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Knowing Horses by Heart: A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World
Knowing Horses by Heart: A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World
Knowing Horses by Heart: A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World
Ebook88 pages37 minutes

Knowing Horses by Heart: A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World

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About this ebook

For as long as Barbara Hutson could remember, she dreamed of having a horse farm and of surrounding herself daily with these magical, mystical, and majestic creatures. Suddenly, she found herself living her lifelong dream. In Knowing Horses by Heart, she talks about the joys and challenges of owning horses. Her poems consider the life lessons she has learnedsuch as the value of patience and respectwhile considering how worthwhile owning horses has been for her.

Like most fantasies, the reality of our fondest wishes can be a bit more than we bargained for. Owning a horse farm is not all serene days gazing at horses playing in the field or peaceful rides into the sunsets. Horses are bigger than life. With that comes events that are also tremendous in size and impact which lends richness and color to the fabric of our life story. Fully illustrated, Knowing Horses by Heart shares through poetry some of the knowledge Barbara has accumulated through her equine encounters.

Little Girl Giggles

The gift is sweeter than that very first kiss

Seeing those looks of sheer wonder and bliss

There is nothing quite like watching the eyes

Of a child as she squeals with excited cries

As the magic of real horses fills up the space

The look of pure amazement covers her face

Release dateJul 27, 2012
Knowing Horses by Heart: A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World

Barbara J. Hutson

Barbara Hutson currently owns and operates a horse farm in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Georgia with her husband, Byron. She owns horses of her own, boards horses for others, and shares the equine experience with horse-lovers of all ages in unique camps, lessons, and visits.

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    Knowing Horses by Heart - Barbara J. Hutson



     by Heart

    A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World

    Barbara J. Hutson

    iUniverse, Inc.


    Knowing Horses by Heart

    A Collection of Poems Written with Appreciation for the Horses in My World

    Copyright © 2012 by Barbara J. Hutson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Illustrations are by renown international artist, Sylva Alana Timiniskis. To those in the know of the art world, she is recognized on a first name basis—Sylva. It is her unconditional dedication and loyalty to our friendship that served as her inspiration. Her efforts, along with her husband, Bill Timinskis’ finishing touches and formatting are the icing on the proverbial cake—delicious. View Sylva’s art at

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-3919-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-3918-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4759-3920-0 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/23/2012


    1.   A Ride in the Snow

    2.   Aromatherapy

    3.   Ask a Mare

    4.   Barnyard Glamour

    5.   Birth of a Foal

    6.   Built for Comfort, Not for Speed

    7.   Equi-Accidents

    8.   Folk Remedy

    9.   Hanging Out

    10.   Horsework before Housework

    11.   Little Girl Giggles

    12.   Poetry in Motion

    13.   The Art of Saying Goodbye

    14.   Tough Choices

    15.   When I was a Kid

    16.   Yep, I Spoil My Horse


    Dedicated to those wonderful people who never stop searching for a better and kinder way with horses - you know who you are. ♥

    Horses - My Magnificent Obsession


    A heartfelt thank you to my friends and family who have indulged me in my lifelong love affair with horses.

    A huge hug to my tolerant and wonderful husband, Byron, for understanding how deeply I feel about horses and for supporting me - even if he doesn’t get it.

    An especially warm feeling goes to my dear friend and business partner, Julia, for being a rare like-minded soul whom I can share my thoughts and experiences concerning horses with.

    I am particularly grateful for the illustrations that my dear friend, Sylva brought forth from simple photographs of my horses. Her expertise and professionalism is obvious in her depictions and the way she captures the sentiment of the related poems is uncanny. Her input puts a polish on Knowing Horses

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