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Love so Deep Within: A Gift of Praise and Hope for Caregivers
Love so Deep Within: A Gift of Praise and Hope for Caregivers
Love so Deep Within: A Gift of Praise and Hope for Caregivers
Ebook45 pages42 minutes

Love so Deep Within: A Gift of Praise and Hope for Caregivers

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Comparing the intertwining complexity of the Book of Kells with the complexity of our relationship with those we love and care for, Love So Deep Within weaves the difficult subjects of dying and living with cancer into a memoir of one whose recent journey takes you beyond the doors to both worlds.

The Book of Kells was written during times of immense struggles within the world for dominance and power in approximately AD 800; however, a small group of monks off the coast of Ireland were diligent in creating a masterpiece of the four gospels of the Bible, illuminated with vibrant, rare colors and tints of the images of life and featuring figures of humans, animals, and mythical beasts together with interlacing patterns.

Love So Deep Within tells us a story of not giving up and of compassion to the very end. It tells us of the richness of our experience of living with those who are close to death, and yet live with us stillof the passage of time, inconsequential and yet full of transition and of a time so precious to us that it lingers. And that this time is a powerful gift.

Love So Deep Within is a story of love, compassion, and hope for caregivers everywhere.

Release dateDec 20, 2013
Love so Deep Within: A Gift of Praise and Hope for Caregivers

Joyce Stier

Joyce Stier holds a BA in education from Franconia College and advanced studies in public administration from Florida Atlantic University. She has worked in the fields of public administration, advertising, and education. She has been a caregiver to many family members over the years who were afflicted with heart conditions, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Joyce Stier now resides in Charleston, South Carolina.

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    Love so Deep Within - Joyce Stier

    Copyright © 2013 Joyce Stier.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0815-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0816-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013920374

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 12/19/2013



    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to my husband,

    Paul R. Stier

    As a cancer patient, I really didn’t want to read this. I set it aside for a few days, walked past it, pushed it farther away, and then finally picked it up. You’ll be pleased to know I read it beginning to end in a single sitting, which is rare for me and a compliment to your style and command of the language.

    I was, as you might imagine, afraid of reading my own fate. I have a frightening respect for cancer. It killed my fifty-seven-year-old father, a hell of a guy, a tank commander for Patton who didn’t drink or smoke, as routinely as an assassin.

    For the past five years, my cancer has revealed itself only as numbers on a printout. No sickness. No pain. Not yet. But, I, like you, know it is a relentless stalker of life and that someday I will meet it face-to-face. That said, I read every world of your work with ease. I believe stories of death should be about life. And yours is tenderly told.

    —Ken Burger, southern author of an award-winning collection of columns, Baptized in Sweet Tea plus three novels, Swallow Savannah, Sister Santee, and Salkehatchie Soup.


    Heartfelt thanks are extended to CHOA staff; affiliates with Roper St. Francis Hospital, Charleston, South Carolina; Lutheran Hospice; and Hospice of Charleston for their devoted care and support for Paul through his journey’s end. Your support and kindness will always be remembered.

    Special thanks and kindness are extended to Father Marshall Huey of Old St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, the Stier family, neighbors and friends who have held us dear to their hearts, lifted us up with their friendship and support, and with their encouragement, made this book possible.


    Just imagine if we lived in a world without trees. Or imagine that there were no flowers or birds singing in the background of our days. Imagine that the smells of freshness and clean air did not exist. Imagine that the one you love, the one who has been your companion and friend for years on end - it seems forever - has disappeared.

    Vanished. Gone.

    Where? Why? How could this happen?

    I’m sitting here with my love, reading about the Book of Kells. We are talking about the vibrant, rare colors and tints used to create the images of life found in the manuscript, the history of all that had come before. It is so wonderful in its ancient hues of blue, gold, yellow, purple, red, and more, created from

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