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The Glorious Throne of God: Enter into the Throne Room
The Glorious Throne of God: Enter into the Throne Room
The Glorious Throne of God: Enter into the Throne Room
Ebook157 pages2 hours

The Glorious Throne of God: Enter into the Throne Room

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About this ebook

God is doing a new thing in the earth, He is dramatically transforming the lives of people everywhere, and this book serves as an example and dedication to the new wave of glory that is coming upon the church in the last day. As the author takes you on a very real and personal journey of her experiences in the things of the Lord, in life, of heaven and the revelations of the end times. God is establishing His will in and through His chosen people in this last day.

As the Prophets and Apostles of old wrote about their experiences, her story is designed to take you on a spiritual journey by revealing Gods love. You will see the Lords awesome plans at work in her life, you will understand how dreams and visions play a vital role in our walk with God. This book is an encourager and will literally bring you into a deeper committed relationship with God.

Deepen your understanding of how God thinks
Understand how your life experiences prepare you for the Lords work
Understand how Dreams and Visions speak about our destiny
Begin to see the extent to which Satan is operating in the Church
This blue print is your guide to experiencing more of God in your life

Have you ever desired to increase your appetite for more of God? Well God wants the realities of heaven to become a first hand experience in your life daily, so that this will cause you to walk in the natural world as what God intended you to be, a supernatural being.
Release dateNov 28, 2011
The Glorious Throne of God: Enter into the Throne Room

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    The Glorious Throne of God - Rev Nesta Harvey

    © 2011 by Rev Nesta Harvey. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 11/16/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-0717-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-0718-4 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    The Author’s History with the Lord



    Points of View


    From Jamaica to London




    Safe Keeping and Cleansing


    Help Along the Way


    The Throne Room


    Know Your Enemy


    The Glorious Throne of God


    Prayer of Impartation

    End Page

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2 About my Ministry


    This book is dedicated to the very love of God, who was made manifest in the flesh—Jesus Christ. For all that he has done for me, my mouth cannot tell, because it is so much more than words can express. I love you so much Lord, with a passionate love, and I cannot wait to see you again in heaven.

    To my son and daughter Anthony and Beverley, I love you, to my Mother who is in heaven with Jesus, Mother I love you.

    My hope is that as you read my story and journey with me through my life, it will cause you to comprehend the greater things of God, and place inside you a deeper desire to pursue Him and witness His glory, unveiled as a real and tangible manifestation in your daily life.


    I would like to express my gratitude to:

    Prophet Anthony Harvey—thank you for your support and your ministry.

    Jackie Harvey—thanks you for helping on this project and throughout the years in my ministry.

    Rt. Rev Onye Obika—thank you for encouraging me to write this book.

    Rt. Rev Sheila Douglas—thanks you for your editorial work on this book.

    The Author’s History with the Lord

    Prophetess Rev. Nesta Harvey was born in the North of Jamaica, where the Lord called her at the age of eight. She then started experiencing the power of God upon her life, and later, received the gift of prophecy and began prophesying in local Churches.

    When she came to England in the 1960s, she continued with God’s work, this time, not only prophesying, but also being used by the Holy Spirit to heal those who were sick and oppressed by the Devil. Under the church and ministry God has entrusted to her called Heavenly Glory House, the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and even people who die have been raised back to life.

    She is convinced that every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should be able to live a spirit-filled and supernatural life, where one can see the sick healed, lepers cleansed, the dead raised and Devils cast out. A life in which the Kingdom of God is made manifest on the earth, in accordance with the Lord’s instruction in Matthew 10:8 (NIV):

    Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.


    This book is written primarily to draw souls to Jesus Christ, and secondly to provide hope for the hopeless and the downtrodden, and thirdly to equip believers in this final hour.

    On one of the many occasions when I went to heaven, the Lord spoke to me and said, his coming was near and that I had to get ready. The Lord was telling me to go forth and preach the gospel and win souls for his kingdom. Most people in the world are struggling in desperate situations, but will still refuse to acknowledge God. A loving God who sent His only son to die for mankind, that we might live and have the kind of life that He desires for us.

    One day many years ago I was sitting down in my bedroom and the Lord spoke to me and said I am crying, because mankind has grieved my heart After I heard the voice of the Lord, I began to pray to God and ask Him to change the hearts of mankind and let them come to know Him. Because when you know the Lord He is a friend in need and a friend indeed, He is so sweet and loving.

    For over 30 years the dreams and visions the Lord has given me, I kept the majority of them in my heart and mind, and stored some on notepads as the years went by. About three years ago the Lord spoke to me and said, Go and write your book. Being an obedient daughter, I wrote this book, so that I can help the lost, the backslidden, and the poor and needy, as well as those who are longing for more of God. So I was so happy when the Lord told me to go and write my book.

    The Lord has shown me extraordinary things, and I have been used by the Lord in different parts of the world, because I have a willing heart and a desire to please Him, above all. My hope is that when you read my story, your desire and appetite for more of God and the realities of heaven, will be stimulated and enlarged.

    I would like to share with you my life and some of the experiences the Lord has given me over the course of many years. As well as the numerous dreams and vision I have received from God. The interesting things about dreams are, they are always symbolic; they are usually vivid and full of meanings, which, most often, need to be sought out by spending time in prayer, in order to get the answers from the Lord. The Bible declares in Job 33:14-15 (KJV):

    For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed.

    Because dreams are full of symbols, they need interpretation. In the book of Genesis, the Egyptian Pharaoh had two dreams which contained the exact same set of events. In the first dream, he saw seven healthy cows, and after them, another seven unhealthy ones, which, later, ate up all the healthy cows.

    In pharaoh’s second dream, he saw the same event, but this time, involving ears of grain (corn). Joseph was able to give the interpretation of the dreams, as the Bible relates in Genesis 41:29-30 (KJV):

    Behold there come seven years of great plenty throughout the land of Egypt: and there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land.

    Without the interpretation being sought out, the famine would have come and there would have been no provision to deal with the shortage of food in the region.

    Visions, on the other hand, are just as vivid as dreams, and may even be more powerful. The difference is that visions tend to be mostly self-explanatory; they are more literal and the interpretation much clearer than dreams.

    God has created a beautiful world, but mankind does not recognise it, and has taken things for granted. There is a day coming when every man will have to give an account for their lives, because God has placed us in this world to prosper, to serve Him, love Him and love others. But many people have gone off onto their own paths, and Jesus is calling them to walk in alignment with him on his path of righteousness.

    I hope and pray that through my story many people will come to know this incredible God I serve by coming to Jesus Christ so that he can save them.


    The uniqueness of this book is that at the end of most chapters there is a prayer, which relates directly to the theme of the chapter you have been reading. There is also a prayer of salvation at the end of the book, for those who are not saved as yet, or those who want to rededicate themselves back to the Lord.

    Since this book is about my experiences in the Lord, together with dreams and vision God has shown me, I have included a truly unique aspect, as a gift to the reader; a biblical dream interpretation chart, which deals with types of dreams, symbolisms and colours.

    I included these unique features because God wants His people to be well equipped in this last day.

    As the Prophets and the Apostles of God wrote in days gone by, this is my story and it is designed to take you on a spiritual journey, by revealing God’s love and awesome plans and by showing you that the Lord is no respecter of persons, and if you desire Him, He will use you in an incredible way.

    Through reading this book, you will receive, not only an impartation, but an increased appetite for more of God, so that the realities of heaven can become a first-hand experience in your life daily; which will, in turn, cause you to walk in this natural world, the way God intended you to be, a supernatural being.

    But first, I would like to start by asking you a question…



    "This is what the Lord says: ‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool . . .’" Isaiah 66, verse 1 (NIV)

    . The Question

    . Viewpoints

    . Things worth boasting about

    . Minds renewed

    . Purpose

    Chapter 1

    Points of View

    The Question

    . . ."What is God currently up to?"

    This may seem like a strange question to start with, but it is a question that gets our attention, and requires us to pause for a moment as it challenges our understanding, first, of who God is, and then of what His plan is for our lives.

    As we pause, pondering over this question and look around us, we realise that this question can be answered from two different points of view: how man sees things or how God sees them.


    As mankind, we tend to view, and also learn things through the operation of the five senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching), thereby limiting our ability to comprehend spiritual matters. However, every spiritual being, including God, will always operate from the realm of the spirit, before a tangible manifestation can take place in the physical realm. It is only then at that point, the natural abilities of the five senses become engaged.

    Mankind is indeed restricted in his own perception, because we tend to view the circumstances of life and things that happen in the world at large, from our own narrow perspective of life. The reason for this is because man is physically grounded and because we can only draw conclusions from the things we observe around us and from those we have been exposed too, within our finite environment. These things end up ultimately shaping and forming our opinions.

    On the other hand, God’s viewpoint is unlimited in its broadness. That is why He challenges us to go deeper into the things of God. God also said in Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV):

    For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    God is high above and is able to view the circumstances in our lives and in the world, from a completely different perspective from ours, and this is why He always attempts to get us to see things from His viewpoint.

    What we need to understand is that viewpoints are like being on a plane. When we first board the plane, it is still on the ground. Then, once all the passengers are on board, the pilot moves the plane onto the runway and

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