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No Bones in Ice Cream
No Bones in Ice Cream
No Bones in Ice Cream
Ebook136 pages1 hour

No Bones in Ice Cream

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About this ebook

Savannah Greensboro is is a 10 month long relationship with Tyrone Drek. She has tried to be an understanding and considerate girlfriend.but she thinks that She is losing Tyrone to other women. She tries a love spell that she is assured will make Tyrone fall in love with her, but Asmar Akbar, a man that she met at an herbal store, is showing signs that he loves her, too. Now Savannah has both men fawning for her affection and needs to break one of the men from the love spellbut will she make the right man fall out of love?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 12, 2014
No Bones in Ice Cream

TR Harris

TR Harris lives in Columbia, South Carolina with her husband-her soul mate and three children. She is a Clinical Research Coordinator Professional. She has a Bachelors Degree in Health Science-Healthcare Management and is currently working on her Masters Degree in the same field. She has always been a writer, from 12 years old until now. She has an imagination for life and it shows in her novels. Through her writings she inspires better relationships and life goals. She hopes that her writings will ignite others to achieve their dreams. “God is able, if you are willing.”

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    No Bones in Ice Cream - TR Harris

    Copyright © 2014 by TR Harris.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 03/10/2014

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six


    This has been a long time coming! I have wanted to do this for as long as I can remember… . had my doubts. My husband and BFF, Mustafaa, believed in me when I didn’t. He supported me and paid for this dream. I am truly appreciative for all his love and support. Thank you, My Love. I want to thank my children: Jhabriella-Amber, Aziz-Hasän and Malik-AsMar, the literal heart beats of my life. I have the best and most wonderful children any mother could ask for. They are the reason that I dream. I want them to believe in themselves and know that any dream can be achieved. All it needs to be is hope and desire. I also want to thank my family and friends that believed in me and my desire to write. You all know who you are and without you this would have been a hobby at best. But it was your support that lead me to pursue this… . I am blessed to have you in my life… thank you all!

    Chapter One

    It’s nine o’clock on a warm April night. It’s always nice outside when I get stood up. Why on warm clear night? Savannah paused for thought. I’ve been stood up on cold wet nights too!

    She went to the bathroom down her small apartment hall. The radio was on, and again she was listening to the Quiet Storm with DJ Black Boss. She was looking into her bathroom mirror. Her hair was up in a french twist with big brown curls falling over the top of her head, hanging around her pie face. Her eyes were big and brown with a little gold eye shadow for color. Her pinkish brown lips were dark raspberry, and her honey brown complexion was flawless—thanks to Fashion Fare!

    She smiled. I’m just adorable! The smile fades as she looks at a picture of her and Tyrone, at the county fair, in the corner of her bathroom mirror. She throws the picture in her medicine cabinet, with a frown.

    She left the bathroom and went back to the living room. She took a sit next to the window and across from the clock.

    Why is it that when I’m looking forward to going out, he does this? She frowned down the hall as she heard the DJ.

    "Tonight’s the night for the play of all lovers, My Lovers End, starring Michael Bowner as the husband who dies before his son is born by his mistress! Yikes! I’ve got to see this play… but chances are slim for you if you haven’t got your tickets! They are sold out… but you can win your tickets here for tomorrow’s showing. Be caller number ten—"

    Savannah slumped down the hall as the phone rang. It better be him! She ran to the phone and picked up the receiver to hear a sweet Hello. She knew who it was. "Hello, MeMa." Her frown faded to sweet joy.

    She loved her MeMa. She was a typical grandmother. Always calling and always caring. Savannah didn’t know what would have happened to her and her sister if MeMa didn’t take them in.

    Well, you’re still home… that must mean Tyrone didn’t show up.

    Yes, Ma’am. Savannah sighed.

    Well, I was going to leave you a message for you to tell me about the play.

    Well, MeMa, it looks like I won’t see it tonight… but there’s a showing tomorrow night… do you want to come with me? Savannah sounded hopeful.

    Oh no, baby… Grace won some tickets off the radio. We’re going tomorrow.

    Great, even MeMa has a social life! Savannah told herself.

    I just wanted to know if it was any good before we went. MeMa paused. She could feel the hurt from her child. Well, why don’t you ask you sister… She might want to go with you?

    I doubt it, Savannah sank down in the sofa. Sabreeza has two children and a husband. She’s not gonna want to go with me."

    Now stop talking like a baby… If she doesn’t want to go with you, then give her and Lucas the tickets and you keep Lace and Saul.

    But… Savannah paused to think. MeMa was right, and it would be a good excuse if Tyrone wanted to go tomorrow. All right, I’ll give her a call right now.

    Now don’t call her now… tell me about that job of yours. MeMa smiled through the phone.

    MeMa, I talked to you yesterday from work.

    And you sounded happy… Did you see a nice-looking man?

    Savannah laughed. No, I didn’t see a nice-looking man. I was happy because just when you called, Tyrone came in… He hardly ever does that… I wondered why, and now I know… Her smile faded with thought. You know, MeMa, he asked me to buy the tickets, and he said we would go out to dinner… and all that BS… He just wanted me to spend my money on these tickets!

    MeMa sighed. Savannah, I do declare!

    What? That’s what it was… I bet if he spent his money, we would be at the show now!

    Baby… I’ve told you… There’s no bone in ice cream.

    Savannah paused. She heard MeMa say that all her life… especially when she was in high school.

    That man doesn’t need your money… Didn’t you say he is an accountant for some fancy firm?

    Yes, Ma’am.

    Well, why would he do that? MeMa waited for an answer. Now, you stop pouting and go out to dinner!

    MeMa… all by myself?! Savannah was shocked. No way!

    And why not?

    MeMa… that is so depressing.

    Oh… Well, call your friend… Um… What’s her name?

    Lena… and Lena is gone. Remember her husband is in the Army and was stationed to Texas. I just talked to her last week. Savannah sighed. I bet you even have plans.

    Well, no, I don’t…

    Well, let’s go out to dinner, MeMa. Savannah was hopeful. You can pick the place… my treat.

    Well… Baby, thank you… but I already ate… and it’s late… I need to go to bed. I have a salon appointment for ten in the morning… Remember Grace and I are going to that play… But we can have lunch together after my hair appointment.

    No thanks… Miss Grace may want to have lunch with you after your appointment.

    Forget Grace! MeMa said with fire. I’m going to have lunch with my baby… and you get to pick the place… my treat! MeMa and Savannah laughed.

    Yes, Ma’am! Savannah answered MeMa’s order.

    * * *

    The air was cool as Savannah walked down the sidewalk to Miss Clara’s Hair. She looked up at the sky. She remembered flying kites with her sister, MeMa, and Papa. She couldn’t remember doing things like that with her mom and dad. She was three when they died, but Sabreeza would tell her stories about eating popcorn and watching movies on their big bed. She didn’t remember them, but she missed them.

    Good afternoon, Savannah.

    Savannah’s trance was broken. She looked down to see Miss Grace looking up in the sky. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? Miss Grace smiled when she saw Savannah eyes.

    Yes, Ma’am, it is. Savannah looked at her MeMa’s best friend. She was the color of roasted peanuts and chubby like a well-fed child. Her dress was pressed to perfection with ever pleat sharp and crisp. Her hair was in big silver curls all over. Her hair matched the color of her dress. She looked like a classic television grandmother. Her big silver curls hung down to her shoulder. Savannah wondered if she just got her hair done. It always looked the same. She took a chance. You hair looks nice, Miss Grace.

    Thank you… I just got it done for the play tonight.

    Yes, MeMa told me that you won the tickets.

    Miss Grace blushed. It was by chance. I was at work when that young gal turned my radio to that rap station! She had to go to the bathroom and told me to call her when the DJ said ‘I need caller number ten.’ Miss Grace giggled. She even wrote the number down for me to call… Well, I called all right! And when he asked who’s calling, I told him my name and won the tickets! I hung up before she came out, so she’s not the wiser!

    Savannah smiled and giggled with Miss Grace. That’s how, Miss Grace?

    "Yes, Ma’am… I hope this show is good.

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