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My Squirrel Days
My Squirrel Days
My Squirrel Days
Ebook246 pages3 hours

My Squirrel Days

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Comedian and star of The Office and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and host of The Great American Baking Show Ellie Kemper delivers a hilarious, refreshing, and inspiring collection of essays “teeming with energy and full of laugh-out-loud moments” (Associated Press).

“A pleasure. Ellie Kemper is the kind of stable, intelligent, funny, healthy woman that usually only exists in yogurt commercials. But she’s real and she’s all ours!” —Tina Fey

“Ellie is a hilarious and talented writer, although we’ll never know how much of this book the squirrel wrote.”—Mindy Kaling

Meet Ellie, the best-intentioned redhead next door. You’ll laugh right alongside her as she shares tales of her childhood in St. Louis, whether directing and also starring in her family holiday pageant, washing her dad’s car with a Brillo pad, failing to become friends with a plump squirrel in her backyard, eating her feelings while watching PG-13 movies, or becoming a “sports monster” who ends up warming the bench of her Division 1 field hockey team in college.

You’ll learn how she found her comedic calling in the world of improv, became a wife, mother and New Yorker, and landed the role of a bridesmaid (while simultaneously being a bridesmaid) in Bridesmaids. You’ll get to know and love the comic, upbeat, perpetually polite actress playing Erin Hannon on The Office, and the exuberant, pink-pants-wearing star of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

If you’ve ever been curious about what happens behind the scenes of your favorite shows, what it really takes to be a soul cycle “warrior,” how to recover if you accidentally fall on Doris Kearns Goodwin or tell Tina Fey on meeting her for the first time that she has “great hair—really strong and thick,” this is your chance to find out. But it’s also a laugh-out-loud primer on how to keep a positive outlook in a world gone mad and how not to give up on your dreams. Ellie “dives fully into each role—as actor, comedian, writer, and also wife and new mom—with an electric dedication, by which one learns to reframe the picture, and if not exactly become a glass-half-full sort of person, at least become able to appreciate them” (
Release dateOct 9, 2018

Ellie Kemper

Ellie Kemper is the Emmy-nominated star of the Netflix original series, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. She is the host of The Great American Baking Show, portrayed Erin Hannon on NBC’s The Office, costarred in Bridesmaids, and has also appeared in 21 Jump Street and Somewhere. Ellie voiced Katie in The Secret Life of Pets and is the voice of Crackle on Disney’s Sofia the First. Her writing has appeared in GQ, Esquire, The New York Times, McSweeney’s, and The Onion. Ellie currently lives in Manhattan with her husband and son, but is constantly trying to find a way to get back to St. Louis, Missouri. My Squirrel Days is her first book.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed reading this ARC from Netgalley. I know people are going to love this. She is such a funny young woman and a great writer.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This celebrity memoir from the star of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt reflects on many of the roles she has played, both on screen and in life. These essays are arranged in some semblance of chronological order, so the reader gets a view into all of the stages of Kemper's life so far. For me, about half of the essays landed satisfactorily, with a laugh or a smile, but the other half left me wondering, "Why are you telling me this?" On the whole, Kemper comes off as funny and relatable, and probably as close to a normal person as one can find in show business. She does a fair bit of name-dropping, but that's to be expected in this sort of work. If you've enjoyed similar books by Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, or Mindy Kaling, you'll probably enjoy this one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A special thank you to Edelweiss and Simon & Schuster for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.Ellie Kemper is a comedian and star of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and appeared on the US The Office series. Her other written work includes writing for GQ, Esquire, The New York Times, McSweeney’s, and The Onion. In this collection of essays, Kemper delivers some funny bits about her journey from the suburbs to Hollywood, and becoming a full-fledged New Yorker. My Squirrel Days is a heartfelt compilation with nods to nature, her upbringing, her career, her short stint in field hockey, and adulting. And because we are all a bit celebrity obsessed, she carefully name drops a few.Let me preface this by saying I did enjoy parts of the book. Ellie is charming and you can't help but associate her with that infectious smile, but I feel like her life is not overly interesting. The "Hysteric" essay was the worst in the collection (total and unnecessary filler). That being said, it is a quick read—she is so likeable and endearing. My recommendation would be to listen to the audiobook rather than reading it because you would get to experience Kemper's fabulous personality and humour that was lost on the page.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Whether you pick this up because the squirrel caught your eye, or you are already a fan of Ellie Kemper, you are in for a treat. This book of memoir-like humorous essays show that she has both an acute wit and memory. I laughed out loud at a few of the things she detailed and enjoyed reading through them all. Starting in Missouri, I enjoyed the pieces about her childhood and even a few visual aids, no doubt retrieved from her family home. She's pretty honest about some of the ease at which she was able to pursue improv classes after college graduation--but don't worry, some menial labor, albeit delicious sounding, is in there too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ellie Kemper writes about her journey from parts in public school plays to working professional as an actor television. Rather than a spicy tell all book, she focus on the basics of acting, auditions, and some famous people she has encountered. A quick read without the angst of an acting life.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I had just finished The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, one of the funniest and more inspiring TV series that I've ever seen. I picked this up because of it, but this book has barely any content from that part of her life.I imagine I would have hated Ellie Kemper in school. She seems to be the type of girl that always gets what she goes after with no meaningful obstacles or weaknesses. She wants to be a comedian, so she takes a few improv classes and bam, she's in the top touring troupe, auditioning for Saturday Night Live. She wants to be an actress so bam, she's on The Office (which I didn't even know). She wants to see squirrels from her treehouse so she can pretend she's a Disney Princess, she waits hours, motionless… and the squirrels come up to her.Reminds me of Student Council students in high school. The ones who complain how tired they are… when they're the ones who signed up for a hundred activities in the first place. So we come to the problem of a biography/memoir that stars a person with no conflict in their life. Whatever Ellie Kemper wanted to be, she became. Wife, actress, goofball, friend. Fortunately, when you read the auto-bio of a comedian, at least it's funny even if the material is boring. And this one is. I'm surprised how much of Kimmy Schmidt is in Ellie Kemper, if what she puts on paper is who she is in life. Even if there's not much about The Incredible Kimmy Schmidt, it feels like the book was written by her.It's cute, maybe overly so, but the stories are good. It's better than Anna Kendrick's, but worse than Lindsey Stirling's.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A fun memoir if light on any real depth or details to plumb from the actor's life. That said, it's more of interest to folks who want to learn more about learning improv or comedy.

    Received an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ellie Kemper is so sweet and funny. My Squirrel Days is a collection of essays about various events in her life. There’s no celebrity dirt in it, but it’s not needed. Even if she wasn’t famous, this book would still be hysterical. I laughed out loud so much while reading it.I only know Ellie from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Bridesmaids but she has quite an impressive resume. She went to Princeton and spent several years doing improve before landing a role on The Office. She’s also written for several publications including McSweeney’s and The Onion. She’s one smart cookie, which is why this book is so well written and hilarious.I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves to laugh – even if you’ve never heard of Ellie Kemper.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper is a humourous memoir by the actress who starred in the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and The Office. Her upbeat look at life and self deprecating jokes make her relatable and true to the reader. She talks about her family growing up, her relationship with her now husband, being a mom, and becoming a comedian & actress. Hilarious tidbits about celebrities she has come into contact with are a real treat. I've already recommended this book to everyone I know. Highly recommend!

Book preview

My Squirrel Days - Ellie Kemper


There comes a time in every sitcom actress’s life when she is faced with the prospect of writing a book. When my number was up, I told myself that I would not blink. I would fulfill my duty as an upbeat actress under contract on a television series and serve my country in the only way I knew how. I would cull from my life the very greatest and most memorable of anecdotes, I would draw on formative lessons learned both early on and also not too long ago, I would paint for the reader a portrait of the girl, the teenager, the woman I am today, and I would not falter. I would write a book.

And so, Reader, I got to work.

First, I started dressing like an Author: black turtlenecks and dark denim jeans. Then, I started sipping like an Author: double shots of espresso with no Hershey’s syrup to cushion the blow. Finally, I started talking like an Author: That reminds me of my book, I would begin most sentences. I noticed people stopped talking to me as much.

But onward I marched.

I reread all the classics: Pride and Prejudice, The Catcher in the Rye, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. I scribbled in journals and I sighed with meaning. All shaving came to an immediate and powerful halt. Did I stumble in my journey? Of course I did. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I would remind myself as I boldly considered mixing two flavors of Ben and Jerry’s that I had never tasted together before. Also, you should try writing the first paragraph of your book, I would add, after I had declared my new frozen dairy creation a success.

Heroes are not born; they are made. Nonetheless, being an Author is exhausting. I would struggle to fall asleep at night, tossing and turning in the way that only a tortured artist can. Is this how Chaucer felt?! I cried out to the big black darkness. You are being so loud! hushed my now-awake husband. I envied his innocence. You see, Reader, I knew that I had some great wisdom to offer you, but I worried that I did not have enough great wisdom to give to you. And this worry very nearly destroyed me.

I began losing interest in food.1

I found little joy in the things I used to love.2

I had to wonder: is all of this Life really worth it?3

And then, one Sunday afternoon, alone in my closet, sifting through a bunch of broken memories and Spanx so stretched out they were no longer useful, I came across my very first headshot:

I stared at the woman in this photo. "I know you, I whispered. Oh, wait. You’re me." For a second, I had thought it was an old picture of Prince Harry. Anyway, there I was. At the time of that headshot, I was twenty-three years old, but I look both fourteen and eighty-seven. The photo was taken by Kris Carr, a beautiful vegan who wore tank tops in winter and cooked us black beans and sautéed kale for lunch. Besides my pale, remarkably round face, every inch of my skin is covered in this portrait. I am wearing a brown corduroy jacket from the Gap and a beige turtleneck that threatens to swallow me whole. My left forearm is placed casually on my right knee, suggesting that I am a strong woman with definite opinions but also that I am able to kick back and relax like an easygoing cowboy. Very little attention was paid to hair or makeup that day, but my mischievous smile assures you that I am crushing life and also that I might just have a secret or two tucked up that corduroy sleeve.

I looked at that girl and I missed her. She was full of light, of hope, and her cheeks looked like they were storing nuts. Had this girl moved on to learn anything of substance over the next fifteen years? Nah. But she did remind me of the power in pretending. She also reminded me that the Gap seems to have great sales just about every other day (at least online).

The Ellie in that headshot was not only a dead ringer for British royalty, but she was also pretending to be confident at a time in her life when, frankly, she felt a little bit lost. Wait a minute, I realized a few hours later over an exciting new mix of The Tonight Dough with Peanut Buttah Cookie Core: I do have enough wisdom to share! Corduroy Ellie may have been smiling bravely, but there was a considerable amount of doubt and fear hiding behind that smile. And yet Corduroy Ellie did not let the doubt and fear win.

As a reasonably talented person who is also part fraud, I cannot praise highly enough the virtues of enthusiasm and tenacity as substitutes for finely honed skills or intensive training. And in this book, Reader, I will tell you about the numerous times that I have made up in pluck what I have lacked in natural ability. I will reveal tidbits from my past, and I will feed you morsels from the present. Some stories might seem implausible, some anecdotes farfetched. And I am here to tell you that this is because I have made them up. What do you want from me? I have an energetic toddler and my memory is fuzzy.

Here are some of the tales I have to share:

• My exhilarating rise—though some have described it as more of a flatline—through NCAA Division I College Field Hockey. A very thin woman with a bionic knee plays a prominent role.

• A ruthless exposé of my personal encounters with some of the splashiest personalities in Hollywood. Cameos include Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and the late Pope John Paul II.

• Filming the movie Bridesmaids while simultaneously serving as a bridesmaid in real life. Art and life grew inextricable, and I slowly began to lose my mind.

• My platonic yet breathless pursuit of a turquoise-pants-loving second-grade student teacher named Ms. Romanoff—and how her Russian heritage would ultimately teach me that even though Russia might have interfered with our 2016 election, it doesn’t mean that the entire country is bad.

• Why being a mom is hard, but trying to remain rational while hungry is even harder.

In closing, I would like to share some writing advice I once received from an old graduate school professor:4

Write like your parents are dead. Free yourself from any harnesses or constraints that are keeping you from telling your truth. And do not worry about whether you are doing the right thing or the wrong thing. Just be honest.

Well, I don’t write like my parents are dead. I write like they are alive, thriving, and peering over my shoulder. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing. Aren’t parents supposed to be your moral guides? Not only do I not want to embarrass my mom or my dad, but I happen to think they have pretty good judgment. Also, I need them on my good side if I want them to keep giving fun grandparent gifts to my son. As far as being honest, I already told you that a lot of the details and dialogue here are made up.

I have learned that an Author must write what She knows. And I, for one, happen to know a lot about snacks. In fact, this book is not so much a tribute to brave women everywhere as it is a record of my favorite ice cream brands. So you see, I wrote what I knew, and I know what I wrote. I hope that you enjoy.


Ellie Kemper


Absolutely untrue.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but that is only because I watched the pilot in October, and then had to wait a full two months for the second episode! By then I was so frustrated that I didn’t even care anymore!


Referring to the cereal. Went waaay overboard at a buy one get one half off sale at Fairway that week.


Found by googling best way to write a book is what?


Waldo, a double-pint-sized stuffed walrus, was given to me on my eighth birthday by the most beautiful woman in the world, a student teacher at Conway School in St. Louis named Ms. Romanoff. He was accompanied by three beanbag frogs—Wilbur, Paisley, and Caplis—but it is Waldo with whom I have slept every night since. The frogs were nice, but they leaked sand and smelled like yeast. Waldo smells like Bounce and wears a small white sailor’s cap that suggests he is not opposed to a good time.

Ms. Romanoff captivated me from the first day of second grade—and I wasn’t the only one to fall under her spell. As Mrs. Goode, our primary teacher, introduced Ms. Romanoff to us, a hush fell over the class. This princess-like, curly-haired brunette got up quietly from her desk in the back and walked past me, leaving me in a haze of some sort of otherworldly scent—was it Windsong? Electric Youth? (those were the only two perfumes I knew)—before reaching the chalkboard at the front of the room. Her voice was soft, and her eyes were large. She told us that she was twenty-five years old, that her parents had come to St. Louis from Russia, and that her favorite holiday was Hanukkah. I couldn’t take my eyes off her outfit: bright pastel blue pants with white suspenders and a bright pastel blue blazer to match. I had never seen anyone so well dressed. I hung on every word that came out of her mouth; her voice sounded how my Eggo syrup tasted. I looked around at the other kids in the class; Julie Ryan looked hypnotized, and Connor Blake was picking his nose. Allison Edwards tapped me on the shoulder. Isn’t Russia our enemy? she whispered, looking worried. It’s fine, I told her. Stop talking when she’s talking! I added. The truth is, I was worried, too. Wasn’t Hanukkah Jewish? I couldn’t get my own Sunday school teacher’s lessons out of my head. Had the Jewish people actually been mad at Jesus? Sister Agnes knew everything about the Bible, but she was also very old; I hoped this dear nun was just confused. The beautiful woman before me—a kind Russian daughter who went nuts for Hanukkah—couldn’t possibly come from a place of anger. I turned back to face Ms. Romanoff and gave her my most radiant smile. Move over, Sister Agnes, I thought to myself. There’s a new teacher in town. I decided right then and there that Ms. Romanoff would be my best friend.

Frankly, I needed one. I was hardly the first seven-year-old to observe that second grade, in no uncertain terms, is a shit show. Gone were the naps of kindergarten and the double recesses of first grade. As much as we all liked to think that sleeping during the day was just for babies, the truth was we needed those naps. Going outside just once in the afternoon was hard. Staying inside and working all morning made us feel like prisoners, or worse: businessmen. My mom no longer packed a lunch for me if I didn’t like what was on the school lunch menu, so if I wanted other food, I had to pack it myself. An outsider might think that was freeing, but in fact, I still had to show my mom the lunch bag before I left for school: one sandwich, one piece of fruit, and one bag of chips or dessert. Try opening up that brown sack next to Lindsay Howard and her Punky Brewster lunchbox overflowing with Bugles and Twix, and then try to feel one ounce of dignity.

I would sometimes sigh as we finished another chapter of The Boxcar Children. I’ll tell you one thing, I’d mutter to Jerry Glen. Some days, living in a rusty boxcar seems a lot easier than a day in this class. It wasn’t that I was jealous of the children in the boxcar, exactly, but at least they didn’t have to scan the St. Louis Post-Dispatch every Tuesday morning for an interesting current-events article and clip it out to read in front of the entire class. Jerry was a nice guy who never understood the your epidermis is showing joke but never got sick of hearing it. You’re nasty, Ellie! he would shout. I guess nobody ever told Jerry your epidermis is just your skin.

Every day after recess, we would return to the classroom and write in our journals. These journals, we had been told, were different from personal diaries, because spelling and grammar mattered. While we were not officially graded on our entries, Ms. Romanoff would read them at the end of the twenty-minute writing session, going around the room and writing responses to nearly every student. As I do the math now, the whole thing must have taken close to an hour; one-sixth of every second-grade school day was devoted to journaling. Is it any wonder, then, that I do not know the chronological order of my country’s presidents?

I craved Ms. Romanoff’s comments like oxygen. Clean, confident, and elegant, her handwriting was as inspiring as the words themselves. I’m going to write like that when I grow up, I would think to myself. I am going to wear bright blue pants and have double pierced ears and handwriting like Ms. Romanoff. I would look at my own childish scrawl next to the flowing script of this fully formed woman and blush. I had a long way to go.

In Mrs. Goode’s class, alliances were shifting constantly. Someone who was your friend on Tuesday morning might very well be your worst enemy by Wednesday afternoon. Ms. Romanoff understood this. I just don’t know what I ever did to Ruth Weber, I wrote one day after recess. I thought we were friends, but today, I asked if she wanted to split my Ladue Mini Burger with me, and she left the table. Ladue was the name of my school district, and Mini Burger Day was the day they served small, gray hamburgers. I couldn’t understand why Ruth had walked away from me with no explanation.

Maybe Ruth doesn’t like hamburgers, Ms. Romanoff wrote back, her penmanship immaculate as the driven snow. That was all that she wrote that day, but every word was a golden truth. At the end of the school day, in the bus line, I went up to Ruth. Hey, I said softly. Are you mad at me? Or do you just not like hamburgers? Ruth laughed. "I don’t like those hamburgers. They’re hard. We both smiled, and I probably gave her a high five. Overwhelmed by the day’s events, I accidentally got on the wrong bus that afternoon, but I didn’t care. At the end of Bus 5’s route, Miss Abigail brought me back to the school. When my mom picked me up with my older brother, John, sitting in the front, I smiled at them as I slipped into the backseat. It’s good to have friends, I whispered, clutching both their hands. But you don’t have any," John observed, shoving my hand away.

Eve Batey was a pistol, a real firecracker of a girl. Once, I showed up to school wearing the exact same outfit as her: green leggings and a white top with green trim and a print of yellow Scottie dogs. Eve told me that if I didn’t change my shirt, she would punch my guts out. I told her, desperately, that I didn’t have another shirt with me. Eve considered this and then changed her mind. I guess it’s okay for today, she told me. But if you ever wear that shirt again, I’ll punch your guts out. Eve Batey could be explosive, but she was not unreasonable.

I really want to teach Eve to fight with words, and not fists, I wrote thoughtfully one afternoon. Violence isn’t the answer. Writing in my journal was a tightrope walk. I knew that Ms. Romanoff would be reading my entry, but I had to write as though I were completely unaware of this. In the words of a needlepoint pillow my step-grandmother once had, I had to dance like no one was watching—but I still had to look good (only that first part was on the pillow). Candid thoughts had to be tweaked slightly; I couldn’t let Ms. Romanoff see the dark underside of Ellie just yet. I needed, first and foremost, to gain her respect.

You should always tell a teacher if anyone is ever fighting with fists, Ms. Romanoff wrote back. A teacher can take care of the situation better than a student. I wasn’t sure what to do with this. Was she reprimanding me? I felt embarrassed. The school day ended before I had a chance to clear things up with her, so the next morning I went straight to her desk, not even stopping by Cubby Corner first to put away my backpack. Ms. Romanoff, I said. I just wanted to let you know that I know the teacher is always in charge. That’s why they are the teacher. Ms. Romanoff smiled at me, and nodded. I began to walk away, not sure whether I had made things better or much, much worse. Ellie! Ms. Romanoff called out. I turned back around. What a great headband that is! It goes beautifully with your red hair. I touched my pink headband with the oversized magenta bow and grinned. I was back.

As the year went on, my journal entries evolved. I gradually became the hero of every story. If someone had been a victim, I was the one who came to his rescue. If a friend and I were in a fight, I was the one who took the high road. Mrs. Stafford asked if anyone would be willing to take the flies home from Idea Lab, I wrote one February morning. We had been growing larvae in this after-school program, and now that the pupae had developed into the flies they were always meant to become, our studies were complete. Nobody raised their hand. But if we let the flies out into the world, they will be lost. I took a deep breath and began a fresh paragraph. So I will take them home.

Ms. Romanoff was busy reading Thomas Whipp’s journal, and I waited. As she approached my desk pod, I decided I would be able to see her reaction better from a distance. I got up, muttering something about sharpening my pencil, and walked backward toward Book Barn, keeping my eyes on Ms. Romanoff the whole time. Imagine my excitement when I saw the smile dance on her lips as she read my entry. She even shook her head, most likely in awe, as she began her written response. It will be nice to have some pets I hope that your mom likes the flies. Ms. Romanoff knew that we didn’t have any pets, and that John really wanted a dog. I am sure Mrs. Stafford appreciates it, too. When I returned to Desk Pod 3 and read those words, I felt like jumping up and down.

Later that evening, after dinner, my dad would go downstairs to find that there was a hole in the screen of the Idea Lab Fly Box and the flies were now swarming the basement. The flies are on the loose! he shouted. We opened the basement doors and shooed

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