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Living with Messages from Heaven:: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond
Living with Messages from Heaven:: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond
Living with Messages from Heaven:: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Living with Messages from Heaven:: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond

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Living with Messages from Heaven: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond will enlighten you while awakening your souls connection to the beyond.

Psychic Mediums in todays millennium connect to this channel of information through their own uniquely developed skills of intuition. People who work in this profession have a need for ethics and must be aware of the grand responsibility connected to this work.

You will learn the parameters of this work as a job; what a Psychic Medium can do for you; and how to go about matching up with someone who is ethically and divinely connected.

When you become aware of your spiritual development, finding someone to help you tap into that intuition is a blessing. Manifest now into your life a positive outlook with a greater sense of understanding. Use this guide as a resource to Modern Day Psychic Mediumship.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 15, 2014
Living with Messages from Heaven:: A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond

Rebecca Anne LoCicero

Rebecca Anne LoCicero has been working within the New England area, nationally and worldwide for 20+ years as psychic medium. “Messages from Heaven” her main presentation involving direct, divine and accurate “readings” for the people from their loved ones who have died. Rebecca has an exclusive and unique way to present her messages. She is bold, brassy, honest, loud, outgoing, accurate, hysterically funny and full of joy! She will entertain you and touch your heart as she talks about her connections “here and there” and the passageways in-between. “If your dead people want to get a message to you they will find me! When we cross over, we retain our free will and our personality and messages will reflect who we truly were! Get ready! You will laugh, cry, scream and shout. It will be soul fulfilling!” (r.a.l) Rebecca Anne often refers to herself as a “one of a kind” as you never know which outrageous words or references she will bluntly convey to her audience. Clients easily associate to the way she shares the information with honesty to what she is receiving in real world expressions. Currently her presentations are being held in a variety of locations including national comedy clubs such as “The Funny Bone”, holistic centers, lecture hall, and expositions as a headliner presenter and more. She can be heard in Massachusetts (WRSI, The River) and throughout Connecticut on mainstream radio monthly as the guest psychic. Blog Talk Radio is the internet radio provider for her personal show. She has appeared on “Better Connecticut” and numerous other local access channel shows. Her reach goes beyond that as she is a three- time published author and the owner of The Beyond Center, her home base and private office. This is where she teaches classes, holds smaller presentations and groups, produces The Beyond Newsletter, and hosts her own internet Radio Show. Rebecca Anne is also proud to work as a tested & certified medium through the Forever Family Foundation for the last 8 years. Being in this line of work allows Rebecca Anne to work side by side with many special gifted people. She has lectured alongside motivational speakers and healers *However, Rebecca knows, and is confident, that her reputation stands on her experience and accuracy in this business and knows she can “rock that spirit world” without “associations” to others! “The dead don’t care about your social status; they just want to share their unending love with those still here.” (r.a.l)

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    Living with Messages from Heaven: - Rebecca Anne LoCicero

    Living With Messages

    from Heaven

    A Guide to Conversations with the Beyond

    Rebecca Anne LoCicero


    Copyright © 2014 Rebecca Anne LoCicero.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2283-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2284-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014917272

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/25/2014


    1   An Introduction

    2   There Are Three Rules to Know Before I Read You; They Are Not Rules So Much as They Are Simple Guidelines to Receive the Best Reading You Can

    3   Becoming a Psychic Medium: My Story

    4   It’s a Job

    5   Myth: Psychic Mediums Are Just For Paranormal Shows to Deal with Hauntings

    6   Connecting With the Spirit of a Little Girl

    7   How to Understand the Negative Aspects and Opinions of the Work a Psychic Medium Does

    8   Living As a Psychic Medium: A Life Choice Involving Acceptance

    9   The Ability – In Terms and Definition

    10 Looking at Mediumship and Discernment of Spirits

    11 Truly Receiving the Information: How the Connection Can Happen Through a Psychic Medium

    12 Lots of Responsibility

    13 How Could This Gift To Connect With God Be A Burden?

    14 A Story: One Answer from God and One Psychic Reading in New York

    15 Ethics: Expanding Morality

    16 Why Go to a Psychic Medium?

    17 Don’t Read the Whole Me; Just What I Want You to Read and Some Future Prophecy Too!

    18 There Are Some Quick Rules and Guidelines to Consider Before Getting a Reading

    19 Come With Awareness of Your Own Ethics and Responsibility In Front Of You

    20 Do The Messages From Heaven Always Come Through?

    21 Psychic Mediums Can Be Wrong?

    22 How a Psychic Reading Can Vary

    23 Where Are The Dead People That Mediums Talk To?

    24 Healing Purpose to Connecting to the Spiritual Realm

    25 Why Should Someone Not Go For A Reading?

    26 How Do You Know Which Psychic To Go To?

    27 How Should Someone Prepare For A Session With A Psychic Medium?

    28 Do You Think That When People Seek Counsel From Psychics That it Affects Their Energy or the Energy of the Situation, Either in a Good Way or a Bad Way?

    29 Needing to Have Life Experiences Without Intuitive Help

    30 An Attunement Just For You!

    31 Who Cares What Your Foundation of Belief Is?

    32 Is a Psychic Medium a Prophet?

    33 Your Gift of Knowing, Healing and Connecting to Intuition

    34 Using Your Free Will to Accept From Messages from Heaven Outside of a Religion

    35 Angels and Guides

    36 Oneness Discovered Through Self-Skepticism

    37 Manifesting The Intuitive Power To Receive Direction On Your Path

    This book was written by Rebecca Anne LoCicero as an Advocate for Psychic Mediumship and Prophets in the Millennium

    For Julia*Ronald*Nora

    And with special dedication to all my friends & family there in Heaven!

    Chapter 1

    An Introduction

    I am in a constant state of learning and discerning. In no way is this book my end-all opinion, however, it does reflect, quite clearly, my current standing on issues related to the term psychic medium. I am a psychic medium; at least this is what I call one aspect of myself. There are a lot of words to describe what it is that I do. For example: prophet, seer, gypsy, fortune-teller, clairvoyant, reader, oracle, channeler, intuitive, etc. I have heard some call me an evildoer, bad witch and other not-so-pleasant names. I do understand that, where there is a fear of the unknown or strict religious foundations, the unpleasant terms could arise. With a clear explanation and understanding of what I do, I hope to educate those who do not understand what the millennium perception of the words ‘psychic medium’ means. I hope to convey what a sense of joy and peace surrounds the whole term.

    Know up front that I do not teach just one technique; I teach no new modalities. The gifts and abilities that a psychic medium has would not fit into one small box or one simple definition. This book is not a class, or a lesson; it is an awakening of the awareness that there is a connection to the beyond. This book is not an instruction manual as much as it is a resource of truths and beliefs, guidelines and information. Even though I have taken many classes from a variety of resources and even consider myself an expert in some areas, I commit myself to the belief that there is not one specific way to connect to your intuition. The ways are limitless. I am a psychic medium so I am guiding and mentoring others along their paths to enlightenment with every client I connect for. That is a big responsibility and one that I have learned to grasp onto as I have become more experienced in this field of work. I know there are many of us who are on that same mission in life while guiding others in the way of their soul. This book will share with you more in-depth information in that area. I believe that all modalities are already within our gifts and abilities as they resonate with our souls. We were born with the gift to connect to Heaven, to information, to our loved ones who have crossed. That ability lies within and always has. It is more a time to awaken to that realization then to analyze the idea of it. I present myself as a guide to others to open up and then to guide themselves within their own gifts. This is an area where Spirit dwells, God is present and there is no judgment.

    There are many aspects to the term psychic medium. I believe, first and foremost, that being a psychic medium is a gift for our human experience; it is a spiritual connection. It is not, however, my only reason or explanation for my gifts. Religious experiences and mystical forces have great influences on my opinions however, it does not end there. It is a strong connection to energy, free will and science, all connected to consciousness, experience and open-mindedness. It is knowledge and education, memories and physiological experiences all connected together.

    The title psychic medium goes beyond just the words. It is a gift, but it is also an ability which is treated like any other ability. If you like the piano and have a gift to play piano, you should take lessons, practice, and continue to play and practice to keep your ability fresh. Some may be born with the talent as well. Is that a gift? Is that an ability? I believe it is both and with that gift comes focused direction to produce and prosper within that ability. Having the ability to know as a psychic medium does should be treated like ability and nurtured through classes, prayer, meditation and research to understand the purpose of the ability. There is always purpose behind the information that is received. It is also considered ability due to the fact that it is a physical and scientific energetic process. It does affect body and mind in ways that are beyond just the spiritual connection. It is a process involving our total being. As a psychic medium, when receiving information, there are times when the human body takes a toll. I often describe it as running. You can go so far for so long and when the time comes for you to stop, there is that adrenalin rush, the runner’s high, and your body is tired and drained. There is a need to relax, unwind, reclaim your energy and rejuvenate one’s own personal power to be able to continue in this line of work.

    Taking the title of a psychic medium into one’s life to share with others is a huge life choice. When sharing with your family, friends, or local circles that you have abilities brings about opinions from everyone. If you choose to state that you are a psychic medium, you have to be totally comfortable and knowledgeable about what you are claiming. It is a process of acceptance; it is not just about others accepting you. First, it must be all about you. It was about me, what I

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