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Creature Teachers
Creature Teachers
Creature Teachers
Ebook71 pages13 minutes

Creature Teachers

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About this ebook

Creature Teachers is the story of Big Bubba Black Bear, his mate, Bonnie, and their three young bear cubs, Bumbles, Bella, and Rose. Bubba and Bonnie are concerned that they may not know all that they need to know to help their young cubs survive in the world today. So they seek to learn the most important lessons in life from the animals around them to share with their cubs. The result is a road trip adventure with meaningful thoughts for our children today. The importance of laughter, loyalty, caring, sharing, respect, and much more is taught by the animals we see every day.
Release dateMay 23, 2013
Creature Teachers

Tom Harvey

In 1921, Thomas Woodrow Harvey was the only son born into a poor tenant farmer’s family. While helping his family of six make ends meet, he vowed he would never have this kind of life for his family. Harvey’s father always emphasized the importance of him getting an education, knowing that his children would have better opportunities with a high school degree. Not only did Harvey surpass those expectations, but he graduated with an engineering degree from Virginia Tech, served a pilot during World War II, and worked his way to the top of the corporate world.

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    Creature Teachers - Tom Harvey



    Thank you Lord for the world where we live

    And for all the blessings you constantly give.

    Thank you for our family and friends

    And your gift of love that never ends.

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    © Copyright 2013 Tom Harvey.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4669-9417-1 (sc)

    978-1-4669-9416-4 (e)

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