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The Herman Chronicles: *Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse *Herman and the Donkeys * Herman’S Midnight Trek * Herman’S Vacation
The Herman Chronicles: *Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse *Herman and the Donkeys * Herman’S Midnight Trek * Herman’S Vacation
The Herman Chronicles: *Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse *Herman and the Donkeys * Herman’S Midnight Trek * Herman’S Vacation
Ebook85 pages23 minutes

The Herman Chronicles: *Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse *Herman and the Donkeys * Herman’S Midnight Trek * Herman’S Vacation

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About this ebook

Herman is a likeable mouse who enjoys living the high life. He has a nice family, a wife, a son, twins and his grandfather. They live in the woodpile next to the cook shack. The four stories in the Herman Chronicles lead us through the adventures of Herman and his family. In the first book they invade a travel trailer lured by free food and easy living. In the second book, the mice find a way to get food delivered to their doorstep. Next, when the donkeys return to their farm, Herman leads an expedition to visit them there. Finally, in the last book, Herman and his family are inspired to go on a vacation to a place they hope will be as wonderful as the Florida postcard Herman found.
Release dateAug 23, 2012
The Herman Chronicles: *Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse *Herman and the Donkeys * Herman’S Midnight Trek * Herman’S Vacation

Nan Rebik

NAN REBIK Happily retired, Nan and her dog Dobro live in the Southern California desert close to the Mexican Border. To escape the summer heat, she and Dobro spend as much time as possible in the Laguna Mountains. Herman and his extended family live nearby providing regular inspiration for the Herman stories. When she is not up in the mountains, Nan teaches piano and mountain dulcimer and performs regularly with the Jugless Jug Band. You may reach Nan at [email protected].

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    The Herman Chronicles - Nan Rebik

    Copyright 2012 Carole Hinkelman and Nan Rebik.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    isbn: 978-1-4669-5202-7 (sc)

    isbn: 978-1-4669-5201-0 (e)

    Trafford rev. 08/17/2012

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    Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse

    Herman and the Donkeys

    Herman’s Midnight Trek

    Herman and the Vacation

    In Memory of Tyler Jay Burch (12/31/1991-1/31/2012)

    a talented young artist who left for Heaven entirely too soon.

    Dedicated to Herman who started us on the journey.

    Grateful thanks to Jean Burch who made this book possible.

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    Herman the Horrible Trailer Mouse

    Once there lived a mouse called Herman. His home was in a woodpile next to a cook shack. Early one spring, someone brought a little travel trailer and parked it by the woodpile. Then the people went away, leaving the trailer. Herman was curious and, after weeks of sniffing around, he found a way into the trailer! It was magnificent! It was large, from a mouse’s point of view, and filled with treats of all description. Now, Herman was friendly enough but he really made a mess in the trailer and the people who came to vacation there became really angry at him.

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    One day they drove up in their truck and discovered someone or something had been in the trailer and left behind tiny black pellets everywhere. The lady screamed Mouse!! Mouse!! While we were gone a mouse got into the trailer and left a horrible mess. The man suggested that they set a trap for the mouse. So, they did. For bait they used yummy Swiss cheese. After a weekend of cleaning up

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