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Ebook26 pages23 minutes


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

You’ve had a bad day before. We all have.
But Marty is in a whole other level of shit.
Following a drunken night of sex with the office secretary, Marty’s guts are rebelling after his personal hangover remedy, nachos with jalapenos and hot sauce.
Marty has to go. And he’s got to get across the office to do so. Standing in his way are Nikki, the secretary from the night prior, Brad, the vape enthusiast douche, and possibly even his boss. The office door is always open, after all.
Join Marty on his trek, like a vulgar Lord of the Rings. The distance may be shorter, but the stakes are just as high.

Release dateSep 24, 2018

Chris Miller

Chris Miller is assistant professor of international history in the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

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    Flushed - Chris Miller


    Copyright © 2018 by Chris Miller

    Smashwords Edition


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    For Sam Lauzon…you know what it’s like.


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