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The Maid of Honor
The Maid of Honor
The Maid of Honor
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The Maid of Honor

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If you like reading about family, fights, sex, mystery, surprise, gossip, jealousy, excitement, suspense, pain, joy, sadness, death, life, love, hate, wealth, and poverty, you will love The Maid of Honor. This book is about the relationship between two sisters, Willie Mae and her younger sister Angie. Both girls have grown up in the lap of luxury, but that is all they have in common. Angie is spoiled rotten and takes full advantage of her status in life. She loves to spend money, and her attitude toward those that have less than she is, is blatant. She feels that she is better than almost everyone (including her sister). She is in a relationship with Darryl Jenkins, the son of a famous wealthy Holy Ghostfilled minister from the ATL. Willie Mae grew up in the same household, but these two girls are as different as day and night. Willie Mae works in a bank, and she loves her life of living a quiet life at home with her parents and leading the church youth. Not having a man in her life bothers her, but she realizes that the old saying there is someone for everyone is not necessarily true, and she is happy with the life she has made for herself. Being a daddys girl is enough for herwell, it was until Angie came home after an evening with Darryl excited that she was now engaged. This announcement alone sent Willie Maes life into a panic and everyone around her into a state of confusion. Describing this book, many words come to mind, superbly crafted, generous hearted, evil temptation, a delicious love story, engaging and memorable. When you read this book, you will experience many emotions. I promise you, you will laugh, cry, yell, curse, and you will relate differently to each character. The Maid of Honor is a book that will make you happy that you took the time to get to know the story of Willie Mae and Angie Johnson.
Release dateSep 20, 2012
The Maid of Honor

S. D. Lewis

The Author S.D. Lewis is a southern girl raised up in a small country town name Wrens which is thirty three miles south of Augusta Georgia. Growing up in a small town with only one red light gave S.D. Lewis nothing but time to just sit and watch the grass grow and daydream about the days when she would one day travel the world but until that time her imagination was her greatest asset which helped her create an escape into the written word which turned her tiny world into a great place to reside. She is the author of the wonderfully written, top seller novel The Maid of Honor. This was not the first book she wrote but it is the first one published and it is the novel that set the stage for Vivian Must Die. S.D. Lewis did travel the world and raise a family of four, three sons and a daughter. She has been married twice, once for ten years and she is on her second marriage going on thirty years. She loves to read, write, listen to music and collect dolls. Her favorite book is The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker the author of The Color Purple. Her favorite foods are shrimp and Macaroni and cheese. Her favorite color is royal blue and her favorite place to visit is the beach. She loves children and she taught Pre-school for over eighteen years until she had to retire due to a liver disease. Her favorite time spent is with her grandchildren and hanging out with her best friend Barbara. When asked what she wanted to be when she grow up the answer was always the same “I want to be an author just like John Boy Walton” Even today in the far reaches of her mind she still hope that one day she will actually meet the young man that played that character (Richard Thomas) because she wonders if he knows how valuable he was to someone’s childhood watching him become exactly what he dreamed he would become gave her reason to believe she too could achieve her dream. She is working on her third novel which is the final novel in the three book series with the Johnson Family. Her future projects includes finishing a book she started over ten years ago about some of the entertaining and not so entertaining characters she grew up with and a family photo album of her amateur photography. When being interviewed for the Jefferson Reporter her hometown newspaper she was asked “ knowing all that you know today if you could go back in time what would you change?” S.D. looked away and her eyes begin to mist and she answers “ absolutely nothing.”

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    The Maid of Honor - S. D. Lewis

    © Copyright 2012 S.D. Lewis.

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    isbn: 978-1-4669-4728-3 (sc)

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    Author’s Note

    Chapter 1 Willie Mae

    Chapter 2 Angie

    Chapter 3 Darryl

    Chapter 4 Willie Mae

    Chapter 5 Angie

    Chapter 6 Willie Mae

    Chapter 7 Tonya

    Chapter 8 Darryl

    Chapter 9 Vivian

    Chapter 10 Willie Mae

    Chapter 11 Angie

    Chapter 12 Tonya

    Chapter 13 Willie Mae

    Chapter 14 Darryl

    Chapter 15 Clara Anne Jenkins

    Chapter 16 Willie Mae

    Chapter 17 Cheryl

    Chapter 18 Angie

    Chapter 19 Willie Mae

    Chapter 20 Vivian

    Chapter 21 Demarlo

    Chapter 22 Darryl

    Chapter 23 Angie

    Chapter 24 Tonya

    Chapter 25 Vivian

    Chapter 26 Willie Mae

    Chapter 27 Russell Jr.

    Chapter 28 Reverend Russell

    Charles Jenkins Sr.

    Chapter 29 Angie

    Chapter 30 Willie Mae

    Chapter 31 Vivian

    Chapter 32 Tonya

    Chapter 33 Willie Mae

    Chapter 34 Darryl

    Chapter 35 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 36 Vivian

    Chapter 37 DeMarlo

    Chapter 38 Angie

    Chapter 39 Willie Mae

    Chapter 40 Cheryl

    Chapter 41 Reverend Jenkins

    Chapter 42 Vivian

    Chapter 43 Darryl

    Chapter 44 DeMarlo

    Chapter 45 Tonya

    Chapter 46 Angie

    Chapter 47 Willie Mae

    Chapter 48 Vivian

    Chapter 49 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 50 Clara Anne Jenkins

    Chapter 51 Tonya

    Chapter 52 Russell Jr.

    Chapter 53 Darryl

    Chapter 54 DeMarlo

    Chapter 55 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 56 Cheryl

    Chapter 57 Willie Mae

    Chapter 58 Tonya

    Chapter 59 Vivian

    Chapter 60 Angie

    Chapter 61 Reverend Jenkins

    Chapter 62 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 63 Willie Mae

    Chapter 64 Tonya

    Chapter 65 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 66 Willie Mae

    Chapter 67 DeMarlo

    Chapter 68 Russell Jenkins Jr

    Chapter 69 Angie

    Chapter 70 Vivian

    Chapter 71 Tonya

    Chapter 72 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 73 Tonya

    Chapter 74 Mae

    Chapter 75 Darryl

    Chapter 76 DeMarlo

    Chapter 77 Vivian

    Chapter 78 Tonya

    Chapter 79 Willie Mae

    Chapter 80 Russell Junior

    Chapter 81 Angie

    Chapter 82 DeMarlo

    Chapter 83 Michael Johnson

    Chapter 84 Rev. Russell Jenkins Senior

    Chapter 85 Angie

    Chapter 86 Willie Mae

    Chapter 87 Vivian

    Chapter 88 Angie

    Chapter 89 The Wedding/Mae

    Chapter 90 The Beginning

    Chapter 91 P.S.


    When writing acknowledgements before I can even think about thanking anyone I must take the time to lift up holy hands and give praise and glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his love and his blessings. I thank him for loving me enough to let me know I belong to him and what talent I have for the written word comes from him and him alone. God is so good! I bless his holy name and I give all the glory to him and him alone. I am so grateful to all the people who helped me, encouraged me, guided me, prayed for me and just provided me with whatever I needed to write this book: my children, my precious children, Denitra, Timothy, Thomas and Devon for loving me and being patient while I took time away from them to challenge myself with my first novel. I thank them for being my reason for living life, for being my biggest fans, for motivating me and loving me through it all. Timothy I thank you for being my sounding board and for all those days of encouragement. You are my oldest son and you made understand that giving up was not an option. I thank the love of my life, my husband Milton. I thank my best friend Barbara Alston for listening to all my ideas and always telling me you can do it. I also thank her husband Charlie for being patient while she read my book, interfering with their time yet he never complained. To my niece Shayla Brinson (the nurse) I want to thank you for the inspiration and the visitation in my dream to give me the idea for the book. You are so special to me and I love you much. This book is dedicated to Tia K. Johnson who passed away before I could finish writing this book. In heaven I know you are well but I miss your smile and your bright eyes. I want to thank all my financial contributors who did not hesitate to reach into their pocket when I said I need. It’s one thing to say I support you but when push came to shove, it was nice knowing your belief in me and my first novel was just that, belief. To those who walked away, I thank you too, because everything is not for you and I am grateful that you know yourself well enough to know this adventure was not for you. I want to thank my sister Cynthia for being so very happy for me the moment she heard I had completed the book. Through her eyes I could see when we were children, how she loved me so very much and she still do. I love you big sister. To my little big brother Michael, thank you so very much. I want to thank talk show host Wendy Williams for starting my week Monday thru Friday with a smile which made writing so much fun. I want to thank Carl Webber for giving me some valuable advice. I know he is very busy writing his own books yet; he took time to answer some questions for me. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank RaSheed Clark. I met him on Face Book and he did not hesitate to tell me what steps to take to get my book published. Without his help I would still be holding my finished book in my hands not having any idea which way to go.

    Author’s Note

    This is a work of fiction. Any references to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended only to give the novel a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counter, is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter 1

    Willie Mae

    I’m getting married! I’m getting married! I’m getting married! Where is everybody? I AM GETTING MARRIED! Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Please lord, please let me be dreaming. I was pretty sure I was not dreaming since I was sitting in the den on the computer looking up my scriptures for tomorrow’s youth program, but I needed God to make it a dream. Please do not let that be my little sister Angie running through the house screaming that her and Darryl are getting married. How is it possible that my little bratty, cute, perfect, butter won’t melt in her mouth, Daddy’s angel, Mommy’s heart, has done it again? Just when I think I may begin to like her, here she is again upstaging me and getting the house in an uproar with her shenanigans. I hear my mom yelling Finally, I get to plan a wedding! That of course was a dig at me. So what, I am 33, not married, living at home, only been in one real relationship which was a total flop, and there’s nobody knocking my door down trying to get with me.

    I knew my day which began with my usual prayer of thanking God for his blessings, his miracles, his patience, thanking him for my family, my friends, my ministry with children, my job and for the safe return of all the military people in the war, I knew my day was now going downhill. Don’t get me wrong I love Angie and always have, but the moment that little Princess made her debut my life has been nothing but trying to catch up to her. Even her name was prettier than mine. Princess (yes, her name is really Princess) Princess Angie Denise Darling Johnson. My name? (Oh God!) Willie Mae Johnson. I was named after my paternal grandmother who lived in Texas that hated my mother and even stopped my parents from getting married by standing up in the ceremony (I am told) and yelled that my mother was a tramp and the baby she was carrying was not my fathers’ and if her son Michael actually went through with this she would cut him out of her will and he would be dead to her. Then she and the rest of the Johnsons left. So why am I named after her? The bitch was rich and my father was no fool. He loved my mom but he was not about to give up a fortune for her so when the Johnson family left the chapel, he was driving the car. Not until I was born and when his family got the word, they all came to my grandma’s house and checked me out. It takes my maternal grandmother Elizabeth (the one that I should have been named after) to tell how they looked at every inch of me. Girl, they came in like they was the army. In walked his daddy Mike Sr, then Willie Mae looking like she had ate a lemon, then his ugly sisters, Eula and Priscilla with they nose stuck up like they smelled some shit, when the shit they smelled was them. I told yo Mama Carolyn; don’t let that nasty boy and his family in my house to see this baby after how they shamed you at the Springhill Methodist Church of God in Christ. We still had not been able to go back to church without someone snickering and pointing their finger saying they she go, the one Mike Johnson left at the altar, what make her thank he want her with her broke self It was all I could do to not get to shooting in the church, but I knew yo mama needed to hear that since she had committed sin and laid up with that boy and got herself pregnant. She needed to know that they were consequences to sinning, so I let her walk in her shame. She my daughter but she had disobeyed me and God so now she paid. Anyway, in they walked three days after you born. There you lay on a pink blanket I had knitted, in yo pretty dress, just sleeping and dreaming bout God when this bitch say where the baby at? I looked at yo mama waiting for her to stand up and say Bitch, if you and the rest of that ugly ass family of yours don’t get out my house I will kill all yall, bury you in the back yard and let my dog Killer piss on yo grave, now get to stepping But I was just waiting cause that heifer said here she is and I almost gagged. Willie Mae picked you up, looked you square in tha face, turned you around and started to take off yo clothes. That’s when I lost it. I asked her what was she doing and yo mama say wait mama, its okay Oh hell naw… I was madder at her than I was them. After she took off yo dress she took off yo diaper and there you was bucked naked as you was three days ago when you come out of yo mama. She held you for a moment then passed you to her husband and he looked you over and passed you back to yo mama. Finally his mama say she yours and yo stupid ass daddy then came over to look at you. Then and there is when the shit hit the fan, yo daddy said, have you named her? And I said her name is Stephanie Renee Yo mama rolled her eyes at me and said I named her but if you want to add Johnson that would be nice. This dog said I do want to add Johnson to her name but yours too Oh Shit! He went on to say Mama would like us to go head and get married, live with them and oh yes, she want the baby named after her" I got up, went in my room, got my gun and loaded it. While I’m back there trying to get some extra bullets to put in my pocket, in walk yo mama saying she gon marry yo daddy and move. Then and there I knew she was crazy. Willie Mae Johnson is my name and I hate it and the woman that had it before me. Anyway, I hear Angie coming down the hall and I send up a quick prayer Please God let me be having a nightmare and I need you to wake me up, RIGHT NOW In walked Angie, Hey sis, did you hear me? I am getting married. Darryl asked me last night while we were over to his parent’s house for dinner. It was so romantic. Everyone was excited and there was not a dry eye in the house I said congratulations, have you set a date? Well, we thought a winter wedding would be nice, but mama has her heart set on a spring wedding Angie, this is your wedding, it should not matter what mama want. You and Darryl need to plan your own wedding, you know she is going to take over."

    Well to be honest, it does not matter to me as long as we get married, besides, I like mama planning it, and after all she has waited so long to see one of us get married Are you talking about me? No, Willie, I’m just saying she is so excited and she loves weddings and since you are not even dating anyone, I got to take up the slack Oh now you are taking up my slack? And don’t call me Willie. Oh, I forgot, Mae, I am sorry, I am not trying to get you upset, I actually came up here to tell you, you are my maid of honor

    You came to tell me or ask me? Do I need to ask my own sister to be my maid of honor? Okay, will you please be my maid of honor in my wedding, dear sister of mine that I love and adore and cannot believe you are making me do this, please? I had to laugh and say yes. She was the only one who could make me laugh when my life was going down the drain. Even now in my moment of distress I was glad for her but sad for me. Where was my Darryl? Where was the man of my dreams? When would I get a chance to share who I was with another? So many questions and no answers. I dreaded this upcoming wedding but I could not turn Angie down. Just like Mama and Daddy, I loved her with all my heart.

    Chapter 2


    Oh god, I do not believe I am actually getting married. Darryl and I have been dating for two years and I thought he would never ask me. Hell, I even thought about asking him. Last night was so wonderful. He asked me to have dinner with him at his parent’s house and at first I hesitated because I have a major exam tomorrow plus being in the same room with his mother can be horrible. I don’t know why that woman hates me but I don’t care. She is a witch and as soon as Darryl and I say I do will be the last time I have to see that old hag. Anyway, I finally agreed to go after he begged so hard and after he gave me some of the best dick in the world. Just thinking about that part makes me want to scream. That boy knows he got some good loving. If I had to describe his dick I would have to invent new words to tell how good it is. I remember the first time I told Willie Mae about how Darryl freaks me. She was sitting with her mouth wide open and I could tell she was jealous. I don’t understand why Willie Mae can’t get a man or better yet keep a man. She used to date that boy name Chuck and I thought she was having a good time until I found out he was just using her for her money. When she told me they never had sex I almost died. How in the world can you be with a man for six months and never got the goodies? Six days and I’m giving up the drawers… . I can be such a ho! Nevertheless, Willie Mae needs to get her some and maybe she will stop being such a bitch and leave me alone. I get so tired of hearing her complain Angie, you need to be more careful Angie, why you did that? Angie, you should go see grandma Angie, Angie, Angie! Keep calling my name and I am going to knock her out! Yeah, right, she built like a sumo wrestler so I better keep my hands to myself before I get my little ass kicked. Tomorrow is going to be great. After I get out of class Darryl wants to go down to the beach for the weekend. I love spending time with him and now we are going to be together forever. I am so happy! I was surprised that he asked me especially after Monday night. I don’t know what came over him to slap me like that. I know I can get on his nerves and he always teases me about being a nagging bitch but he’s never laid a hand on me. Well, there was that one time at his Brother Russell’s house but it was so quick and it was because I wanted him to stop drinking, so that one doesn’t count. One thing you have to say about those Jenkins boys, you can’t get on their nerves and tell them what to do. At least he ain’t as bad as his big brother Russell. Dang, Russell Jr. be beating Cheryl’s ass just because the sun set late. The last time he beat her so bad she had to go get stitches in her mouth and he put a knot on her head the size of a baseball. Boy that was some funny shit when she came in the room looking like another person had grown on her head saying hello like we wouldn’t notice that shit. I thought I would laugh my ass off. That bitch is stupid. Three kids, pregnant again and having her ass beat every other weekend. If he was mine he would either be judged by twelve or carried by six, the choice would be his. Darryl knows not to fuck with me. Darryl did apologize but I wasn’t hearing it. I put his black ass out of my apartment. That’s his business if he beat Tonya’s ass but putting his hands on me again was the last straw. The next day he left me that beautiful five hundred dollar Coach bag and scarf that I wanted. After that how could I not forgive him? I know he is stressed with his job at his family business and dealing with all that bullshit with his grandfather’s will. After the wedding he’ll get right. I know I can get him right, that’s what I do! I can still see his mother’s face when he got down on one knee with a box in his hand. I could feel the steam coming out of her nose like a dragon but I ignored her and looked into my man’s eyes when he said baby we been together a long time and I can’t imagine my life another day without you. I love you with all that is within me, will you please marry me? I love when he begs. I could barely see with all the tears coming out of my eyes, but I made sure I looked in his mother’s direction and smirked before I yelled yes, baby, yes, of course I’ll marry you. That bitch was hot! She just knew he was going to drop me and go back to that slut Tonya but I am the HBIC, the head bitch in charge. Shit, Tonya don’t have anything on me plus she’s ugly, looking like a pit-bull that’s been in to many fights. Last I heard she was pregnant and getting ready for a trip to see Maury. One thing for sure I know it’s not Darryl’s because I got him whipped and he has no desire for another ho! I find it hard to believe my man ever fucked her, let alone lived with her; at least I know he wore condoms with that slut because he told me so. I can’t wait to show her my ring. I am going to bed and dream about my life as Mrs. Darryl Tyrell Jenkins. There are some jealous bitches out there that are going to die when they find out about my engagement. Good night Bi—otches!

    Chapter 3


    I cannot believe I am getting married! I got engaged last night to Angie and I must say I am glad but nervous as hell. I do love that girl but she can nag like nobody’s business. As a matter of fact she was fucking with me the other night asking me about Tonya and if the baby she is having is mine. I kept trying to avoid her but she just kept on and on and on. Finally before I knew it I slapped the hell out of her. I got scared cause she landed on the floor across the room. I never knew my strength and when I went over there to pick her up she was screaming. Shit, I knew I had fucked up. She put me out and I knew she would never take me back unless I did some Houdini magic shit. Thus came that stupid ass proposal! Yeah, it was not planned and I never thought I would get married, but Angie is something special and I cannot lose her. Mama was pissed that I used her birthday dinner to propose but I was desperate and I did what I had to do. Russell laughed when I told him and said you should know better. He thinks everybody should stay single since him and Cheryl can’t get along. I swear that girl leaves him every month and come right back. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and hear what he say to get back in after he whoop her ass the way he do. Damn, Russell be beating that girl for everything. I am glad I am not like him. I wonder where he gets that from. Anyway that last time he beat her she looked like some Sci-Fi monster. Her face was swollen and her head looked like it was on backwards. When I asked him what happened he said I told that bitch to have my cornbread cooked when I get home and when I stepped in the door, she was just mixing it up. You know how I feel about my Jiffy cornbread I looked at him like he was crazy. Angie had the nerve to laugh when we left, saying Cheryl got what she deserve. Sometimes I wonder how she can be so cold. I wished I had thought to go ask her dad for her hand because her family doesn’t play and I know they are not going to be pleased but I had to move quickly. I think I will call her dad tomorrow. I plan to go to the beach late tomorrow but I got to go see Tonya in the morning. She has been blowing up my cell. I hope she don’t find out about the engagement before I get a chance to tell her. Tonya has been my backbone since we met. You never forget your first real freak that will do anything to you and let you do anything to her. Tonya is one good piece of ass and trust me the things she can do to a dick should be illegal. Shit, it probably is in some states. Just thinking about Tonya makes my pants swell. Angie is good but Tonya is a freak on a mission. She is the girl every man needs to have on the side and trust if I can, I will keep her. Angie doesn’t have to know everything. I wonder what will happen if this baby she is having is mine. She doesn’t know who her baby daddy is and I probably will end up on Maury sweating and hoping to hear those magic words Darryl, you are NOT the father. Shit, I should have gotten up when that condom broke. What I should have done was buy my own damn condoms cause Tonya be fucking with them little dick niggas and that condom didn’t cover half of my dick. That pussy was too good and she was mad because she found out I had Angie at the Beyonce concert. One thing about Tonya when she gets mad she will fuck the hell out of a nigga. She had me speaking in tongues and calling her name, shit it was good! Baby or no baby, it was worth it. Still I hope another cat is the father.

    I better get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day!

    Chapter 4

    Willie Mae

    G ood morning God. I thank you for this day and I promise to make this day count. I will reach out to my fellowman and help make somebody life a little easier. Amen. I know I should have been up. Today is going to be a doozy. I have to see grandma and then go see Miss Viola in the nursing home. Mama will want me to take over for her at the mother daughter tea next week, and I will not. I get so tired of her getting me to do all her work. Why does she volunteer for all these committees and know she can’t do half of the work required? I know why, she be putting her name down, but I do all the work. Well, not today! I got my own life to live and starting today I am going to do only my work. How am I supposed to ever find a man of my own when all I do is sit around old folks and run errands like I am a secretary? Anyway, it is almost seven, and I need to get up and get my day started. I think I will take my time and take a long hot shower so I will feel refreshed. Willie! Willie Mae. Are you up? Oh lord! Mama is up already trying to work my nerves. I shouldn’t answer her but I know she’ll just barge in here. I think I will ignore her for a few minutes and maybe she will finally get the hint that I hate mornings and I hate her coming in my room with all her problems. Willie Mae, I know you hear me gal, what cha doing? It was good while it lasted so up I go. yes maam, I’m up I think I am going to go crazy if I keep living here. Angie is so lucky to have her own apartment and don’t have to be bothered with all this foolishness. If it wasn’t for daddy I would leave and never come back. Just thinking about daddy changes my mood. He is so special. I know Angie is his favorite but it doesn’t matter because he’s mine.

    Another day, more drama! I can hear her coming down the hall and I try to get my spirit ready for this bull shit heading my way. Willie Mae, why you didn’t answer me? Looking in her direction with a smirk on my face that says have you ever heard of knocking? but my mouth knows better than to say this to her. Mama, I heard you and I answered. What’s wrong? There is nothing wrong, as a matter of fact, today is a great day. I have a lot of planning to do for Angie’s wedding so I will need you to take over on my volunteer work I knew this shit was going to happen but I be damn if Angie gets a new husband and I get to work my ass off. Not this time. Mama, I understand that you want to help Angie have a nice wedding but I cannot do all your volunteer work. Angie needs to hire a wedding planner and that way you won’t have to change your schedule If looks could kill my ass would be six feet under. I knew she was not going to take that statement well. Willie Mae, are you trying to tell me that you don’t want to help your sister? Why would you be so selfish and jealous? Angie would never act this way Trying very hard to keep my tone civil and respectful mama, you know I would do anything for Angie, but just because she is getting married is no reason for me or you either to redirect our whole life. I am not jealous; I just have a busy schedule already. This is the first week of vacation bible school and the choir is practicing for the revue. After I visit with grandma and go by the nursing home I won’t get home until after nine tonight. Total silence… . She turned towards the door as if to leave the room then just before she got to the door she turned around From the first time you saw Angie you been jealous of her, just because you can’t find someone to love you, you want to take it out on her. I am so disappointed in you Willie Mae. She never should have made you her Maid of honor. What honor? You are an embarrassment to this whole family if I’d had my way VIVIAN!!!!!!! Stop it! Right when I thought I would crumple up in a heap on the floor my daddy walked in. My mother turned ten shades of red Michael I was just I know what you were just doing. I am sick and tired of you talking to Mae like that. I don’t know what it is you are trying to achieve but you will not speak to her like that. UNDERSTAND! Looking in my direction, her eyes filled with no emotion, yes, Michael, I understand. She walked out the room as if she was going to the gas chamber. I love my daddy! He walked over and put his arms around me. I broke down and cried like a newborn. Finally when I stopped whimpering I said why does she hate me? Baby she doesn’t hate you, she is just a hard woman. When I met your mama she was one of the sweetest women on the planet. I guess she is just more concerned with what people think about her status and social standing. Baby I am sorry, you are loved and your mama loves you too she just has a difficult time showing it. Hell, she ain’t told me she loved me since 1984 By this time I was composing myself and even snickered. Daddy, what do you think about Angie getting married? Well baby, I know she been with Darryl for a while, but marriage? I think she needs to slow down, but you know how she is. Once she makes up her mind to do something she will keep going so I guess I better get ready for a wedding Mae what she want you to do? Daddy, she want me to take over her volunteer work while she plan Angie’s wedding. I swear if I could I would but I am stretched so thin now, I can barely get a pee break. I know baby, don’t worry about it, she so busy trying to pretend to be a Christian that she can’t figure out how to be the real thing. Do what you want baby. I got to go, you okay? Yes, daddy, I’m okay. He kissed me on the forehead and left. Well, what a way to spend the morning. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth getting up. I know God loves me and I am going to be alright. As I packed my new Coach bag the phone rang. Hello, Demarlo, what’s up? Yeah, I am on my way. Wait until I tell you what just happened with my mother, ok, bye On my way out the door to meet my best friend Demarlo I heard my mother say bye Willie Mae

    Chapter 5


    I am in law school and those exams are killing me. I started this evening off by studying and I made up my mind that I was not going to be interrupted. Study, study, study and that’s all. I knew when the doorbell rang I should have ignored it but not me. Just opening my door to Darryl I knew I was in trouble. I tried to explain to him how I needed to study but before I could get the words out of my mouth his tongue was down my throat. Okay, maybe a little bit, after all it has been two days since we got freaky. But after a few more moments of him sucking on my breast (he knows that’s my weakness) I knew I was in trouble. I really did try to say no but my hard nipples were saying yes and since he was begging I said okay. Once we finished round three he got up showered and said he’d see me tonight. I do love this man with all my heart. Darryl and I met at a bar. I went with a few friends from work to Hooters for chicken wings then we decided to have a couple of drinks at Tommie’s in downtown Chicago. I had moved to Chicago about six weeks before and only knew the people from work, so why not. I am not a big drinker (at least not anymore) but I was not ready to call it a night. When we got to the bar it was packed and there was standing room only. I hate crowds and wanted to leave immediately but I was outvoted. We stood for almost thirty minutes then lucked out and got a table after a group of people left. After getting our drinks we talked and laughed about the day’s events at the computer store, and how the customers were so crazy. I started working to get some type of job experience because being twenty three, I had never had a job and although I did not need the money, I wanted to branch out and start anew. Growing up with money is not always a blessing and once I was no longer in Atlanta with my family, I realized that being the spoiled little rich girl was not cute and many people did not like me because my family had money. I made a plan that once I moved to Chicago, I would not be the spoiled little rich girl. Even my name was spoiled, Princess What was my parents thinking? I must confess that I do like it better than my sister’s name. Every time I hear Big Mama Liz tell that story how my big sister Willie Mae got her name it makes me sick and I see the sad look in Willie Mae eyes from hearing it. I really wish Big Mama would get over it and let by gones be by gones. I find it so hard to see how my grandma can love us girls the way she does yet hate our mother, her own daughter. Mama and Daddy has been married almost thirty three years, had three children (our brother Michael born after Willie died at birth) and are still in love so why can’t she let it go? Anyway, having a name like Princess Angie is a dead give a way that the person is privileged. At this point in my life I had graduated Magna Cum Laude from University of Georgia and I was bored as hell so I decided to move to Chicago with my cousin Joan. We stayed together less than two weeks. If my daddy knew his niece was such a hoe he wouldn’t have let me move in with her. Anyway, I moved out after one of her male friends accidently got into my bed saying I thought you were Joan yeah right! Joan weighs 250 pound with titties to her knees and he confused my 115 pound body with her. She begged me not to go but I was not about to get raped by one of her perverted friends. I moved into a studio apartment and it was scary at first since I’d never lived alone. In college I lived in a four bedroom town house with three other roommates but living alone was better than living with Joan. That bitch didn’t even attempt to apologize. I knew in my heart she set me up but she swear it was an accident. The last thing she said to me was please don’t tell Uncle Michael, he’ll tell my mom In the famous words of Chad Ochocinco child please! That night I met Darryl, I was not even thinking about meeting someone to be in a relationship. My goals were always to graduate college, go on to graduate school, law school and open my own law firm. It actually was supposed to be the Johnson and Johnson law firm but Willie Mae decided to take up business communications in college. What the hell was business communication? I asked was she going to school to be a secretary and she got mad. Oh well, everybody can’t be perfect like me. My friend Jazz was dancing with a guy that looked familiar but when he walked her to her seat I realized he was not who I thought but damn he was fine. He asked all the ladies at the table if they wanted a drink and I ordered a hurricane. He looked at me and said damn girl, you can handle a drink like that? You are awfully small At first I was pissed at the question then it made me laugh. If only he knew, I could drink a sailor under the table. Thank you for your concern but this little girl can handle her liquor He could tell by the tone of my voice that he had riled me up. He apologized then went to the bar to order our drinks. The night went by slowly but I was enjoying all the eye candy that kept passing by our table. Everyone except Darryl and I got up to dance so I ended up talking to him and to my surprised he was more handsome than I thought. His eyes were sort of grayish with a green tint. I could not believe this man was so gorgeous. I realized that Jazz was truly lucky. By the time everyone came back to the table, I knew his name, birthday, parents names and occupation and how he was actually from Atlanta not Chicago. He was perfect for me but I knew that I could never try and rap to him since the first rule of friendship was never mess with your girl’s man. Personally, Jazz was not my friend but a friend of a friend, nevertheless the rule still applied. He asked for my number but I explained our code… . 4:30 and the club was still packed. I decided to leave and as I said good night to everyone, Darryl asked could he walk me to my car. I said it might be best if we said good night in the club since Jazz might get upset. By the way, where was Jazz? Darryl said old girl left with my roommate about thirty minutes ago we both started to laugh and as he walked me to my car we exchanged numbers and made a date for the next night. I could barely sleep just thinking about this sexy azz man. I dreamed that we were at the altar saying our vows naked. I woke up shaking. Anyway, our first date was to see a Tyler Perry play. I had told him that I loved all Mr. Perry’s work but had never been to a play. When he called and told me we were going to the theater I thought he meant we were going to a movie. The play was hilarious and the company was wonderful. We held hands and it actually felt like electricity flowing into my body. We slept together that first night and never have a man satisfied me to this degree. We have slept together every night since. Everything about this man turned me on. He did not have a college degree but he had his own business with his best friend. The first store is in Atlanta and it sell sports equipment to schools and recreation centers. They made quite a bit of money when they first started and decided to open another site in Chicago. That is why Darryl was in Chicago when we met. He had been there eight months getting the new business up and going. I loved Chicago but I hated school and I had already been thinking about moving back home so six weeks into our relationship when Darryl said he was moving back to Atlanta I saw this as an opportunity to go home too. I knew daddy would be upset with my leaving school but he knew me well enough to know once I make up my mind to do something there is no talking me out of it. When I told him that I was taking a break from school, he looked like I had slapped him in the face, but then I told him that I needed to come home so I could help mommy and Willie Mae with all the church stuff. I told him that I needed to get back into church and that did it. Nothing was more important to my daddy the deacon than getting closer to God. If only he knew that I was following a dick he would have died.

    At first I was upset when I realized I had to move back into the family home but I knew I needed to make it look like I was truly trying to live right. Shacking up with a man would not be the answer. Besides, I needed to get back into daddy’s good graces. He spent thousands sending me to college in Chicago and paying all my bills and next to God money was daddy’s second religion. I moved back in with my parents and my big sister for about six months. The whole time I lived at home Darryl and I saw each other every day but we couldn’t sleep together every night and I hated it. A man like Darryl needs loving every day, sometimes two or three times a day and I myself had become dickmotized. Finally, I moved into a town house and at first things was great. The loving was raw and we couldn’t get enough of each other. One day while I was in the shower I heard him on the phone. I could tell he was pissed but I couldn’t hear who he was talking to. When I walked out of the bathroom he hung up. I asked who he was yelling at and he told me to mind my own business. It wasn’t long after that I found out about Tonya.

    Chapter 6

    Willie Mae

    I had just parked my brand new fresh off the car lot custom designed BMW when a vehicle hit me in the back. At first I was shocked and I sat there looking straight ahead not believing that this could happen. I heard somebody saying are you alright? Ma’am, are you alright? I said I was fine, but then my blood started to boil and I got mad. Who in the hell just hit a parked car? I looked behind me and I saw this raggedy red truck. A guy was standing by the truck and he looked as raggedy as the truck. He said Are you alright? I got out of my car and looked at the back of my car. The whole backend was torn up. I went off! Are you crazy? Please tell me you did not hit my brand new car with that piece of junk? He tried to say something but I would not let him. Someone had called the police and by the time they got there I was calling this man everything but a child of God. I wanted to rip his head off. I just got my car last week. I traded in my rodeo truck and it took at least a month to find the perfect car with the perfect honey blond color, now this! The police tried to calm me down and asked for my information and I lost it again. Why do you need my information, I didn’t hit his brand new car, he hit mine! I looked at him and then I looked at his truck… . his truck did not have a scratch. He gave his information to the police and he was trying to say he was sorry and I said yes, yes you are sorry, you are one sorry motherfucker! The police told me that he was fully covered and all I needed to do was call a tow truck or they would call one for me. Tow truck? Call a tow truck? I think you need to call an ambulance because I am going to kill that bastard By the time DeMarlo got there I was in handcuffs sitting in the backseat of a patrol car. I could not hear what the officer said to Demarlo but looking in DeMarlo’s eyes I knew it was not good. Twenty minutes later, the officer helped me out of the car He said Miss. Johnson, do you think you can compose yourself now? Through clenched teeth I said yes I guess he wasn’t convinced since I was rolling my eyes at the other driver. He said Miss Johnson, I am asking you if you are sure you can compose yourself because I heard you threaten Mr. Wilson and I can arrest you on that alone. So, do you think you can compose yourself? DeMarlo came over to me and whispered in my ear listen Mae; please compose yourself because if you go to jail and I miss my shoe sale I am going to kick your ass. As usual my best friend put a smile on my face. Yes, officer, I am composed and I apologize for my behavior. He took the cuffs off of me and I watched my new baby be loaded on a flatbed. When I finally looked around I could see that there were several spectators standing around checking out the accident and I was embarrassed at how I showed out. Mr. Wilson or whatever his dumb name was came over to me and said Miss Johnson, I am so sorry, I was not paying attention and I promise you that I will take responsibility for all your damages. He attempted to give me his business card and I walked off and got in the passenger seat of DeMarlo’s car. When he got in the driver seat he looked over at me and said damn Mae, you act like the man shot your monkey. He gave me this card to give to you and said he was really sorry. I took the card and threw it in my purse. I knew later on I would look at it and find out where he lived so I could get my cousins T-Bird and Slick to fuck him up.

    Chapter 7


    Boy, I am so sick this morning. If I knew being pregnant was this hard I never would have gotten pregnant. This is the third time today that I threw up. My phone was ringing when I was in the bathroom. I hope it was Darryl because we need to talk. That boy got me acting stupid. Last night me and Trina rode past his mama house, his brother Russell Jr’s house and by his job. We didn’t see his truck but I know in my heart he was with that Angie bitch. That snobby ho took my man away from me like he was her property. How in the hell did he go to Chicago leaving me all alone here in Atlanta? Yeah, he flew home at least once a month to let me ride that dick but the last time he came back it wasn’t the same. He said we need to use condoms What? We been together three years and even when we first met we didn’t use condoms. I knew in my heart that there was somebody else but I thought it was like all the other times. He’d meet some bitch, fuck her a few times then come back to his real backbone, me. This time it was different. Even our sex was not good. Actually, this time he never even initiated sex. Usually when he gets home before we get out of the car he had his hands all over my titties. Hell, I just started picking him up with no bra on to make it easier. This time, things were so quiet. When I picked him up I kissed him on the lips but he didn’t open his mouth so I could slide my tongue in. This time, he just said hello Tonya and headed to the car. I figured he was tired. On the drive home, he didn’t say a word and when I stopped at the red light and pulled up my skirt to show him I didn’t have on any panties, he said you shouldn’t be riding around without any underwear on I knew then, at least I should have known. That whole week he spent at his family’s business or at his parent’s home. His grandfather had died a couple of months earlier and something happened with the will and he said he had to help his dad handle it. I believed him because I knew there was a lot of money involved and lord knows I love money so I cheered him on. The last night he was here he stopped by to get a few things. I knew he was coming so I put on that new purple see thru teddy with the crotch less panties. I knew he would love this since he is the one that bought this freaky shit. Most men don’t care what you wear but not Darryl. Oh my God, he bought me all kind of shit, edible panties, bikinis, slut boots, nurse’s uniforms, cocktail waitress outfits, school girl uniforms and even a nun’s habit. He loved to role play. I didn’t mind but sometimes it got out of control. One time he wanted me to pretend to be asleep and he would break in and pretend to rape me. At first it sounded exciting but once it started something went wrong. I got into the bed in my pajamas like he told me to. As I lay there filled with excitement and anticipation I fell asleep. When I awoke the room was completely dark and I could see nothing but his shadow standing over my bed. At first I was startled but I just closed my eyes to get into the mode. First he put a blindfold over my eyes (this was never discussed) He tied my hands to the bed post. I asked him why are you tying me up? and he didn’t answer. Okay, I guess he really wanted it to be real. I heard a clicking sound and then I felt the scissors at my neck. I was beginning to get scared but I guess that’s what it was all about. He cut my top off, and then he cut my pants off. I laid there for what seemed like an eternity with just my panties on. I never wear a bra to bed so my breasts were exposed. I thought I heard him leave the room but I could still hear him breathing. After a few more minutes out of nowhere he slapped me across the face. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I told him that hitting me was not part of the game and he needed to untie me. This was not the first time he had slapped me but this was the first time during a sex game. He never answered and he tore my panties off of me. I started screaming at him to stop and he put my panties in my mouth and put tape over my mouth. I knew in my heart that this was a role play scenario for Darryl’s sexual pleasure but I could not wrap my mind around the things he was doing to make it seem real. After all, I did agree to be raped by my man but I was beginning to feel terror. Here I am laying here completely exposed, tied up and gagged waiting to be raped. Damn, the things we do for love! I wish I could say that the night was filled with pleasure and passion and thinking about it brings a big smile on my face knowing I gave him his fantasy regardless of how it made me feel. I wish I could say he comforted me explaining why it had to be so real and my actually understanding, as he held me close in his arms professing his love for me and only me, but no, this was the worst night of my life. I could feel my silk panties in my mouth and all I could do was try and listen to hear what his next move was going to be. Finally, I felt his hands rubbing all over my body. Wait, it wasn’t his naked hands, he had on gloves. He touched me on my breasts, my stomach, my legs, my thighs, my feet and then he spread my legs apart and touched me in my vagina. I was shaking at this point because he was not saying a word. When I tried to close my legs he hit me on my thigh with a cold object. It felt like a metal rod. My thigh stung and I began to cry harder. I guess he did not like that so he grabbed my face and shook me never saying a word. I stopped crying because I could tell by his breathing he was getting angry. I could hear him taking off his clothes and dropping them on the floor. Since I did not have carpet in my bedroom I heard every item as it hit the floor. He took his shoes off and they made a thud sound like boots. (I thought he was wearing sneakers) I heard him unzipping his pants which surprised me because knowing Darryl like I do he usually spend about thirty good minutes having his taste buds satisfied by eating the best pussy south of the Mississippi river. Suddenly I heard the metal object hit the floor as though it fell off the bed. He picked it up and moved it all over my body and stopped when he got to my pussy and took the cold tip and pushed it slightly into my hole. I could feel the width and knew this was not something I wanted inside of me. What was he thinking? Why was he doing this? I never agreed to have foreign objects inserted into my pussy. Yes, there have been many dicks, tongues and toys in there but this was too freaky even for a ride or die bitch like me. When I tightened my body he took the object out and I could hear him tasting it, licking and slurping. Okay, I guess he is ready to go down on me. Before I could finish my thought he had slapped me twice. I started crying but it was difficult with my mouth stuffed. Now, I was getting angry and I knew when it was over and I get up I am going to kick his nasty freaky ass. I could feel him getting on the bed and then he got on top of me. He rammed his dick inside of me with such force I groaned in pain. I have felt many things when we had sex but never searing pain. He kept ramming me over and over and over again. He held on to my shoulders and I realized he still had on gloves. He began to sweat and it was pouring all over me. He was breathing hot air into my face. He smelled like gin and I could smell the hint of a Black and Mild. I thought he stopped smoking Black and Mild! He was fucking me in such a violent way I knew I

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