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Enspired Under His Wings
Enspired Under His Wings
Enspired Under His Wings
Ebook113 pages31 minutes

Enspired Under His Wings

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About this ebook

These God-inspired poems were given to me from God to heal the soul, and bring deliverance to the weary spirit. It wasn't until i surrendered my heart to God that i realized that He was using my life experiences as footprints for those who would go through the same things that i've been through. He allowed me to go through trials and tribulations to be a blessing to others through poetic writing.This book was written to send healing to those who struggle with fear, insecurity, low-self esteem, depression, oppression, rejection,and negativity. It's my desire to know that through these beautiful collective poems, someone is being delivered, and healed from past and present wounds. I Pray that you will enjoy them as much as i do.. God Bless....

Release dateJan 26, 2016
Enspired Under His Wings

Kimberly McAllister

Kimberly M. McAllister has been married for almost 20 years to Gary McAllister. They have raised six children and are members of CCDC Worldwide Ministries. She is also the CEO pf KMC Production. She produces two talk shows. Kimberly is Host of Repairer Of The Breach, while also Producing E&E Style Showcase.

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    Enspired Under His Wings - Kimberly McAllister

    © 2016 Kimberly McAllister. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/15/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7459-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-7458-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016900998

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    A friendship that will last

    An Open Vessel For The Lord

    Chasing The Wind

    Come Home To The Father's House

    Did you know

    I Keep Seeing Jesus

    I Speak

    Let It Flow

    Lost In Me


    Talking To The Church

    The Pieces Of My Life

    What You Are To Me

    I Am

    I Can Call On The Lord

    Oh Come Bless The King

    Search And Find Me

    You Can Call On The Lord

    A Mother And Daughters Love

    A Woman Of Confidence

    Back to me

    Bitter But Sweet

    For Such A Time Like This

    God The Father, My Strength

    I Was Killing You Softly (1 john 3:15)

    I'm Blessed

    Just a season

    Sister can we talk

    Speak Lord

    The choice is yours

    The color of your skin it doesn't matter

    When Trouble Comes

    You helped me lord


    God Did It Again

    I Know Who God Has Created Me To Be

    I Was, I Am

    Lifter Of My Soul

    Think On These Things

    Who The Son Sets Free, Is Free Indeed

    Beautiful Savior


    I Shall Praise Thee Oh Lord

    Dear Lord...

    Prayer Of Sincerity

    The Child In Me

    Shall I Praise Him

    Giving Thanks From The Heart

    Will you stand anyhow?

    Perfect Praise

    Even Though The Storm Is Over Now



    This book is dedicated to my mom.

    Who has always been an inspiration in my life.

    You are truly a mother of strength, wisdom, and faith.

    You never tell me what I want to hear. But you

    always tell me what I need to hear. And for

    that I am truly thankful.

    Thank you for loving me with the Love of Christ.

    I love you.

    A Moment Of Reflection

    These God-inspired poems were

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