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A Gunfighter's Gold
A Gunfighter's Gold
A Gunfighter's Gold
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A Gunfighter's Gold

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Straight-laced Emily is building a new life for herself breeding horses with her father on his cattle ranch in Jackson, California. However, shes angry, and hiding dark secrets about her failed marriage. When she finds herself in gunfighter, Garrett Stones arms shes even angrier. Garrett Stone rode into town with a saddlebag of secrets he is hiding from everyone in Jackson. As far as everyone knows hes a famous gunfighter, hired to guard Gold shipments for the Kennedy Mine, and has a desire to play Poker. However, when Garrett is forced to take in his late sisters two children he and Emily are just barely on speaking terms. Garrett unknowingly by reputation foils a kidnapping attempt and in turn is ambushed by six of Kennedys men. Emilys father, Jed Thomas decides to hide Garrett at their vast cattle ranch forcing both of them to face their physical attraction and desire for one another. Jed has also been keeping a secret from his two children for some time now and when it is revealed it could blow the family apart. Gunfighters Gold is a true western romance with an Old South Flare, set in the Gold Rush town of Jackson Ca. in the 1860s. This book will have you laughing one moment, crying the next, with plenty of intrigue, action and romance to keep you turning the pages.
Release dateSep 17, 2013
A Gunfighter's Gold

Cheyenne West

Born and raised primarily in Northern California a top of a horse, CHEYENNE WEST has degrees in both Animal and Social Science. She has written for the court system for the past eleven years it seems only natural she would write a book combining both her life experiences and her education. Cheyenne still lives and works in the California foothills with her husband and four children. Although she no longer competes in the horse industry she still owns and rides her four horses. She is currently writing the precursor to the book she currently has published and if all goes well plans to also write the sequel to A Gunfighters Gold.

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    A Gunfighter's Gold - Cheyenne West


    Twenty years earlier:

    He sat on the side of the road thinking and waiting for the Mc Entire house slave, April to come by in her wagon. He was only eight years old but he knew she was the prettiest mulatto girl he had ever seen. He heard the other gentry’ boys talking and they heard she was turning fifteen. He remembered being told by his papa, he was not supposed to think the slave girls was pretty. But he just could help it. She had such long dark brown hair and skin that looked sweet cream.

    At last he could see her coming down the road. He had the lemons he knew she needed for her lemon cream pie. He always picked only the best lemons for her, because she would talk to him longer about how beautiful they were. As her wagon came up to a stop he said his standard procession, Sack of lemons to cure Massa’s sweet disposition?

    This always made her smile. Same price as always.

    Garrett smiled up at her, Only for you, Ms. April.

    She smiled at him as she stepped out of the wagon, Garrett you is such a sweet boy, few years, those eyes and that smile, they goin to cast a spell on the girls round here. You and yo sister come from such good stock. Yo family is able to run yo family’s farm, and yo Daddy I have heard, don’t own his slaves. April stated with much conviction.

    Garrett looked at her and smiled, My Daddy says, no one should own another. Besides, we raise horses and have trees. No profit in the, up keep, of ownin slaves, anyway. My sister finished her book. Told me to give to ya.

    April smiled, she quickly grabbed the book and paid him for the lemons. She stepped back in her wagon, Au revoir mon ami.

    Garrett grinned, Au revoir mon ami, He always loved it when she spoke to him French, and had taught he and his sister many sayings. She told him, he would need it someday. Occasionally, she would speak to him in Spanish. He remembered Ms. April telling him, she spoke French because her mama was a slave from Louisiana, and that her mama’s daddy was part Indian. It always seemed strange to him, that she was so beautiful and knew so much, and yet was slave.

    One week later he saw Ms. April coming again in her wagon. Garrett could see from a distance Ms. Aprils beautiful face was discolored. As she approached he could see one of her eye was swollen shut and purple. Red and green bruises extended down to the bottom of her chin. In addition, she had purple and green bruises going down her neck and into the neckline of her dress. As she pulled the wagon to a stop his eyes focused on the purple and blue bruises on her arms, hands and fingers. It appeared to him, two or three of her fingers were broken. Her appearance frightened him and he wanted to help her, he had never seen someone beaten so badly.

    Garrett asked her, Miss April, you alright?

    She struggled a smile, and he could tell, it hurt her to do so, You never no mind. I’ll get through it. He had known April as long as he could remember and it scared him to see her this way. Garrett had been brought up by his father and grandfathers never to hit a woman. He could not imagine what would make someone deface her in such a way. He ran as fast as he could to the horse barn, where he knew he would find his father. He told his father what he had seen. He could see the anger well up in his fathers face.

    His father looked down at him and stated, What happed to her, was a evil thing. But you need to have faith that God is watchin over her. Things are a changin, with this Particular Institution, and slaves may become a thing of the past. Now, you remember. You don’t say nothin about our family’s beliefs. If any of the Gentry should ask, you just say, my father is kind to his slaves.

    Later that day Garrett saw his father speak to Ms. April as they past each other on the road. He could not get close enough to hear what they were saying, but he did see her smile at the end of their conversation.

    At dinner that night, Garrett could see the worry in his mamma’s face. He knew something was wrong. His older sister did not seem to notice as she had her nose in the book his father had bought her when he went to town. He saw his father packing food into a sack, and his mamma hang a quilt on the fence to dry. His dad stayed up late that night. Garrett tried to stay awake but fell asleep somewhere around midnight.

    He awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh bacon cooking on the stove and his father telling him he was burnin daylight and to get his skinny self out of bed.

    As he helped his father with a new foal he could see a group of riders approaching their place. At the lead, was Mr. Mc Entire and his Overseer, he knew the men in the back to be Slave Catchers. He road straight up to their barn and stated, Henry, I’m missin one of my slave girls. You wouldn’t happen to know what happen to her, would ya?

    Henry shook his head, No can’t say that I would. Course, I wouldn’t know which one you is missin. So, I probably wouldn’t be much help, no ways.

    Mr. Mc Entire stated, It’s the one your boy always sells the lemons to for my lemon cream pie. She’s runned off, and we’ve seen no sign of her nowhere. Thinkin she had some help.

    Henry gestured toward the road, Last time I saw her she was comin back from town in yo wagon. She thanked me for sellin her the fruit as always, and that was it.

    Mr. Mc Entire stated, Well, Thanks Henry. She’s probably 50 miles north of hear by now. I’ll just pay these Catchers to go North. She took my Bourbon and Brandy recipe with her. She’s worth a good 6 to 800 dollars. 12 if she were still a virgin. But she’s not. He smiled, Well boys, lets get back to the house. Well have to make plans to go north. Good day Henry

    Henry smiled, Hope you find your girl.

    Garrett looked up at his father, and asked after they were half way down the drive. Daddy, what did he mean bout her not bein a virgin? His father looked at him and stated, Lets just say, he used her for more than just her cookin skills.

    Chapter One

    She dismounted her horse walked it to the livery. Good mornin Emily. Goin to that Bank awful early aren’t ya? Hickson the Livery owner asked.

    Emily could see the sun coming over the Sierras and she knew it was going to be another beautiful spring morning in Jackson, Yes, well, another shipment is leaving the Mine this morning. That means, the mine workers will be gettin paid, so I have to get everything done before they hit town.

    Hickson grinned, Well, I guess I should get ready for horses to be stayin with me then. Cause, sometimes, those miners get so drunk they forget where they left their horse, and I get a extra day or two rent out of em.

    Emily laughed, Looks like both of us are going to have a busy day.

    Just then she saw a lone rider, riding into Jackson. Emily knew everyone in Jackson, and she had never seen this man before. But the man was a top the most gorgeous Red Dun horse she had ever seen. Emily and her father bred some of the best cattle horses in California, and this horse was as good, if not better than what they were breeding. The horse’s movements intrigued her, they were different than any horse she had ever seen. As the man rode closer she could see his long dark caped canvas coat. She noticed he was carrying two rifles and two side arms. Emily knew right away he was a hired gun, probably for the Kennedy Mine.

    The man looked right at Hickson, and stopped his horse, Lookin for the Kennedy Mine. It’s supposed to be up the road a piece.

    Hickson pointed, You’re on the right track just keep goin up the road and you’ll see the sign.

    The man nodded his head once, Thanks. Be back this evenin. Would ya mind savin a spot in your Livery for me? At this point, he pulled a silver dollar from his shirt and flipped to Hickson with his thumb.

    Hickson caught it without reservation and stated, Sure thing. You got a name I can put on the stall? The man smiled stated, Garrett Stone. Emily had never been impressed with hired guns. But this man had the most gorgeous brown eyes and smile she had ever seen. Of course she did not let Hickson or this hired gun know she had noticed. She would never do that. After all, she was married. The hired gun then looked at her and smiled. She told herself she was not going to show any emotion. He pulled down the brim of his hat and stated, Miss. He then turned his horse and rode down the street toward the mine.

    Emily walked across the muddy street to the Bank. Stomping her feet on the boardwalk in order to get to most mud she could off of her boots before entering the Bank. She unlocked the doors went inside began to update the paperwork and ledgers she knew her father would coming to town to look at. Emily liked the money she earned from working at her fathers bank and he made sure she wanted for nothing. But it was not the life she wanted for herself, she had other aspirations and it did not include paperwork and ledgers.

    As Garrett rode out of town was relieved he found a place for his horse at the Livery. It had been almost a week since he had left the Whiskeytown Mine, and he knew both he and his horse were ready for a real place to sleep for the night. He reached entrance of the Kennedy Mine sight, he was impressed with the mine office. It was a large square two-story building that reminded him of the southern plantation houses he remembered as a child. He knew now why this job guarding the gold shipments paid so well. The gold shipments were obviously very large and the owner did not want to risk loosing any of it. As he rode up, the men walking around moved out of he and his horse way as if they had heard he was coming. He dismounted wrapped his reins around the hitching post and climbed the steps to get inside.

    He had only made it a few steps inside when he was met by a barrel-chested man almost his same height.

    The man stated, David Kennedy, he stuck out his hand to shake his. Glad to see your takin the job. I’ve done some more checkin. Your reputation with a gun is impressive."

    Garrett starred at him, I get paid up front.

    Absolutely. Lets go into my office. I want to have you sign a few things.

    Garrett starred at him. He tried to put his hand on his back, Garrett stepped sideways and proceed to just follow him into the Mr. Kennedy’s office.

    Look, I don’t want you to sign anything. I just did not want anyone to hear our conversation.

    Good. Garrett stated, Because it’s as we agreed. I get paid prior to each shipment, and its in cash, none of that mine script. Cash. Or I ride out of hear the today.

    Mr. Kennedy stated, Oh, You don’t have to worry. I want this done right. I have way too much to loose in fact. The reason I wanted to talk to you in here is because, I don’t think my problems are from the outside. I think they are from within. I know. I did not tell you that when we met in Redding. So, I have secured you a room at the National Hotel in Jackson for the next thirty days. Now, I have also paid for you to eat there. I won’t pay for your whiskey, unless of course were drinkin together."

    Garrett threw him a half-cocked smile and stated, How’s the Poker at that hotel?

    Mr. Kennedy grinned, "Well if you play anything like you did in Redding, living in Jackson may be a very profitable place.

    Garrett stated, Well’ I usually don’t stay in one place to long. Mines give out, or owners get cocky and don’t think they need ya anymore. Especially when the killin starts. Now, ya said you think your problem comes from within. I need your word that no matter what I find, ya back me. Cause, I won’t give my life to save yours. If you get my meanin.

    Mr. Kennedy stated, You gotta understand I’m hear to make a profit and anybody stealin that. Has to go!"

    Garrett nodded his head, Just as long as were on the same page. Garrett stated,

    Mr. Kennedy stated, So. Why don’t I show you around the place. Oh, hear I’m gonna give you this small map of the place that you can carry around in your pocket. This way, if anything were to ever happen, I want you to have the advantage of knowing exactly, were every vantage point is.

    Garrett nodded, I think were gonna get along just fine.

    And lets get the dirty work out of the way. Seventy five dollars in cash. Garrett took out a very fine crafted leather wallet and placed his money in it."

    Mr. Kennedy grinned, Nice wallet. Garrett stated, A very pretty lady made me this wallet. And the leatherwork was never the reason I went to see her.

    Mr. Kennedy laughed, Yea!

    Garrett smiled Yea.

    Mr. Kennedy grinned, "Lets do that tour. The miners get paid today. So, I let them cut out early. I have found it’s good for the businesses in town.

    Emily updated the ledgers with the previous days deposits and withdrawals. She was impressed the people of Jackson trusted her and her father so much that they would make their weekly deposits with them. By the time she was finished it was 8:50. She went ahead and opened for business. Even though it was a bit early. Mr. Chan, the owner of the mercantile was the first customer of the day.

    Good morning, Emily. I need change. One of each, please. Deposit the rest. Not a problem, Mr. Chan. Here the receipt for your deposit."

    Thank you. Have nice day. As he left she remembered when he and his father first came to Jackson with a cart selling his goods. She always admired that he was so diligent about saving his money and now, his storefront business that was thriving.

    Ms. Melanie coming in the bank interrupted her memory. Melanie had saved her father’s life after they docked in San Francisco, and had come with them to Jackson. At her fathers urging, she stayed on to help him raise her and her brother Tate. Melanie entered the Bank in her usual bossy way stating, How come ya didn’t come by and get something to eat. You’re too skinny anyway, and now you’re tryin to make it worse! Pretty soon I won’t be able to hit you with a handful of corn. Where do you want this anyway? Melanie had a plate full of fresh biscuits and eggs.

    Emily stated, Just put it on my desk. Melanie, why can’t you just say. I brought you something to eat.

    Her mouth turned up Cause you eat more. Anyways. I got to go, miners gettin paid today, and they eat,

    Emily smiled, Hey if your cooking something good, maybe Dad and I will come by and eat dinner with you.

    Melanie eyes got wide, Everythin, I make is good.

    Emily smiled, That’s for calling me skinny!

    Your too much girl! I’ll see you at supper. Melanie left the out of the bank as quickly as she had entered. Emily’s head turned to see Bruce Adams the bookmaker and his wife came into the bank. Came to make a withdrawal Emily.

    Emily withdrew the money he requested, Hey you made a pair of those calf skin riding boots. Could you make me another pair of those? Emily stated with a short smile.

    Sure thing Emily have them for you next week.

    Emily noticed she had another customer, it was Hickson, Emily stated, What can I do for you?

    Hickson gave her a somewhat serious look, Well Emily, I’ve, been real busy lately and I don’t have enough room to stable more horses for people and shoe horses at the same time. I was thinkin of adding on to the Livery, so I was thinkin if,

    Emily stopped him. How much do you think you’ll need? Hickson stated, Well, I’ll need money for lumber and a few other essentials.

    Emily stated, It should not be a problem. Just let me know how much you’re going to need. You shoe all of my Dad’s horses and take care of mine every day. Just let give us a dollar amount and I’ll get you the money. Hickson smiled, I’ll figure out what I’m goin to need.

    Garrett’s tour with Mr. Kennedy lasted about three hours showing him how things where set up and what the way the gold was handled. Mr. Kennedy then called four men to come over and talk to him. Mr. Kennedy stated, Boys I’ve hired some new. This here’s Garrett Stone. One of the men stated, The Garrett Stone. I was told you took on four guys with guns and you were able to kill all four of them.

    Garrett looked at the man, Well you can’t always believe everything you are told. Stories grow every time somebody tells them.

    The man stated, Not this time. I saw the men’s graves.

    Mr. Kennedy interrupted, What you boys need to understand is that he’s the boss when were transportin this gold to Stockton. If the gold doesn’t get to Stockton I don’t get paid. If I don’t get paid then you guys don’t get paid. This man right here knows more about transportin, trackin and trail blazen than all four of ya. So you do what he says. If you don’t, he has the power to get rid of ya and hire somebody else. So with that, I want the wagon loaded and you boys to get down that hill. I’ll ride down with you to Jackson. As always, I will telegraph Stockton so they know when you go through town. So they know when to expect you. The men turned and Mr. Kennedy followed the to the Mine Office. Mr. Kennedy went in the Mine Office and looked back at Garrett and stated, Come in here Garrett," Garrett went into the mine office and followed Mr. Kennedy to the door of the vault. The vault door was six foot wide and eight foot tall. When the door opened Garrett was surprised as to how much gold was in the vault. Though he did not let Mr. Kennedy see it. The gold ingots were stacked three-foot height and six foot deep.

    Garrett looked at Mr. Kennedy and asked him, How much of this goes today? Mr. Kennedy, All of it. We’ll have this much or more each week. Garrett stated, Must be a Hell of a vein. Mr. Kennedy stated, As far as we can tell we will be minin here for many years to come. You could have a long time job here if you play your cards right.

    Garrett stated, The only time I have quit a job is because they don’t have the money to pay me. Mr. Kennedy stated, You don’t have to worry about that. You and I will load the ingots into the strong boxes. We get a count together, so there’s no misunderstandins. Then you count it again when you get to Stockton when they put it on the Government Ferry. You telegraph me the number. Then you and the boys ride back. Its four hours down and four hours back. No one does anything but ride. If the boys want to hit the saloon you tell them to keep ridin. The won’t give you any trouble cause I don’t pay them till they get back to Jackson. So if they take off. They don’t get paid. Garrett grabbed one of the strong boxes and flipped the door opened. Mr. Kennedy counted each ingot with Garrett and loaded three strong boxes total. Garrett stated, This is definitely worth killin over. Mr. Kennedy stated, Yea that’s why I hired you. Don’t take any chances. If you even think someone may be ridin up on ya. You check it out. The Marshal has our support. If have to shoot somebody there wont be any investigation.

    Garrett stated, I’ve never shot somebody that didn’t draw on me first.

    Mr. Kennedy stated, And that’s the story I want you to continue to tell. No matter what happens. Mr. Kennedy then yelled for the four men to come and get the strong boxes. It took two men per strongbox to load each in the wagon. The wagon was a small freight wagon that was completely enclosed. The men slid the strong boxes in the back of the wagon and put a pad lock on the door.

    Mr. Kennedy stated, The only person with a key to thing lock is the Ferry Capt.

    Garrett looked at the men and stated, Who’s the mule skinner? The blonde haired man jumped up onto the wagon. Who rides shotgun? The tall lanky man jumped onto the wagon. Garrett stated, to the man-riding shotgun, You realize, you’re the person will try to kill first. I tell you to shoot, you shoot and keep shootin till I tell you to stop. I don’t know what your shootin, but you take six of these. Garrett walked over to his saddlebags and pulled out six shotgun shells. He handed them to the man-riding shotgun and stated to him. These will cut a man in half! Garrett smiled, Yea. You’ll probably have to ask the doc relocate your shoulder but you’ll make it back to get paid.

    The man stated, That’s the idea.

    Garrett then looked at the other two men, You best be able to ride and shoot at the same time. One of you in front, and the other in the back of the wagon. I’ll be goin back and forth. I’ll also be checkin out anything that don’t seem right. If you see any rider even on another ridge you signal an I’ll check it out. Are we clear? All the men shook their head yes.

    Garrett stated, Lets get this done. I want to be playin poker and drinking whiskey by 10 tonight.

    The ride down to Jackson was as uneventful, however, when they arrived Mr. Kennedy went the left them and went to the telegraph office. He came out five minutes after he went in. He waved them on walking along the boardwalk and walking toward the bank. He noticed Mr. Kennedy stopped right before he got to the Bank and met up with a man and the pretty young woman he saw with Hickson that morning. Garrett noticed that all the townspeople would tip their hat or wave as they went by. It was evident that everyone respected the gold that left the mine and the men that were guarding it. Hickson the man he had met this morning. Waved and stated he would see him tonight. They left town and rode the four hours to Stockton most of the time at a steady trot. The man who Garrett has told to ride in the back looked over at him and stated, That’s one of those gated horses isn’t it? Garrett stated, Yea, gotta have the right tool for the job. This way, my back don’t hurt when I get done at night. They made it to Stockton without incident only locals traveling back and forth to Stockton picking up supplies. Everyone they came into contact with stopped their wagons and or their horses and let them pass.

    When they got to Stockton it was busy as always. The Ferry Capt. approached them when they got to the dock and stated, Garrett Stone what are you doin this far south? Garrett stated, I’m workin the Kennedy Mine now. Garrett stated. Ferry Capt smiled and said, Well, good. I have heard they have enough to keep man busy for a lifetime. Garrett stated, Well, I heard the same thing. But we’ll see. You know how these mines are, here today and gone tomorrow. One thing bout you Garrett you may not have had the same job. But ya always did have one. Myself, I like this government work.

    Garrett looked at him and stated, With piece work I don’t want to be tied to nothin.

    The Capt. stated, I got responsibilities. Someday you will too. Then we’ll see.

    Garrett stated, Don’t you put that out in the air! You’ll have me all tied down! Lets get this counted, so I can get back up the hill in time to collect some money at Poker.

    Both the men laughed as Garrett dismounted his horse and the Capt. unlocked the wagon. The strong boxes were loaded on the Ferry and empty ones were put back into the wagon. The Capt. and Garrett counted the ingots and Garrett telegraphed Mr. Kennedy in Jackson. After he was done he looked at the four men and stated, Back to Jackson, were done. The ride back was a good one the men talking much more than they did on ride down. Garrett was not much of a talker with men he did not know. He was keeping Mr. Kennedy’s statement in the back of his mind that the thefts he had he thought had come from the inside.

    As they approached Jackson he stated to the men that he would buy the first round of whiskey since they had such and uneventful trip. Hickson was at the livery when he rode up on his horse and stated, Made it back I see. Can I take your horse? Garrett handed him the reins, Make sure he gets a extra helpin. He’s my right arm. Sure thing. stated Hickson. Garrett started to walk away. Hickson stopped him by stating, Does this horse have a name? Garrett stated, Well, I call him Poker Chip. Now, if I decide to geld him, I’ll just call him Chip. Hickson laughed out loud. Garrett smiled and walked over to the toward the National. He could her music playing and the street was very busy with people walking around. He could tell the miners had just been paid, and many of them had obviously spent a good portion of their weekly earnings at the bar. Garrett walked into the hotel and noticed it was complete with Salon girls of every fashion any man could want. He noticed Mr. Kennedy at the bar. As he walked up Mr. Kennedy stated, The boys said it went well."

    Garrett smiled and stated, Yea we didn’t have no trouble. Hey, I promised your boys a whiskey. Where’d they go?

    Kennedy pointed, They’re over there. But I’ll get it.

    Garrett raised his hand slightly. No, This is somethin I said I would get them. Besides it good for my image. Garrett then asked the bartender to send a shot of whiskey over to the four men. The all yelled and held up their glasses after it was placed on the table. See What I mean. Said Garrett.

    Mr. Kennedy smiled, How about you? What are you drinkin. Garrett stated, I think I’ll start off with a beer. Mr. Kennedy ordered Garrett a beer, and then stated, Hey, I got somebody I want you to meet. This here is Jed Thomas. Garrett noticed this was the man he had seen Kennedy speaking to earlier. He could tell he had done some type of hard work in his life, due to the tan weathered look of his face

    Kennedy glanced over, He owns the Bank here in town. He’s a real good guy.

    Garrett did not let his surprise show, however, this man did not look like any banker he had ever seen. The man was armed with a custom made 45, and well dressed, but with that long ponytail coming out from underneath the back of his hat. If it weren’t for that, looked more like a cattleman or gambler, than he did any banker. Garrett smiled and stuck out his had and stated, Garrett Stone, Mr. Kennedy has hired me to help out with the gold shipments.

    Jed stated, I’ve heard of you. You were working for ole’ Reading for a while up north of here.

    Garrett nodded his head, and stated, Yea, for a while I did.

    Jed stated, I have not heard from him in a while. How’s he doin?

    Garrett stated, Fine the last time I saw him. He has a plan for developing that whole area of the state.

    Mr. Kennedy stated, Hey boys lets see if we can get us a poker game going. Mr. Kennedy walked forward and all three men sat down at an empty table. Mr. Kennedy the yelled at the bartender for a deck of card and five shots of whiskey.

    The bartender brought the cards and set a shot of whiskey for each man and set a shot at the two empty seats. Mr. Kennedy then stated, Free shot of whiskey for two men who join our poker game. Two men who were in the bar came and sat down at the table. Mr. Kennedy stated, Ante up boys. Where playing five card stud. Each man put his money. Kennedy won the first round Thomas was the next. Garrett waited to make his move he did not want to win straight off. However, his competition was tough. These men obviously had more money than him were experienced poker players. Garrett won the third round and the man who joined the game won the next. This went on for a period of three hours, but by the end of night it was Garrett walked away with the largest pot of money. All the men were in good spirits and stated to Garrett that they wanted a rematch in order win back some of their money. Garrett looked over at Kennedy and stated, Well I’m gonna be at this hotel for the next thirty days so I’ll be takin all of you up on that. Mr. Kennedy stated, Well boys, I need to be gettin home. See Ya tomorrow Garrett. Hey the stage gets in around 10:00 am. I’m supposed to get a package from Stockton. Could you bring it to me.

    Sure thing Mr. Kennedy.

    Jed stated, Hey. Since you took all my money, the least you could do is open and an account at my bank in the morning while your waiting for the stage. This way I can pretend the money is still mine.

    Garrett smiled and stated, Well, I don’t know. How many times a month you get robbed.

    Jed looked at Mr. Kennedy and stated, I Like this guy. He’s sharp.

    Garrett then said good night to the two men and went over and asked for his room key. He was shown to his room. He noticed the room was much nicer than he had expected. He washed up in the basin and fell into bed. He had not slept in a bed in a week and he was glad the stage wasn’t coming in till 10 because he now had no plans of getting up early.

    Emily was up early as usual. She had horses she needed to work if she was going to have them ready for the State Fair’s annual horse auction. Emily and her father did well at last years auction, even if she did have to consign them in her father’s name. She wanted to consign them herself, but her father explained to her that she would get more money for them if they thought they where her father’s horses, and as usual he was right. She knew that the men buying horses at auction, did not want to by horses from a girl. But she didn’t mind, her father had given her first three Colts to sell.

    Emily’s came out of her thoughts when her brother Tate entered the kitchen and stated, "Hey Em, I could smell those pancakes. Oh Good. You made extra batter. I have a bunch of fence to fix today. That bull we got from Doc Waynewright keeps tryin to get into the pen with those heifers. I may have to move him to the North pasture just so I won’t have to fix fence

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