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Harbor Village: the 4 Seasons
Harbor Village: the 4 Seasons
Harbor Village: the 4 Seasons
Ebook186 pages3 hours

Harbor Village: the 4 Seasons

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About this ebook

Autumn Porter expected to have a quiet summer back home at the Inn.
Instead she found herself re-exploring the woods, having strange dreams, seeing the ghosts of her ancestors, struggling to keep her sanity, and fighting evil all along the way. Will she discover the secret her ancestor wants her to find before its too late? Will she be able to stop the curse that was put upon her family centuries earlier? Will her faith in God keep her strong before the end?
Release dateSep 9, 2011
Harbor Village: the 4 Seasons

Dawn Orwig

Dawn Orwig is the author of The Mystery of Harbor Village Inn published in 2005. A prequel has been published through other means and at this time is only available through the author. She has been writing stories, poems, and other unpublished books since she was 11 years old. She loves to write, paint, photography, as well as other activities which keeps her busy. You can always drop her a line at P.O. Box 221 Talala, OK 74080. She will personally answer any letter that she receives. There will be a series from this book, so look for them.

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    Harbor Village - Dawn Orwig

    Harbor Village

    The 4 Seasons

    Dawn Orwig

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    © 2011 by Dawn Orwig. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Photographs taken by Dawn Orwig

    Cover design by Dawn Orwig

    Cover layout by Paul Orwig

    First published by AuthorHouse 08/22/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-9534-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-9533-7 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    June 3rd, 2006 Saturday

    June 4th, 2006 Sunday

    June 5th, 2006 Monday

    June 6th, 2006 Tuesday

    June 7th, 2006 Wednesday

    Town of Harbor Village: Magistrate’s Notes on Trial of Aria Flankten

    Winter of 1678

    June 8th, 2006 Thursday

    June 9th, 2006 Friday

    June 10th, 2006 Saturday

    June 11th, 2006 Monday

    About the Author


    This book is hereby dedicated to the One who gave me the talent of writing for His glory, my Savior, Jesus Christ. I would also like to dedicate this book to those who believed in me, who encouraged me to keep going, and who had faith in me. For without them I would not have dreamed of going this far. For those who didn’t quite grasp the ideas within this book, the prequel, the beginning, or the upcoming series, there is a message for those who might need to hear it. It is solely my own idea based upon my love for mysteries, secret passages, and antiques that I bring this book, the end of the trilogy into your hands. This book and the two before it, are made solely for those of any age because I feel to place this book in one category isn’t doing it justice. I hope that you enjoy reading this book and may God truly bless you daily!

    June 3rd, 2006 Saturday

    Autumn! Telephone! yelled my Mother, Lynn, as I came inside for a short break after taking a walk through our woods nearby. I had recently returned home from Bible college where I was studying to become an expert on the occult, since having dealt with the sorts of people I had back in 2002. I was going to reach out to schools, colleges and communities that dealt with such things and help them find their way back to God, and to fight against such evil things.

    As usual, my life was never boring, but this upcoming summer might prove to be anything more than that. I breathed heavily from the unusual heat from outdoors as I reached for the phone in the kitchen.

    Hello? I panted into the receiver.

    Are you ready for an adventure? asked a familiar female voice who began to giggle, and I knew who it was at once.

    Summer! What on earth are you up to? I cried into the phone, excited upon hearing my cousin’s voice.

    Oh nothing much, just lounging around, you know, waiting for you to answer the phone. Summer laughed into the phone. I could hear music playing in the background and waited until she stopped laughing before I spoke.

    Ha ha. Very funny! So what’s up with you? Why are you calling me so early in the morning? I asked her calmly as my breathing slowed down considerably.

    Early? It’s almost 9am! Summer told me with her usual forceful nature. What are you doing prowling around in those dark woods for anyways?

    How’d you know about that? I asked her, all the while looking at my mother who was putting bread into the oven and knowing full well she was to blame.

    Your Mother of course. Autumn, don’t you ever get tired of wandering around in there? You know it’s probably not safe and here you go walking around in there . . . Summer would’ve continued, but she was busy popping a bubble with her gum.

    Summer, please, nothing remotely dangerous is going to happen. You are too much of a dreamer. I was tired of this conversation because sometimes Summer could be a bore. So I thought of changing the subject. So, what did you want? I asked her cautiously.

    Oh, that’s a fine how do you do! Here I am, calling you up just to say hi, and you get all defensive! Summer began to fake argue with me. I rolled my eyes and waited for her to calm down.

    Summer! Please, stop, I can’t deal with this right now, I’ve got errands to do and here you are trying to start a pretend fight with me. Just tell me what it is you need to tell me, ok? I pleaded with her.

    "Fine, you always could see right through me. I’ve got a surprise for you." Summer said and she made it a purpose to be totally silent. She liked to draw out things, especially if she thought the news was really good.

    Well, what is it? I grew impatient with her.

    I’m coming up for a visit. Summer said and I could tell she was smiling through the phone.

    I began to cough and got choked from lack of air until my mother patted me on my back. When I regained my composure, Summer was genuinely concerned.

    Are you ok, Autumn? Summer asked me, seemingly worried.

    Y-yes. Sorry, I got choked there for a minute. I thought I heard you say you were coming for a visit and I lost my breath. I explained to her.

    "I’m sorry you got choked. But you are right; you did hear me say I was coming up for a visit. Not to worry, I won’t be alone, Spring and Winter are coming, too." She told me and I could just imagine her sitting upon her bed painting her toe nails. That’s what she usually did when she talked on the phone.

    I sat down upon a kitchen chair and just imagined the 4 of us here at the Inn. Of us 4 girls, I felt that I was the more levelheaded one, and yes I am biased, but all I wanted was some peace. I remembered the last time we all visited, shortly after I graduated high school, and they kept me busy by doing stuff that I wasn’t too comfortable with doing.

    Autumn, are you there? said the voice that popped another bubble.

    Yes, Summer, I’m here. I just can’t believe that you are all coming down. I mean, what’s the special occasion? Mom has me helping her and Dad fix up some things here and redoing woodwork and so forth, I’m not going to have time to play around. Besides, there isn’t any room for you three. Where are you going to stay? I inquired, hoping to disappoint her so she’d cancel the trip.

    It was your Mom’s idea, sweetie. We’ll be up in about a week. Listen, I’ve got to go for now, see you in a week. Bye. Summer hung up the phone without even letting me say a final word or even goodbye. She didn’t even answer any of my questions or tell me why they decided to come up.

    I hung up the phone slowly and stared at Mom. What was she thinking, sending my 3 cousins up here when we had work to do? We’d never get anything done, unless Mom thought to include them to get it done faster. I waited for Mom to turn around from checking something that was cooking on the stove, but she didn’t. It was almost as if she knew I was waiting for her to turn around.

    Mom? I asked with a mild voice. I wanted to remain neutral for her so she’d answer my questions.

    Yes, dear? she answered, still not turning around.

    What’s this all about? I asked her, crossing my arms in front of me.

    What’s what all about? Mom asked me back, clearly knowing what I was asking, because I knew she’d overheard Summer’s loud voice through the phone.

    "Mom! Come on! You know full well what I’m talking about! How could this be your idea?!" I practically yelled. I was impatient with her and couldn’t stand it any longer.

    Autumn, calm down. Mom told me as she turned around. With the light in her hair, she almost looked like an angel, but I knew that she wasn’t going to get away with that look, because often Dad would cave in to her, and she knew I wouldn’t cave in. She knew she had that certain appeal once the light hit her hair and with her soft countenance, she looked almost like a dream.

    "Mom, it’s not going to work. Your angelic look won’t work on me this time. You know what kinda trouble the 3 of them caused me the last time. One cousin by themselves is ok, but once you get Summer with any of them, things get out of control. I just simply can’t stand them all being here; maybe I should go back up to college and get a summer job or something." I said defiantly.

    Autumn, listen to me sweetheart, your Father and I need all the help we can get this summer and we figured that if we had extra help, we could get it done faster and they could leave faster. Mom stirred something and turned back to me. They’re going to stay at the hotel in town and only come during the work time. Of course, there will be time to relax and you’ll see, it’ll be fun for everyone. Don’t pout so, what will Joe think if he sees you with premature wrinkles? Mom told me.

    "Fine, but if I have one problem with them, any of them, I won’t be easy to handle. And as for Joe and me, we broke up." I said getting up.

    What?! When did this happen? Mom asked me as she let the spoon’s contents drip onto the floor.

    It didn’t, I just now made that up so I could get your goat. We’re fine and I’m going up to my room now. I declared and ran from the room before Mom could wind up a towel and fling it at me to pop me with it. We both knew I was doing that, to get back to her. We sometimes had fun like that.

    I made it up to my room and shut the door. As usual, when I came back from college, memories would crowd back inside my mind about this room. From someone hiding in the closet when I would be sleeping, to being kidnapped from here, to seeing odd things out my windows. I shivered with the memory, got onto my computer, and emailed Joe that I had arrived safely the night before and missed him.

    Once I finished with that, I checked my emails for messages from my college friends, but finding none yet, I got offline and decided to write in my journal about what I knew was going to happen once my cousins arrived.

    After writing a couple of pages, I grew sleepy and decided to take a nap. I didn’t know I was dreaming until a hammering or a knocking sound awakened me. I thought someone was knocking on my bedroom door so I sleepily got out of bed and went to answer it. I opened my door and heard the sound coming from my parent’s bedroom. They had recently remodeled one of the 2nd floor rooms for them for a couple of reasons. One, to be closer to their guests should any of them need something in the night, and two because one guest a year ago was in a wheel chair and couldn’t be dragged upstairs. So Mom and Dad turned their downstairs master bedroom into 2 small handicapped rooms.

    I went inside Mom and Dad’s room and found the door wide open and a strange man chiseling something into the wall. He turned to look at me with a smile, and was gone from sight. I blinked my eyes and wondered where he went or if I was still dreaming. I shut my eyes, opened them, and saw a young woman wearing old style clothes standing by the same spot and pointing to the very spot the man was chiseling in the wall. She mouthed for me to come closer and I did on shaky knees. She took a breath and said, Look thee inside. And she too, vanished into thin air. I fainted and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

    A ringing next to me awakened me and I started. Shocked, I found myself in my bed and my heart hammering away inside of me. I grew startled again when my cell phone rang. I picked it up and as I said hello, my breath came in raspy gasps.

    Autumn, honey, is that you? You sound out of breath. Joe asked me and I was so glad to hear from him.

    "Joe! Boy am I ever glad to hear from you! I guess I had a day-mare of some sort and the phone woke me up. I answered and I pinched myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming again. Am I dreaming again?"

    "No, you’re not dreaming sweetheart. Listen, I got your email and I’m glad your ok, but are you going to be ok with all your cousins up there at the same time?" Joe asked me.

    How’d you know about that? I inquired and I was puzzled about how he knew that.

    Your Mom called me a few minutes ago; she felt you might be depressed since we couldn’t see much of each other this summer, so she called me. Joe said.

    Oh, I see. I yawned into the phone. No, it’s fine. If I need you, all I have to do is drive up and escape for awhile without them. I laughed and Joe laughed right along with me.

    True. Well, I called only to say I got your email and that I was worried about you. I’ve got a story to do so I got to run for now, but listen, if you need me don’t hesitate in calling me, ok? Joe persisted.

    Alright, I promise. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine I’m sure. I told him and after we said goodbye to each other and hung up, I decided I’d read a book or watch a movie to stay awake.

    I grew hungry about 1 pm and I decided I needed to get out of the house. I took my purse, went downstairs, and told Mom I was going out to eat and she said she had soup on the stove. I told her I wanted to get out for a bit and she was a little bit somber at the idea of me not eating what she fixed for everyone, but she relented, and said it was fine. I kissed her on the cheek and went out the door.

    I had missed the piney smells from the woods and hearing the roar of waves crashing on the shore for the past 9 months and sighed deeply to take it all in. I got into my car, raced down to the town, turned on the radio, and decided I was in the mood for a pizza, so I headed to Pizza Village.

    As I sat waiting for my order, I impatiently drummed my unpolished nails on the table and I noticed that a lot of strangers were in town. I wondered what the special event was and I continued to watch to them I noticed that some were wearing strange clothes. When my waitress brought my order, I asked her what the special occasion was around here for the odd clothes.

    She told me that the town decided this year to celebrate over 350 years of the town’s existence. I thought it was strange to do so since they should’ve celebrated at the 350 mark, but I kept silent while I ate. After I was done and took home a box for my remainder pizza, I decided to catch a movie. Even though some movies were tasteless these days, I found one that was a Christian film. Afterwards, I ventured home

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