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The Cursed Priestess
The Cursed Priestess
The Cursed Priestess
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The Cursed Priestess

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Well-written, this compelling novel appeals to a wide audience, especially those interested in the supernatural.
Release dateOct 4, 2012
The Cursed Priestess

Pixie Birkitt

An inspiring, cutting-edge author of a unique genre that will keep you on the edge of your seats.

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    The Cursed Priestess - Pixie Birkitt


    Cursed Priestess


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    © Copyright 2012 Pixie Birkitt.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-5121-1 (sc)

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    Trafford rev. 08/21/2012

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    Chapter 1 The Rip

    Chapter 2 Watched

    Chapter 3 Is The House Haunted Or Am I Delusional?

    Chapter 4 I’m Not Delusional!

    Chapter 5 Ghost Hunters

    Chapter 6 My Destiny Begins

    Chapter 7 Haunted School?

    Chapter 8 Embarrassment As I Return To College

    Chapter 9 Why?

    Chapter 10 Home Sweet Home

    Chapter 11 The Victorian House Of Blood

    Chapter 12 Back At Base

    Chapter 13 Case Casey

    Chapter 14 Exorcism On Me?

    Chapter 15 A Disturbing Office

    Chapter 16 A Perfect World Or A Dangerous One?

    Chapter 17 Escape

    Chapter 18 Creating A Plan

    Chapter 19 Awakening A Week Later

    Chapter 20 Book Of The Cursed

    Chapter 21 Noroi Hime

    Chapter 22 Noroi Hime

    Chapter 23 Spirits Of The Forest

    Chapter 24 Curse

    Chapter 25 Unforgiving Curse

    Chapter 26 Noroi Hime

    Chapter 27 Noroi Hime

    Chapter 28 Deadly Distraction



    The rip

    Once again, I sat in my room with my legs crossed and my eyes closed. The candle flickered impatiently in front of me and I too grew more impatient myself. Help me I whispered as the horrible feeling began to grow deeper within me, the feeling that I was being watched by something, something evil. Goddesses, please. Help me! I begged and yet again I received no answer, just like every other time I had prayed and begged them to help me.

    They never did.

    I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t help me. Didn’t they care? Did they hate me?

    I took in a deep breath, attempting to sooth and centre myself but it was no use. The feeling of being watched unsettled me too much. I needed it to stop.

    No longer could I sleep with the feeling as it grew stronger every passing day and I had begun to struggle to eat. I just want it to stop! I thought to myself and yet again it was little use. Doesn’t anyone hear my cries? Doesn’t anyone want to help me? All I ask for is help! I just . . . . I just want it to stop! My thoughts continued to swirl around my mind. Why is this happening to me! My mind screamed.

    It was then I felt it. The sudden sharp pain in my shoulder began to grow deeply within me, slowly it began to cut across my back as though someone had stabbed me with a knife and was gradually ripping through the skin, muscle and bone leaving a destructive crater in its path.

    The pain hit my spinal column and tears flooded my eyes and poured down my cheeks. My cheeks began to burn painfully and my forehead began to sweat, even though I felt as though my skin would turn to ice at any moment. I was that cold. It were as though I had a fever.

    My entire body began to shake violently as the pain seemed to rip slowly through my spine. I tried to scream in pain but my voice wouldn’t work. My heart began to pound fiercely, and my breathing became shallower, yet quicker.

    What’s happening to me? Are the Goddesses punishing me? I thought to myself in a panic. Have I done something wrong?

    My voice seemed to croak as I attempted to scream in pain. There were many things I wished I could scream at that moment ‘someone help me!’ Was one of them, another was ‘I only asked for help!’ But it didn’t matter how much I wanted to scream, I couldn’t. All I could do was croak the words I wished to speak.

    Following the excruciating pain was the strange ice cold feeling that felt as though something were passing through me.

    My body fell forward, over my legs, making it even harder to breath. After this I could no longer move, all I could do was wait

    Wait for the agonising pain to stop completely.

    Voices soon filled my room as I lay there motionless, voices so faint they were like a whisper yet were clear enough to hear the words that were spoken.

    Where are we? How’d we get here? One of the whispers spoke lightly, sounding almost like a child.

    I don’t know, the second whisper replied, this whisper was clearly female, her voice had the echoes of wisdom that came with age yet the youth of one so much younger.

    Runes seemed to carve into the walls, wardrobes, doors, draws and the floors, runes that looked as though they were, from the great times of old.

    A pearly mist filled the room, emanating from nothing as it began to hover above the floor. I’m going to die I thought to myself, I see it now, I’m going to die. I began to hope for my death to be quick and as painless as it could possibly be now, even though at that moment I doubted any pain could have been worse than what I had just experienced.

    Is this where all the lonely people go? Is this where I belong? Another young voice that sounded like a child’s asked. The words rang in my ears as my temples began to throb and my throat began to burn, reminding me of when someone accidentally takes a breath of water.

    Slowly the world around me began to blur and I looked back at the candle, thankful that I hadn’t fallen on it. I tried to focus on it but a light breeze seemed to blow it out, leaving me in complete darkness.

    No! I thought to myself as tears began to fall down my face once again. In total darkness I closed my eyes attempting to block everything out. Not wanting my last thoughts to be on the terrifying outside world. Instead I focused on a world I’d created. Where it was warm and bright and never went cold yet the sun was never bright enough to hurt my eyes. My perfect world with a garden of red and black roses and one singular white rose in the centre, a beautiful fountain and so much more.

    The beauty of nature I thought to myself just as everything began to disappear and I stepped into the world of unconsciousness.


    I awoke in the night, the darkness surrounding me. My room had become incredibly cold, so cold that I could see my breath in the darkness before me and feel chills running down my spine. I shivered as I carefully climbed on to my bed, the reminiscence of the pain still lingering in my back.

    Strange glowing figures appeared in all four corners of my room and three glowing figures seemed to stand at the end of my bed. I threw my covers over my head and began to shake in fear. What are they? Why are they here? I questioned myself as I felt the covers begin to move like someone was about to pull them off me.

    I closed my eyes, blocking out the strange cluster of whispers that seemed to build in my room, becoming louder and louder. I attempted to block out everything around me as best as I could.

    Red roses . . . A water fall . . . A fountain I began to think of my happy place as a way to block out the world around me. Hear the water fall between the rocks, listen to the wind as it blows through the leaves of the trees. They cannot hurt you. They do not exist. Sleep is best, tomorrow I’ll see that there’s nothings there. Just wait, I’ll see that there’s nothing there my thoughts continued to spin around my mind as an attempt to comfort myself.

    Gently, I began to drift into the world of dreams, by using my calming technique I knew I could sleep and wake up once again in the morning, feeling calm and at peace.


    Sunlight filled my ice-cold bedroom as I opened my eyes. My body continued to shake from the cold and my breath could be seen clearly in the light. How can my room be so cold? I questioned. I grabbed my dressing gown and wrapped it around myself before I slipped out of bed and looked at the radiator. It’s on full I noted as I placed my hand gently on it.

    Ouch! That’s boiling! I muttered as my hand flinched away from the radiator.

    How can it be so cold in here? The radiators boiling. I put my hand in front of my face and released a breath, I can see it so clearly. How is that possible?

    I need a nice warm bath to bring up my temperature I muttered to myself. I stepped towards the door and hesitated before opening it, the sudden feeling of being watched became overwhelming. I looked to the right before taking a quick glance over my shoulder. There on my bed sat a black figure, almost like a shadow. I span around to catch whoever was in my room but there was no one there. Listening for any indication of an intruder I looked around the room, yet I could hear nothing. My room was so silent that a pin falling to the floor would have echoed throughout the room.

    What the actual hell, I swear I’m going insane! I thought to myself as I backed into the door until I could feel the cold wood against my back and slowly opened it, the feeling of being watched never left me. I backed out of the room, grabbed my towel and slammed the door in front of me before I continued to walk backwards, the feeling seemed to slowly die as I backed into the bathroom and closed the door.

    I hit my head on the door and felt a tear fall down my face as I fell to my knees why must I suffer this torture? The constant watch from something I can’t see. I asked . . . I begged for help! Why don’t any of you help me? Their constant eyes, always watch me! My mind screamed. I just want it to stop! Make it stop!

    I turned so that my back rested on the wooden door. My hands clenched into fists and I felt the tears run down my face as I stopped myself from screaming in frustration, instead I let out a quiet shriek through my clenched teeth. Unable to control myself I thumbed the floor with as much force as I possibly could, causing a loud bang and my hand to throb.

    Just don’t think about it, maybe it’ll go away then I thought, just have a bath and warm up

    I locked the door and went to run my bath. I sat on the side of the bath and felt something strange take hold of me. A calming sensation, that caused my entire body to tingle, it reminded me some what of being a small child, when your ill and your grandma gives you hugs to comfort you and make you feel better.


    Steam rose from the bath water as I slowly sat within its warmth. Immediately the water began to heat up my skin. I sighed and closed my eyes as I began to think about what had happened the night before.

    Last night was strange . . . . Did it really happen? Was it just a dream? I wondered. It felt like . . . . Like something ripped through my back but at the same time it felt like . . . . Like something ripped externally, like I’d just ripped something with my hands but I didn’t

    I sighed as I tried to make logical sense out of what had occurred the night before it must have been a dream. Things like that just don’t happen I thought but something told me otherwise. Something told me that it had happened, that it wasn’t just a dream and as much as I wanted to believe that it had been nothing but a dream, I couldn’t bring myself to believe it.

    I let out yet another long sigh as I settled in the water and began to shave and wash my body. It felt like something entered the room, but that’s impossible I was only praying through meditation.

    A breeze suddenly entered my room and caused my wet hair to move huh? Where’s that breeze coming from? I muttered to myself feeling slightly confused. Looking up at the window, I realised that it was shut and I began to feel even more confused all the windows in the room are shut and the doors locked

    I dunked my head under the water to wash the soap out of my hair when my phone bleeped, alerting me that I had a text message. I sat up in the bath and quickly dried my hands with the towel that I’d left beside the bath before looking at the text.

    The text was from an unknown number which immediately sent warning sirens off in my head. I opened the message which read:

    Get out!

    Get out? I questioned get out of where? Suddenly, another text came through from the unknown number:

    Get out the bath and get out the house!

    What the hell? How does this person know I’m in the bath. This has got to be some sort of sick joke. I thought to myself just as another text came through and as if the anonymous person could read my mind, it read:

    This isn’t a joke! He’s coming! Get out now!

    What the fuck! Leave me alone! I shouted as I began to feel a rush of emotions, from anger to sadness and especially one in particular, fear.

    You have to listen! He’s close! He’s entered the house!

    The texts continued. No ones entered the house! I would have heard the door open I thought to myself before one final text was received.

    Not everyone uses doors!

    Suddenly there was a crash of thunder that came from outside and a storm had clearly begun. Whatever had begun to happen was seriously beginning to creep me out. I couldn’t understand it, how would an anonymous person know my number and know I was in the bath as well as my thoughts.

    It’s like last night my thoughts began to swirl once more things are getting creepy. With the breeze even though the windows are shut and the texts and the feeling of being watched. What’s going on? Seriously?

    There was a sudden power cut and the light in the bathroom went out, making me feel even more terrified than I’d already been feeling. Shit! A power outage? Whatever next is going to happen? I thought to myself.

    As if I wasn’t already freaked out enough as it is I muttered as I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself in a towel.

    I frigging hate the dark I thought, the sudden feeling of being watched cast over me once again and I looked around the room. There, in the corner of the room next to the shower stood a dark figure. He stepped towards me and a smile clearly grew on his face that seemed to be shadowed in slight darkness.

    Who are you? What are you doing in my house! I snapped yet I received no answer, instead he went to grab my wrist with one hand and touch my boob with the other. Get off me! Don’t touch me! I managed to push him away after struggling for what seemed like forever before running to the door. For a moment I struggled to unlock it, but once I managed to do so, I ran out of the room as quickly as I possibly could and towards my bedroom, hoping that he wouldn’t be able to follow me in there especially if I locked the door behind me.

    I ran through the door before slamming it behind me and locking it quickly then I turned and leant back so that my back was resting against the cold wood. I’ll wait in here until my grandma gets back from the shops. In here I can call the police and they’ll . . . . My track of thoughts came to an abrupt end when I saw another, smaller figure in the furthest corner of my room. Ah crap! My mind began to panic.

    I quickly flicked on the lights, and felt slightly relieved that the power was once again back on, there in the corner of the room stood a little girl, she wore a long white dress that was covered in dirt. She had long, straight blond hair and her fringed covered one of her eyes. She cuddled a dirty teddy, that was missing an ear as well as an eye, as she stared at me and smiled, the only eye I could see was beautiful and big yet was filled with sadness that her smile could not hide.

    Her big eyes made her look extremely adorable however I couldn’t see a pupil in the only eye I could see. Her eye lashes enhanced the look of her eyes, looking beautifully long.

    Get out! Before I call the police! I snapped as the grip on my phone grew tighter.

    Don’t worry the little girl said, her voice soft and comforting to my ears as much as I didn’t want it to be I’m here to help you she continued before moving her fringe out of her eye, revealing it. The pupil of her right eye was strange and looked inhuman, if anything it looked as though it were a cats eye and not a humans. I’m here to protect you, I’m not like him . . . Trust me her voice was like a feather, soft, gentle and light. I’ll protect you from him

    How? Your just a little girl! I snapped, feeling confused and wondering why I hadn’t rang police yet.

    You don’t need to know how the little girl replied or why.

    Look I’m calling the police I forced myself to say even though it felt as though I had some unusual spell cast upon me. A spell I had to fight against in order to do the sensible thing and call the police.

    I lifted my hand and dialled the number for the police on my touch screen phone when the little girl spoke, this time her voice was as sharp as a blade I can’t let you do that! My phone’s battery suddenly began to drain right before my very eyes.

    Accident and emergency I heard the woman say before my phone bleeped ‘low battery’ and turned itself off.

    How did you do that? I snapped as I dropped my phone and touched the wood of the door with both of my palms, prepared to run out of the room. My phone made a large bang as it hit the floor causing me to jump slightly before I’d realised that it was my phone. There was another crash of thunder and a flash of lightening that could be seen through the curtains of my room.

    I’m no longer part of this world the little girl whispered, her voice was once again soft and light and so I can do that sort of thing, sort of like how I can do this! One of the lights above my bed’s bulb burst and another light in the centre of the room had the bulb fall out and hit the floor, smashing it into hundreds of tiny pieces of glass.

    Stop it! I shouted, feeling fear take hold of my entire body to the point where I could barely move.

    And so it stops the little girl whispered.

    W-who are you? I stuttered.

    The question is who are you?

    I’m Noroi Hime and your trespassing, you do understand that, don’t you?

    The little girl completely ignored the rest of my sentence hello, Noroi Hime. I’m Tianshi Hime

    You have the same last name as me? I asked, feeling my eyes widen in shock and fear.

    At the same time I’d spoken she too spoke and I live here

    You don’t live here! I snapped and yet again we both spoke at the same time.

    Yes she said with an adorable smile that was so cute that it could cause even the most heartless of people crumble and want to hug her. But I do she said. I’m here to warn you . . . warn you of him

    There was a sudden knock on the door and I heard the keys as they unlocked the front door. Quickly I slipped on my long stripy socks to hide my tattoo of a fairy so that my grandma still didn’t know about. I’m home! She shouted, her voice sounding quite happy and energetic.

    That’s my Grandma I muttered as my temples began to throb I should go see her my throat began to hurt and once again it felt as though I had been stabbed in the back and someone was gradually ripping it across, through the muscle, skin and through my spinal column, only this time it didn’t feel half as bad as before. My hands and face felt as though someone were beginning to dig needles into each individual finger and into my face.

    Yet again I wanted to scream because of my pain but I couldn’t, all I could do was croak. My legs gave way and I collapsed to the floor in front of the door Noroi! The little girl shouted as she rushed towards me, clearly filled with worry are you okay?

    I tried to answer but I couldn’t. My throat wouldn’t allow me to speak, instead tears began to fall down my cheeks as the pain spread and became even more agonising.

    Think what your answer is and I’ll know what it is the little girl said her voice filled with concern.

    Everything hurts, I can’t speak and I feel so weak! I thought.

    I’ll get help! Tianshi said, don’t worry. Alicia! I need your help! She shouted and another girl appeared in the room only she looked to be 17 possibly 18. She rushed to Tianshi’s side.

    What’s wrong? What’s happening? The girl that went by the name Alicia asked.

    Everything hurts her, she can’t speak and she feels weak Tianshi explained.

    I feel so cold I thought I’m so cold

    After that, everything seemed to go black once again.


    Whilst I was unconscious, I began to see strange images that became scarier and scarier with each image that flashed before my eyes. It began with just a single black figure in the light which turned to several black figures, then there was an image of houses burning and people running whilst they were on fire. Some were trying to put out the fires by patting down their bodies whilst others rolled on the floor but the fires never went out.

    The next images that followed started off looking normal then became gruesome with every change in the images. The first was of a lake or the sea, I wasn’t sure, it looked absolutely normal, in the next image the water was no longer water but was suddenly seemed to change to blood, pure blood. The third image showed corpses floating along the water, both human and fish.

    What followed this was an image of a man holding a gun, shooting at something then the next showed him being hung by the strap on his gun.

    Swords pierced through another man in another image, but the swords didn’t go where you would have expected them to. No they were stabbed right into his groin area, I watched as the image constantly changed, the man had two arrows place in each wrist that were tied to rope and then pulled by two horses down a road before he was pulled a part.


    When I came to consciousness, I was laid in my bed completely dressed, my hair still wet. I looked around my room to see I was alone and when I looked at the time, I realised I had only been unconscious for a couple of minutes.

    How could I have seen all that in a matter of minutes? In so much detail? I questioned. And where has Tianshi and Alicia gone? They were here when I collapsed and I collapsed in front of the door not on my bed. What the hells happening?

    Noroi! I heard my Grandma shout, sounding very concerned.

    I need to see my Grandma I muttered to myself as I climbed out of bed.

    Tianshi appeared in my room once again out of no where no! She shouted.

    Why? I asked.

    He’s outside! She continued but it was too late. I had opened the door to reveal the same figure, shrouded in darkness, stood in the doorway.

    A flash of light past me and I glanced over my shoulder to see a boy, clearly in his teens, begin to materialise. When I say so, run . . . as quickly as you can and don’t look back! He said just as I realised he had a baseball bat in his hand which he gripped firmly. He wasn’t bad looking either, he had beautiful light blond hair and green/brown mixed eyes and yet again just like Tianshi, it looked as though he had no pupils in either of his eyes.

    His hair was scruffy and his white shirt was ripped and covered in mud. His skinny jeans were also ripped, creased and covered in filth and I suddenly realised he had blood in his hair as well as on his clothes.

    Is that his own blood? Or someone else’s? My mind questioned, all logic seemed to have left my mind and jumped from the highest building as a suicide attempt.

    She will be ours! The shadow figure spoke in a demonic voice before taking what looked like a physical form. The creature had a head like a humans and brown hair but its face was different. It had blood around its mouth and coming from its eyes, its eyes themselves were pure black with no visible pupils and it had strange black cracks on its face that looked as though they could have been veins but at the same time looked as though they were too rigid. They were straight and then bent, and reminded me of how people drew lightening only they spread from the corner of the creatures eyes, its forehead and the corners of its mouth and covered its entire face.

    The more the creature materialised the more it became clear that the creature was covered in there strange black vein type things as well as blood. The creature wore light blue jeans and a black vest top with black air walk trainers. It’s arms looked strong and there was a trail of bloody foot prints that followed it, making it clear that its shoes had blood beneath them. With it, came an uncomfortable chill that surrounded me entirely, gently touching my skin.

    No! The boy shouted as he ran towards the creature, jumped into the air, raised the baseball bat above his head and prepared to hit the creature repeatedly run! Noroi Hime! Run! The boy shouted as he hit the creature repeatedly until it fell to the floor.

    I quickly ran past the horrific violent scene, through the doorway and into the hallway. Feeling sick to my stomach I muttered running! Running! Just keep running!

    Whilst thoughts span around my mind this can’t be happening! This honestly cannot be happening! I’ve got to be going insane!

    I slowed down once I was halfway down the hallway and entered the kitchen to see my Grandma smiling happily good morning Noroi

    Good morning, Grandma!

    Have you had a bath or something? Your hair is all wet Grandma said in her usual cheerful voice, her long wavy grey hair resting on her back and her tired old eyes filled with joy. The light reflected from her eyes giving them life and love clearly filled them. Her lovely embroidered, light white t-shirt and her long flowing light blue skirt complimented each other nicely.

    Yes, yes I did I said as I smiled at the familiarity of her kind hearted voice.

    Have you had breakfast?

    No, not yet. I was just about to get on with making some now

    Ah, your slowly learning that

    I spoke the rest of the sentence with her breakfast is the most important meal of the day she chuckled.

    Well you go brush your teeth and finish getting ready for college, I’ll start making you a nice cheese and Mediterranean source toasty

    Yay! I said before rushing off to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

    As I began to brush my teeth and do all my usual toiletries such as my makeup etc. I began to think there’s no point in telling her . . . . She’d think I’m crazy . . . then off to the loony bin goes Noroi Hime I thought to myself with an image of myself dressed in my old school uniform smiling and looking psychotic. Just what every girl wants, to be shipped off to the brigade of crazy or loony town whatever you want to call it my thoughts continued. I sighed as I sat on the edge of my bed, I really don’t need that.

    If my Granddad found out, however, events would be even worse than going to loony-Ville. He’d want me to be exorcised believing I was possessed by a demon. How can such a logical woman be married to such a religious man? Unless she’s equally as religious and is just hiding it from everyone I sighed once again and Goddesses help me if my Granddad found out I was pagan. I’d be dead before I know it.

    My thoughts swirled around my mind as I quickly did my cats eye makeup and adjusted my corset, slipped on my red and black stripped arm warmers and I was ready for college and ensured my black hair looked perfect.

    Noroi! Breakfast is ready! Grandma shouted.

    I’m coming! I called as I quickly finished what I was doing and rushing to the kitchen where my toasty lay on the table. Looking absolutely delicious, my taste buds looked forward to the soft, warm texture and the cheesy yet spicy taste. I sat at the table and prepared to eat the toasty. The smell was almost hypnotic as it began to draw me in.

    I took my first bite, I could so orgasm right now I thought as the taste satisfied my taste buds, causing me to forget all of the stressful, frightening experiences that I had witnessed throughout the entire night and morning.


    The taxi came and parked outside my house near the drive and pipped to alert me that it had arrived. My Grandma handed me my dinner money with a beautiful gleaming smile, and kissed me on the cheek goodbye, have a nice day at college

    I will, I’ll see you later I said as I stepped out the door and walked towards the taxi. The smell hit me immediately as I entered the taxi, the smell of urine, alcohol and cigarette smoke radiated from the driver.

    I hated it in the taxi but looked forward for college, I watched where I put my feet, careful not to step into any chewing gum before I sat down, buckled up my seat belt and began listening to music whilst staring out the window.

    We hadn’t gone far down the road when something disturbing caught my eye. I knew the taxi driver (who I’d nicknamed speccy) was always speeding down the road but when I looked through the drivers window I saw something I couldn’t forget.

    A little girl was playing with a bouncy ball but lost control of it and it went in to the road. The road I lived on was never busy and hardly anyone ever sped down it, so it was understandable why a mother or father would allow their young daughter to play outside, thinking it would be safe.

    But today it wasn’t.

    Before my very eyes I watched as the girl picked up her bouncy ball and looked up to the taxi which was merely a few feet from her. An ear piercing scream filled my ears and my temples began to throb. I glanced at the driver who had seemed not to have noticed her.

    Look out! Your going to hit that girl! I shouted but it was too late, the screams had stopped. Stop the car! I shouted and he did so.

    Quickly I stepped out the car and searched for a mangled body of an unconscious, possibly dead, little girl but there was nothing there. Not a single piece of evidence remained.

    How is that possible? I thought to myself as I continued to search for the little girls body or even a small spec of blood on the bonnet.

    What’s wrong? Speccy asked after pipping the horn at me several times.

    I’m going insane! I swear I’m going insane! What the hells happening? my thoughts swirled around my mind I saw her! She was right there! I know I saw her! I know what I saw! I looked to the ground to see a light blue bouncy ball slowly roll to my feet. What the hell! What the actual hell! Something’s not right!

    Excuse me! A woman shouted from her garden are you ok, miss?

    Y-yea I stuttered my reply. Suddenly, once again my legs gave way and I was feeling a lot weaker than I usually did as my body hit the hard ground.

    I haven’t been this weak in years, what’s happening to me?

    The woman rushed over and the taxi driver got out of the car. The woman knelt beside me and looked at me filled with concern are you okay, sweetie? You look like your in shock

    I haven’t been this weak for a long time I muttered. I paused for a moment, trying to sit up, but I couldn’t. My body was too weak.

    Here, let me give you a hand the woman replied as she helped me sit up.

    D-did you s-see her? I stuttered feeling as though I were going completely insane.

    Perhaps its from the lack of sleep I got last night or something I thought to myself, trying to give a logical explanation to myself.

    See who? The woman asked.

    T-the little g-girl?

    The woman stopped and her eyes widened as I lifted my hand to reveal the light blue bouncy ball, and noticed a letter carved into it. It was an A. Amelia the woman whispered as she took the ball from my hand where did you get this?

    The little girl was playing with it before the taxi hit her but I couldn’t find her body. All-

    The woman cut me off mid-sentence all they could find was her bouncy ball she whispered as a tear fell down her face my little girl! My baby! She whispered to herself repeatedly.

    Are you ok? Ma’am? I asked.

    She nodded yes, I’m fine. Do you know where the little girl you saw is?

    I shook my head no, her body disappeared I said as I slowly stood up, careful that my legs wouldn’t collapse beneath my again and watched as speccy got back in the taxi. In the back of the taxi I saw something and it took a double glance for me to realise that it was the little girl, laid there. Clearly she was unconscious that is if she wasn’t dead. I couldn’t see her chest moving, heck she didn’t move a single inch. She’s there I whispered.

    Huh? Where? The woman asked, a sudden glimpse of hope.

    Don’t you see her in the back of the taxi? I asked, the woman looked but shook her head at me.

    I don’t see anything

    What do you mean you don’t see anything! I snapped, She’s right there! She looks like she could be dead!

    What do you mean she could be dead? The woman snapped.

    I touched the taxi and in front of my very eyes I saw a man carrying a little girl into the woods, over his shoulder. It was the woods just up the hill from where we lived and there, there he abandoned her.

    Do you know where my Amelia is? The woman asked, clearly she was overwhelmed with emotion.

    I looked up from the taxi’s bonnet and with no control over my body I pointed to the woods she’s there I whispered, she’s dead, s-she’s dead

    The woman suddenly shot off into the direction of the gate that lead to the woods and I got back into the taxi feeling incredibly confused.

    What just happened? What did I see? Am I going insane? Or have I turned psychic somehow? Questions span around my mind as we continued the journey to college.



    As soon as we arrived at college, I grabbed my stuff and got out of the disgusting taxi and stood outside the college. I immediately went for my cigarette packet and put one in my mouth before I lit it and began waiting for my friends. I needed someone to talk to so that I could take my mind off everything that had happened.

    There I stood in my red and black dress that had ribbons tied down it, in a corset style, down the front with a black corset on top of it, red and black stripped tights with my red and black stripped arm warmers and new rock boots. I certainly was set for a day at college. Gracefully, Casey strolled towards me, holding her boyfriend, Jacobs hand. She smiled her beautiful smile which made me feel incredibly jealous. She had the looks and the figure that every girl wanted and she knew it. Unlike me she was strong, able bodied, had a powerful immune system and was far more popular than I could have ever been yet at the same time she was my best friend. Her boyfriend on the hand was lanky, skinny and had a strange bony chest that I’d unfortunately seen and his hair was incredibly curly. His nose looked as though he’d broken it once and it hadn’t fully repaired itself and he always looked like he was stoned off his face or he was going to throw up, as well as the fact that he was underweight.

    Casey was the perfect woman and sometimes I wondered why she hung out with me. I was an ill kid, my nerves over fired, I had the weakest immune system known to man and it just went on from there. But she’d been there for me for most of my life, she was more of a sister than a best friend that’s how close we were. We even had the same tattoo. Whilst mine was a fairy on my ankle with a mermaids tail, hers was a fairy on her arm with legs instead.

    She hugged me and smiled before giving me a kiss on the cheek Hey, Casey I greeted her with a huge smile, so happy to see her and regain some normality. Immediately I noticed something was different about her, she’d died her hair black and there was something else. I looked to her neck to see that she had a brand new pentacle.

    Hey Noroi she replied.

    I love the hair! Black definitely suits you! It looks way better than the blue colour you went I complimented.

    She laughed you mean the blue that kept turning green on me. Lol!

    And I love the new pentacle, where’d you get it?

    You’d have to ask him she pointed to Jacob, he knows me way to well! She laughed.


    Anyway, are you looking forward the full moon ritual this month? She asked and my smile grew as I nodded good, so am I . . . You do have the Athame don’t you?

    Yes, and I’ve kept it well hidden from my Grandma. Don’t worry about it I comforted.

    Good, this full moon ritual is going to be awesome! Casey said as she flicked her ponytail of beautiful long black ringlets off her shoulders before she lit her cigarette. She wore a beautiful gothic t-shirt with skulls on the front and a short, black skirt, her tights were skin coloured but made it look as though her legs had several tattoos on them and she wore her purple new rock boots with cobwebs on them.

    I still don’t get this whole pagan thing you two have got going on Jacob commented and as usual we just rolled our eyes at him.

    Men Casey began.

    They just don’t get these types of things I continued.

    Which reminds me, we have so much to talk about!

    That we do!

    Well, I’ve finished my fag! So I’m going inside, you girls enjoy your little gossip session Jacob said as he dropped his fag bud to the floor and stood on it to put it out before he began to walk inside the college meet you guys later! He called before he entered the college.

    So what’s going on? I asked, eager to know what Casey wanted to tell me.

    Jacob proposed to me on Saturday night! Casey said with a huge smile growing on her face and her eyes gleaming with excitement and happiness.

    What? I gasped feeling a sudden shock and horror wash over me. I really wasn’t keen on Jacob, he wasn’t my favourite person in the world and the amount of times he’d broken up with her and got back with her. Sometimes I wondered whether he just got with her for the sex because everyone who knew him knew that was what he mainly thought about or maybe it was because he could walk around with one of the fittest girls in college under his arm.

    Sometimes I really do wonder what goes on in your head. The amount of times he’s broken up with you for a week, two weeks and got with another lass then dumped her to get back with you, are you insane! I thought to myself and I thought I was going insane but you’ve definitely lost your marbles!

    I’m so happy for you! I said in my fake happy voice congrats!

    Noroi, don’t lie to me! She said, her tone suddenly serious.

    I’m not lying I said with a fake smile it’s just such a shock to hear that your engaged

    I’ve known you for too long! I know when you’re lying!

    I dropped the act and looked to the floor you know I don’t like him, and mum doesn’t either I thought of her mum who had kindly adopted (not legally, just in heart) me as her daughter look, he’s broken up with you so many times before. He’s paranoid and controlling and you know it! He’s repeatedly broken your heart to get with another lass for a week to two weeks and then dumped her to get back with you!

    And we’ve talked about this, he makes mistakes. He thinks he doesn’t love me anymore but when he’s not with me he misses me too much. We love each other Noroi Casey said.

    I know you love him but I’m not sure if he loves you back I paused for a moment I just don’t want to see him hurt you again, he’s hurt you so many times in the past that its becoming too painful to continuously watch it. It’s getting to the point that its like one of those films that’s so depressing it nearly leaves you suicidal!

    Now your just being over dramatic!

    Casey, am I really? What did you try to do last time he broke up with you and got with another girl?

    Attempt suicide she muttered.

    Exactly and who had to sit on the sofa with you all week watching horror movies whilst eating Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream with you to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid?

    You did

    And who will have to do all of that all over again if that son of bitch hurts you again?

    You will

    Exactly my point, I don’t want to see you get hurt Casey. You’re my adopted sister remember and I don’t want to see any douche bags walk all over my sister I said you can understand that? Right?

    Yea, I guess. I mean I wouldn’t want to see the same thing happening to you. Look I’ll be careful and anyway this is his last chance Casey said with a comforting yet totally gorgeous smile. Her flawless tanned skin, making me feel incredibly jealous . . . yet again.

    I threw my fag butt on the floor and stubbed it out under my foot and Casey did the same promise?

    Promise Casey replied, her smile growing as her little finger entwined with mine cross my heart

    And hope to die

    And if I don’t keep my promise

    Shall the Goddesses punish me until I beg and cry I finished out little promise poem. It was something we’d done since we’d been eleven and both become pagan, all those years ago and yet we still hadn’t grown out of it. Well that’s comforting anyway I commented but what isn’t comforting is how well you skin tans

    Hey! I’d kill to be as pale as you, that way I’d be the perfect Goth!

    Is that your life long ambition? To become the perfect Goth? I asked.

    Maybe she said with a slight cheek the tone of her voice. Anyway, are we going inside? I have more to tell you and plus I want some breakfast before I have to go to lesson

    Same, I’m thinking waffle covered in chocolate or maple syrup!

    I was thinking the exact same thing! Casey replied as we began to walk back inside of the college. The strange sensation of being watched cast upon me once again but I shrugged it off.

    It’s probably because I’m amongst a large crowd, people are bound to glance at me I thought to myself to give a logical explanation but it didn’t matter, I couldn’t believe my explanation. I knew it was that strange creature that had been at my home.

    She will be ours! It’s demonic voice haunted my mind and echoed in my ears.

    It was just my imagination, it had to be. Nothing like that ever happens in real life, right? I thought to myself as we stood in the line, waiting to buy some tasty waffles. Even though I’d had a cheese toasty not too long before, I would never turn my nose up at a delicious waffle and yet no matter how much I ate, I still remained under weight. Stupid body being all screwed up and stuff!

    My boobs weren’t exactly the biggest in the world but luckily they weren’t the smallest, to be honest they were what gave me most of my weight. My ribs constantly showed and my legs were like twigs. On the upside, I had a little bit of muscle on my arms from archery but that was about it. It seriously sucked! Especially because I was stood next to a beautiful tanned, healthy woman and I, myself was incredibly pale, underweight and unhealthy in every possible way.

    We got our waffles and went to sit down, where I took out the first lot of my tablets. My morning tablets, to keep my nerves as calm as possible so that I wasn’t in agony and needed to be sent home and of course, these tablets needed to be taken with food.

    So how’s mum doing? I asked, breaking the window of silence that had formed by throwing a rock of noise.

    Mum’s doing pretty well, she’s getting worried though because you haven’t been round for so long!

    I know, I need to come visit. I just need to get my course work out the way but after that you can expect me round every weekend I said with a huge smile.

    She’s missing you! Casey said.

    I’m missing you and everyone else too. Your family! I replied.

    True that! Casey paused for a moment oh! Have you seen the new fashion line for hell bunny?

    No I’ll have to check it out!

    You better do! It looks amazing! She looked at the time on her watch and her eyes widened fuck! Times gone quickly! It’s lesson time! She snapped.

    Crap! I took the last bite of my waffle and threw the plastic dish in the bin. Grabbing our drinks and bags we began to rush to lesson we have media now don’t we? I asked and she nodded.

    Which classroom is it in today?

    I don’t know! I think it’s in E double three two! I said quickly as we continued to rush to the furthest building from the entrance. Building E.

    I wonder why all the buildings are known as letters and don’t actually have names. I think it would be cool if the buildings were called something like Gemini or Capricorn don’t you think? I mean it would be so much more creative if they were named after star signs. Casey began to go on one of her usual random moments.

    Or maybe its just easier to say a letter instead of Capricorn three, three two or Gemini four one, one or something like that I replied.

    True, I guess your right on that one

    Now do you know what would be cool, if students were allowed to decorate the classrooms with the art they like instead of the teachers, I think the rooms would look totally different!

    But then again there would be a lot of arguments among students

    True that! I replied just before we entered the media classroom on the third floor of the E building.

    Why are you two late? Clare asked as we entered the room. Her fiery red bob bounced as she looked to us. Today she was completely dressed in red, from a red jacket to a red pencil skirt, the only thing she wore that wasn’t red was her white shirt, the rest was red. Red shoes, red nail varnish, red lip stick and even red eye shadow (which didn’t look to bad if I going to be honest with you!).

    Taxi was late and Casey was giving me a hand, I’m not 100% today I replied and Casey nodded in agreement to the excuse.

    Okay, that’s understandable. Sit down at your usual computers, today we are doing your articles on double page spreads. That means you will be working on page layout! This lesson is purely, student work only. Which means I get a relaxing lesson of having to do nothing! Clare said with a smile.

    Casey and I sat in our seats next to each other and signed in on the computers to begin our work we have a double now, don’t we? I asked.

    Casey shook her head we have a single now and single just before lunch time, our time tables messed up today because it’s a Wednesday

    Ah yea, because I have two frees, a lesson and then lunch

    Yup and I have three lessons until lunch

    It was at that moment the feeling of beady, inhuman eyes watching me began to embed themselves deep within me. The feeling seemed to pierce through my very soul, and caused me to feel completely defenceless.

    As usual I was a head of the class and just wanted Clare to take a look at my work before I continued to see what she thought, so I put my hand up and called her name. But when she looked at me, fear seemed to strike her. She staggered backwards, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Her face went completely pale, almost green and she began to tremble slightly.

    Clare, are you okay? Casey asked.

    Clare quickly recovered herself before looking at me once again and nodding I-I’m fine her voice was shaky, weak and filled with horror as she stuttered her reply. Quickly she backed out of the room clearly to go recover herself.

    Did you see that? Casey asked, her voice filled with confusion, worry and fear I’ve never seen Clare act so strange before

    Neither have I, I’ve never seen her so nervous I replied. Soon Clare’s sudden actions became the highlight of every conversation in the entire classroom.

    Did you see the way she looked at you? She looked so frightened Casey said.

    I wonder why I said as I began to question such things.

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen a teacher stare at a student like that before. With such fear in their eyes. It’s unbelievable for someone’s actions to have just changed in a matter of seconds and in such a drastic way

    Clare didn’t return to the class, instead we were alone in the classroom.

    Kelly, the biggest spoilt brat I’d ever met in my entire life, sat opposite me and without showing any concern she started talking about how she should sell Clare a full pedigree dog that her parents bred because it looked like that was exactly what she needed. As usual, she went on to talk about how great and rich her family were.

    If she’s so amazing, then why did she fail last year? Casey whispered.

    I giggled and shrugged I have no idea!

    And plus she’s always trying to make people out to be inferior to her, she thinks she’s the prettiest girl in the world when she’s far from it Casey continued and it became clear that she was sick to death of hearing Kelly talk. Heck so was I, I’d become sick of hearing her talk the day I met her, she just had one of those extremely annoying voices and was too full of herself.

    I returned to my work and became lost in my imaginative world as I began to create my double page spread when a shadow figure in the corner of my eye caught my attention. For a moment I thought it was Alfred, the support mentor and so I took out my headphones and turned to look at him to see if there was anything he wanted to say. Like if he had any advice of what I could build up on but when I looked behind me there was no one there.

    Alfred was on the other end of the room helping another student. Ok, stay calm! It was just your imagination because you tired, that’s it. My thoughts attempted to soothe me yet it made no difference, something had followed me.

    Whatever it was that had been haunting me at home had clearly, somehow followed me to college. I turned to look back at the computer screen when a small chat log appeared in the corner of the screen. At the point, I still wasn’t entirely sure how to use a Mac computer to it’s fullest potential but when I saw what was written in the chat from an anonymous person, chills ran down my spine.

    You will be ours! You are ours!

    I gulped a large breath as I tried to block out what was on the chat. Quickly I pressed the close button and looked to Casey. I’m starting to get really freaked out I whispered. For a moment Casey looked confused and I took that as my cue to begin explaining what happened the night before and that morning.

    As I continued to explain to Casey what had been happening, my phone and the Mac computer both alerted me with messages from anonymous sources. Both saying the same thing;

    You will be ours! There is nothing you can do! No where you can hide! They can’t protect you forever, Priestess!

    I showed the messages to Casey and she gasped I think you need some sort of exorcists to come help you or something, maybe they can get rid of whatever this is pursuing you

    Suddenly there was a whisper in my ear and something seemed to brush against my ear Death . . . . Follow . . . . Priestess they were the only words I could understand that came from the crackling, demonic voice.

    I looked to Casey and for the first time since I can remember, I watched as she went pale d-did you hear t-that? She stuttered her words whilst trying to keep them quiet so that no one else could hear our conversation.

    Yea, I-I did I replied, unable to stop myself from stuttering.

    All I could make out were the words ‘Death, Follow and Priestess’ what about you? Did you get any other words?

    I shook my head I heard the exact same as you

    That voice, it sends shivers so deep it almost touches the bone Casey replied, her voice shaky and filled with fear you have to do something?

    Like what? Everyone will think I’m nuts! Especially Grandma, she’ll send me to loony-Ville in no time I muttered.

    Come on, she’s way too nice to do that, Grandma wouldn’t send one of her Granddaughters to loony-Ville, she loves us too much Casey said with a smile. For a moment I remembered the day our family seemed to adopt each other as one big family. I didn’t have a mum or a dad and Casey didn’t have grandparents. It just seemed to happen on that particular day, my grandparents adopted Casey as their granddaughter and her mum adopted me as her daughter, the same with her dad really but her parents had split up long ago.

    I hope your right I muttered more to myself than to Casey.

    Well we’ll see what happens. I’ll head to yours tonight in the taxi and just see what’s been going on because we seriously need a catch up Casey said.

    I think your suggesting a sleep over, are you not? I asked.

    Her smile grew that I am, now you better get your shit together tonight because your coming to mums! She paused for a moment, clearly lost in thought maybe we could catch some EVP readings, and stuff if this thing is following you



    The rest of the morning consisted of mindless chatter with Casey and having to put up with her boyfriend, or should I say Fiancé, whilst having a cigarette outside at break time. The entire time I felt as though I were being watched and when I asked Casey if she felt it too? Her answer was yes every time. Sometimes she asked me if I could feel it also and of course the answer was yes.

    I sighed as I sat down at a table in Dead mans alley with my pot noodle sat in front of me, waiting for Casey to finish her lesson so that we could start walking to our media lesson. Lucky for me I had a free and only a few people to talk to whom I was friends with.

    Ashlynn and her boyfriend Zack sat opposite, laughing about the latest love bite she’d given him. Ashlynn was a good looking girl and was always filled with energy. With her C cup boobs and her small size eight waist she didn’t have a bad figure either. She had long straight black hair and her eyeliner always seemed to suit her gothic look. Whilst Zack had big fluff ball hair, constantly a big ball of brown

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