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My Stories From Home
My Stories From Home
My Stories From Home
Ebook53 pages30 minutes

My Stories From Home

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About this ebook

The stories are some fun memories with a twist put on paper as a reflection of his youthful days growing up in rural Jamaica. talking with close friends and exchanging poetry that kids like. so he as put this book of short stories and poems together for all to enjoy.

PublisherAndrew Gayle
Release dateSep 7, 2018
My Stories From Home

Andrew Gayle

Andrew Gayle was born in Kingston and raised in Northern Clarendon on the beautiful Island of Jamaica. he is a past student of the Margans Forest Primary & Infant School and Alston High. He is married with two children.

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    My Stories From Home - Andrew Gayle


    FOR MY DAUGHTERS AND Nephew. Dionne, Ayana and Joel.

    There can be no truer inspiration

    Than Family.



    THANKS TO EVERYONE that made this body of work possible.

    Thanks to my dear friends Darren and Robert for their constant encouragement and input both directly and indirectly.

    Special thanks to my mother Patricia for being the strong woman that she is.


    I AM ONE OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS who love science fiction movies and books when I was a young lad, I had a wild imagination about people and the World. I still do. I will try to tell you about it, and what happened some time ago.

    I was under ten years old when my Father gave me my first science fiction book. I fell immediately in love and became a believer, never questioning their true existence. Although I lived in Jamaica, I was constantly searching and looking out for Aliens and UFOs. I would take my little black binocular that my Grandpa died and left. and I would search the lit sky at nights for any mysterious activity. Well you know, of course, I never saw one, only a shooting star here and a plain moving behind the clouds there. I have always said, they don't like Jamaica. As I got older, my friends and acquaintances found out about my love.

    It scared some people and drew some closer. One of those people was Ann. I met her in fifth grade. I was a little older she was born in October and I in July. We became good friends, sharing an insane obsession. When we got older, the alien thing really started to show, like it never had. we read a lot of alien books and saw many great movies. We always sat in the back of the public library so no one could see what we were doing. We discuss aliens and UFOs over lunch almost every day, asking each other, about the latest movies and books But of course, we could not afford all of the latest materials that were available.

    We were still in Jamaica when We graduated from separate high schools. We never thought about college or the real way to get money and the reality was we could not afford to go. So We just went on to doing odd jobs, and Ann

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