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Chronology of the Hebrew Bible: (T’Nach): Re-Viewed
Chronology of the Hebrew Bible: (T’Nach): Re-Viewed
Chronology of the Hebrew Bible: (T’Nach): Re-Viewed
Ebook391 pages29 minutes

Chronology of the Hebrew Bible: (T’Nach): Re-Viewed

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Mr. Robert Paul Killians avid interest in biblical chronology has a history of over seventy years. The Killian family had visited the Natural History Museum and the La Brea Tar Pit in the Los Angles area before his seventh birthday in June of 1939.

Later, when the Killian family moved from Los Angles to Grants Pass, Oregon, in early 1945, Bob continued to indulge his curiosity in the study of the biblical stories.

He had enlisted in the US Navy Reserve during his last year at Grants Pass High School, graduating with the Class of 50. He then volunteered for two years active duty in the US Navy in late summer of 1951 to serve in the Korean Conflict. When that war ended in June of 1953, he was honorably discharged and chose to serve with the Grants Pass Naval Reserve Program for a total of eight years. That choice resulted in his being awarded a second honorable discharge from the US Naval Reserve in 1958.
Release dateAug 10, 2012
Chronology of the Hebrew Bible: (T’Nach): Re-Viewed

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    Chronology of the Hebrew Bible - Robert P. Killian

    Chronology of the Hebrew Bible

    (T’Nach): Re-viewed

    Robert P. Killian


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    © 2012 Robert P. Killian. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/06/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2192-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2193-8 (e)

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    Conversion Table 10, 000 Lunar Years To

    9,8000 Solar Jubilee Years

    Hebrew Bible Chronology—The First 2450 Solar And 2500 Lunar Years

    Chronology Of The Hebrew Bible. As.1

    Chronology Of The Hebrew Bible. As. 2

    About The Author

    Casino Expert Solves The Current Biblical Timeline Dispute! Mathematically


    The authors of the original version of Chronology of the Hebrew Bible are Professor Mordochai ben Tziyyon & Dr. B’tzalel Barzilli of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Their complete work can be accessed on-line at:

    The author of this present Re-viewed Version of Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, Mr. Robert P. Killian, is offering his version of Hebrew History for peer-review simply because he has found, in the original work by these two Professors, numerous miscalculations that resulted in obvious false conclusions in the area of mathematical computations. Therefore, he deems it necessary to bring to the public his Re-viewed Version".

    As would be expected, in the opinion of Mr. Killian, an honest evaluation can only be made by comparing the two versions side-by-side. It is for this reason he is now presenting his work, to the academic and the public, for an open critique.


    Official records of the Chronology of the Masoretic Hebrew Text can be found in the Anno-Mindi, (AM), timeline of: Codex Judaica by Mattis Kantor and published by Zichron Press of NY, (2005AD).

    In this present Re-viewed Version they are compiled in chart form with the intent for the reader to scroll-down quickly through the Hebrew history to the fall of Batar at the end of the Second Jewish Revolt that was led by Simon ben Kochba, 135AD. So, this biblical chronology covers a sequential AM, timeline of 4025 years.

    Not only are the Patriarchs and many other main biblical story characters listed here with their Jubilee actual-count in the Jewish calendar but, Kings and Rulers of other Nations and regions of the Eastern and Southern shores of our Mid-Eastern Lands, are included, so that the reader, while scrolling down, can view other contemporary events that occurred in the same year, by

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