazine is the latest acquisition by MCI and the company announced that it intends to continue the successful publication with little or no change. The present themeTomorrow is the First day of the rest of your lifewill continue. The target of this magazine will be the young people of America; those with the ‘me’ image, who believe that because they pass this way only once, they should live a full life while they have the opportunity.

    The purchase price of this mod monthly magazine, which has the circulation of just under a million, was not announced. The entire enterprise includes a five story building in Riverside, California, with all the equipment and presses necessary to print and publish the popular magazine.

    The Morton communications empire now includes five radio stations, three newspapers, one magazine, and a cable TB franchise, all in Southern California."

    MCI is owned by oil tycoon Bradford Tyler Morton, who is a relative newcomer to this field. Morton owns the Morton Oil Company of Texas. Since the death of his father some 20 years ago, Morton has moved Morton Oil from a small company to one of the largest oil companies in the United States. In spite of his success and wealth, the extensive oil properties, and now a variety of communications holdings, relatively little is known about this influential resident of Southern California.

    Always a large contributor to the Republican Party and GOP candidates, there is speculation that he might be contemplating a political career. The network of communications media would be a valuable asset because of the variety of media and the complete Southern California coverage possibilities. No confirmation of the rumor was possible as Morton was not available for comment and no company spokesman would verify or deny the rumor.

    Morton has a son, who is a junior, and goes by Ty. He is a good looking young man with short blonde hair, broad shoulders, and a pair of blue eyes that have a way of looking, and always seeing what is important at that moment. Ty liked dealing with men in business ventures, but he always saved time for the female side of the ledger. He often made good copy in some of Morton’s own magazines, but this fact did not seem to concern him. In this regard he could be called a wolf, because he liked the publicity and always had a steady female companion.

    He lived alone in one of the apartment houses on West Bay Street, in Newport Beach. He moved in when he was a freshman at the University of California, Irvine, and has lived there ever since or for some fifteen years. He was going to be the owner of a business empire, but that did not seem to be bothersome or affect him. Each summer, and after he graduated, he worked in various divisions of the giant empire. This afternoon he was going to sit in on an interview so he kept track of the time because he figured it would take about an hour to get to Riverside, California.

    He remembered sunbathing on the beach next to Mary Lou. Her perfectly shaped, suntan lotion covered body, glistened as she baked in the warm sun; Ty noticed that her halter was unbuttoned and the straps were off her shoulders so that the sun would tan her smooth back evenly and not leave unnatural looking light-colored strap marks on her shoulders.

    Once on this same beach some fifteen years ago—was it that long? No. Only twelve short years ago when he had been about twelve years old, he could vividly remember a similar glistening female back…

    I’ll bet you a coke that I can make that babe over there show you her naked boobs. That challenge came from Bob, one of my best friends. Immediately, the remaining three in the gang were shaken out of their lethargy and without a moment’s hesitation someone replied, You’re on. Bob pointed to the shapely female figure who was sunbathing face down on her towel. Her bra strap was untied leaving her glistening shoulders bare.

    Be quiet so that you won’t disturb her. Move over here, but stand back because you might get a bust in the gut! Ha-ha!! he whispered.

    The unfortunate victim probably some twenty-something, was oblivious of our antics she dozed face down with her head toward the waves. She was lying on a mound of sand that the waves of high tide had built up the night before.

    We quietly sneaked below her and crouched down. We were ready for the show.

    Bob picked up a giant-sized paper cup and ran down to the water; it was then that they all understood what Bob had in mind.

    Even now, as he looked back on the incident, Ty smiled as only a man could smile.

    Bob running back from the water and, without hesitating as he ran by, tossed the entire cupful of cold sea water directly between the shoulder blades of the victim’s warm, glistening, bare

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