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Your Dream Shall Live Again
Your Dream Shall Live Again
Your Dream Shall Live Again
Ebook59 pages50 minutes

Your Dream Shall Live Again

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Many people are frustrated and have given up on their dreams because the situation they are facing seem to have shattered their dreams. They feel powerless and hopeless about their situations. In this book, I look at the account of the valley of dry bones recorded in the book of Ezekiel. With practical examples, I reveal that nothing is impossible with God, He can change any situation. No matter what you are going through, God is able to change your story.

In this book, you will see the importance of the hand of God in reversing what is considered irreversible, you will see how the hand of God can change any situation. You will also see the different kinds of valleys people are likely to encounter in life and how the hand of God can see them through every valley.

You also see how understanding the attributes of God can help you trust God for your miracle. In this book, the importance of receiving the word of God and speaking God's word in our situations is clearly explained

Release dateNov 9, 2017
Your Dream Shall Live Again

Mkambanizithe Daka

I Am a Zambian Pastor working under the Apostolic Church in Zambia, I pastor a growing Church called Deliverance Centre in Samfya, northern Zambia. I also hold the position of District Bishop for Luapula South within the Apostolic Church in Zambia. I have been in ministry since 2001, am involved in evangelistic outreaches in most parts of Zambia, I have planted two Churches that are growing under the leadership of other ministers that took over the works. I am a conference speaker, speaking in a number of countries within Africa. I am married to Diana Mwale and God has blessed us with three boys.

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    Your Dream Shall Live Again - Mkambanizithe Daka


    Moving Beyond the Pain of Yesterday






    By Mkambanizithe Daka

    Copyright 2017 Mkambanizithe Daka

    All rights reserved.

    Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or re-produce part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles

    Scriptural quotes are from New King James Version (NKJV)


    For More information contact:

    Email: [email protected].


    My heartfelt appreciation to all the people that believed in me and gave me an opportunity to develop my God given abilities of helping people come into their great destiny.

    Special thanks to my wife Diana for supporting me in my ministry and being a great encouragement. It has been a great journey walking with you.

    Bishop Henry Mumba, thank you for believing in me and creating platforms for me to exercise my God given gifts, I get inspired just to know that I have a father that believes in me.

    Bishop Osborne Katope, thank you for helping me improve this work and writing the foreword, you are such a great blessing to me.

    Pastor Ken Yamish, thanks for designing the book cover for me, may the Lord God grant you your heart’s desire.

    I also want to express my gratitude Pastor Kelly Mwansa for your valuable suggestions and all members of the Apostolic Church in Zambia, Deliverance Centre, for your great supports and prayers; I am privileged to be your pastor.

    Finally my special thanks to my heavenly Father who has promised to never leave me nor forsake me, you have been faithful to me, my life is a demonstration of your love and care to all who call on you, I will always love and serve you because you are dependable, they is none like you


    Every dream seems to have three major stages before its fulfillment. The first stage is the Conception of the dream that usually comes with great excitement. This stage takes place immediately someone has a strong desire about something that they want to achieve. The next stage is the Death of a dream. This is where what someone anticipated gets shattered beyond repair. All hope gets lost and many doubts cloud the dreamer’s mind. The third stage is the birth of the dream. This is when the Dream or project is actualized.

    Many people give up on the second stage when a dream seems to have died. In this classic book Your Dream Shall Live Again Bishop Mkambanizithe Daka gives insights on the pain of a lost dream, what can be done to repositions oneself for its restoration and practical things that must be done to see its fulfillment.

    Have you given up on your dreams? Are you feeling so discouraged? Are You Angry with yourself? Have you been disappointed by some people you so much trusted? Do you have some doubts in your abilities? Do you feel you have lost the zest for life? Have you given up on God? If your answer is yes to any of these questions this book is a must read.

    Bishop Osborn Katope

    Author, Life Coach, Senior Pastor of Life Changers Global Church & Lusaka Regional Overseer of the Apostolic Church in Zambia


    The Bible tells us that without a vision people perish (Proverbs 29: 18). A vision keeps people focused and motivated.

    In the context of this book, I look at a dream as something one desires to become or achieve. A dream is a vision you have; this simply means that without a dream, your life shall be meaningless. The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to lose his/her God given dream. A dream has power to keep us motivated even when faced with impossible situations. A dream has power to keep us strong when everyone is giving up. The Bible says that Joseph refused to sleep with his master’s wife because he did not want to sin against God. This was so because he never wanted to disappoint the God who gave him the dream that predicted his future greatness. Hebrews 12: 2 tells us that Jesus endured the pain and shame of the cross because He could see the better ending of what was coming after the cross. The great dream of redeeming mankind gave Him strength to overcome the pain of the cross.

    It is also

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