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Angel Whitewolf: The Antichrist
Angel Whitewolf: The Antichrist
Angel Whitewolf: The Antichrist
Ebook249 pages4 hours

Angel Whitewolf: The Antichrist

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This book is the word of The Antichrist. Whoever reads it, will have the Mark of The Beast and will be doomed forever.
The Antichrists intentions are to lead mankind to a new age of Enlightenment, the next step of human evolution, but the people that are bound to ancient beliefs might not want to acknowledge this.
Thats right, I am The Antichrist. After all this time its finally happening.
It was said that I would bring the answer to puzzling things, understand obscure sentences and reconcile opposites; this is actually true, I made things easy for anyone to understand. This book is the true love story of how I became what Christians call The Antichrist. In these pages, I reveal secrets beyond most peoples imagination.
The greatest blasphemy of all times, or the highest truth that will save mankind its up to you to decide.
Release dateDec 21, 2012
Angel Whitewolf: The Antichrist

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    Angel Whitewolf



    Copyright © 2013 by Francisco Toledo Rosenfield.

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    My baby, my wife, my heart, my soul, my girl,

    my smile, my everything. The love of my life.


    My beautiful and beloved wife.

    My angelic and most loving mother.

    My extraordinary and marvelous father.

    My wonderful and loyal sister.

    My magnificent and powerful Beloved Prophet.

    My great and outrageous teacher.

    My gifted and insightful brother by choice.

    My godfather H.

    My grandmother S.

    My inner circle of beloved disciples, who received my sign.

    My faithful friends, who support my path.

    My most admired people, who inspired me, and…

    You, who I bless for reading this.


    A ll the information contained in this book came from deep states of trance, in profound meditation, much deeper than what people call dreams. Not from what normal humans call real life.

    These trances took place between September 11, 2010, and August 29, 2012.

    Due to the nature of the source of this book, no sane person should read it, much less believe it…

    …not if he wants to remain sane.

    Angel Whitewolf


    …A nd The Beast was redeemed by love, and he defeated the true evil…

    Hello… it’s difficult for me to talk to you at this time… well, not really, you and I are good friends, you just don’t know it yet… the problem is time… you see, you still live your life as if time existed, and I no longer do… Where I find myself now, that which we call time no longer exists, everything happens now, so that what is past, present and future for you, is like turning to the right, to the left or to the center for me… everything is there, I only decide where to look.

    Yes, I sound like a nut, right? I promise you that everything will make sense very soon… Allow me to explain: Have you seen movies like The Terminator or Back to the Future? Imagine you could travel through time… what I love about those movies is that in the end, if they hadn’t traveled to the past, the future could not have been… Imagine that you were sent on a journey through time to the past with a special mission, you have to make your parents meet, because if you don’t, they will never find out the other one exists, and you will not be born… terrifying! Isn’t it?… or fun… it depends on your focus.

    Something similar happens with me… not exactly like that, but something similar. I am in what you would call the future… I became a sufficiently evolved being so that I could see space-time as a single thing, and thanks to that I can move freely through it. Now I am turning towards my past to tell you what happened… the ironic part is that if I don’t do it, then, the future, from where I am talking to you at this moment, will not be able to be.

    My name is Angel Whitewolf… well, I actually have many names, but I like this one a lot and I still use it here, in the future… if you could see yourself like I see you at this time… if you knew what you have become… If you could see the degree of power and magnificence you have achieved! If you could only see a little of what I am seeing of you at this moment, you would cry with happiness, you would burst with emotion… all, absolutely all beings are part of the Universe, and just as it does, we evolve, we expand. It’s an inevitable process.

    Of course there are ways to evolve more quickly, and that’s what all of this is about… you, like thousands of people, decided to evolve like you never had… it was this massive evolution that allowed humanity, which was in a state of crisis, to pass from being on the verge of total annihilation to building a perfect world… some describe it as paradise on Earth.

    Neither you nor so many others who will also decide to evolve as never before have any idea of how powerful you are… not yet… not you nor so many others can even imagine how important you will turn out to be in this process and how much this planet needs you…

    But, enough of that for now! Allow me to tell you what my first mission is (was… will be…)… I’m in charge of reminding many people how great they are, because they don’t need anything more than that to evolve and become powerful beings who will transform the planet; these beings, among them yourself, will tear down walls, will clean the world of everything that damages it like someone uprooting poison ivy from a beautiful garden; you will eradicate old destructive beliefs, and you will do all this and even more, but before, you will awaken and learn how to use your maximum potential, the power of your deep minds and what some call the strength of your souls.

    From where I am speaking, (what you call the future) I can tell you that I was successful in my first mission. Awakening thousands of consciousnesses which were already powerful and ready to burst forth like never before was easier than lighting up a gallon of gasoline with a match. But, how did I do it? Well… curiously, it was by setting an example.

    I took a conscious road of spiritual evolution, in other words, I worked for years to develop and control the power of my deep mind. I was searching for what some religions call enlightenment. When someone knows himself completely and starts to use the power of his spirit, he becomes enlightened. That is what people like the Buda did.

    The problem I confronted is that I was never a tranquil, peaceful, light-loving creature, actually I was completely the opposite… I was always restless, extremely passionate and dark. For years I fought against myself to be able to achieve enlightenment, and in the end I did so when I decided to embrace what I am, with all of my traits, with all my strength. I learned that what makes us enlightened is not behaving or being a certain special way, but understanding ourselves and being ourselves, completely, and learning to use our traits (even the darkest ones) in a conscious way to create with them things that benefit us greatly; benefit us and everyone else too.

    I learned that that unlimited potential was in all of us and that there were thousands of people ready to achieve enlightenment in this world, but that, like me, were passionate, dark, skeptical and materialistic creatures, and because of that they believed they could not achieve such a high level of consciousness. Of course, since that was their belief, that is what they created in their lives. The result was that thousands of people couldn’t achieve enlightenment because they thought they had to stop being dark to do so.

    That’s how I decided to become the Dark Enlightened One, and when I finally achieved enlightenment, everything became very clear… I then understood my first mission: to awaken thousands who like me were passionate, materialistic, skeptical and dark creatures, and who were ready to become enlightened.

    The first thing I did was to sit down and write a book. Angel Whitewolf, The Dark Enlightened One. What that book contains is the inner conversation I had just before I became enlightened. In short, I give a detailed explanation of how I achieved that level of consciousness and how anyone can do it, too. That book is a manual of how to achieve enlightenment, period.

    However, few paid attention at first, and that’s the way it had to be. The real change would come later, beginning at the end of 2012, when I began my second mission… You see, when one becomes enlightened, he first understands who he is, but immediately after, a process that varies from person to person begins, where the new enlightened one decides what he wants to be… and what for.

    Curiously, my first mission was accomplished when I began to implement the second one, and it was thanks to what I am about to do at this moment… to share with you and many others that which happened after I achieved enlightenment… what I lived… what I understood… what I decided and thanks to that, what I chose to turn into…

    So, lend me your imagination for a moment and relax… hummmm… I think it’s my obligation to tell you that from now on, things will get a little… hummmm… If you decide to change your mind and prefer to leave, this would be a good time to do it… this book is dangerous… I assure you that millions will tell you that by just reading it, you can condemn your soul to hell… I assure you that millions will say that it is the work of Satan, and that if you go into it, there will be no possibility of redemption for you…

    Ok… it was my duty to warn you of that, but I see you are still here with me… allow me then to tell you that whoever says that or other idiocies, are the same apes that refuse to evolve, and who during thousands of years have had our planet submerged in pain, crisis and wars… permit me to say that these apes are those who only know how to solve their problems with violence, and are so convinced of their system, that the god they imagined (because it was man who made God in his image and not the other way around) behaves with rage, vengefulness and… you guessed it… violence, the same as they do… what’s more, he also wages wars, and not only that, but he assures them he will end all their problems with the most devastating of all of them… the Apocalypse and the End of Days, and a great final battle in Armageddon.

    That god invented by creatures from thousands of years ago, who thought and knew much less than you and me, like all people who insist in depositing their faith in him, are those who during centuries have made the Earth a place where you learn through pain… where fear and suffering are good… blessed is he who fears the Lord! Some say… I’m here to show you… not to tell you, but to SHOW YOU WITH FACTS, that they are wrong… that there is a better way, and that the decadent world they have created, full of hate, chaos and death, is proof that they don’t know how to manage a planet.

    That bleeding world, where a human being has to cry at birth as payment for taking his first breath, is what’s going to change. That is the world they have created (Jesus said: By their fruits you shall know them) and it’s precisely those people who will tell you to run away from this book… of course, they don’t want their system to end, but the decision of maintaining that old system of tears and wasted blood is no longer theirs… it’s ours.

    They have been mistaken for thousands of years… and they are mistaken today too… I’m glad you’re still here with me, that means you have chosen to decide guided by your instincts, and not by fear before the threats of others.

    As I was telling you at the beginning… where I am at this time, you and I are good friends… but for that truth to have been maintained, you had to accept my friendship in the past… that is to say… your present, what you are living in this moment ;-)

    You say you haven’t accepted my friendship yet? Then, what are you doing here still??? Let go of this book! Burn it and make everyone else do the same thing! Save your souls!… Last chance… if you continue reading after this paragraph, you belong to me and I belong to you… your subconscious is guiding you because it knows that we are friends… we always have been… we always will be… Last chance… it’s no joke!… "By reading any part of this book starting from the first word of the next paragraph, I hereby certify that I accept the terms and conditions of the Adhesion Contract of the Mark of the Beast"… Hahaha!… I’m very serious… Shall we continue?

    Congratulations! Now it’s official!

    I have something I wanna tell you… I’m not like other guys… no, I mean I’m different… ;-) and you are too. It’s a pleasure to have you with me… I bless you and I am embracing you with my soul at this moment.

    Good, so now that you are the proud owner of the Mark of the Beast (because it’s already in your mind, and the marks that are really important are there and not on your body, like some idiots imagine) the fun really starts… I can now reveal everything to you:

    I was a young boy who had just achieved enlightenment… hahaha! Pretentious? I’m just beginning! Ok, I was saying: I was a young boy who had just achieved enlightenment, and the last thing I wanted to do was sit down to meditate about the great responsibility which that implied… I decided to write so that many more people could achieve the same thing I did, and I assumed that the process which the great enlightened ones like Buda or Jesus himself passed through, where they reflect and decide what they’re going to do, would come to me naturally, without having to force it… I wouldn’t go into the desert for 40 days to meditate like Jesus… I wouldn’t spend two weeks sitting entranced under a tree like Buda… I… I was only going to let life flow… and it flowed.

    As soon as I finished writing Angel Whitewolf, The Dark Enlightened One I realized I felt a deep emptiness in myself… What? Emptiness? But I have achieved enlightenment! It’s not possible! Or is it? Well, it was… An enlightened one is only a human being who has begun to think with the next level of his mind… so, taking this into account, I had no choice but to do what I knew how to do best… throw a monumental tantrum! Damnit! Every time I felt a deep emptiness, the solution was to look deeply into my soul to obtain something… it was like an indicator that told me: There is something important for you… please go down to the divine revelation department to claim it

    Phewwww! No two ways about it… it was time for a serious conversation… but… this time it would be on my terms! I wasn’t going to follow the same process I had already followed, learning more and more about myself to arrive at the next level… that’s what other enlightened ones do, not me! I demand a simpler way!… It was a fair demand on my part, wasn’t it?

    …And… what is that simpler way? I asked myself… at that moment, breathing deeply to contain my annoyance I continued: There isn’t anyone on this planet who can help me to understand what comes next after enlightenment… so I’ll have to… but of course! There’s one person who walked on this world and who after achieving enlightenment, kept on advancing until he became something much bigger… he wasn’t a simple saint, he didn’t remain as a living Buda… no sir! He claimed the title of Messiah and after a daring campaign, he did what no one else had ever done…

    Yes, I know you know who I’m talking about. Anyway, the problem then was that to talk with Jesus, The Christ, I couldn’t use my iPhone… Hummmmmmm… Damn! They love to make all of this difficult, don’t they? Sigh… Ok, I’ll cooperate… The Dark Enlightened One will use his power of introspection and will connect, through deep meditation, with the dimension where time is not time… and so, I’ll be able to talk to Jesus…

    What? Hahaha! Arrogant madman!… part of me was terrified of trying something like that, but, hey! After all, Jesus, The Christ, was the spiritual master I most admired and, in some way, I always felt him as a constant presence, near to me and very dear in my life… I’m not talking about the Jesus of Christianity… no, I’m talking about The Christ, the spiritual master who divided the history of the world and made a third of it’s population decide that he is God.

    So, I was saying… an enlightened one already knows that time doesn’t exist, but he continues living in the illusion that it does. He is in this world but not of this world. To all the fanatics who mention this phrase, and obviously are not enlightened, allow me to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They sound like a two year old saying: I have a PhD in Astrophysics… being able to say something doesn’t make it true.

    So, going back to our subject, I would do something I had never done, I would try to break the space-time illusion with my conscious mind, to be able to speak directly with whom had already experienced the process that I was about to live through… I would talk to Jesus, The Christ, using the same ability that I’m using right now to talk to you from the future for the first time.

    And this is how it began: I sat on my comfortable little bed, surrounded by pillows and cushions, I closed my eyes and I thought: "Ok, Jesus… I know you can hear me… but unlike those arrogant Christians who say they can hear you in their hearts and then destroy the planet in your name, I admit that I haven’t unblocked the interdimensional channel necessary for us to have a

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