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Involuntary Servitude: Slavery Is Alive and Well in America
Involuntary Servitude: Slavery Is Alive and Well in America
Involuntary Servitude: Slavery Is Alive and Well in America
Ebook60 pages55 minutes

Involuntary Servitude: Slavery Is Alive and Well in America

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The Authors experience dealing with the IRS and Congress has led him to know that most Americans earn insufficient income to have a tax liability. The current taxing system, Title 26 United States Code, is all based on semantics, not fact of law.

This experience culminated with the IRS placing levies and liens against him and his wife. He knew the IRS had no authority to use these penalties and set out on a journey to prove this true. This book documents that most people who work in the private sector of the economy do not owe the Federal or State income tax, are not subject to levies or liens and have a right to challenge Congress and demand their monies returned. (The statute of limitations for getting you money back is 3 years) What the IRS is doing, with Congresss blessing is fraud.

The author hereby offers Congress and/or Treasury the opportunity to rebut the documented facts in this book. An open forum in the media, preferably the Chris Mathews or Ed Shultz shows on the MSNBC Network would allow the American public the opportunity to hear the truth concerning their taxes. I request your help in making this happen by contacting your representative.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 19, 2013
Involuntary Servitude: Slavery Is Alive and Well in America

James (JIM) Roediger

The author was born and raised in Detroit Michigan until the age of 18. He joined the US Navy at that time and spent 22 years serving his country, mostly on Submarines. After he left the Navy he became interested in law and its operation. This led him to study tax laws for the next 19 years where he began to ask his government questions. The responses to his questions were silence. They could not answer without incriminating themselves to fraud. The author now takes those questions public with this book.

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    Involuntary Servitude - James (JIM) Roediger

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6842-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6843-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 2/15/2013


    Involuntary Servitude



    Chapter 1   The United States Constitution

    Chapter 2   The 1⁶th Amendment

    Chapter 3   United States Code (Usc)

    Chapter 4   The Code Of Federal Regulations Treasury Regulations

    Chapter 5   Income And The Income Tax

    Chapter 6   Why?

    Chapter 7   Where Do We Go From Here



    The condition of one who is compelled by force, coercion, or imprisonment, and against his will, to labor for another, whether he is paid or not; i.e. Slavery, peonage, or compulsory labor for debts; all of which are prohibited by the 13th Amendment, U.S. Constitution. Black’s Law Dictionary, sixth edition


    We are told by our Government and IRS employees that we pay the Income Tax by Voluntary Compliance. To volunteer to do something is an act of free choice. To comply with something is also an act but in conformity, consent or to obey. A synonym is to agree. Should we agree to do something we are not required to do per the U.S. Constitution?

    I believe there are few persons in this country that would pay the Income Tax if these words were all that required them to do so. And yet, these words are the truth behind what requires them to pay taxes on their earnings in exchange for their labor in the private sector. To pay the income tax is to volunteer to comply with the rules set forth in what we are told is the tax law or code. Federal employee’s labor is subject to the Income Tax as it is said to be a privilege to work for the federal government. It is also an honor and privilege to go too far off places to serve and give all for your country. I lived by that as I was in the Navy for 22 years. To work in the private sector is not a privilege but a right not to be interfered with by the Federal Government.

    Why then do we

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