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Myisha on High
Myisha on High
Myisha on High
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Myisha on High

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High School can be very scary. Myisha and her friends, Kashmere and Jamal are now taking on a new course in their young lives that none of them expected...growing up. From challenging a senior track star in a foot race to taking on a bully, Demetria. Myisha with the support of her mother, family, and friends will come through like only she knows how.
Release dateAug 27, 2013
Myisha on High

Kaleah Carter

Kaleah Carter is the oldest daughter of the African-American Folk artist, Dollner and James Tyler Brown Sr. Ms. Carter was raised by her mother along with four siblings, Melissa, James, Dana, and Thomas. Despite the ever going struggles of being raised in a one parent household, Kaleah never gave up her desire to express herself by means of writing. Ms. Carter currently resides with her family in Norfolk Virginia. She is the proud mother of Hasaan and Khadijah Carter and grandchildren, Kaianah, Kamrin, Laniyah, and Kamil.

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    Myisha on High - Kaleah Carter

    © 2013 by Kaleah Carter. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/26/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1192-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-1189-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013915647

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    Chapter One

    High School

    Chapter Two


    Chapter Three

    Miss Carter

    Chapter Four


    Chapter Five

    Staying Focused

    Chapter One

    High School


    Hello everybody. It’s me again. I haven’t been writing much because I have been so busy with family and friends. Being that Jamal, Kashmere, and me start high school this year, I thought that I’d get back to it. We have three days left of summer vacation. My mother has been zipping around from store to store, picking up school stuff for me. I am scared of going to high school. I heard that the seniors pick with the new ones at the school that we were going to.

    Myisha, telephone! my mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. It was Kashmere on the phone for me. Hey girl, guess what? she asked while smacking on something. What’s up? Nancy called me crying. Why? I asked. We have to wear uniforms this year. I had almost dropped the phone at hearing that. But my mother has brought me a bunch of clothes. Mine did too. We got the letter in the mail today. Why do you think that they waited so late to mail those letters? I asked. I don’t know. The seniors are really going to crush us now. Well, my mother is still fussing because she has to go and look for uniforms." Kashmere said.

    Oh Lord! my mother yelled from the hallway. No they did not send me this crap! Apparently, my mother had just gone out to check her mail. Your mother sounds just as mad as mine. Kashmere said as momma continued to fuss with herself in the hallway. I’m going to let you get off of the phone. Almost as soon as I was off of the phone with my best friend, my mother came into my room. She was carrying a letter in her hand. I knew when they built Ocean View High School, that it was going to be problems. she said. They want you all to wear uniforms this year! Kashmere just told me. She then sat down on the edge of my bed. Baby, I am going to send you with your dad to look for a few uniforms. she said. Those school officials are not going to bug me today.

    Bawling up the letter, my mother made a perfect shot in the waste basket with it across the room. That was pretty good momma. I said. It went right in. Yeah, I miss basketball. I was amazed at this point. You played basketball? I asked her. Oh yes. she said smiling. I played in high school. She then turned to me. Jamal’s father and me were the best on our teams. Is that how you met him? I asked. No, I’ve known Robert all of my life. she said. Ms Hillman used to take care of us as kids. Nancy’s grandmother.

    I began to think about Jamal. He had grown a little taller over the summer. I don’t know what it was about him. He made me feel a little bit uncomfortable at times. Ma, did Mr. Robert ever make you feel funny when you two were growing up? Oh yeah. she said beginning to laugh. I started to like him. Something like you and Jamal. Momma, Jamal is my friend. Again, she laughed. He’s grown a little taller Myisha. my mother said. Jamal is a handsome young man. He’s Jamal. I assured her. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly released it. Sweetheart, you are becoming of age now. It is perfectly natural for you to be attracted to young men your age.

    Yeah, but we are talking about Jamal. I said. I grew up with this boy. I know. she said. Even though you have known him all of your life, I am expecting you to still carry yourself like a young lady. I could tell by the look on her face, that I was about to receive a lesson in womanhood. My mother was very smart and I trusted her. I am a young lady ma, what do you mean? Well, you are going to high school sweetie. she said. Jamal is not the only young man who will find you attractive. I know. Robert liked me last year.

    Myisha, there are going to be young men in your school who are sexually active. she said. These young men will be looking at you. They may even try to pressure you into doing something that you are not ready for. The very idea of that made me feel even more afraid of high school. Well, what can I do about it ma? I asked her. I don’t want guys looking at me like that. Honey, there is not much that you can do about them looking. she said while taking my hand. Still, as a young lady, you may want to stay close with your friends and do not go off alone with a young man. This can serve as your protection.

    For a moment, I just sat there. A part of me really wished that I had been retained this coming year. I did not want to think about the pressure of anything for that matter. Don’t worry about school sweetheart. she assured me with a kiss. You can get through anything that you put your mind to. My mother had a way of giving me the confidence that I needed. Oh, there is one more thing that I wanted to share with you Myisha. momma said before getting up. I’ll be right back.

    It wasn’t long before she came back. My mother was carrying a small, red, gift bag. She was smiling happily as she neared me. I was going to save this until you went to school but I just couldn’t wait. Inside the bag, there was a red box with a bow on it. What is it? I asked. Oh child, open it. she said briefly patting my shoulder. It was a cell phone. Upon catching sight of the lavender and silver phone, I threw my arms around her. Momma, it’s beautiful! I said while continuing to hug her. It is just what I wanted!

    It is already on sweetheart. she said smiling. You have unlimited texting, calling, and free nights and weekends. I didn’t know how to text on my new phone but my mother showed me how. Daddy and me thought that you were old enough to have a cell phone. she went on. And because I worry so much, I would like for you to have it with you at all times. Again, I gave her another hug. Thanks ma.

    I am going to go and call your father. she said while getting up. He is going to take you out to look for school uniforms. O.k. Almost as she was out of the door, I called Kashmere back. Girl, you are not going to believe this! I said happily. My parents got me a cell phone! Stop playing! she said followed by a small giggle. I’m calling you from it right now! You go girl! she said happily. I hope that my mom will let me have one this year. I’m sure that she will. We can carry our phones in high school because the mayor approved of it. We just cannot have them out and talking on them during class. How do you know? I asked her. Girl, the mayor’s daughter saved her college from an attack by using her cell phone in the restroom to call the cops.

    Unlike Kashmere, I rarely pay attention to the local news. At times, I will read an article or two in the newspaper but that’s it. Perhaps this article about the mayor’s daughter was one that I had skipped. That sounds good to me. Well anyway, I am happy for you girl. she said. I hope that I get one soon. Child, we are in high school now. I assured her. Your momma will come around.

    Kashmere sighed deeply. I hope so. My mom be trippin. Well, I think that she will get you one after she sees mine. We have been friends for a long time. Nancy has a cell phone. Oh yeah? Yeah, she got it not long after her house burned down last year. Well, don’t worry about it Kashmere. Your time is coming. I don’t know. she said in almost a whisper. For a moment, she sounded sad. A part of me was beginning to regret telling her about my new cell phone.

    Oh, I am glad that you called me back. she said piping up. Kashmere was the neighborhood gossip girl. Mr. Thompson’s dog finally kicked the bucket. Brownie? Yeah, my mother ran into him at the grocery store. She felt sorry for him and invited the poor old man to dinner. Wow, when did Brownie die? He must have killed over last night. she said beginning to smack on something. He was the only one who thought that his little devil dog was nice. Poor guy. I said. Didn’t his wife die early last year? Yeah, I guess that was why my mother felt sorry for him..

    You are not going to believe this but my mother is helping him prepare a memorial service for his dog! That’s funny. It isn’t funny. she said. Because I have to be there. Putting down the phone for a minute, I giggled quietly before picking it back up. Myisha, please come with me. I do not want to sit alone as Mr. Thompson goes on about how good his demon on wheels was. At this, I held my breath so as not to laugh at my friend. Brownie has chased and bit just about everybody in the neighborhood. she went on. He did us a favor by passing away.

    I can’t promise that I won’t laugh through the ceremony. I told my slightly disgusted friend. "But I will go with you. Maybe we can get Jamal and Courtney to come along as

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